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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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Head's Blog


Posted 18th October 2024

Our Girls are doing incredible things

This week’s blog is a celebration of the many amazing things our girls have been doing across school in recent weeks. I am so proud of their achievements and the manner in which they are able to blend their studies with other interests within and beyond school.

To begin, our Year 9 girls (Martha, Lucy, Betsy, Evalina and Emily) won this year’s AMEY Cup competition. Amey are a leading provider of full life-cycle engineering, operations and decarbonisation solutions, for transport infrastructure and complex facilities. They provide female students in Years 8 and 9 the opportunity to participate each year with the event designed to show just how many roles are available within the technology and engineering sectors, and the students are tasked with planning, budgeting, managing risk, and presenting their ideas to a judging panel. Our girls were up against several other schools all of whom were asked to design and present a vision for the redevelopment of Bradford city centre. They were brilliant throughout and were crowned worthy winners.

In sport, Beckfoot hosted around 150 students at the recent Bradford Schools Netball Trials. With only 25 spaces per squad available, the competition was really tough. Regardless, 10 of our students were successful and have been selected to represent Bradford this year. They are as follows:

  • U13 – Millie, Bella, Esme and Iris (All Year 8)
  • U15 – Poppy, Lily, Frances and Eva (Year 10), Lois and Hannah (Year 9)

A further 8 of our girls also trialled and although they were unsuccessful this year, we are incredibly proud of them too. We have never known such numbers of our students, female and male, to trial at this level never mind be successful in securing a place in a squad. It is truly brilliant not least because of the positive role modelling these students provide for so many more both in school and beyond.

In academic news Sophie (now Year 9) sat her Chinese GCSE exam this summer whilst in Year 8. That in itself is a huge undertaking but one that she handled brilliantly. Not only did Sophie pass her GCSE she got the highest grade possible at Grade 9! It was lovely for her to be celebrated in a recent assembly and for me to have the opportunity to congratulate her myself.

We must never take any of these achievements for granted. They are special moments for our students, their families and our school.

DSC_0015Finally, as you know, we have the most incredible and nationally celebrated and recognised careers provision at Beckfoot. Each year I wonder how they are going to be better for our students in their planning and delivery of opportunities throughout the year. I needn’t have worried. On Wednesday we hosted our annual Careers Fair in the main hall. DSC_0016Over 45 companies and education providers came into school to meet our students. A planned programme of access for all year groups was shared prior to the event and our students were advised as to how to navigate the fair, what questions to ask and how to seek advice and guidance around any particular provider they were interested in. Over the course of the day, over 1600 of our students accessed the fair with so many brilliant conversations taking place, contacts being made and Work Experience places being organised. These days are essential to connect our students with their next steps and future plans. These are things we are getting right increasingly at Beckfoot and I could not be more pleased.

As we draw near to the end of this half term, I am reminded of how special Beckfoot is. It has been an incredibly few weeks for school, students, staff and families and I want to simply say thank you.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

James 2

Posted 4th October 2024

Students and Staff continue to shine

It’s October already and at this time of year, I am always taken by surprise at how quickly the weeks seems to pass. I guess it’s because things are so busy in such a vibrant school community.

I want to talk in the first half of this Blog about our students and then tell you a little about some events that have been happening in school too.

James 1To begin I want to share the news that James, in Year 11, has just been offered a place in the 1st Violin section of the National Youth Orchestra 2025 and a subsidiary role as one of the String Leaders. James 2James had the privilege of playing with the National Youth Orchestra for the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in August with the concert being shown on BBC1 and currently on iPlayer. It is such an incredible thing for James to be a part of and it is very much down to a combination of his talent and hard work that has led him to this point.

Also in Year 11, Lauren and Ben continue to do the most wonderful things outside school in their respective sports of Athletics and Golf. Lauren recently competed at a national athletics meet in Stafford coming away with another gold and also a bronze. She has enjoyed much deserved success this season and remains ambitious for more. Ben recently took part in the annual Beckfoot (not related to school) golf competition at his local club, Shipley. He is a keen golfer and throughout the season he has won through 7 rounds of matchplay to get into the Beckfoot cup final which is the singles knockout competition. Ben is the first under 16 player to not only reach the final but also to win it. Speaking with him earlier this week he is thrilled as are we. The thing that all 3 have in common is their humility and drive. They are of course talented but they work incredibly hard in their respective fields and I love that about each of them.

Since my last Blog there have also been lots of events taking place that I want to share with you. I will start with the European Day of Languages which was organised by Ms. Dye and supported hugely by the Modern Foreign Languages team as well as the whole staff. Many of you will know the two biggest regrets in my life are that I cannot speak another language fluently and I cannot play a musical instrument. I want our students to have the best opportunities we can give to them both through our curriculum and our enrichment programme. It is for that reason that I love this day. I love how we highlight the importance of languages to students through such things as lessons, assemblies and displays. I love the excitement of our students as they try to find the answers to the treasure hunt questions and I love the constant reminders that language is so important because the world is changing and our need to communicate brilliantly on a global scale has never been more important. Languages matter.

In other events we sent a number of our Design and Technology students to a National Manufacturing Day event at West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services (WYMS) in Brighouse. They had the opportunity to speak to different businesses, have a hands-on experience learning all about the modern technology available in manufacturing and ask experts and apprentices questions about their companies and the different career paths they could follow. Across the morning our students experienced things such as F1 racing, VR, robotics, 3D printing and had a go on the world's leading mixing desks, all of which helps to inspire their future plans. These are the days that provide inspiration for so many. These are the days that broaden minds and horizons as to what is possible beyond Beckfoot and that is why we continue to provide as many opportunities as possible to bring the future to life for our students.

Speaking of the future and the ambitions of our young people, we were visited by Cathy from Queens College, Cambridge last week. She launched the Lucy Cavendish Programme with some of our highest achieving Year 12 students. The focus of this programme is on raising attainment, by supporting students across Year 12 and Year 13 in their A-Level studies, and in making applications to competitive universities. As part of the programme, students will get access to subject-specific enrichment classes led by experts, to allow them to develop and expand on their knowledge of the content of their A-Levels, and to help them to achieve the very best grades in their examinations. They will also attend peer discussion groups, to prepare them for the university environment by improving their oracy and their problem-solving skills. They will receive advice from the Lucy Cavendish College Admissions Team on every stage of the university application process across the two years, and they will complete a super curricular Exploration Project to encourage them to think more seriously about their degree choices. Finally, they will receive subject-specific revision guidance in the lead up to their exams, to ensure they are best placed to achieve the best grades. This is our first time giving students the opportunity to be part of such a programme, but data shows that 9 in 10 students who have previously accessed it, from other schools, received offers to study at Russell Group universities, and over the past 2 years participants have almost doubled their chances of being offered a place at either Oxford or Cambridge. We are excited about the potential of this provision. We are excited that more of our students feel they have every right to study at the best universities because they have the ability and talent to shine in any situation or environment. I feel strongly that we do all we can to prepare our students for whatever it is they aspire to do. That we give them the confidence to believe they are as good if not better than others seeking to travel a similar path and that they are clear about the importance of ambition and hard work. These things matter.

Yesterday I shared some information about the exploits of Dr. Wright, one of my Assistant Headteachers and Head of Sixth form. Last weekend he was invited to talk about our Sixth Form at the ResearchEd conference in Belfast. He shared our journey over recent years that began with the desire to create a remarkable Post-16 provision for Beckfoot students. He talked about strengthening Sixth Form provision, covering key features such as enriching Post-16 pedagogy and fostering positive student behaviour, attitudes, and Independent Learning skills (5 Hours in). He talked about our approach to Atomic Habits. He discussed the Personal Development programme, which nurtures growth through volunteering, leadership, and CEIAG (Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance). He explored strategies that make a lasting impact on students, positioning our Sixth Form at the centre of our school community. The presentation was received brilliantly with over 25 schools and colleges in touch with us just this week to find out more about what we do, how we do it and why. It is an exciting time for our Sixth Form community and I really believe that the students who are with us in Years 12 and 13 currently are shaping the future for us and those in younger years. Long may that continue.

VivFinally, I want to end with news about one of our Teaching Assistants, Viv Mcdonald. Viv decided to retire and, in doing so, end her Beckfoot adventure yesterday. Viv started at Beckfoot with me in 2002 and has been a favourite with staff, students and families for over 20 years, She is one of the most positive, honest and caring people I have ever worked with. Her dedication to our students, many of whom have been our most vulnerable, has been humbling. She cares deeply about young people and her work has always been about providing the best possible support and experiences to those in her care whilst at Beckfoot. She leaves us on the highest of highs having led our table cricket team to the national title this summer at Lords, the home of cricket. Viv is a special person and the reactions to her leaving tell the story. There have been lots of laughs and lots of tears. There have been lots of contact from families and staff many of whom have left Beckfoot for many years. She has left her mark on our school and she will be missed hugely. Goodbye Viv. Enjoy the journey that lies ahead and thank you for everything.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Beckfoot Night 2

Posted 20th September 2024

It has been a remarkably smooth start

As you would expect, a lot has happened since my last blog but I want to begin with a thank you for your incredible support since our return a few weeks ago. Our June 2 June strategy meant that learning began from day 1, lesson 1 and that approach has continued brilliantly which I am really pleased with. That is down to our staff and students who understand better than ever, the importance of learning and ambition.

Our big annual event in the early days of term is our Open Evening. It seems to creep up on us with alarming speed and it is one of the highlights of the year for me personally. We are so fortunate that so many families are interested in what we are doing and choose to take the time to visit. Last week there were approximately 1700 visitors who came to look around, experience our buzz and find out a little more about Beckfoot. Over 300 students gave up their time to help us on the evening with such things as car parking, faculty support, tour guiding, information giving and just representing their school with pride. Many of those who returned were Year 7 students who wanted to help after only 7 days in school! Two of those were Nicola and Hadi who spoke to our prospective families, alongside me in the hall. Over the course of 3 talks they will have addressed around 1000 people and they did it so eloquently and passionately. Olivia, in Year 11, ended each talk with a powerful singing performance and I have hugely grateful to all 3 for the support they provided and the manner in which they represented Beckfoot. For me, our school came alive brilliantly on the evening and showed what we stand for, how we value education for our community and the values and culture that are part of our DNA. I am reminded each year just how fortunate we are to work here, alongside amazing young people and adults all of whom want the same thing…. a happy, bright future. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way and good luck to all those families with the decisions they will make about where to send their children in September 2025.

Since our return a few weeks ago, we have had our first of three Challenge Days as a school. Those days are led by Shirley Watson, our CEO and her Central Trust School Improvement Team. These days are designed to both and support and challenge our school and us, as leaders, to be better every day and to demonstrate progress and ambition for our students. The focus, in September, is rightly on academic performance but it is also hugely focussed on strategic planning for 2024/25, on standards across school including work we are doing around teaching quality, curriculum ambition, literacy and continuing professional development for staff. It is rightly a challenging process and one, I know, leads to reflection around our work, our priorities for continual growth and the students experience. You know my view on the fact we are not perfect at Beckfoot but I want you to know that we are doing really great things with and for our students and families and that we want to always be better if we are to really change lives for the better.

Today is Jeans 4 Genes day which has been a part of Beckfoot ever since I can remember. We support this charity because of the work they do to help fund groups that provide services, support and hope to 1 in 10 families in the UK affected by genetic conditions. Our students will arrive later this morning wearing jeans and trainers to show their support and donate £1 via parent pay for the privilege. It is our way of reminding our community of the need to put others first and think constantly about how they can stand up and make the world a better place.

Finally, as you know, I absolutely love hearing and sharing news about our students and their exploits and achievements both in and beyond Beckfoot. This week I learned that Nell, in Year 8, was selected to represent West Yorkshire in Netball for the forthcoming season. She is a very bright, talented and determined young lady but also very humble. To represent your county is incredibly special and a huge achievement. I have no doubt she will love the experiences that playing sport at this elite level will bring but also that she will shine throughout. We wish her well.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Year 7 (1)

Posted 6th September 2024

Welcome back to Beckfoot

I usually wait a week or so before writing my first blog of the new academic year but there is a lot to share and so why wait!

Before I begin, I want to thank you for ensuring your children have returned to school fully prepared for learning, looking incredibly smart and happy. Speaking with so many of them over the past couple of days they have enjoyed the break and are now excited about being back at school, seeing friends and getting on with their education.

Year 7 (1)I want to extend a special welcome to our new Year 7 students who, I have to say, have made a brilliant start to their Beckfoot journey. On day one they were thrown straight into a series of lessons and challenges all based around one of our curriculum drivers which is seeking to develop our students as Confident Communicators. The sessions were based around our 6 Ps which are Punctual, Prepared, Proactive, Polite, Positive and Proud. These are the things that matter a great deal to us at Beckfoot and we wanted to ensure that we deliver these sessions using a variety of Oracy opportunities, games and teamwork. It was a fantastic day with so many of the Year 7 students stepping out of their comfort zones, getting involved and making new friends.

Year 11 and our new Year 12 students also retuned on Wednesday and they too have made a really strong start. I would also like to welcome those new to Beckfoot Sixth Form students who have gained a place with us to study at A Level.

Year 7 (2)Yesterday the remainder of the school returned and the building felt alive once again. It was really busy first thing and it was lovely to see so many of them happy and smiling. It was lovely to welcome them and chat to them before they headed off to lessons. Walking around the school during period 1 yesterday, I was reminded of the power and purpose of our June to June timetable because learning began from 8.30am with students knowing their timetables, knowing where they should be and ready to learn right from the start. There was no wasted time first thing and that was just wonderful to see.

The summer was full of highs and there were also a few low points which I will mention in this blog. Prior to doing so I want to share a little about the investment in the school over summer. The reason for this is that there is a lot of concern nationally about the condition of many schools. At Beckfoot we are fortunate to be able to continue to invest for our students. As you would expect, the building had a thorough deep clean in all areas. We have upgraded our fire and smoke alarm systems, invested in new desktop computers in ICT classrooms alongside the necessary software to give our students the best possible chance of success. We have laid new astroturf to our full sized pitch and MUGA areas. We have invested in Wi-Fi and made sure that areas that were looking a bit shabby were painted and cleaned. I am so thrilled to be able to provide a clean and facility laden environment for our young people. They deserve that as do our staff. I am grateful to our facilities management team, to our site manager and my business team who ensure Beckfoot is a really inviting place that is full of the best facilities we can offer to support our values of Enjoy, Learn, Succeed.

The summer, as I have said, was full of highs and some lows too. At the beginning of the holidays we received the devastating news that Erin in Year 13 had passed away. She was a wonderful young person who showed us what courage and determination looked like on a daily basis. She was full of spirit and incredibly happy to tell us what she thought from a young age! She had a phenomenal character; she was spirited and bright and very loyal. She loved Beckfoot and we will miss her dearly. We have been remembering Erin this week through our staff training and assemblies with our students and making sure that those who need support to deal with loss will have it.

Also this summer we had the riots. I have been talking to our students about this and my feelings about what happened. Despite the appalling experience for so many, the hope that has emerged nationally, for a better society, is the thing that we cling to. Our students are the ones that will change the world for the better and it is our job to remind them of that, of their potential to do amazing things, of their need to be kind and empathetic and their need to be the best version of themselves at all times. They will make the difference.

The summer was also very special for our school community. Our results have been incredibly positive and I would love to share some headlines with you:

A LevelA Level – the best results in the history of Beckfoot School

  • An average grade of a B
  • More students than ever getting into their first choice university
  • More students than ever getting into the top Russell Group universities
  • More students gaining places on degree apprenticeship courses including one who secured a highly coveted place with British Rail from thousands of applicants.

GCSE – the best progress achieved in the history of Beckfoot School

  • 20% of students achieved the top grades 9-7 in both English and Maths
  • Progress 8 (the measure that we are judged against) score of +0.46 against our previous best of +0.4 in 2022
  • More students than ever leaving with the EBAC suite of qualifications (English, Maths, two or more Sciences, a Humanities subject and a Modern Foreign Language)

GCSEWe are hugely proud of all our students and staff who have worked so hard to ensure more of our young people are achieving what they need to secure their next steps in education, further education and employment.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a few statistics around the impact of attendance this year on GCSE outcomes that is remarkably interesting and worth knowing.

  • For those students who attended school for over 95% of the year - 85% of them secured a grade 4 or better in Maths and English with 72% securing a grade 5 or better in both subjects.
  • For those who attend less than 90% of lessons the statistics drop by over 20% for both measures.
  • For those who attend less 80% of lessons the drop is a heartbreaking 50% or more.

Success mattters to young people. It gives them choices for their next stpes in life and the confidence to do amazing things as they get older. Attendance is the single biggest factor in determining success or otherwise at school and is therefore hugely important. I thought it was was important to share.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

New starters 2024 (2)

Posted 12th July 2024

We are nearly at the end of another academic year. Thank you for everything.

This is my final blog of the year and, prior to writing it, I have been reflecting on the last twelve months. I have spent time this week and last watching our young people go about their daily lives at Beckfoot and talking to lots of them about their school, their dreams and hopes for the future. As if I needed reminding, we truly have a remarkable community at Beckfoot. Not perfect but special and I am so proud our school, proud of the staff and students, grateful to our families for their support and incredibly hopeful for the future.

Over the past couple of weeks things have not eased up one bit. In this blog I will highlight the new Year 11 Further Education Day, our Model UN days, the excitement around transition from primary school, the Summer Serenade concert, the influence of recent politics in school, our Buzz digital magazine, Enrichment Week and a special mention for a pretty amazing Year 9 student.

New starters 2024 (2)We began last week with an evening for our new Year 6 students and their families. They got to spend time with their new tutor, listen to students about their Year 7 experiences as well as a few words from me. It was a lovely evening and an absolute delight to meet so many new faces. That was quickly followed up on Wednesday when those new students came to spend a day with us at Beckfoot. They had tutor time, engaged in a number of lessons, experienced break and lunchtime as well as a couple of assemblies throughout the day. They were superbly looked after by our Sixth Form buddies and staff and I was thrilled by the manner in which each young person presented to us on the day. They were brilliant and we are really looking forward to their arrival as Beckfooters in September.

At the other end of the spectrum we took every new Year 11 student to visit either a university or college last week. As part of our outstanding careers provision, we try to ensure all our young people are aware of the options available to them both locally and regionally at Post 16 and 18. Supporting them to aim high is an embedded part of our culture and these days help hugely to help our students to gain the knowledge and understanding they need to make informed choices about where they go next and into the future. We had groups visit universities in York, Leeds, Bradford and Huddersfield as well as Craven College. Each group were superb in their approach and interactions on the day. So many came back to school excited about what will be possible for them in the future. Some felt that university life was something they could achieve or dream about and came back last week feeling they had every right to do so if that is what they wanted. They were so grateful for the experience and the opportunity to really consider what might be right for them into the future. At Craven College most returned having experienced something completely different and a few even tried their hand at plastering, brick laying, hair and beauty and so much more. The key message is that there are so many opportunities in this are to consider (including our Sixth Form) and that with hard work those opportunities are limitless.

DSC_0001a (1)During last week and this week we, for the second year running, held our Model UN event. We took a slight risk this year in that we ran the event last Thursday for our new Year 11 students looking specifically at Refugees & the UN Migration with a focus on Myanmar & Rohingya. The students worked solidly from 9am to 3pm seeking resolutions to issues in a diplomatic and political manner. They took their individual roles seriously and worked in a determined but respectful manner as they sought to agree to the solutions that would make a difference to the people and countries involved. Yesterday we ran a similar session with Year 13. This time we asked them to work on the refugee crises because of the Israel and Palestine conflict. We knew it would be a difficult and emotive topic, but we also knew that our students would be able to cope and they did so brilliantly. They worked hard all day seeking to agree a way forward for the most vulnerable whilst also seeking to find a resolution to the conflict as a United Nations (UN). At times things got heated, at other times the issues grew wider than the topic but overall they were utterly amazing. The skills on show such as listening, the use of powerful and considered language, the art of compromise and so much more left our students wanting more and I am hopeful we can help them out with that in the months ahead. A huge thank you to Ms Ashraf and Mr Ullah for the work and organisation that went into the day, the prep sessions and the care for our students over both days.

Houses of PMContinuing the political theme we held our own General election last week across school. We taught the students a little about each political party mainly through their manifestos which culminated in each tutor group voting, as individuals, for their party of choice. This also happened in several other trust schools in order that we could report results as individual schools and as a Trust. At Beckfoot, Labour triumphed but across our Trust it was the Green Party who came out on top. It is so important to try to engage our students in these types of experiences. They support our work on such things as British Values and gives our young people a real sense of the importance in using their voice for stability or change when needed and I am grateful to Mrs Ratahi for making this happen. The political agenda then continued into this week when, yesterday, we took four Year 13 students down to the houses of parliament to meet up with our newly elected MP, Anna Dixon as part of the Celebration of Democracy event. Anna spent a long time talking to our students and even did a mini interview with Milla for her vlog, picking up on some of the issues our students talked about when she came into school a few weeks ago. The group then headed to the Science Museum to see a model of the first ever calculator (it is over 6 foot tall) - this was all beamed back into school via a video call to Ms McLean’s Y13 Maths class. What an experience it was for Mila, Amy, Felix and Harrison.

Changing the focus to music I attended our annual Summer Serenade concert last night. It is our final concert of the year and the last of over ten concerts that the music team put on throughout the year. It was an incredible evening because you are witnessing something really special with each act. We had the usual Samba Band, Groovetubes, Rock Band, Brass and so much more. We had students perform pieces they had written themselves and new bands play in public for the first time. I am always excited about this event because it is often our first introduction to the vast array of new talent at Beckfoot who are the new kids on the block following the departure of our Year 11 and 13 students. Given what I saw last night I could not be more excited for the future of music and the creative arts at Beckfoot. We are in good hands because we have so many special people doing a special job to ensure that and I am incredibly grateful that they work here.

LAPA few weeks ago I shared with you the news that we had received a grant from the Alfred Sharp Fund (a local charity doing wonderful work in education in the area) to support our drive to level up reading at Beckfoot School. Thanks to their donation, we have been able to purchase a staggering 2000 books. This means every student in the school will read, from cover to cover, 15 works of quality literature in their time with us. Literacy opens eyes, minds and doors for students, and we can't wait to get deep into reading in the new academic year. It is so exciting and we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to fast track our plans as a result. The difference this will make to our students for years to come cannot be underestimated both in terms of their love of literature and reading but also their ability to access their education, perform well in exams and be more prepared than ever to do amazing things in their lives beyond our gates.

Buzz - Summer Edition 2024I guess everything I try to include in this Blog and in my reflection is summed up best through our Buzz magazine. We sent it out last week and it is a remarkable production created by our students about their school. I hope you have had a chance to read it. If not the link is here.

JOSHFinally, I want to share news of the achievements of a special young man, Josh, who has just moved into Year 9. Last weekend Josh took part in the national Junior Para Championships in Warwick. He won 3 gold medals for long jump, 1500m and 800m and achieved personal bests for both running races. The icing on the cake, though, had to be his time in the 800m which saw him break a long established national record for that event. We are so proud of him, of all his achievements but mainly because of the young man he is. Well done Josh!

Enrichment Week (1)Next week we have our Enrichment Week and over 1200 staff and students involved in a whole manner of trips, visits and activities. It is a mammoth task to co-ordinate but we do it because it is part of the DNA of our school and a part of our annual calendar for over thirty years. I hope all those involved have a wonderful, exciting, education filled week and we look forward to hearing all about it next Friday when they return to normal lessons. I also wish our Year 11 students the best as they venture far and wide for their work experience week. I have the pleasure of getting to visit a few of them next week and I can’t wait.

To our entire school community, thank you for everything this year. It has been the most incredible few months. Please take care and be safe over the summer and good luck to all those that we will see in August for the GCSE and A Level results.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Table Cricket

Posted 28th June 2024

Some weeks are just incredible!

I want to focus on just four things in my blog this week. Table cricket, our Vocal Group, our Post 16 Futures Day and Sarah Wilson, our Careers Team Co-ordinator.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 133758Every Thursday night I meet with my leadership team for a few hours to discuss lots of things that are happening in school and beyond. Yesterday, as we were walking into that meeting, we all received a message from Mrs Macdonald to let us know that our Table Cricket team were National Champions!! I couldn’t believe it. The team began their journey, as they do every year, many months ago when they travelled to Headingley to take part in the Yorkshire finals. They won that event and that led to another trip to the national finals event at Lords which took place yesterday. We made it through to the final last year losing narrowly by just six runs to finish runners up. The students and staff were devastated and vowed last year to go one better in 2024. For most of them their journey to London began just after 5am when they got up and ready to meet in Shipley at just after 6am. They headed to London full of hope and a little nervous in truth. They were delayed at various stages along the way meaning they were a little late to the venue which was not ideal. Nonetheless they played their first rounds of matches against teams from all across the country and eventually faced last year’s champions in the early stages. Table Cricket1They won and began to think the dream was now something that they could achieve. They held their nerves in the semi-final and went into the final yesterday afternoon full of hope and determination but knowing that they have been in such a position just one year ago and what to expect. They were magnificent as a team and a wider group of staff and students and they won. They were crowned National Table Cricket Champions for 2024 and I could not be prouder of them. They have worked so hard with and for each other for months. They practice weekly and have been incredibly focussed on being better players and really understanding the game.

I am thrilled for each of them and the staff, especially Mrs. Macdonald who has been the driving force for many years. They eventually made it home last night following yet more delays and cancellations but they didn’t mind. I cannot wait to see them, look at their medals and hear the stories from the day. These are special moments for each of those involved and moments that they will remember long after they have left Beckfoot. The memories are the things that last as will be their legacy for the students that will follow them for year to come.

On Wednesday, our Senior Vocal Group were invited to attend and perform at a safeguarding event in Bradford in front of a very prestigious audience. They were incredible and represented the school brilliantly. They received a standing ovation at the end of the performance and moved many people to tears with their emotionally mature and confident performance. I received an email of thanks yesterday that included the following:

"I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional performance by your wonderful students after the Bradford District annual safeguarding conference. The rendition of the four beautiful songs was genuinely moving and served as a poignant reminder to all of the delegates about the importance of our work in trying to safeguard those who need our services.

Their voices filled the room with beautiful harmony and dare I say caused some to shed a few tears. They really inspired us to continue our efforts with renewed passion and dedication. The emotions conveyed through their music encapsulated the essence of why we do our jobs, reminding us of the impact we can make."

I am grateful to Mr Lee, Mr Stimpson and Ms Levy for making the day a huge success for all but mostly I am grateful to our students for just being amazing as they always are.

DSC_0021 (1)On Wednesday, our Post 16 students had their Futures Day. This is now an annual event where our new Year 13 students spend the day thinking about their next steps in University, Apprenticeships or work. They begin to consider their achievements and experiences to date and construct a profile of themselves that will be useful when it comes to writing UCAS applications, completing applications and just selling themselves and brilliant individuals who are willing and ready to change the world. They had a great morning listening to advice and guidance and forcing them to really think about who they are, what their ambitions and dreams require to make them a reality and what lies ahead in terms of experiences and opportunities. In the late morning and DSC_0030 (1)early afternoon we were joined by over thirty local employers and universities who interviewed each of our students and provided yet more experience that will help them into their futures. The feedback from those employers was humbling with each of them saying really nice things about our students, their manners, communication skills, confidence and personalities. Some were even offered further work experience over the summer and contact details to support them in whatever way they need over the next few months and years. It is an incredible day and the Sixth Form team, led by Mrs Bannon are dedicated to delivering the best experiences possible to push our students to believe in themselves and feel they can achieve the most amazing things if they are willing to work hard, step out of their comfort zones from time to time and take every opportunity and experience available to them.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 134503Finally, I want to shine a light on Sarah Wilson who is our Careers Co-ordinator and works with our Careers team who do wonderful work with our students’ week in week out. On Tuesday she was invited, alongside Holly McLean, our careers leader and head of the Maths faculty, to the annual Skills House Careers and Technical Education Awards (CTE). Sarah won Secondary Educator of the Year award in recognition for the fantastic work she does supporting our students with their futures and it is thoroughly well deserved. Just last year our Careers team came runners up in the national awards for pre 16 careers provision losing narrowly to the NHS. For me that meant we were the best school in the country for our work and this award further proves the incredible quality of their work and just how fortunate we are to have such a team in our school. I am thrilled for Sarah and the wider team and grateful for all they do.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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Posted 21st June 2024

Sport and Politics have featured heavily this week

I hadn’t intended to write a blog this week but there is so much happening and so much to celebrate that I really wanted to share with you.

A few weeks ago I was asked by the brilliant people from Bradford Citizens UK if Beckfoot would be interested in talking to the candidates of the two main parties contesting the forthcoming election for the Shipley constituency, Anna Dixon (Lab) and Phillip Davies (Con). Of course I said yes! We made the decision to work with some incredible Post 16 students who have already demonstrated how genuinely engaged they are in local and national affairs and the political process more broadly. After a brief session with Phil from Bradford Citizens we welcomed both Anna and Phillip to meet with the group separately so that our students could talk with them, ask questions and find out more about their views on the things that are important to young people. They were amazing. They put questions to each candidate around their campaign for better mental health funding for young people and racial equity in education. They raised local concerns around community funding, safety, the built local environment and how to make their communities feel more like great places to live. They had positive conversations about how to make the Bradford district better for everyone the wider political landscape. A huge thank you to both Anna and Phillip for their time and willingness to share their stories and views with us.

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Last night was our annual Sports Awards and what a night it was. Despite the clash with England’s game with Denmark the hall was full and the evening proved to be yet another triumph. The night began with a video of our students and a message about the importance of sport in terms of changing young lives. It was followed by awards for Commitment in Sport, Achievement in Sport, Leadership, Team of the Year, the Head of PE Award and the Sports Personality of the Year Award. There was a performance from our young Cheerleader squad and a warmth throughout the evening that was palpable.

DSC_0023I was completely blown away by the talent that walks the corridors of our school each day, by their humility and their sheer dedication to being the best they can. We heard stories of accomplishment at local, regional, national and international level. There were examples of this is such a wide range of sporting activities that I felt honoured to be a part of such an incredible celebration of our students. I wanted to evening to go on and on and to hear more and more stories about the endeavours of our students because that is the thing I love dearly.

DSC_0058I talked at the end of the evening about our PE team. I talked of their love of sport and physical activity, about their genuine care and interest in our students both in school and beyond. They are a wonderful team who go above and beyond at Beckfoot to provide a wealth of experiences and opportunities for students. They build relationships that allow students to be comfortable to get involved and often out of their comfort zones. That shone through in Theo (Yr12) who won the Sports Personality Award. He is the epitome of what we believe sport and sporting values should represent and it was so fitting that he should receive his award from Sian, last year’s winner who is also the most incredible role model for our young people.

DSC_0056To finish, the PE staff are all exceptional leaders. They invest in young people and they make it ok to just get involved and be happy through sport. They work with the most invested and talented group I have ever know in a student body and they want to celebrate them whenever possible. For me great leaders create leaders and not followers. Last night I saw masses of young leaders and I am excited about the future because they are Beckfooters!

A huge thanks to all involved but especially to Mrs Lawal who somehow manages to make the evening such an interactive and slick experience but for putting our young stars at the centre of such a celebration.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 14th June 2024

It’s been an amazing week. How did we fit so much in?

Since my last blog school has been busy with great things happening all across our school.

On Friday we learned that a bid we wrote to the 1887 Alfred Sharp Bingley Educational Trust was successful. We wrote our bid to the Trust because they are an organisation whose main objective is to advance the education of children and adults in the former Bingley Improvement District and we felt that our desire to improve the literacy of students at Beckfoot would meet their criteria. Thankfully, they felt similarly and we were awarded a substantial grant to purchase the equivalent of a reading book for every child in our school. Those books will be purchased this term based on the feedback from students about the various genres of text that they enjoy from Year 7 through to our Sixth Form. We are thrilled and so grateful to the trustees for their support for Beckfoot and we cannot wait for the books to arrive ready for launch in September. This support will add a great deal to the strategy we have in place to improve the reading ages of all our students but also to support our drive to instil in students a love of reading and a greater understanding of the educational and social benefits of reading and improved literacy levels.

On Friday of last week, 56 of our Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh students headed off on their Bronze expedition weekend under the guidance of Mr Owan and Mr Sykes. Following several after school training sessions and a mock expedition training day a few weeks ago, the group headed off on a walk to Sconce Campsite in Baildon and completed various tasks before setting up camp and feeding themselves ready for a good night’s sleep. On the Saturday they woke early and completed a variety of tasks prior to returning home in the afternoon to get some much needed rest and an early night! Each one of them performed brilliantly and supported one another throughout the weekend. I am so proud of them, their efforts and their commitment to this qualification and experience in recent months.

On Monday we took over 900 (yes, nine hundred!) students on our end of year reward trip to Flamingo Land. Eighteen coaches arrived first thing and after safeguarding checks were complete, they were loaded on to the buses to enjoy a wonderful day out together. At this time of year, the park is quiet meaning the usual queues for rides were non-existent and our students were able to experience a wonderful day out. They behaved impeccably and I am so thrilled that we can do this as a school and know our students will get it right. We should never take that for granted. It is so easy to catch young people getting it wrong in school, but our reward strategy is designed to do the opposite. We want to catch them getting it right and with over 95% of students being rewarded this year either through red carpet events or the end of year trip, I think we are managing that well. Of course, we want them all to benefit and we begin again on Monday when our June to June curriculum model kicks off. I am incredibly grateful to Mrs Wintersgill and Mrs Mullaney for undertaking the mammoth task of organising this day and also to the huge number of students and families who have expressed their thanks to us for the opportunity to attend. For me though the key is to always try to recognise the huge swathes of our students who get it right in school every day. They are here every day and on time. They do their work both in school and beyond; they are involved in the wider life of Beckfoot and they are making a positive contribution to our school and their own lives in all that they do. They are incredibly special young people and I am excited for the future because of them.

1a (11)On Wednesday we had Sports Day. It was phenomenal, filled with stunning efforts and impressive individual and collective performances. The weather was kind and the organisation of the day meant that events flowed easily throughout the morning and afternoon sessions. I loved walking from event to event and lending some advice to students as I went. Days such as Sports Day remind me of my time as a teacher of PE. I miss them sometimes, but Wednesday was just another reminder that the faculty is in much better hands now and I am so grateful to each of them. A couple of things really stood out for me though and each one clearly demonstrated the culture we have established at Beckfoot. DSC_0092 blurThe first one relates to the students. c (23)Over 550 students (I know. It is unbelievable!) took part. They were incredible. Some wanted to break records others just wanted to take part and do their best whatever that was. Some wanted to challenge themselves and some just needed to be part of something special. Sixth Form students helped enormously throughout and the whole thing involved over 600 students both taking part and supporting in the running of the day. We should never take that for granted. The other thing that stood out was the relationships that were so clearly evident between staff and students. It felt like one big team who were working together to make everything work and that is the thing that will stick with me most. A huge thank you to Mr Sykes and team PE for making the day so memorable and wonderful. Thank you to all the students who took part, who won medals, who broke records, who helped in any way they could. Thank you to the legions of staff who came to watch and support and thank you to the site team who made the school and our facilities ready for our students to enjoy the day.

Wednesday evening brought our annual Arts Showcase event held in the Creative Arts Block. I spent the evening in utter amazement at the talent we have in school and their ability to capture moments in time through their art. I saw A Level and GCSE Fine Art, Graphics and Photography. I got to spend time with wonderful young people who were proud of their work over the past two years, who wanted to show it off and talk me through their portfolios and final pieces. I don’t think I have ever seen such talent on display at Beckfoot in my 22 years here. The whole evening was a huge success and felt like an Open Evening at times such were the number of visitors including parents, carers, students, ex-students and wider families. It was a wonderful event and I am so grateful to our students, Team Art and everyone who supported in any way. Thank you.

IMG-20240613-WA0012 slight blurDSC_0046Last night we held our Year 7 Beckfoot University celebration and, once again, I was humbled by the efforts and commitment made by our students to complete the various challenges set for them. Over 94% of the year group passed and graduated last night and we couldn’t be prouder of them and the start they have made to life at Beckfoot. Speaking to many of them, they have really enjoyed their year and have completely forgotten about their old schools. On Monday they go into Year 8 and they are excited about that. They are a really strong group and we are optimistic about what they can achieve in the years ahead. Thanks to everyone who attended and to the Year team for making the night memorable and special.

Finally, our exams are nearing the end and for many Year 11 students the Physics exam this afternoon marks the completion of a gruelling five weeks. For a few there are Music, Hospitality and Further Maths left next week. Many of our A level students have already finished but again, for most, they will be done by next Friday. Each day we have simply asked them to do their best and they have absolutely done that. They are ready for a rest now and we look forward to their results days in August when we will meet again to hopefully celebrate the fruits of their labour.

Thanks, as always, for your incredible support for all that we do.

Have a great weekend and take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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Posted 7th June 2024

In the blink of an eye they are all grown up and ready to fly.

I hope you all managed to have a good break from the routine of school last week and enjoyed the half term holiday. Since returning we have been straight back into teaching, learning and exams. I have been so impressed with our entire community for the way they have seamlessly returned to the established routines we expect and as a result it has been a great week.

In sporting news, Ayaan in Year 9 has continued to make progress in cricket both through his club his involvement in the development pathway with Yorkshire County Cricket. He had a good phase 1 and was the third highest run scorer for West Yorkshire. He could be selected for three more planned games as part of phase 2 and we are keeping everything crossed that the weather will be kind and allow him to show his class. We wish him well.

Enrichment Week (1)Last night we held our preparatory meetings for Enrichment Week which is only 5 weeks away. Those students who are travelling abroad or within the UK as part of that week came into school to hear a little more about the trips and ensure that all aspects of travel were ready in advance. It was exciting for us because we have run this week at Beckfoot for over 25 years and it is a very special part of our annual calendar. There are over 20 other activities that will be based locally or in school that week and there will be more information to follow in relation to those in due course. I am hugely grateful to the staff who have planned each activity and to Mrs Wintersgill and Mrs Mullaney who have co-ordinated the entire operation since last October.

202In other news, our Year 11 and 13 students have had a busy week of external GCSE and A Level exams and they have been wonderful throughout. Many of those exams have been tough as you would expect but the students have felt well prepared and supported to do their best and that is all we ever ask of them each morning and afternoon. In a week, the majority of Year 11 students will have finished and can enjoy a much-deserved break at the end of a very long and challenging process. They are tired and we can see it. Not in the sense that they are complaining or feeling sorry for themselves, more so in the signs are there that it has been a tough few weeks and they are ready for the end. Now is the time for each of them to really dig deep and find the energy, determination and resilience to give the next 5 or so days everything they have got. I know they will and if there is anything more we can do to support them please let us know.

In terms of Year 11 we got the chance to say goodbye to them properly yesterday afternoon when we came together for the final time as a year group for the Leavers’ Assembly. There was music from the students, a speech from Ali and some poetry from Mr. Wheeler. They listened to some words from Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Wheeler and me. We reminded them of how they looked in Year 7 and the amazing moments from their five years with us since 2019. We explained just how amazing they are as a group of young people and how the challenges they have faced in recent years means they are ready to face anything in their lives and know they can successfully navigate their way through. They are ready for the next stages in their educational journey and for many that will mean a return to Beckfoot whilst others want to explore a new school, college or apprenticeship. Regardless, they have everything they need to do remarkable things and have the good life they are all entitled to. As long as they believe in themselves and always look up at the stars (never down at their feet) they will be fine. They are Beckfooters. They will always be special to us and they will always be welcome here.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 24th May 2024

Saying goodbye is always a mixture of emotions

Today we say goodbye to our Year 13 students most of whom have been with us for seven years. I both look forward and dread this day in equal measure because I feel we have played our part in shaping their young lives but also that they have been so much a part of our family that seeing them off is really quite emotional. You know they have grown to be wonderful and thoroughly decent young people; you are excited for them about the future; you can’t help but think about the amazing things they will do and achieve and yet still you can’t help but know that once they are gone, they will leave you behind and (hopefully) not look back for too long.


I want to thank them for their undoubted contribution to Beckfoot. Watching them this week I have found myself reminiscing about their time with us. I think of the early days, their journey through Key Stage three and four, the trips and visits, the laughter and tears and the incredible friendships that will last a lifetime. I can’t believe that two years have passed since GCSEs and I marvel at how much they have grown. Today will be a time to celebrate their achievements but it will also be a day of sadness as we say goodbye. That is never easy!

Picture2That told, I need to remind myself that the students in younger years are also amazing young people who continue to do the most incredible things. Only yesterday, two of our Year 12 students, Amy and Charlotte participated in a youth voice panel at the Royal Armouries in Leeds as part of the UKREiiF Conference. They were part of an interactive panel and Q&A in collaboration with Mott Macdonald, Ahead Partnership and the West Yorkshire Mayor's Office. They were simply amazing! They answered questions confidently and articulately and were praised by everyone for their opinions and knowledge of mass transit and the impact on young people. We are really proud of them. Here they are pictured with Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire.

In other news, Emilee in Year 10 has made us very proud this week. She has won through to the semi-finals of the Stand Up Speak Out challenge following her successful speech video as well as the assemblies done in school. Ava, also Year 10 has been chosen as a reserve for the semi-final. Emilee spoke about body image and need to be kind to people something, of course, that we remind students about all the time and is so important to me. She will be filming another speech in the coming weeks as part of her semi-final entry and we will know in June if she has made the national final. She is an incredible young person and we wish her luck in the coming weeks.

I want to mention our GCSE and A Level students. We have been delighted and hugely impressed with the manner in which they are navigating their way through the exams over the past three weeks. I vaguely remember my own exams but I do recall the stress levels and indeed am going through them as a parent myself this year too. Regardless, they have been incredible in their approach every morning and afternoon and they deserve to do well. We could not have asked for much more from them in recent weeks and for that we are grateful. It will now be important to sustain that momentum over the holidays and come back ready and refreshed to face the challenges of the couple of weeks after half term.

Picture1As you know I love to hear about what our students are getting up to outside of school. A number of our Year 10 students travelled to Hamm in Germany last week as part of a type of exchange programme with a football club over there. They played football, took in the culture and spent a day in a German school with their host students. They had the most wonderful time and I have loved hearing all about the school system over there and how different it is to what we know. I am also thrilled that they represented their club and families so well and that their sporting prowess shone through as they finished 10th out of 40 teams overall. Well done lads!

Finally, we break up today for half term. It has been a long seven weeks but also a very productive one. Our students and families deserve a break and I very much hope you have a relaxing peaceful and safe few days wherever you are or whatever you chose to do.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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Posted 17th May 2024

Exams, a Prom, Magistrates, Challenges, and a really special Visit

202This week I want to start by congratulating our GCSE and A Level students on their fantastic approach to their public examinations. Our Year 11 students are now firmly in the groove of exam season and by the end of today, most of our Year 13s have sat at least one exam. They have been a pleasure to work alongside these past couple of weeks especially and they have shown tremendous resilience and composure throughout. It matters to each of them in their own way and they are determined to do their best whatever that may be. One more week until they get time to take a little break and prepare for the final two weeks, which will be hugely successful, possibly even life changing for them.

DSC_0033Our Year 13 had their prom at the Mercure Bankfield last Friday night and, once again, lots of staff were there to welcome them and spend a little time with them on what was to be a very special evening. There were lots of highlights for me in the few hours I stayed but I guess the most special thing was the chance to just chat with students who have been with us for seven years. We reminisced, laughed and took the opportunity to just enjoy an evening that reflected the culture we have at Beckfoot. It was also wonderful to see over thirty students who left us a couple of years ago after GCSEs to pursue interests and courses away from Beckfoot.DSC_0027 They came back with their friends to be a part of our prom and it was a privilege to be able to see them again and talk about their experiences and ambitions. I have such a unique job and I often talk to friends and family about just how special it is to work with young people every day. I want to thank all of our Year 13 students for all they have contributed to our school over the past two to seven years. They are a really lovely group of young people and I know they will make a difference to the world they are about to enter and the people they are yet to meet. On behalf of our school we wish them every success and happiness and we look forward to the leavers assembly next Friday which promises to be very emotional!

Sticking with Sixth Form students, last week a team of our debaters took part in the Yorkshire final of the Mock Magistrates competition at Bradford University. They had to battle their way through four earlier rounds in recent months and found themselves facing Ripon Grammar School in a mock trial overseen by Judge Jonathan Rose, Honorary Recorder of Bradford. The team was made up of Isa, Milla and Aldo who acted as the defence team in a criminal damage and weapons case. Although, it was obvious the accused was very guilty they fought his case well. The trial took place in the Lady Jane court room and Judge Rose was blown away by our students and could not believe they were only 17.

Milla was the cross examiner for the case and was described as eloquent, confident and knowledgeable, Isa was the closer and got a grilling from Judge Rose, but he did not falter and was described as passionate. The Judge said his passion and morality resonated and he would easily have convinced any jury. Aldo acted as the chief scribe and advisory for the council and received the most praise for his true show of teamwork. Judge Rose emphasised that Aldo was the glue of the team and understood that you 'don't need a leading role to have the most impact'. Our students were stunning and the perfect example of the importance of oracy and why being confident communicators is so important to Beckfooters! I am very grateful to Ms. Lowde for all the work and organisation that was needed to make this happen.

Students in court for mock trial schools final - 2024 - News - University of Bradford

Finally, we welcomed ex-headteacher of Beckfoot School, Mr. John D Anderson, to school last week for a visit. He wrote to me a few weeks ago and I welcomed the opportunity to invite him in to school for a visit. We sat and chatted over a cup of tea and walked around the school a little. I wanted him to see the school and our students because I am proud of what happens here every day. I was fascinated to learn of some of the things he faced as a head in the 70s and 80s and the differences and similarities in our roles over the years. He was wonderful company and an absolute gentleman. I felt privileged to have him with us.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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Posted 3rd May 2024

The things they will always remember

In this week’s blog I want to share with you two incredibly special events in our calendar that took place since I last wrote, namely the Senior Concert and the Year 11 Prom. Both were incredibly special and will undoubtedly provide memories to last a lifetime. 

The Senior Concert took place last week to a sell-out audience. It was a kaleidoscope of musical excellence but also the final time that many students would perform as Beckfooters after 7 years with us. For that reason, I always look forward to the evening with emotions of excitement and sadness.

Senior ConcertThe evening itself was wonderful. The talent we have at Beckfoot under the guidance of Mr Stimpson, Mr Lee and their team is incredible and the energy they bring to these evenings is palpable. The music was wide and varied with superb song choices a feature of the evening alongside, of course, amazing musical ability made up of soloists, ensembles and duets.

They played versions of Elton John and The Eagles songs. The Year 13 students took centre stage and showed what is possible after 7 years at Beckfoot such was their confidence and command of the stage. They finished with an Abba song with a choreographed dance routine to match and it was so special. Sat there watching them reminded me of how lucky we are to have such students in our school but also how privileged we are to be able to share a small part of their lives for a very short time.

Last night it was the turn of Year 11 to be in the spotlight. Over 250 students dressed up and descended upon the Mercure Bankfield hotel for their Prom. Almost all of the staff came to see them arrive, cheer as they emerged from the chosen transport and spend a bit of time with young people they know and love. To me that is so fantastic and I love that our students and adults were happy to be together last night because of the relationships that have been formed over many years.

They arrived in big cars, little cars, tractors and there was even a procession of Harley Davidson motorcycles. The reception the students gave to each other was humbling to observe and a time in my headship that I will never forget. They had a wonderful evening in the suits and dresses. They looked incredible as they mingled, posed and danced. The Year 11 band performed live which was a first for us and there was even a flash mob.


They were so excited about the evening and I sincerely hope they enjoyed every minute. I am so grateful to Mrs Powell, Mr Wheeler and the prom committee for making it happen and I am also hugely grateful to all the students and families who said thank you and made it feel even more special.

Today they go to Flamingoland as part of the pre exams planned break. The weather promises to be kind and today they will also create more memories.

I know they are ready for what lies ahead over the next few weeks and I know it matters to them to finish 12 years in school with something to show for their time and efforts. After today it is all about hard work and staying focussed and calm. We will be there every day for them because they deserve that and we will remind them as often as we need to just how amazing they are and the things they can achieve if they really want it.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 19th April 2024

Some things that I just had to share

I rarely blog in consecutive weeks but I really want to share with you some of the amazing and inspiring things happening in school this week.3 (1)

To begin, our Year 9 students had a curriculum drop down day to experience the Prison Me No Way roadshow. Throughout the day the year group were involved in workshops and talks about the dangers of crime, alcohol and drug use, rail safety, aggression and so much more. They got the opportunity to hear from serving prisoners and spend time in a mock prison cell. There was so much more to really engage our students and they were superb in their approach throughout the day. Their curiosity and willingness to empathise was a feature all day and they were really challenged to think about the choices they make and will have to make as they get older. ok for permsIt was a wonderful day summed up as follows by Jack, "Sir, it was Interesting, valuable, engaging, insightful and enjoyable.’ Equally as important the PMNW staff had the following to say about our school and students: "The students here are a credit to the school, they have been fantastic all day" and "This is the best school that we have worked in since last year".

I love these days and the intended impact they have and I am grateful to the pastoral team for making it happen.

I sometimes feel I don’t talk enough about the importance of progress in learning and the journey towards the ultimate assessments that are GCSE and A Level exams. In recent years we have seen a small number of our students who have struggled with the thought of exams and also the idea of doing them in a big sportshall surrounded by a couple of hundred others. We have given real thought to how we should manage that of course but also to how we should be better preparing our students lower down the school. Last year we decided to give all students the experience of sitting at least one end of year exam in the sportshall and we did similarly this week. I have to say it has been a great decision on the whole. Our students in Years 7 to 9 were incredible this week. They presented as ambitious and mature young people who valued the experience and wanted to do well in their end of year tests. That is so great because it is about having pride in yourself and your determination to be the best you can no matter what that might look like.

Our Year 10 students completed all their core exams in the sports hall too, demonstrating our desire to really broaden their experience in preparation for next year. They too were magnificent all week and we have repeatedly told them so. School matters, education matters and being the best version of yourself at all times matters. Our students are demonstrating that they understand that more so than ever before and I am really proud of them and grateful to them for the way in which they continue to work alongside us every day.

In sporting news Ayaan in Year 9 had some great news recently. He is a wonderful young man who loves sport and is totally committed to cricket especially. He has recently been selected for the West Yorkshire 14 county squad and that follows on from his involvement at this level last year. He will play more and more for his club at adult level this summer such is his talent and speed of progress in the game. We are very proud of him and wish him every success for the season ahead.

Our Year 11 football team, who have been a great bunch of lads over the past five years, have finished their sporting journey at Beckfoot as Bradford School’s U16 football champions. They played their final game as a group this week in the final winning the game an astonishing 11 – 0. They are as thrilled as are we and it has been lovely talking to them about their achievement and memories all week.

5e3cd445-4213-47ac-8aa6-772ca89303bdFinally, on the sporting front, I want to share with you the news that our table cricket team travelled to the Yorkshire Indoor cricket centre this week and came away as Yorkshire champions for a second year running. They were ecstatic! They work so hard each week to prepare for such opportunities and they are so focussed on enjoying themselves and doing their best. They travel to Lords, the home of cricket, in a few weeks and we are excited to see if they can go one better this year. Again, we are so proud of them and the staff that make these things happen for our students.

In Sixth Form news we have been inundated with applications for places in our Sixth Form for September. We have had about 350 so far and have concluded the interview process for our own students just recently. As you would expect they have been really great. Since our return from the Easter break, we have been busy interviewing external candidates and they too have been really impressive young people who really want to continue their learning at Beckfoot from September. I love our Sixth Form and I really appreciate the impact those young people have on our school in terms of being role models and leaders in our school. We are making huge progress at Post 16 and our personal development offer is now considered second to none. We have had more students than ever involved in NHS Post 16 programmes for medicine etc. and so much more going on to prepare them to be successful and decent young people beyond Beckfoot. It is an exciting time for us and we are far from being finished just yet!

award winners.article-962In music I would like to remind you that our Senior Concert is on next Thursday with just a few tickets remaining. The Senior Concert is a highlight of our Creative Arts calendar and promises to be a wonderful evening.

Finally, I want to say a heartfelt thanks for all the kind messages that you have shared with me this week. The HT award was a lovely surprise and one I was proud to receive. To me though it is much more because it represents our school and our community. It represents our staff and students whom I have the privilege to work alongside every day. I know we are not perfect and we make lots of mistakes. But I also know we are trying really hard in an ever challenging sector to be the best version of ourselves possible. To do that requires good people doing good things. That is what makes Beckfoot a very special place and I just wanted to say thanks.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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School Closure Icons (1)

Posted 12th April 2024

It has been a really strong start to the term!

It’s been a really strong start to the term.

In almost thirty years of teaching I really think that this week has been the strongest start to a term that I can remember. Our students returned to school following the Easter break and by 8.31am on Monday, you could hear a pin drop across the school. Students were back in lessons and on it immediately. Whilst I’m not saying it shouldn’t always be like that, somehow it felt different and the staff knew it. The importance of culture is something that is never far from my mind and this week reminded me that there is nothing more important in any organisation.

Just before the holiday I celebrated the various achievements of our students via this blog. I love that our young people are doing amazing things both inside and out of school. They deserve to be celebrated wherever and whenever possible. So here are a few more.

Will, in Year 10 has continued to make astonishing progress in his rugby all season. He is an incredibly talented young man who enjoys both codes of the sport, Rugby Union and Rugby League. In Union, Will was one of 4 Keighley RUFC boys to gain a place on the Yorkshire DPP - the player development pathway for the county. He was then selected for county training and has enjoyed that level of representative rugby all year. In League I mentioned in a previous blog that Will was seen by Bradford Bulls scouts whilst playing for his club team Siddal, towards the end of last season. Following a successful trial period Will was offered a scholarship and just before Easter made his debut against Warrington and did very well. We are all delighted for him and feel that with hard work, alongside his natural talent, he could do special things in the game of Rugby.

Also in Year 10, Charlie has begun the new cricket season with more fantastic news. Over the Easter holidays he attended some trials which resulted in his selected for the West Yorkshire region U15 squad. He was also successful for the England Indoor Cricket Emerging Player Pathway U17s which is in effect the first step towards potentially representing England at the 2026 U17s Junior World Series which is a huge achievement. Charlie is another impressive and very humble young man who has an admirable determination and almost steeliness about him. He has a big cricket season ahead of him and we know that he will enjoy every minute regardless of who or where he is playing. We wish him well.

In other student related news, two Year 12 students, Holly and Katie, have secured a place on the Lessons from Auschwitz (LFA) Project. This project is run by the Holocaust Educational Trust and involves a one-day visit to the former Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. Auschwitz-Birkenau was the principal and most notorious of the concentration and extermination camps established by Nazi Germany to implement its Final Solution policy. More than just a visit to Poland, the course is a journey of learning and exploration, about the history of the Holocaust and about the world we live in. Both are excited about the opportunity to learn more about the Holocaust and to then share their learning and experiences more widely across our school upon their return. They are two phenomenal students who will gain a great deal from this opportunity but, more importantly perhaps, will make a difference to the lives of our students and others as a result of their experience. Well done Holly and Katie.

Finally, we had an external visitor to school on Monday as part of our determination to make sure our safeguarding, behaviour and School Closure Icons (1)pastoral work is of high quality and the best it can be. The consultant spent the day with us talking to staff, students and looking in depth at our systems and policies. Whilst we await the report, I want you to know that he loved our school and the work we are doing to look after our students. I know I remind you all regularly that I know we are not perfect but we are getting so much right here every day and that will not change. If anything, the audit only served to make us even more determined to be a world class provider of support at such a critical time for many of our young people.

Take care and Eid Mubarak to all our staff, students and families who celebrated Eid this week. I hope you had a very special time with family and friends.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 8th March 2024

I love this time of year

We are more or less through the winter and looking forward to longer days and warmer temperatures. It makes such a difference to us all to be coming and going from school in daylight and the green shoots of spring also remind us that we are often much more fortunate than lots of others because we get to learn and work at Beckfoot.

DSC_0005 (1) (1)Since my last blog we had the First Give final for our Year 8 students. First Give offers our young people an opportunity to speak about the social issues impacting their local communities, encouraging them to be more socially active, altruistic citizens. The core programme takes students on a journey as we ask them to identify a social issue that matters to them and pick a suitable local charity to support. From there, they carefully research and develop their own thoughtful social action projects in aid of their chosen charities. That very often means meeting those involved with the charity followed by huge amounts of fundraising from each tutor group. It really is quite special seeing them invest so much time and energy into their projects which culminated in the final last week.

At that final we had a team of judges including local MP Phillip Davies, local councillor Alison Coates, First Give Programme Manager Amy Calvert, Mike Midgley our Head of Key Stage 3 and myself. We watched 10 presentations from the various tutor groups and we were collectively blown away by the standard and quality of presentations, the knowledge and understanding of the charities and, more importantly, the difference each of us can make to the world we live in and our local area. The students spoke with conviction and passion and demonstrated the power that young people have to change the world. It was simply incredible.

DSC_0001a (5) (1)In the end Ms. Lowde’s tutor group won the £1000 for their charity POPI based in Keighley which will make a big difference for that organisation. However, for me there were a few more highlights. Firstly, the year group raised well over £2000 for local charities because of their efforts. Secondly, our students will never forget the importance of putting others first at times in their lives and lastly, it was humbling to watch them speak to a hall of over 300 people about something that mattered to them. In and amongst that there were also a few incredibly special moments from individual students that will live long in the memory. I want to thank each of them for what happened last week and through the winter. Amazing.

In other First Give news Beckfoot School has been selected to be a Case Study school for their website to highlight the brilliance of our programme to schools nationally. The link is here Beckfoot School Students’ Super Social Action  - First Give and it tells the story of some of this year’s work. It is not often that you are showcased on a national stage and we are more than proud of the work and partnership we have with them.

DSC_0010 (3) (1)World Book Day took place yesterday and, yet again, it did not disappoint. The library was transformed into the Wizard of Oz film set with its very own Lion and Tin Man. More staff than ever dressed up to demonstrate the importance of reading and the power of books for us all. We had quizzes, competitions, reading, free books for Years 7 and 8 and book tokens for everyone in school. Reading is such an important aspect of our work and sharing our collective love of reading with our students yesterday will make a difference without doubt. IMG_1524 (1)The follow up in lessons will also support that work and give students a greater understanding of the importance of reading to such things as their vocabulary, imagination, writing and so much more. For me though, reading also allows them to travel to places in their minds like nothing else can and instils in them a sense of curiosity and wonder. For many of our students that is so important. Again, I want to thank everyone who made the day possible and who supported it in whatever way they could.

In debating, the levels of interest continue to grow at a pace. Last week alone we had over two hundred students involved and we have never known anything like that at our school. The idea is that we give students a platform to think, reason and present their arguments around a range of topics. It is supported by our Talking Tuesday’s initiative and centred very much around the desire to support students to be better and more confident communicators. As they progress through the school, they get better and better because they have practised and begin to really find their voice. On Wednesday three of our Sixth Form debaters took part in a North of England final against 16 other schools. They were incredible and I am immensely proud to share with you the news that our students won again! They scored 75 which was the highest score of all 16 schools by some margin. The feedback from very experienced judges described Milla as simply 'flawless' and offered work experience to her at the courts. Isa was told he was brilliantly prepared and knowledgeable and Aldo told his hard work and effort shone throughout the event. More detailed and official feedback and next steps will be with us soon so I will let you know more then, 

As you know I love to share news about our students whenever I can and this week it is about the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Two Sixth Form students, Lois & Jess, have recently achieved their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award which they started over 12 months ago. Both have been involved in various residentials, catering activities and so much more community based work. They undertook their qualification expedition walking for 4 days, camping in freezing temperatures for 3 nights and, at all times shown they are determined, committed and resilient to whatever life can throw at them. The DoE programme has a long association with Beckfoot and the Gold Award represents the pinnacle of achievement for anyone. Lois and Jess are incredibly special young people and we could not be prouder of them both!

Finally, I really want to share with you something for which we are so grateful to you. Last night we had our Year 10 parent’s evening and just over 98% of parents and carers attended. That is incredible. We have just one parents evening left for Year 8 in a couple of weeks but from the 7 we have had thus far our average attendance is just above 96%. We have never known levels of engagement with school like this. It matters to families to be involved in their child’s learning and progress and I am so grateful for your support. We are not a perfect school by any means but we are trying to be better every day in often the most challenging circumstances. Our attendance is rising and our students are doing wonderful things every day. Sometimes it is good to just think about the positives and acknowledge when something is good. So from me to you all, thank you.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 23rd February 2024

The musical talent at Beckfoot is off the scale!

 had not planned to write my Blog this week but I felt I needed to following last night’s Beckfoot Young Musician of the Year.

DSC_0001b (60)Over recent weeks over one hundred and fifty students auditioned for this year’s final which took place last night. The level of interest annually is always something that makes you catch your breath because it is a stark reminder of a couple of things for me. Firstly, that our Creative Arts faculty is flourishing at a time when lots of schools are making cuts to this area and, secondly, just how fortunate we are to have this ‘conveyor belt’ of talent that just keeps coming through our school.

DSC_0001b (15)Last night was a sell-out. It was also the first time that we had the opportunity to test our new air conditioning in the hall which, for those of you who have experienced the heat in there, was a most welcome addition! Regardless, DSC_0016I have not enjoyed myself as much or been entertained to that level for quite some time. It was spectacular.

The evening began with last year’s winner, Caden, playing a stunning piece on the piano before taking his place as one of our guest judges this year. It was then the turn of our Key Stage 3 finalists. There were vocal performances, woodwind, piano, guitar and drums. That was followed by DSC_0037Key Stage 4+, which was similar in terms of content with the addition of a string’s performance.

After the interval came Groovetubes and the Key Stage ensembles which provided some incredible performances from various groups and duets.

DSC_0081The evening entertainment ended with a three numbers from our Soul Band which was a real treat and included the 80s song, Smooth Operator by Sade. Amazing!

I have no idea how the judges arrived at their decisions because any of those finalists would have been worthy winners. The winners on the evening were:

  • DSC_0001b (34)Most improved (voted for by Music Teachers): Evie
  • Players player (voted for by students): Olivia
  • Key stage 3 audience vote winner: Jimmy
  • Key stage 4/5 audience vote winner: Charlie
  • Key stage 3 ensemble winners: Jimmy, Jack, Milton, Ellis and Tyler
  • Key stage 4/5 ensemble winners: Olivia and Lizzie
  • Key stage 3 solo runner up: Ella
  • Key stage 3 solo winner: Jimmy
  • Key stage 4/5 solo runner up: Harry
  • Key stage 4/5 winner: Jonas
  • Young musician of the year 2023: Jonas

DSC_0042I spend each day watching these young people do the normal everyday things like go to lessons, eat lunch and be with friends but they are not normal, anything but. They are incredibly talented and special and thankfully we have a school full of such young people. I was in awe of each of them last night and immensely proud too. I am so grateful to the Creative Arts faculty let by Mr. Stimpson, to the music team in particular led by Mike Lee and the incredible team of Peri staff we have who make such a difference to us all. It was an incredibly special evening and we must never take these things for granted.

Take Care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

MH Week 2024

Posted 9th February 2024

Children’s Mental Health Week and making it ok not to be ok

Soul Band 1Throughout this week we have been focussed on the mental health of our school community with lots happening for staff and students each day. Activities for staff have included badminton, walk it Wednesday, breathwork coaching, staff social and an Acts of Kindness raffle. For our students they too have had loads on to highlight the importance of looking after your mental health and being comfortable to talk about any issues they have. Since Monday they have been involved in breathwork coaching, Inner Voice activities, Games and Chat with our local care home residents, The Big Sing with our Samba Band and a special mental health and well-being assembly for each year group. We have shared the incredible impact of our Place2Be provision from the students who have benefitted. MH Assembly 2Loads have taken part in the ‘Your Voice Matters’ oracy competition in tutor time and huge numbers have entered the ‘Stop the Stigma’ creativity competition to tackle the often stigma around mental ill health. MH Week 2024The statistics we have been able to share around the importance and benefits of simply talking have been overwhelming and a stark reminder that we are doing lots of things right at Beckfoot to support our staff, students and families. I want to thank the staff, Place2Be and of course our students for the support they have provided for this work all week. It has been humbling and a source of great pride.

Care home residents 1 (1)Speaking of pride, those of us who were fortunate enough to be part of our Games and Chat event with local care home residents, saw, first hand, just how incredibly brilliant our Sixth Form students are. They worked really hard to prepare an event for those residents that involved a Tombola, Bingo, music, prizes, tea, coffee and lots and lots of cake. It was great fun but also a rare opportunity to talk to the most amazing and interesting people. Origami 2Two were past students of Trust schools, Beckfoot and Beckfoot Thornton, and they told us stories of their school days which had our students gripped. They told of their efforts during World War Two and how they lived their lives as parents, colleagues and friends. The room was awash with history, story telling and laughter. I loved every minute of it and really want to do something similar again. I can’t thank our students enough for their generosity, warmth and care for those they met and talked with. They were amazing.

I also want to thank our Year 11 and 13 students for another exceptional week in terms of their approach to the mock exams. 202They have been great to work with and I hope they get the results and feedback that will build their confidence towards the real thing in the summer. They want to do well and they certainly have the right attitude in most cases. What I hope is that they will digest the information they will get back from staff and use that to propel themselves forward in their preparations for both GCSE and A-Levels in May.

Finally, thank you for your support yesterday and the dreaded snow. Our attendance was really strong and not missing days due to the weather really helps. It is so difficult to get these decisions right but from the comments received from staff, students and families I think we did the right thing to remain open. As always, if you have any feedback for me, I would be really happy to receive it.

It’s half term when we close our doors this afternoon. I hope you manage to get some rest and a break from school regardless of your plans. For our exam students it is important to get the right balance between work and rest and I know they totally understand that.

Take care and have a great week. See you on Monday 19 February!

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 2nd February 2024

Young people are incredible and show us that every day

Sometimes you have to pinch yourself in this job just to remind yourself that what is happening at Beckfoot is incredibly special and must never be taken for granted by any of us.

I try to make sure that I write this blog every two weeks. I started that tradition in September 2019 and, at the time, felt it was the right thing to do for two reasons. Firstly, I was not sure I would have enough to write about and secondly, I didn’t want to bore anyone with my ramblings. Four years later I always seem to have so much to share and that is reflective of our school and our students. They are amazing and doing the most wonderful things every day. Here is a flavour of what has been going on in the last 10 days.

PE X CountryIn sport a number of students in years 7 to 11 took part in the recent Bradford Schools Cross Country Championships. They represented school brilliantly, running with real determination and grit in freezing conditions. Lara in Year 11 finished in 1st place in the intermediate girls race and Caden in Year 10 finished 3rd in the intermediate boy’s race. In the junior races notable performances came from Bella in Year 7 and Harry in Year 8 with both finishing 5th in their respective races. Other fantastic runs came from Sam, Harrison, Violet, Isabelle, Yelyzaveta and Lilly. As a result of their performances the following students have been selected to represent Bradford at the West Yorkshire Championships later this month: Lara (Yr. 11), Caden (Yr. 10), Sam (Yr. 9), Harry (Yr. 8), Harrison, Violet, Isabelle and Bella (Yr. 7). Ms Lawal, the PE team and everyone at school is beyond proud of their efforts and positivity. We cannot wait to see how they get on next.

EthanEthan in Year 9 has also being making the headlines in recent days. He has recently signed for Burney FC following a short trial period during which time he scored a hat-trick against Everton FC at their Finch Farm training ground. Ethan is thrilled to have this opportunity which will include a day release from school each week. He is incredibly humble and level-headed and is excited about what lies ahead. He is also determined to enjoy every minute and every experience that comes his way. We are immensely proud of him.

DebatingIn debating our Post 16 students Lilia, Ruby and Halima (all Y12) took part in the second round of the ESU Mace debating competition. The girls debated in opposition to abolishing the House of Lords and came up against some fierce competitors from a number of other schools from Leeds, Bradford, York and more. Their argument was around the idea that we should reform and not abolish and gave superb arguments about how this should be accomplished. They spoke with conviction, persuasion, and nuance with most in the room relieved that they were not competing against them. Despite the strength of competition from both the state and private sector they WON and are now through to the northern regional finals, one stage away from the nationals. All three were stunning and showed the importance of oracy, listening and self-determination. Seeing them in action is an inspiration to so many and they are leading the next generation of debaters each week in school. Brilliant.

That is not the only thing that our Post 16 students have been involved in. This week sixteen Sixth Formers were trained to be Peer Mentors. They have given up a few hours of their time to be trained and coached as mentors and they will make a difference to those others they will work with. They are our ambassadors, role models and the ones who have the ability to really make a difference to the lives of others. We are thrilled with each of them and look forward to the impact they will undoubtedly have.

Y7 WLDIn school Mr. Braid organised a Maths themed wider learning day for Year 7. It was a huge success with the energy and enthusiasm never once waning throughout the day. The students used Maths to break codes, solve murder mysteries, complete morse code puzzles, deal with money and a wide variety of Maths based quizzes. The day allowed students to better understand the contextual importance of Maths but, more importantly, it instilled a love of learning in the subject for so many. It provided so many opportunities for our students to be challenged by the use of Maths in everyday life situations but also giving them knowledge and skills that will be so useful for them in their learning of Maths for years to come. As many of you know, I love these types of curriculum experiences and the positive feedback meant a lot to the Maths team who are already planning the next one!

202This week our Year 11 and 13 students have been busy with mock exams. They have been a joy to work with and have approached each day with an energy and commitment that is very impressive They have come to realise the importance of these exams in helping them to determine next steps in their preparations for GCSE and A Level exams. They see the mocks as something to embrace rather than fear because the learning from them will be some of the greatest learning we can provide. The feedback from staff will highlight their strengths and areas for improvement and will help staff design the next phase of teaching to address the gaps in knowledge that need to be prioritised prior to the summer. I know they are tired but they are also incredibly positive. The first week finishes today and they go again for four days next week. No matter what happens we are thrilled with their maturity and efforts.

1In Year 9 our student have been busy this week picking their options for GCSE study from June. My leadership team have worked with the Year team to meet each student for a chat about their thoughts and aspirations over the next few years. It has been a privilege to meet so many young people who have taken the process really seriously and were able to articulate clearly why they have made the decisions they have for GCSE study. At 13 or 14 years old I could barely tie my shoelaces! I was happy to chase a football around and didn’t really have the maturity to deal with anything that was about school or my future. The students I met this week were the complete opposite. They were bright, interesting, well informed, ambitious and just a pleasure to spend time with. If I have one dream for them it is simply that I want them to be happy, to be able to hold their own in any situation anywhere in the world and to always believe in themselves because they have talent and are entitled to a good life. That will take lots of effort and resilience on their part but I am determined that we will be shoulder to shoulder with them throughout and championing their exploits and efforts along the way.

Place2Be1Finally, I want to share with you some of the successes of our Place2Be mental health support provision in school from the Autumn term. From September to Christmas the P2B team have continued to be an integral part of the school community. Place2Talk continues to be a very well utilised service, with 187 sessions undertaken throughout the term. The one-to-one counselling has been supporting Year 11 students in helping them feel confident and able for their upcoming exams. It has also helped Year 7 students deal with the transition to secondary education and finding their voices and feet for themselves. It has been a privilege to see how well these two groups of students are doing and the ownership they are taking over their own mental wellbeing. Parent partnership is something that will continue to develop this term, by reaching out to parents and carers who we know need support, having seen students in one-to-one or Place2Talk. The team have delivered resilience workshops to students and are building their resources with more presentations being delivered across the school to support the universal Place2Be offer. It is hoped that this will enable all students to feel more in control of their own mental wellbeing. Our P2B team continue to meet their 48 hour turn around for Place2Talk when students refer themselves through the post box which is quite simply amazing. They are now focussed on delivering more group work on the theme of exam stress to Year 13 and Year 11 students. We are proud to have the level of investment that we do at Beckfoot. Whilst we are far from perfect, we are doing our best each day to look after our young people and, in doing so, show them clearly that they matter, that we care and that they will be ok and ready to make a significant difference to the world.

Thanks for reading.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Paige 2

Posted 19th January 2024

Taking control (despite the cold!)

It has been really cold across the country this week and I am always amazed at how that impacts on our school year on year. On a personal note I have complained to anyone who will listen about how cold it is on duty. Stood outside on duty or at the crossing numerous times each day in a bright fluorescent jacket should be a joy. It is usually but this week I have felt the cold and I need to take my lead from our students whom for many the weather is irrelevant. Many have little need for any item of clothing with long sleeves and their determination not to admit defeat to the elements is always astounding. I know they are cold; they know they are cold but to admit that is never going to happen for many. Others are the complete opposite and many of those young people have described their love of winter and all things cold. No matter what they are so funny to listen to and that is just one of the things that is special about working at Beckfoot and our amazing young people.

Paige 1PaigeOur female footballers have been grabbing the headlines once again this week and we could not be prouder of them. Paige in Year 11 has recently been selected for Bradford City’s U21 women’s team. She loves sport and most especially football. She is totally dedicated to her craft as a goalkeeper and is willing to work as hard as is needed to keep progressing in the game.

Eva in Year 9 has also hit the headlines this week. I have mentioned her in a previous blog because she was selected to represent Bradford Schools in netball in the Autumn term. She is an incredibly talented athlete and also has a passion for football having spent many years playing locally for Eldwick Lionesses. Her talent was spotted by a Bradford City scout and she was invited to train with their U14 squad in recent weeks. That led to her making her debut last weekend against Notts County. The game ended 4-4 but Eva could not have wished for a better start. She scored two goals and her all round contribution to the team was described as fantastic. We are delighted for her and, as with Paige, we will keep a close eye on her progress in the weeks and months ahead.period 2 (20)

DSC_0068On Tuesday our Year 8 students were taken out of their normal lessons to take part in a Creative Arts Wider Learning Day. They took part in a huge range of activities ranging from Music to Drama, Art, Textiles and Food Technology. The students and staff worked so hard to make it a very special day full of new and exciting experiences and learning. I want to thank Mrs Hargreaves and the Creative Faculty for the planning that went into making this day happen for our students. Some quotes from the day included:

  • DSC_0005“The cooking was eye opening because we got to learn about food from other cultures”
  • “I loved music because I got to bang out a really loud song!”
  • “The Bhangra dancing was great. I loved stomping to the beat”
  • “It was nice to concentrate on creating the stitching”
  • “I found the needlework very therapeutic”
  • “I wish I had longer in Art……I ran out of time!”

Finally, we had our Year 9 Options evening last night. I was so delighted that over 95% of families attended in person but I was also thrilled that a few of our students attended on their own because it was important to them to get the process right and be able to talk to staff about their interests and questions. Mrs Tatlock and I spoke twice to a packed hall about the process and importance of getting it right for each individual. We spoke about the importance of gaining knowledge and skills over the coming years to support our students through their GCSE courses and exams but also to give them the best possible educational experience and one that will allow them to compete with any students anywhere in the country when the time comes.

The levels of interest and engagement with the individual subjects was superb and I am really excited about the future and the successes that these young people will work hard for. I said last night that I believe my generation has forfeited the opportunity to change the world. For us it’s too little too late. For our students they have the power to change the world for the better and I hope that because they are Beckfooters, they will.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 5th January 2024

Happy New Year - 2024

Welcome back to Beckfoot and I hope you all enjoyed a happy, peaceful and restful holiday. I also hope that 2024 will be a positive year for you all. Our students have made a very strong start to 2024 and I hope they have the most amazing and successful year full of highs and moments that will live with them for years to come.

Around New Year, lots of us think about the past year and what lies ahead. Many of us think about what will be different and for me that is about reading. For much of 2023 I didn’t read enough and I have vowed to make a change and put it right. I guess I was spurred on a little by the not so subtle number of sports autobiographies and fiction books I was lucky to receive and I began last Monday with Jordan Henderson’s autobiography. For those of you who don’t know, he was a Liverpool player and captain for many years. Almost predictable I know. I have almost finished it and will move on to Siya Kolisi’s autobiography, a man who captained the South African Rugby Union team to back to back World Cup wins in 2019 and 2023. After that who knows!

Picture1Rugby continues to thrive and our students are doing some amazing things. Charlie in Year 11, who I have mentioned in previous blogs, had the most amazing news over the holidays. Over the past year Charlie has been mentored by George Furbank of Northampton Saints and England. Through the Mintridge Foundation, he has thrown himself fully into the mentoring programme and has spent a lot of time with George. As a result Charlie was selected to receive the Anna Horrell Award which is presented to an individual, or group of individuals, that have demonstrated to their elite athlete ambassador a proactive nature and infectious enthusiasm throughout the programme whilst also showing great potential in their chosen sport. The foundation praised Charlie for the journey that he went on with his mentor and noted that it was very special to witness. Charlie travelled to Northampton Saints with his family and was presented with this year's awards following a Northampton Saints victory over Sale Sharks Victory and a Captain Fantastic Man of the Match Performance from George himself! It was an incredibly memorable day for Charlie, his family and everyone associated with the foundation. We are very proud of him.

Also in Rugby, Will in Year 10 has been doing some amazing things too. In Union, Will gained a place on the Yorkshire DPP - the player development pathway for the county. He was put forward to attend a few sessions last season and then from that selected to attend the trials in Sept/Oct - 3 sessions where lads were selected to represent the County. He now attends County training regularly which means that he is constantly upskilling and in turn enjoying his rugby even more. In Rugby League Will was seen by Bradford Bulls scouts whilst playing towards the end of last season. In November he was given a 6 week trial which was hugely demanding. His attitude won through resulting in him being offered a scholarship and is now a Bulls player for at least the next two years. Again, we are very proud of him and, as with Charlie, we will be keeping a keen eye on his development in the years ahead.

JP Y8In other sporting news Josh in Year 8 has recently featured heavily on the CP Sport website. CP Sport is the national disability sports organisation supporting people with cerebral palsy to be able to access and enjoy being physically active throughout their lives. In it he talks about his involvement with Bronte Tykes, Bingley Harriers, Keighley RUFC, School rugby team and School athletics. He talked about his involvement in sport throughout 2023 in Rugby, Running, Athletics, Cycling – MTB, Road and Cyclocross. He highlighted some special moments such as participating at CP Sport National Athletics Championships and winning coaches’ player of the year at rugby. What I loved most though was his view of the importance of sport and physical activity in his life and how the range of sports he’s involved with helps work his muscles in different ways as well as being good for his mental health. In 2024 Josh aims to keep getting better and has an ambition to go through classification for cycling and athletics and take part in more disability sports competitions. Somehow, I think he will do those things with ease. Well done Josh.

violinist stitch.article-962Moving on to music, James in Year 10 who has recently secured a place with the National Youth Orchestra, was featured in the T&A over the holidays. It is a fantastic read and 2024 promised to be a wonderful year for him. We wish him well.

Finally, yesterday a group of Year 10 students were involved in the Speak Out Challenge. They spent the day developing their Public Speaking skills and finished by each practicing their public speaking through delivering their own speeches on something that mattered to them. The feedback from the external providers was superb. They thought our students were incredible and really enjoyed their day with us. Three of our students have now been selected to go through to the next round, which involves speaking out in assembly. From here one student will then be chosen to represent us to become regional champions with a potential cash price of £5000.

The students who were successful in getting to the next round are Ava, Alice and Emilee. Two other students, Natalie and Leah, were also given prizes for their great participation and honest speeches.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Xmas 3

Posted 15th December 2023

It’s Christmas. What a week!

I wasn’t sure I would get to write another blog this term (I promise I will keep it short) but I had to share with you a few things from the past few days.

TFundraisinghe week has been full of our students thinking about others and finding ways to raise money for those less fortunate. We have delivered loads of food parcels, gifted lots of collections of foods and non-perishable items to various charities and spent much of the week reflecting on what it means to be kind, to empathise and to want to make a difference whenever and wherever we can. In today’s world those things can often be forgotten.

Mock trialsThe week has also been full of learning experiences within and beyond the classroom. We have had careers panels for some students in Year 10, a magistrate’s mock trial for our Post 16 students who won through to the next round and were brilliant, our Christmas dinner which was hugely popular and a whole host of other things happening that make our school fizz with an energy and excitement that is part of what we call the Beckfoot Buzz. Schools are incredible places to work in because it is a privilege to work with young people every day and this week has proven that in so many ways.

Buzz - Winter Edition 2023Talking about the Buzz we shared our Beckfoot Buzz magazine with students and families this week. I love the way it reflects the wide variety of activities and experiences that we provide for our students over the course of the term. It is the result of staff and a very special group of students working hard to create a method of communication that is truly authentic and seeks to celebrate our school, our community, our uniqueness. I am so grateful for all the work that has gone into it and I hope you enjoy the read.

Head's Blog & Futures (3)Also shared this week was our Futures newsletter. Through this publication we have sought to share with you all the incredible volume of activities that are taking place all the time to make sure our students are future ready young people who will thrive beyond Beckfoot. We have had mock interviews with local and regional and national employers for our Year 9, Careers Panels for Year 10, our Careers Fair and so much more. At Post 16 we have had our Careers month in November which saw us play host to over 60 employers and businesses as well as over 40 universities all of which were designed to give our students maximum exposure to the wealth of opportunities available to them once they leave us. I have never felt so positive about our work in this area and the difference it is making to our students, their aspirations and determination to have the good lives they each deserve.

This week also saw us hold our annual Beckfoot Student Leadership (BSL) elections. Every student in the school visited E13 to cast their vote in a polling booth and, in doing so, experience what it is like to take an active roll in a democratic process. The candidates have canvassed for weeks now and shared their various manifestos. Later this morning we should know the results and I wish each of them the very best of luck.

Over the next two weeks we have asked students to try to take a well earned break from school and their work. However, for our exam students that is not entirely accurate and I would urge them all to get the balance right between work and rest. A Level and GCSE exams are drawing ever nearer and holidays represent a time when any and all work done will make a significant difference and is ultimately an investment in themselves and their future. I know work is being set for those students but has also been planned to allow for rest, family time without losing any of the momentum that has been built over recent weeks.

Xmas 1Finally, I want to mention a couple of thigs about the Creative Arts in school. Firstly, James in Year 10 got the result of his Grade 8 piano exam this week. He was awarded a Distinction with a high mark of 138. The really interesting thing with this is that the piano is his second love and area of musical study. He is already a wonderfully talented violinist and part of the National Youth Orchestra. I love being able to share these types of successes and I am delighted for him as we all are.

Xmas 3The biggest event this week has been the Christmas Concert aptly named ‘Merry Becksmas Everybody’. Over 220 students took part and provided a wide range of performance each of which was spellbinding and truly magical. We have Year 7 students involved fort he first time to Year 13 students taking part in their very final one. Xmas 2The night was 3 hours long and it was incredible. For me, it was by some margin, the best I have ever know in over 20 years. The talent, commitment of the staff and students must never be taken for granted. It is very special and very much a part of Beckfoot. Long may that continue.

DPCLJDFinally, I want to say goodbye to Mr. Cooley and Mr. Donlan, two very special colleagues. Luke is taking up a post at a school nearer to home and Darren is leaving the teaching profession completely to pursue his dream career as a bespoke joiner. Both have been with us a while and will be missed greatly. They have given everything to our school and students and they have, without question, made a difference to the lives of so many along the way. We wish them every success and happiness.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Christmas 2023

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Fundraising 3

Posted 13th December 2023

Proud doesn’t even come close

As we approach the end of the Autumn term, I have spent a bit of time thinking about Beckfoot and the journey we have been on in recent years. I look back over the past 21 years since arriving in 2002 and it is incredible to note the differences. We have the most brilliant students I have ever known and a staff that is the strongest I have ever worked with in any of the schools. Every week I am amazed by some aspect of our work; a class, an individual, an event or just a gesture. These past few weeks have further reinforced my view that we are a very special community and here’s why.

Fundraising 1A few weeks ago I was receiving lots of visits from students who are concerned at what is happening in the Middle East. They have often been confused, angry but mostly determined to do something to shout about their concern for others. After a lot of discussion and debate we finally agreed on adopting a humanitarian approach and, in doing so, focussing our efforts on children in that part of our world. The students set about with the help of Ms. Ashraf, Ms. Rashid, Ms. Ahmed, and so many more staff, to create a unique fundraising event that would give the opportunity for many to get involved and contribute in any way they could. Meeting after meeting took place and the numbers of students grew to over 80. Eventually they decided on a week-long series of activities that would bring our school community together and show our collective support for children across the Middle East whilst at the same time raising money for The United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Fundraising 3Events took place all last week during both break times. There were a few events that allowed students to throw things at staff (always popular!) and I was very happy to have wet sponges thrown at me in the freezing cold if it meant a few extra quid could be raised. So many staff did likewise. The students held countless bake sales and sold the most amazing street food. They sold books, arranged raffles, hosted charity sporting events, colouring events and so much more. I have never known anything like it and I am so proud of our staff and students for making this happen in their own way. They are the ones who wanted to do the work to raise money and they are the ones who did just that. I am so proud of them all and our entire community for getting behind this initiative but also for raising over £2000, a record for our school over the past 30 years.

Other charitable events are also happening across Year 8 because of our involvement with the First Give charity. More bake sales, spot the teacher from their baby picture competitions and so much more has taken place in recent weeks. Today we are taking over 30 boxes of food and non-food items from a reverse calendar idea to the POPI (Pass On Preloved Items) charity in Keighley. Ms. Lowde and four students did just that yesterday and I know they are excited and proud of what they have achieved. Every tutor group in Year 8 in doing something similar for the charity they have chosen to support. More about that in the new year.

DSC_0019 (1)In cricket, last week saw Mrs Macdonald attend a very prestigious dinner at Yorkshire Cricket Club where she was presented with a trophy for our Table Cricket team who were national runners up at Lords in the summer. At that dinner Beckfoot and those incredible students were spoken about in the most glowing terms. We made sure we celebrated with our students and staff last week and showed them the various Table Cricket prizes as well as the trophy of course!

U16 girlsContinuing the theme of sport, our girls continue to achieve the most wonderful things. This time it was the turn of our U16 football team who won the Bradford Schools tournament last week. They were fantastic both as individuals and as part of a collective throughout and were worthy winners overall.

In Year 8 we had a scouting report shared with us last week about Annabelle. She was watched recently by an Aston Villa scout and the report they wrote about her performance was easily the best I have ever read. She is such a talented player but also incredibly humble. Speaking with her, she wants to progress in the game and will have every chance if she remains focussed and determined to learn and progress with every opportunity afforded to her. Watch this space!

As term nears to a close, we recognised the talents and efforts of our students last week through our Red Carpet events. Almost 90% of students have accessed these and have enjoyed treats ranging from watching movies to extra sport, art, computing and even a pizza afternoon. It is a joy to recognise our students in this way and says a great deal about the culture at Beckfoot that so many are getting it right so often.

This week we have our BSL (Beckfoot Student Leadership) elections. We have had so many wanting to be involved and it has been difficult to narrow it down to those going forward to hustings. Every student in school will vote and by Friday we will know who the next BSL group will include. I am very excited about this because I have no idea what they will bring to the role just yet. What I do know is that they will undoubtedly make a difference if previous groups are anything to go by. I want to wish each one of them the very best of luck and thank them for the bravery, honesty and desire to serve our community.

Before I finish, I need to let you know about a proposed change to our admissions policy. The link is here. Please let us have any feedback so that your views can be considered when the time comes.

Finally, I want to thank each of our parents and carers. The support and challenge you provide is hugely appreciated. You are interested in the education we are proving and the opportunities to grow that are a unique part of Beckfoot. Since October, we have held three Parents’ Evenings for Years 13, 11 and 9. The average attendance at those evenings is 95% which is staggering. Thank you. I know that we continue to offer these evenings online instead of face to face. Christmas 2023The feedback this year and last is that this continues to work for families and the benefits majorly outweigh the disadvantages. If you ever feel that this is not right for you then please let me know.

This week promises to be a busy one culminating in our Christmas Jumper Day on Friday when we will be raising money for the Bradford Soup Run. We also have our Christmas concert evenings on Wednesday and Thursday which will be great, I’m sure. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and holiday. I hope that it is a joyful and safe time for you and I look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Wednesday 3 January 2024!

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 24th November 2023

Students continue to shine at Beckfoot

It’s Black Friday and I am sitting in my office wondering what all the fuss is about. My inbox is flooded with all manner of offers for things I have little interest in or need. Regardless, I can’t help but look. It’s really annoying that I don’t have more discipline.

Our students are off school today though Beckfoot will seem to be no less busy as we prepare to welcome more than four hundred teachers and teaching assistants from our four trust secondary schools to our annual Trust Conference. The focus this year is on literacy and the plan for the day is really exciting with guest speakers, workshops and the chance to share best practice across our schools. A huge amount of planning has gone into the day and we hugely believe that this area of work has the potential to make a difference to the lives of all our students in the years ahead.

Speaking of changing lives, on Wednesday we collapsed the timetable for our Year 10 students so that they could get involved in our Humanities Wider Learning Day. It was a wonderful few hours where students got to learn more about themselves and others. The speakers came from far and wide and delivered sessions on Resilience, Sustainability, the world around us and lots more. For many the session delivered by Manfred, a survivor of the Holocaust, was incredibly inspiring and emotional. Our students were utterly brilliant throughout with all our guests commenting on what a pleasure it was to spend a day in their company. For me, that is special and I am very grateful to the Humanities team for leading the event and to our students for the manner in which they engaged and contributed to make the day an overwhelming success.

As many of you know, changing lives is important to us but we are also very interested in our students having the ability to think for themselves and, in doing so, consider the needs of others. We are very lucky at Beckfoot because so many of our young people do that every day within their friendship groups but also more widely. They care and this week was no different as our sixth form students invited the Anthony Nolan charity to come into Beckfoot and offer our older students the opportunity to join the stem cell register. This followed an assembly by Mr Sykes where he spoke about his experience of joining the register, being selected as a match and the lifesaving donation he gave. 68 pupils signed up meaning Beckfoot has now contributed over 120 potential lifesavers to the stem-cell register over the past two years. It is amazing and we should never take for granted those measures of just how self-actualised our students are and their ability to empathise and consider the needs of others before themselves.

Continuing the medical theme, we continue to challenge our students to think about careers in medicine. We are working with the group, Medical Mavericks, who came into school this week to showcase the opportunities that exist in the field of medicine. These sessions were fun and interactive where students were able to take blood from a fake arm, record their own ECG, try keyhole surgery, see inside their body with an ultrasound machine, take a picture of the inside of their eye and much more.  Every student got their own medical observation sheet to fill in during the workshop. In the workshop students found out about careers in the NHS including the lesser-known careers such as biomedical science, healthcare science, medical engineering, medical physics, physiology, bioinformatics and many more. It was a great morning and the students loved the experience. For many it has stirred their interest in this area and that is all we ever want from these types of experiences for them.

netballIn sport, our netball and table tennis teams continue to do incredible things. Last week our Year 10 netball girls won the Bradford tournament for only the second time in twenty years. We invited them into our staff briefing on Friday and they received a very loud and enthusiastic round of applause from their teachers for what they have achieved but also for the manner in which they did it. They are amazing young women who are the very finest roles models our school could ask for. They are Daisy, Alice, Ella, Arianna, Annie, Amy, Charlotte.

In Table tennis, our Year 8 boys won a very tough fixture in the first round of the English Schools competition and are through to the next round which will take place in December. They are also a very talented and dedicated group who we are very proud of. They are Jonah, Will, Harry and Usman.

Switching the focus, I am very excited to tell you about our sixth form debating team. On Friday evening they took part in the first heat of the ESU (English Speaking Union) Mace debate and were successful against a number of other schools in our region. They are now through to the next round of the competition in January. They were incredible. They spoke fluently, convincingly and put forward superb arguments so much so that I have advised the staff to consider any and all alternatives to arguments with any of those who took part! We also invited them into staff briefing so that their efforts could be shared and recognised by the staff who know them so well. On Tuesday this week they then followed up their performance by putting on a showcase for younger students which was breath taking and a wonderful experience for those students who will follow in their footsteps. We are very proud and grateful to each of them including Isa, Aldo, Izzy, Rosie, Halima, Ruby, Joseph and Lilia Malin. I am very grateful to Ms. Lowde who made all of this possible. 

Yesterday we hosted a number of young leaders from across the north of England who wanted to spend a day with us learning about what we do here, how we operate as well as our vision and values for our work. They loved the school and our students. It was an incredible day and the opportunity to show off our community and our work is always special. We often need reminding from those with fresh eyes just how special Beckfoot is and yesterday was such an opportunity and I wanted to share that with you.

Finally, our staff and students are planning a weeklong set of fund raising events to raise money for children impacted by the events in the middle east. They have used this to channel their energies into doing something positive for children and I am so proud of them and the staff leading this for our school. Keep an eye out for their poster which is being printed as I write.

Thanks, as always, for your continued support for our school.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 10th November 2023

Ten years as part of the Beckfoot Trust

It was before half term that I last wrote my Blog and so I very much hope that you had a great week and managed to have a break from the daily routine of school.

202Since our return our staff and students have been busy mainly because it’s mock exam season for Year 11 and 13 students. Over the past couple of weeks our GCSE cohort sat mock exams in the core subjects and A Level students did similarly in their chosen areas of Post 16 study. They did so under strict exam conditions. We asked them to utilise half term to prepare and to ensure that they could give of their best. We did so because the mocks are essentially a point in time check of what our students know and where they still need to work extremely hard if they are to achieve amazing things in the summer. We asked them to show up every day and respect the rules and the experience and to learn from it every day. What I can tell you is that each one of them has been utterly brilliant in their approach. Our exams team felt a warmth from the students and a sense that what they were doing really mattered. They are right. Over the next week or so the results will come in and be shared with students. Those results will provide significantly important feedback for each students that will enable them to really understand where they are currently, what needs to happen next and the plan for the next few months until the full mock series of exams in the Spring term.

Last week we held our first Parental Engagement evening for Year 13 students and families. We have continued with the online approach because the feedback from the vast majority is that the experience is much more positive and calmer. If that ever changes, please do let us know. We had over 95% attendance on the night and it was a chance for staff to share their views and plans whilst also being able to understand any issues or concerns coming the other way. The staff really enjoy these evenings and see them as a privileged part of their role in schools. Personally, I am so grateful that we work with a community of families that care so deeply about their children and their education. Nothing is more important in my view. In the coming weeks we have our Year 9 consultation evening on Thursday 30 November and Year 11 on Thursday 7 December. We look forward to those events and would ask that you keep a look out for the messages about bookings on our website and Class Charts.

In sport I want to let you know that the interest in girl’s football continues to rise. In September I spoke about the Lionesses and the impact they have had on young people over the last few years and especially since the World Cup. In October we took a large group of our girls to the Future Lioness Talent ID festival and they were amazing. On the back of that, Sofia in Year 10 was selected to train with the Bradford City U15 squad. I am thrilled for her and our school. I am also delighted that we have so much interest amongst our students and that more opportunities like this are planned this year. It is a hugely exciting time for our young female footballers and I cannot wait to see what they can achieve in the years ahead.

DSC_0078On Tuesday we held our Beckfoot Trust 10 year celebration concert at St. George’s Hall in Bradford. The evening was a showcase of the talent of our students across our 10 schools. It was an amazing event with over 80 Beckfoot students involved. The place was packed with the audience made up of families, staff, directors and LSC members and a huge number of old yet familiar faces. As I sat I in the audience I was filled with pride for two reasons. DSC_232 (58)Firstly, that we are a part of an organisation that cares deeply about young people and this city but also because of our staff and students who lit up the entire venue each time they performed. I am indebted to Mr. Lee without whom this event could not have happened but also to Mr. Stimpson, Mr. Jackson, James in our Sixth Form and so many others who gave their time to make this event special for all. I cannot believe it has been 10 years and I am excited for what lies ahead of us.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 20th October 2023

As half term approaches there is so much to share

Before I get into the main section of this week’s blog, I want to thank you all for your support over the course of this first half term. I have been incredibly grateful for your overwhelmingly positive feedback and your continued offers of support on a wide range of issues. I feel very lucky.

FergusI am going to start this week with sport and share with you some news. Fergus in Year 12 is running 60km in October and again in November as he tries to raise awareness of the 60 men lost to suicide each hour, every hour across the world. He has asked me to remind you all that should any pupil wish to speak to anyone about their mental health, or any member of staff, Beckfoot has trained professionals at Place2Be and students can book an appointment by going to their Head of Year office or emailing:

In Year 10, Toby, Max, Alfie, Ben, Cass & Will attended trials for the u15 West Yorkshire Rugby Squad. I am reliably informed that it was a gruelling process with 150 boys in attendance. Will and Cass were able to progress to the final round of trials culminating in the news that both have made the West Yorkshire squad for the forthcoming season. We are very proud of them all and are so glad that each of them feels that they enjoyed and valued the experience.

Continuing with the sporting theme, Joshua in Year 8 travelled to Warwick for his first experience of the Cerebral Palsy Sport National Athletics Championships. He performed superbly in the 100m, 1500m and Long Jump and although he couldn't officially place until his classification is finalised, officials and organisers were so overwhelmed by his ability, they awarded him with a medal and invitations to compete at a number of other national competitions. This is really special and we look forward to hearing much more about Josh in the weeks, months and years ahead.

34cbdd14-c46c-49a2-a992-c69945b8970eSwitching to the curriculum and specifically our work around personal development, we have continued to be busy seeking to provide a wide range of opportunities for students to benefit from. This week and last, our geographers at GCSE and A Level have travelled to Hornsea and Blencathra respectively to engage in fieldwork as part of their studies. In Hornsea over one hundred Year 11 students completed their work over two days and were utterly brilliant in their approach but also in the way they represented our school. This week our A Level students have spent four days working on the fieldwork element of their coursework. They have been wonderful company for the staff and have worked so hard to make the most of the opportunity. They also had the customary photo at the Beckfoot sign which we look forward to every year. I am so thankful for the effort that has been put in by the staff and students and I know their work will be rewarded in August.

We have been busy with all things careers too. Last week we took our Year 13 students and selected Year 11 students to Elland Road to the UK University & Apprenticeship Fair. It was a great event because it gave students a chance to speak to universities, training providers and employers and to attend seminars from experts on a wide range of subjects including the UCAS Personal Statement & Application Advice, Why take an Apprenticeship? Choosing a University Course, Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and Student Finance.

DSC_0006That work was quickly followed this week with our annual Careers Fair which was held in the Creative Arts block yesterday. It was a great morning with lots of engagement from our students talking to over 40 companies and education providers. We had lots of local universities and colleges, the police, all branches of the armed forces, various local apprenticeship providers and companies as well as careers specialists. The volunteers were really impressed with our students and wanted to thank everyone for inviting them into school.  Many said it has been the best event like this they have been to, mainly down to the behaviour and engagement of our students from Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13. A huge thank you to our own team for making this happen.

Over the past few weeks we have been saddened by the events in the Middle East. It has affected a number of our young people and families in many ways and we wanted to do something about that in terms of education. Last week we welcomed the charity Solutions NOT Sides into school to give a lecture to our Sixth Form students. They listened to the perspective of two young people, one from Palestine and one from Israel. They were respectful, asked brilliant questions and learned a great deal because they were interested and willing to listen to first hand accounts of life for young people in that part of the world. We have since followed that up with staff hosting drop-in sessions for students to ask questions and share their thoughts. Today we will send out some advice sheets for families who may choose to engage in difficult conversations with their children in the hope that it might help; that is certainly the intention. Again I am grateful to the Sixth Form team for making this happen at such short notice.

I want to acknowledge the wonderful collegiate approach from our entire community when we held a fire alarm practice last week. It was yet another humbling experience to see almost 1700 students vacate the building in total silence and show respect throughout the process before re-entering the school and getting back to learning. In the words of a visitor on the day it was a ‘wow’ moment.

Finally, I want to talk to you about the Creative Arts. At the beginning of the week I learned about the exploits of three Year 10 students, Ave, Isla and Lana. The girls performed in the Wharfedale Festival of Piano which involved several solos and the three girls performing a trio piece which I am told was quite incredible. On top of that, Isla was awarded the Cavendish Trophy for Artistic Interpretation, and the girls’ trio placed second, taking home a Distinction and the silver medal. They are three amazing young people and I am thrilled that they are sharing their talents widely.

DSC_0193 (129)And then there was the show We will Rock You which has been performed all week. I attended the final performance last night which has seen the cast entertain over one thousand people over three nights. I was so excited to see the show because I had heard so much about it from staff and students. I was not disappointed. DSC_0073 (27)Over twenty years I have seen lots of productions but I was genuinely taken aback by what I had to privilege to see last night. Over 150 students were involved either as part of the cast or the band providing the music. It was as professional a show as I have ever seen and one that showcased the talents of so many of our young people. At times I was very emotional and filled with pride, at others I was clapping and singing along, lost in the music and thoroughly engaged in the acting. I loved every second of it and I felt the most incredible pride as Head of this school. The show was led by Miss Bannon and ably supported by a whole range of staff including Mr Lee, Mr Stimpson, Miss Hargreaves, Mr Jackson and so many more. It was a huge team effort and I can’t wait to see what is next!

Finally, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Beckfoot Trust in November. To mark the occasion there is a concert taking place at St. George’s Hall in Bradford on the evening of Tuesday 7 November. It will involve all ten Trust schools and is being directed by our very own Mr Lee. It promises to be a very special event with over 70 Beckfoot students involved. Tickets can be purchased using this link and it would be lovely to see you there.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing our students return to school on Monday 30 October 2023!

Have a wonderful half term.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Pastoral 2

Posted 6th October 2023

Our Students are doing Amazing Things

The past couple of weeks have been really wonderful (despite the weather at times!) mainly because news of what our students are achieving is reaching me more and more often. I love the fact that so much is happening in school but also that our young people are doing extraordinary things beyond Beckfoot at local, regional and national level.

This week the PE staff were delighted to be able to share news of so many of our netballers being selected to represent Bradford Schools. Here is the list of our extremely talented athletes:

Year 10 – Arianna and Annie

Year 9 – Eva, Alana, Poppy and Alannah

Year 8 – Violet, Hannah and Lois

Year 7 – Nell

To have one student selected for this standard of play is special but to have 10 students involved is something we are very proud of. The sacrifice and dedication of each student over the years is paying off and I hope they enjoy the season ahead and the various experiences that will inevitably follow.

In music news, we found our last week the James in Year 10 has achieved the great honour of now being part of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. This group consists of just 160 young musicians from across the UK. James, alongside his orchestra peers, will perform at multiple venues including the Royal Albert Hall in London for the BBC Proms. The National Youth Orchestra is celebrated as the world’s greatest orchestra of teenagers. They play epic music and shape shift into different ensembles. They are very much seen as changemakers of their generation and we are so proud that one of our own is a part of that.

In other news, on Tuesday (26th September) we celebrated European Day of Languages with lots happening including tutor time activities to celebrate language learning. This year we looked at 'Links between Languages'. In line with our whole-school literacy strategy we really wanted students to start thinking about vocabulary and broadening their knowledge of where words come from (etymology). They were surprised by how many words they encounter in day -to- day life that come from other languages e.g. the word ‘genre’.

In KS3 there was a treasure hunt for students. Posters around school showed how various English words are linked by a foreign word (example - to think and the adjective pensive is linked by the French word penser). Students then tried to find as many of these words as possible to receive a prize. For KS4 and 5 there was a tutor quiz focussed on the fact that for each letter of the alphabet there is the definition of a word which has been borrowed from another language. It was really hard but also a lot of fun. For me these days are very important because they highlight that languages are important, more so now than ever but also that we are part of a world that has so much to offer if we are willing to broaden our horizons and be excited about learning beyond where we live.

Last week we welcomed a visitor from Queens College Cambridge to talk to two groups of Year 10 students who are interested in studying at either Cambridge or Oxford. I joined one of the talks and was genuinely excited about the possibilities for our students if they are willing to aim high and work hard. Our students loved hearing all about university life and the way in which learning is delivered at those very prestigious universities. These opportunities are important because I want our students to feel they can do anything in their lives if they apply themselves fully. I hate the idea of glass ceilings for young people and we are very proud of the wider curriculum offer at Beckfoot that allows our students to discover what is possible and available to them in a whole range of areas locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Finally, I am meeting with the Local Schools Committee next week. As you know this is a group made up of elected parents and staff. They are truly invested in Beckfoot and provide me with a great deal of challenge around student and staff welfare as well as parental engagement. They are always interested to hear your views or talk about how to get involved more with the school. Should you wish to do so please contact them via

Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather that has been promised.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 22nd September 2023

A great couple of weeks with students in the starring roles

3bde8691-e09b-4e79-8eeb-fbb180155fc7Last week we held our annual Open Evening for prospective students and families. It always comes around so quickly at the start the new school year. Each year I feel that we could not possibly do any better than we have done previously. How wrong I am every time.

This year was different though. We should have known by the crowds of people queuing from an hour before the event. It is an evening where we are excited to show our school but in an even more special way, it is an evening where it is our students who are the most excited and the proud of their school and that, as a cultural indicator, is so wonderful for me. DSC_0021Indeed, we had just over 375! students return to school to help us in a variety of roles including tour guides, faculty support, car parking and information providers. They were amazing.

On a personal note, I was delighted to be able to talk about Beckfoot, a place I love. I was able to share our successes, values and work with over twelve hundred people over three speeches. Many more attended but have heard me before and some just could not get in. Overall, we feel it was our busiest ever with somewhere close to two thousand visitors on the night.

I was then fortunate to be invited to one of our local feeder schools, Saltaire Primary, to talk again to families in a more intimate setting about Beckfoot and be available for questions afterwards. It is always a lovely evening at Saltaire Primary and it was a pleasure to be there to share our story and hopefully, in doing so, provide families with even more information that will help make the best decision for their children.

Last night we held an information evening for Year 11 families to share little insights into the year that lies ahead. We wanted to talk about working together, about the often turbulent nature of an exam year, about what to expect from us and key dates. About 250 people were there, more than we have ever known at such an event. It was a lovely evening full of warmth and care and even a few tears! Thank to Mrs Powell and Mr Wheeler for making it happen. The year group are in good hands.

In sporting news, our extra-curricular timetable is well underway with lots of training sessions and games coming thick and fast. The PE team are superb at keeping me informed as are our students. This week they let me know about Sofia and Alannah's achievements in gymnastics. Both girls competed in their club artistic gymnastics championship for 2023. Sofia was awarded Gold on Bars, Gold on Floor, ranked 3rd overall in zinc level with girls up to age 15 (she is only 12!). Alannah was awarded silver floor, Silver bars, bronze vault and floor, ranked 3rd overall in Copper level. Both girls are hugely committed and train 6 days a week for dance and gymnastics. I was delighted for them both not solely because of their achievements but because they are thoroughly decent young people who manage to find the balance between school and sport in their lives and long may that continue.

We also found out this week that Ella and Alice in Year 10 have been selected for the West Yorkshire County netball squad. To be selected for any form of representative honour is incredible but to be selected for your county is incredibly special. Both girls, once again, are very worthy of this selection. Not only are they talented and very athletic but they too manage to find that balance in their life and we are immensely proud of them.

Given that I have shared news about our students in sport I also want to let you know that our own Ms Sears, Head of Year 7, has once again been selected to attend the World Cheerleading championships in Orlando in April 2024. This is a huge opportunity and honour for her and her club, Elite, in Bradford and we wish her every success in her training and participation in the new year.

Continuing with the good news, this week a number of our Year 11 students were involved in a GCSE Hospitality and Catering exam. They spent three days involved in preparing, planning, cooking and writing. They cooked the most incredible dishes ranging from desserts to main meals including a Beef Wellington and the most incredible chicken and chips I have ever seen. They were so amazing, so engaged and so committed to being the best version of themselves possible. We could not have asked for more from any of them and I am excited as to what they are capable of as we progress through the year. Well done to each of them.

Finally, this week I sent you all a message about Ofsted. As you may or may not know, we are expecting a visit from them very soon. It will be our first visit since May 2014 when we were so thrilled to be recognised as an Outstanding school. We feel that our work in recent years, matched by the strongest outcomes in our school's history, mean that we are hopeful of retaining the honour of being considered to be an Outstanding provider in this area. It is here that I need your support. The views of our staff and students in our recent surveys in the summer term are incredibly positive and now I need to know if you feel similarly. It is important and will form part of the evidence base that Ofsted will look at when making a judgement about our school. We have a special school. Not perfect by any means but a school that has soul and cares deeply about young people. I hope you feel similarly and would be willing to complete the Parent View survey to help us.

Have a great weekend.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 8th September 2023

A very warm welcome back to Beckfoot

A very warm welcome back to Beckfoot.

At the end of our first week back to school the summer feels like a distant memory. That’s a good thing because it means we have been busy and the normal routines of school are back.

DSC_0108There are lots of reasons for our school community to be grateful. Firstly, we have an incredible building which has been cleaned, painted and polished with great care over the past six weeks. In the fine weather it’s gleaming and a fit and proper environment for our students to work and thrive in. Secondly, we have welcomed 277 new Year 7 students into our community and they have been amazing all week. Lastly, our staff and students have breathed life into our school once again and I have missed them. It has been wonderful to meet and chat with so many of them. Despite being understandably tired, they are on great form and ready for the opportunities and challenges of the year ahead.

The summer also saw a return to normal for exam results. I have to admit that I really worried about the impact on our students and the cacophony of noise coming from the government about grade deflation. Throughout the lead up to A Level and GCSE results, it was often cruel in my view. Despite those fears, our students have done brilliantly.

At A Level, our grades were only ever so slightly down in some subjects but the grades achieved enabled 86% of those applying to university to get onto their first choice course. Of those students, 25% gained places and prestigious Russell Group universities. The others all secured their chosen next steps into apprenticeships or work. We could not be prouder of a special group of young adults who have been through the most challenging time in terms of their education since Year 10. They are amazing young people who have demonstrated their resilience and drive and who will, no doubt, go on to do amazing things in fields such as medicine, dentistry, maths, physics, law, accounting, optometry, engineering, sport and so much more.

At GCSE we matched our best ever results in terms of basics (Maths and English) with 61% of students gaining strong passes in both and over 80% achieving standard passes, again in both. There were also the most incredible results in other subjects such as RE, Sport, Hospitality, Music, Health, Chemistry and Physics. We have used the achievements of our students this summer to show to all other students what it means to be successful, what it takes to get there and also to let them know that we will be with them every step of the way. All they have to do is show up every day, work hard, believe in limitless opportunities and leave the rest to us.

I have also shared with our students the amazing things our staff have been involved in over the past twelve months including this weekend and I could not be prouder of them all. I have shared that since last September over 20 teaching and support staff have spoken at national and international events about their work at Beckfoot. They have delivered workshops and talks on lots of aspects of our work including Quality of Teaching, Transformational Professional Development, the importance of Home Learning and the use of ILBs and Knowledge Organisers. They have spoken about school and student leadership, pastoral care, subject specific work and our use of Instructional coaching for teaching and support staff. Over the summer Mrs Tatlock was interviewed by the world renowned Australian educationalist, Ollie Lovell, and a two hour podcast came out on Monday all about our work on all matter of subjects. Mrs Smith and Ms Sullivan were published in the Chartered College of teaching journal where they explored coaching at Beckfoot. And tomorrow, 7 of our staff travel to London to speak about their work at the national ResearchEd conference. Beckfoot is not perfect, as you know, but we are doing a lot right and the staff are so incredibly dedicated to their craft. We have a lot to be proud about.

shot putIn sporting news, I want to tell you about Lauren in Year 10.  On 25 August she travelled to Birmingham to take part in the England athletics under 17 and under 15 events. Due to injury, she could only participate in the shot putt and reluctantly withdrew from her specialist running event. Despite that she managed to win Gold. It is an incredible achievement and is a result of years of hard work and dedication. We are immensely proud of her.

Finally, I have been delighted with the week. Our young people have been amazing and a pleasure to be with. They have set the bar for the year ahead and I simply want each of them to be happy, work hard, be decent and caring and get involved in school life within and beyond the classroom.

Have a great weekend.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 15th July 2023

That’s almost it for another year, and what a year it has been!

At this time in the school year, I tend to do a lot of reflection. I think back to last September and what we have achieved. I also begin to look forward and I am excited about the direction of our school and the amazing things our students will be a part of in 2023-2024.

On Thursday night I had the privilege of attending our final school production of the year, the Summer Serenade. It has been a feature of the Beckfoot calendar for many years and goes from strength to strength. It is an event that follows quickly on the heels of the Senior Concert in May and is an opportunity for students, especially our younger ones, to show what they can do as musicians. It is always a very poignant and special evening but none more so than last night. As I watched each performance to a sell-out audience, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate we are to have such a dedicated and committed Creative Arts faculty teams. They, alongside a host of other staff, work hard to create opportunities for our students to showcase their talents and build confidence along the way. Their hard work is always matched by the students who take you on a musical journey each time you see them perform. What really struck me last night is the huge array of talent that we have here. There seems to be a conveyor belt of talent year after year and it is exciting for our future. The We Will Rock You’ flash mob during the interval only served to whet the appetite for October when the production takes to our stage. I can’t wait!

This week our Summer Buzz e-magazine was launched. It is a joint publication from our students supported by Miss Mitchell and Mrs Wilson. This edition is particularly special because of the number of different features that are included. I love the variety and the contribution of our students. If you have not already had a chance to read it, the link is here.

IMG_0470In other news, one of our new Year 11 students, Joanna, recently spent a week in Slovenia representing England at an International Beekeeping Competition. Over 30 countries took part, competing with mixed international teams. Tasks included identifying honey sources by taste, queen marking and demonstrating colony reproduction. While in Slovenia she was treated extremely well, staying in a beautiful monastery and with all sorts of important people speaking at the opening and closing ceremonies. Joanna found time to visit an adventure park, churches and the headquarters of beekeeping in Slovenia. IMG_0469Speaking with her last week she felt it was an incredible opportunity and one of the best things she has ever done. Getting to spend time with young people from other countries and cultures and making amazing friends is an experience that will last a lifetime. England came third overall in the world at the end of the week which is an incredible achievement. She is very proud, as are we. To represent your country is very special and the memories will be with her long after the medals. Well done Joanna.

As many of you know, our local school committee (LSC) is a representative group of parents, staff and Trust directors who challenge me to ensure Beckfoot is moving forward and constantly reviewing practices to be better tomorrow than we are today. They form part of the Beckfoot governance structure and are dedicated to our school and its community. As part of their work as an elected body, they are tasked with visiting our school throughout the year to walk the corridors, visit lessons, talk to staff and students and find out about such things as staff and student welfare, academic progress and standards as well as see first-hand the impact of strategies used to drive the standards agenda for all. During Tuesday’s visit, they were blown away by the calmness of the building (something everyone comments on), the focus of students in lessons, the dedication of teaching and support staff and the overall culture and buzz that is our school. They spoke to students and met our Place 2 Be lead councillor. They asked challenging questions about our year and future plans. They feel we are doing great things here but also that our ambition is reassuring in terms of the focus on students, staff and ensuring that there is a greater sense of belonging throughout the school and our work on academic standards and personal development never wanes. I am grateful to work with such a dedicated and interested group. I want to thank them for their time and challenge over the past twelve months and I look forward to what is ahead of us.

Finally, I want to wish our staff and students a wonderful work experience and Enrichment Week. Over 1100 students are out and about next week doing all sorts of amazing things. Our Year 11 students will experience the world of work and will hopefully use that experience to drive them forward towards their GCSE exams next year. Years 8, 9 and 10 are involved in over forty different activities ranging from in-house arts and crafts and sports, to fashion and theatres in London, water sports and high adventure, camping and bushcraft, European visits and so much more. We will come together again on Friday for those on enrichment activities and reflect on the week as well as look forward to a bright year ahead. I very much hope every member of our community will have a great week full of memories, friendship and excitement.

I wish you all a happy, enjoyable and safe summer holiday and look forward to seeing our students once again in September.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Year 7 Transition 2023

Posted 7th July 2023

Our new academic year has, once again, been a huge success

Just three short weeks ago our new June to June academic year began with all our students moving up a year, making fresh starts and beginning new courses. It is always a special time for our students because they are a year older in school than their peers elsewhere and they feel like they are already moving ahead in their educational journey. Lessons and learning have been strong and the reason we make these changes now has been evident from the start; we get on with our core business of teaching to the highest level right through the year.

It has been lovely to talk to students about their experiences but none more so that those moving from Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4 (Year 9 into Year 10). They are wearing the new black uniform and there has been a real sense of pride in beginning GCSE courses well in advance of work experience. They have made a brilliant start, as have all our students. They have really embraced their new option subjects but, more importantly, they have demonstrated a strong desire to ensure their GCSE years are going to deliver success for them.

This time of year, also bring all manner of transition events. I have just mentioned the school year and all students transitioning into new year groups. We have also invited those students who have completed their GCSE exams to spend a week with us as new Year 12 Sixth Form students. Although it has only been a few weeks since we have seen them, they already look and seem older and more mature. They have had a great week experiencing life as Sixth Form students and their exposure to their chosen courses has given them a real flavour of what is like at A Level. It has been brilliant to have them back in the building and I am really excited about what they will bring to Post 16 provision at Beckfoot and the way they will inspire the next generation of sixth formers from right across our school.

Year 7 Transition 2023This week we have also welcomed our new Year 7 cohort. We had the full cohort of Year 6 students from our feeder primary schools into school on Monday evening with families and again yesterday. They spent a day with us experiencing life as a Beckfooter. They were magnificent and have very quickly understood the standards we work to here and the importance of meeting those standards. They met lots of our Year 13 students who looked after them throughout and were the most amazing role models throughout. I love Transition Day because you see the future and there is an excitement about new beginnings. I guess, when I look at the new students, I am hopeful more than anything else that they will be happy and successful at Beckfoot over the next five to seven years.

Model UN 2In other news there has been so much going on that I want to share. On Monday, following weeks of planning and training, we held our very first Model United Nations (UN) day with students from Year 10 to Year 13. The event began with welcome speeches followed by 2 short videos from the British Ambassador to Afghanistan and the Political Advisor to the UK peace keeping envoy to Africa. Ms. Ashraf has family that are linked to the UN and who helped by providing clear principles for the day that would help our students understand the intricate working of the organisation and their goals for the world stage.Model UN As the morning progressed, the students assumed roles of various world countries and quickly learned of the issues those countries face and how the UN would work with them alongside all other member states. At the end of the afternoon, they were in full swing participating and chairing a UN meeting with the most incredible arguments being motioned and debated by all those representing their countries and those who were assuming the roles of UN presidents and vice presidents. The dynamics between countries was evident as were the skills needed to present issues at a national level to understand how they could be resolved, or not, at UN level. The language used was utterly professional and advanced and the skills of oracy and listening were never better displayed in my time at Beckfoot then they were on Monday. I am so grateful to Ms. Ashraf and the fifty or more students who made the day such a success. It is an event that is here to stay and will only get stronger (if indeed that is possible!).

Futures 1At Post 16 last week we held Futures Day where our students were involved in learning and interviews from organisations such as HAYS, TransUnion, NHS Pharmacy, NHS Blood and Transport, Charles Kennedy, ITV, Bradford College, Morrisons, Medical Training, Dechra Pharmaceuticals, Altogether Financial, Bevan Britten Law, AI Gas Tech, The Firm and Expect Distribution amongst others. They were also given the opportunity to listen to university ambassadors, who delivered talks and supported students with their UCAS applications. Every Year 13 student ended the day with a first draft of their Personal Statement and the ‘All About Me’ letter that needed to be sent to their tutors. Futures 2They also completed a huge section of the UCAS application which is the earliest we have ever sough to prepare our students for life beyond Beckfoot. We were thrilled with their effort and focus throughout the day. Some even secured work experience and a number asked to consider working for the various organisations that they were involved with over the course of the day such was the impression they made. What a very special day.

Continuing the Theme of Careers, I am thrilled to tell you about how well our provision is viewed on a national level. Last week, Miss Mclean and Mrs Wilson travelled to Derbyshire to attend the UK Career Development Awards. The Career Development Institute, the professional body for careers education, shortlisted Beckfoot for the best careers programme in pre-16 education in the UK. Unfortunately, we didn't win but we did come runners up meaning that our careers provision is in the top two of all providers nationally. Add to that is the fact that we were beaten by an organisation that is not a school, means that we are the best school provider nationally! Now that is something to be hugely proud of and we are delighted to be recognised at this level!

Picture1Moving to another area of our work I want to let you know that throughout the year, eighteen year 11 Art Textiles students have been working with the Design Lab Nation project.  This has seen them take part in numerous museum visits including the V&A London, Cartwright Hall and the Industrial Museum working on a brief linked to rituals and traditions. The project also linked with an industry partner which allowed students to see how products are designed for the mass market at Melrose Interiors. Students have investigated their own rituals and traditions as well as looking at the cultures within Bradford both past and present.  They created numerous practical pieces of work and completed with their own practical piece that has been celebrated through an exhibition launched at Cartwright Hall this week. Our students were recognised for their creativity, passion, maturity, and commitment. The leadership of Mrs Young has enabled our students to be a part of something unique and special that will hopefully inspire them onto greater things and give them the confidence to know that they can achieve whatever they want if they are willing to work hard enough.

I also want to mention Rosa in our new Year 10. She is passionate about women’s sport and football in particular. She wrote a poem that was published in the Guardian women's football weekly newsletter 'Moving the Goalposts' just a few weeks ago. It is incredibly moving and very important for me to share with you. As you can imagine we are all very thrilled for her but also very proud.

Finally, we had our third Beckfoot Trust Challenge Day last week. The challenge days involved our CEO and members of the Trust Central Improvement Team (CIT) come into school for the day to really examine our provision and standards. The focus was on academic provision and standards for all students including those with additional needs and vulnerabilities. It was a challenging day with lots of probing and exploration. At the end of it we were delighted with what they concluded. We are doing so much right here, and our direction of travel is very strong. Of course, there’s always more to learn too and things we need to be better at. That will always be the case!

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 19th June 2023

Our new Academic Year begins. Where did the time go?

Today we begin our new academic year. It is incredible to believe that a year has passed so quickly and our students are moving up a year. I am excited for them and often think of what that means to each of them given it is not something any other school that we know does. I especially think about our Year 7 students and how they have settled into life at a new school and now they are suddenly in Year 8. I think about our new year 10 cohort and the excitement they must feel in their new uniforms at the outset of their GCSE journey, Finally, I think of our new Year 11 and Year 13 students. They know they are entering the final leg of their educational journey and how important the next 10 months will be for each of them. Regardless, it is exciting and I love the challenge that we present them with in the final weeks of the summer term. Thankfully, they never let us down both in terms of their attitude to their learning and their mature view of what the next 12 months will take to be successful.

In my last blog I spoke at length about the quality of our students who were in the midst of their GCSE and A Level exams and how they have created a legacy at Beckfoot in their time with us. Following that blog, a lot of students came to say thank you for the incredible opportunities they had throughout their years at school and the challenge and support provided to help them continually strive to be better learners, better citizens, better friends and ultimately, better people. It was a wonderful reminder (that we all need from time to time) about what we do, why we do it and the difference we can make to young lives every day. This week our GCSE exams come to an end and most of our A level students will also sit their final exam. The past 6 weeks have flown by and our students have been amazing. They have navigated their way through each day and each week with astounding maturity and a determination to do their very best each time they enter an exam venue. We are so proud of them and I very much hope that they get some well earned rest and enjoy and happy and safe summer holiday.

Lords 1The opportunities for our students continue to come thick and fast. Last week, our Table Cricket team left Shipley train station just after 6.30am to travel to Lords, the home of cricket in London. They were so excited to travel as Yorkshire champions and were determined to do their best no matter what. Lords 2Mrs Macdonald and Mr Barnes kept the information flowing throughout the day about their progress and staff were glued to their screens eagerly anticipating the next piece of news about how the games were going. They won the first game, then the second followed quickly by the third. We were getting excited! They eventually made the national semi-final and were unbeaten. They were drawn to play the favourites, last year’s national champions. There was a delay in the proceedings and eventually the news came through that they had won comfortably and were in the national final. Incredible! By the end of the day the staff were exhausted and anxious. It came down to the final ball and Beckfoot needed to score a 6 to win. Alas, it didn’t happen and we were pipped by the narrowest of margins. We were national finalists and runners up. What an incredible achievement and I am so proud of them. They came to briefing on Monday and I was humbled at the reaction of the staff to the 8 students and three sixth form students who stood before them with their medals. It was very special for us all. A special thank you to Mrs Macdonald and her team including three Sixth Form helpers for creating the opportunities for students to dream and for the experiences they had along the way.

Just before half term Ms Senyk was accompanied by two Year 9 students Ayesha and Arianna to the Lord Mayor’s office in Leeds. They were part of a wider group of students, including four other schools from Leeds and Bradford that wanted to talk to Tracy Brabin about the cost of public transport for young people and racist incidents whilst using public transport across West Yorkshire. This followed a student campaign focussed on the Cost of Living and Anti-Racism. Both girls were utterly brilliant and represented themselves, Beckfoot and Bradford with great maturity and confidence.

Today, our students in Years 7 to 10 were rewarded for their attitude to learning with a trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Over 900 of them travelled in a convoy of coaches and had the most amazing day in the sunshine. It is a special day because our young people are being rewarded for getting it right in school. It is yet another example of us listening to our student voice and making sure that our young people and the efforts are recognised through this trip, our red carpet events and through Class Charts.

Untitled design (2)On Thursday, we held our annual Beckfoot University graduation event at Victoria Hall in Saltaire. It is a wonderful venue to recognise the commitment to enrichment and leadership opportunities through their first year at our school. The majority of the year group managed to complete the challenges set and qualify to graduate. Some went way above and beyond what was required with three students in particular amassing over 500 hours of commitment to both. It is such a special event and seeing the faces of those families present when their children arrive into the main hall in their graduation gowns and mortar board hats. Mrs Douglas and Ms Sears reminded us all about the impact each student has made at Beckfoot and how they have grown throughout the year. Each of them received their certificate of graduation and finally we got the all-important photos of them throwing their hats in the air at the end. It was a very special night to mark the end of their first year at Beckfoot. They are a fabulous group of students and I am excited to see what they will achieve in the years ahead.

DSC_0085On Wednesday we held our annual Sports Day. In 21 years at Beckfoot I have never seen so many students take part. The day began with Mr Sykes setting up the field from 6:00am. The morning session was the field events with students taking part in Javelin, Discus, Shot Putt, Long Jump and Triple Jump. They then had a break from the sun as they had their lunch and the afternoon field events took place. The noise levels on the field were really quite something as each race was greeted with cheers and whistles. DSC_0077The sportsmanship and camaraderie on show spoke volumes to me about the culture the PE faculty have created with their students. It is often usual for a record to be broken and many of our records have stood for many years. What is most unusual is to have 11 records broken such was the talent on show all day. It really was a wonderful day and reminded me why I first became a PE teacher all those years ago. I miss it often but especially so on Wednesday. A huge thank you to Mr. Sykes, the PE staff and all the volunteers from staff to Sixth Form students who made it possible.

Finally, and continuing the sporting theme I want to congratulate Ayaan and Charlie who have been selected to represent West Yorkshire cricket at their age group. I love sharing individual and collective success with you all mainly because it represents years of hard work and commitment to a sport or activity. These two are very talented young people but, more importantly, they are thoroughly decent young men who will represent themselves, their families and our school brilliantly each time they pull on the Yorkshire shirt. That is special.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 26th May 2023

Saying goodbye is never easy

I have loads to share with you as usual but I will leave most of that until next time because I want my words today to be just about our Year 11 and 13 students.

202On Monday the 15 May the exam season began in earnest. Every year it seems to arrive more quickly than the last and I am always worried about whether we have done enough with and for our students; have we prepared them well enough; have we instilled a confidence in them that they can do this and do they know, I mean really know, how much we care. This year I needn’t have worried.

Over the past two weeks our GCSE and A Level students have been nothing short of phenomenal. Success matters to them. They have approached the challenge of each day with a maturity and positivity that I have not seen, perhaps ever in my career. They have simply been magnificent and they deserve to do well and have a good life beyond our school. In truth that is all I really want for them.

DSC_0009Saying goodbye to Year 11 on Wednesday was special and very emotional. After their GCSE English exam they allowed themselves the time to relax and reflect on the past five years. There was lots of shirt signing, lots of hugs and more tears than I can ever remember. In the afternoon, the students came together for the very last time to listen to us speak to them, to receive awards, listen to their friends play music and indulge Mr. Donlan as he sang a Killers masterpiece! Mrs. Wade, Ms. Mallinson-Powell and Mrs. Harris told them how much they would be missed and reminded them of their legacy at Beckfoot and it was a really lovely event. They stayed well after 3pm to eat food, drink and just spend time together and with their teachers. As I watched I was reminded that we get a lot right at Beckfoot and that we care more here than anywhere else I can think of.

DSC_0008(2)I managed to compose myself to say a few things to them because it is important to me. I reminded them that all I ever wanted for them at Beckfoot and in life was four things:

  • To feel like they belonged
  • To feel that we cared
  • To feel that their life chances will be so much better because they are Beckfooters
  • To be happy

As I spoke, I watched each of them and I know they understood. Their actions over the past months have demonstrated that they understand and their determination to be utterly brilliant is something I have had the pleasure to witness every day. Despite the often dismal portrayal of education in the media in recent years, standing in front of them on Wednesday made me feel like the luckiest man alive. At that moment, I was.

Today will be no easier because today we say good bye to our very special Year 13 students. Most have been with us for seven years and some for just two. Today will not be easy for them. They began with us as 11 year olds and in the blink of an eye their Beckfoot journey is coming to an end.DSC_0006(1)

I will personally struggle today because this is the year group that welcomed me back to Beckfoot in 2019 with open arms. Every day since then they have made me feel welcome and feel that the work being done with them and for them is worthwhile.

I want them to go out into the world and be proud of themselves. I want them to be proud of the fact that they have been educated in a comprehensive school in Bradford and that they are ready and able to do amazing things. I want them to stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone, anywhere in the world and know they are just as good if not better because of who they are and where they have come from. I want them to always know that we are here for them in the weeks, months and years ahead. I guess all I really want them to know is that they are special and that we will always be grateful to have known them and been a part of their lives.

We have an Ice-cream van coming on site later. I will join them and will be secretly hoping to that there will be a flake to go with my cone! Then they will leave and our light will shine a little less brightly for a while.

Have a great half term and take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 12th May 2023

A few memories created before the serious business of exams

shutterstock_238319449On Monday the GCSE and A Level exam season begins. I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone and my strong desire is that our Year 11 and Year 13 students are ready to do their very best and achieve everything they are capable of and more. They are incredible young people who deserve success and the right to a good life. They have worked with us over the years and understand their responsibility to make that a reality more so now than ever.

5e94275c-5c0a-4114-9c19-3ee64dc0b19bLast week we held our Prom nights for Year 11 on the Thursday and for Year 13 the following day. Both events took place at the Mercure Bankfield Hotel and were a huge success. I tend to think about the success of these type of events in very simple terms. Firstly, did our students have a wonderful time and create lifelong memories and secondly did they represent themselves, their families and Beckfoot brilliantly. For me they were even more amazing than I thought possible.

5bdeba57-da63-4962-b632-50e7efaeefd5Both evenings began with the usual array of entrances. Some arrived in vintage cares, some in cars that cost Prom 1more than most houses, some on foot, one or two in an ambulance and then there was Harvey! They came dressed in style too and each of them looked wonderful. These events matter to them and they want to spend a fantastic evening in each other’s company for possibly the final time. They talked, they danced, they laughed and cried and they made sure they would remember their evening for years to come. They were respectful, considerate and kind and I felt very proud to lead a school full of such amazing young people. As I said earlier, they deserve the very best life has to offer them and I hope the next few weeks will be full of opportunities for them to shine.

Image (8) (1)On Friday we then took our Year 11 students to Flamingo Land in North Yorkshire. They had the most brilliant time and loved the fact that they did not have to queue for anything. They spent time with each other away from the pressures of the looming exams and were free for a few hours enjoying all that the park had to offer. We asked them to have a great time and to respect other visitors and the park. They did that and so much more and, again, I felt proud knowing that they are ready for their next steps and will be able to navigate the next few weeks and months with ease because of how they have grown and matured over their time at Beckfoot.

I want our students and families to know that they are ready for whatever the next few weeks will bring. I want you all to know that we will be with them every step of the way and we will look after them no matter what. They are ready for the rite of passage that are exams and they know what to do. Whilst we cannot sit the papers for them, we will make sure that they don’t need to worry about anything other than being ready to demonstrate their knowledge on paper and believe in themselves and their abilities.

In other news I want to thank our LRC staff for the visit of children’s author, Matt Oldfield, who came to school on Tuesday. Matt is best known for his Ultimate Football Heroes books which are hugely popular with so many of our students. He spent the day talking to students and leading some ‘bouncing back from setbacks’ creative writing workshops. He signed books and shared his experiences in a way we could never do. He was kind, had time for each student and his energy was something to behold. He loved the school and will, perhaps, come back to see us again soon we hope. These types of experiences are very important and special because we know that for at least one student, his time with us will inspire them to greatness and for that we are grateful.

Finally, I want to share with you a moment for me as headteacher. It may seem odd but I want to briefly mention our fire alarm practice last Wednesday. You see, for me, such a practice is a clear indicator of culture. It involves approximately two thousand people and is, therefore, one of the few whole school opportunities I have to really examine what we stand for and the impact of our work on every member of our school community. We evacuated the building in four minutes, in silence. Our students lined up in their tutor groups and allowed staff to take the all important registers. They waited patiently again in silence until the signal was received that we could return safely to the building and then, they walked back to their classrooms in respectful silence to get on with the rest of their day. It was very special and easily the best such practice I have ever been involved with in 30 years. Interestingly, we had a number of visitors in school that morning each of whom had never witnessed anything quite like what they saw from our staff and students on that morning. I know we are not perfect here and that I/we make lots of mistakes but we get such a lot right and Wednesday was yet another reminder that we get to work with wonderful young people who are more self-actualised than I have ever known. A small thing that is worth sharing.

Have a great weekend and take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 28th April 2023

Bees, Exams, Sport and Goodbyes

Welcome back following the Easter break. I very much hope that you managed to get some much needed rest. I have loads to share this week but with a tinge of sadness as we prepare to say goodbye to Mr Darling after 19 years at Beckfoot.

202This week our students have been sitting end of year assessments across the subject range. Nothing new there. However, we have been trialling the opportunity for all year groups to sit at least some of their exams in the sports hall which, as you know, is the venue for most GCSE and A Level exams. The rationale for this is to provide as many opportunities as possible for our students to experience the venue, the rules around public exams and to demystify the process so that by the time they are ready for public exams, they are more than ready and know exactly what to expect. All of our students from Years 7 to 10 and Year 12 have been in this week and I have been thrilled with their approach and response. It matters to them and they want to do their best. The conversations with so many of them have been wonderful and also hugely reassuring because they have worked hard to prepare for their exams in order to be the best they can. The learning from these exams is also hugely important because it provides information for staff, students and families about what they know, what still needs work and also next steps. I am very grateful to our exams team, to our staff and most especially to our students who got it so right this week. Well done.

Continuing the theme of exams, I had the privilege to spend time with lots of Year 11 students since our return to school. Last week we had our French speaking exams which also marks the beginning of exams for me. Despite nerves our students were brilliant throughout. It really matters to the that they do well for themselves and their teachers. The levels of trust and encouragement between staff and students last week was very special and I loved watching (from a distance of course) our students prepare themselves and then go and do the exam. This week our A Level linguists have been doing similarly and they too have been a joy to observe. The thing that really strikes me is how much it matters to them. And what I mean by that is that being the best version of themselves in important. How they represent themselves, their teachers and the school matters and I love that.

I also had the pleasure of listening to the almost finished musical compositions of our GCSE music tech students. Reggae was the theme and I was blown away by the levels of talent and creativity from each of them. I was also humbled that they wanted me to listen and tell them what I thought. That bit was easy for me!!

Picture2Picture1Our students continue to shine in all they do and there have been some notable things happening in recent weeks. A first for our school involves Joanna in Year 10.  Recently, she applied for a place to represent England in an international youth beekeeping competition called IMYB. This year IMYB is a competition and meeting of over 40 counties in Slovenia. Joanna attended the selection day at the British Beekeeping Association Headquarters and was successful at gaining a place on a team of three to represent England in Slovenia! The event involves written papers, practical assessments as well as events like honey identification. It is also heavily focused on interaction with different cultures and will offer her the opportunity to communicate with so many other young people who don’t speak the same first language. It is a very exciting opportunity for her to continue to learn and compete with other beekeepers and it is an incredible achievement to represent your country. We wish her well.

Instagram Update (1)Charlie, again in Year 10, who has been mentioned in my previous blogs, is a very talented rugby player who, a few months ago, was selected to be mentored by full England international, George Furbank. Over the Easter holidays, Charlie was invited down to Northampton Saints to watch them train, learn about life as a professional rugby player, have a 1:1 training session with George, a tour of the facilities and stadium and some time just talking to George about all manner of things. Speaking with him this week, Charlies loved the time spent with George and the opportunity to watch, first hand, what life might be like for him in a few years of he continues to work hard. He was inspired by everything he saw and noted and wants more. He is a tremendous talent who is already playing for Yorkshire. He now has a better understanding of what is required to fulfil his dream and I have little doubt he will do all he can to make that dream a reality.

thumbnail_PHOTO-2023-03-29-21-31-47 6 blurredContinuing the sporting theme, I want to tell you about another very special achievement this week. On Tuesday, our table cricket team travelled to Headingley to take part in the Yorkshire championships with the promise of a trip to Lords, the home of cricket, awaiting the winners. For many years we have sent teams to this event and for many years we have ended our interest at this stage. Most of this year’s team had some experience last year and they learned so much from the experience. On Tuesday evening we hear the news that they has played four games and won all four. They were Yorkshire champions and were going to London. Seeing them return to Beckfoot on Tuesday evening and being allowed to hold the winner’s trophy surrounded by the team was very special. It is rare that I am so moved but Beckfoot is a very special school that is interested in all students and wants each of them to have a moment they will never forget. This year, our table cricket team will make memories that will last a lifetime. No matter what happens at Lords in July, I am so proud of each of them. I want to say a huge thank you to Mrs Macdonald, Mr Hines and Sixth Form students Lois, Jade and Bryn for their commitment to preparing the team and supporting them through the past few months.

Screenshot 2023-04-28 132847Finally, today we will say goodbye to Tom Darling after 19 years at Beckfoot. I am one of the few who remember Tom when he first arrived as a trainee History teacher all those years ago. Frustratingly, he has not aged a bit since then unlike the rest of us. What struck me about Tom way back then was his ability to relate to young people. They immediately liked him, knew he cared and wanted to do well for him whether that was in his lessons or his tutor group. Whenever I wanted to trial something, get some fresh eyes on a plan or document, I often went to Tom. Whenever there were struggles with technology it was Tom. Whenever a young person needed anything it was often Tom. His talent shone through right from the start and that eventually led him to a role on the leadership team at Beckfoot. Tom is one of the goods ones, always has been. He has helped to transform our approach to such things as tutoring, behaviour, rewards, attendance and pastoral care. He has been invited to share his work at local and national level and has also been invited to support the work of other schools and Multi-Academy trusts through partnerships and sharing of the best practice he has developed.

bf2a3f37-248d-4458-89d9-ada7b749c41e - CopyToday is a sad day. We are losing a brilliant teacher and leader. We are losing a trusted colleague who cares about very little other than the welfare of young people. But most of all we are losing a friend. Tom is relocating down south and has secured a deputy head position in a school that will only benefit from his expertise, approach and determination to improve the life chances of all those in his care. We will miss him but we are also so grateful, for the time he has spent with us and the impact he has made.

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 3rd April 2023

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

As the Spring term draws to a close, I want this blog to celebrate successes at school and individual level because there is always so much going on that needs to be shared. I’ll begin by celebrating out students’ successes – Sian, Swimming, Golf, Sport in general, Izzy Holmes

thumbnail_Sian2A few months ago, I became aware of the Geoff Rofe Young Volunteer of the Year award. This award recognises the work being done across the country in the world of badminton and is incredibly prestigious. Sian Phillips, who is often mentioned in my blogs, was nominated and I had the great pleasure of being able to support that nomination as her headteacher. As the weeks went by, I absolutely know that I became a little annoying because I was asking her almost daily if she had heard anything. Anyway, just a couple of weeks ago we got the news that she had won. I was thrilled as were Sian and her family. Here are a few things that were said about her at the ceremony.

Picture1Since achieving her Level 1 coaching qualification, Siân volunteers every week at the Bradford Kobras Performance Centre in Yorkshire, helping to coach and inspire younger players.

Siân shadows her school PE teacher twice a week and observes his approach to SEND and how she can use that herself in coaching and mentoring younger players.

In addition, Siân has shown PE teachers how to lead and coach badminton sessions to ensure that best practices are used in future PE lessons and has led school assemblies on welfare and eating disorders in sport which have been received very positively from fellow pupils and teachers alike.

She does all of this whilst working tirelessly towards her A Levels this year and achieve her very high predicted grades.

Siân is also an active member of Badminton England’s National Youth Voice Forum where she regularly attends meetings and represents the voice of young people within the badminton community.

We are delighted that Sian has won because she deserves it. She has a bright future ahead of her and we will miss her when she leaves in a few weeks. Before then there is the small matter of her A Levels!

In other sporting news, the PE department continue to provide the most wonderful opportunities and experiences for our students in a wide range of sports including football, rugby, basketball, netball, dance, cheerleading, table tennis, badminton, hockey and so much more. The staff, and not just those in the PE team, give so freely of their time here that I am truly humbled by them. Each evening there are huge numbers of our students here doing all manner of sporting activities. It is the Friday sessions that continue to amaze me because the culture of the school is such that our staff and students are happy to be here well into their weekend and long may that continue.

Golf (1)Talking of weekends, I want to thank Mr. Sykes for his commitment to ensuring all of our students get to have their moment in the limelight through sport. Over the past few weekends he has given up his Saturdays to take our swim team to the Bingley schools gala and his Sundays to support our wonderfully talented rugby players. He has also now diversified into golf. Yes, golf! Last week our students came first and runners up in the West Yorkshire schools golf tournament. The team made up of Lachlan, Tom H, Tom B, Fergus, Ben and Josh will now represent West Yorkshire in the Yorkshire schools’ finals. I am so happy that we can facilitate these opportunities for our students to get involved in such competitions. A special mention to Lachlan, Tom B and Tom H who won overall, to Tom B and Fergus for finishing second and to Tom H for winning overall.

CharlieContinuing the sporting theme Charlie P in Year 9 has been selected for West Yorkshire schools once again but, this year, has gone one step further in his development by being selected for the England Schools U15 indoor cricket squad. Charlie has a few more training sessions to go before a final team selection ready for the World series in Dubai. He has put an enormous amount of time and effort into this and his humility is an example to us all. We wish him well over the next few weeks and want him to know how proud we are of him.

DSC_0068 (1)Last week we held our annual Beckfoot Young Musician of the Year finals in the school hall. It did not disappoint. Before I go into detail, I want to thank all those students who did not make the finals. The standard is so high that not everyone can make it through but their talent is never in question and they will be back next year I know. On the night a full house was treated to the most amazing talent. There were singers, bass guitarists, ensembles, rock bands, soul bands, pianists, sax players and so much more. The show began with James (last year’s winner) playing the violin and I wondered how on earth we can top that but we did. It was a very special night. Winners included:

  • DSC_0068Most improved (voted for by Music Teachers): James C
  • Players player (voted for by students): Lizzie B
  • Key stage 3 audience vote winner: Jimmy L
  • Key stage 4/5 audience vote winner: Thomas S
  • Key stage 3 ensemble winners: Olivia B and Phoebe S
  • Key stage 4/5 ensemble winners: Caden, Luca, Isaac, Brandon and Rowan
  • Key stage 3 solo runner up: Jimmy L
  • Key stage 3 solo winner: Isla C
  • Key stage 4/5 solo runner up: Jonas C
  • Key stage 4/5 winner: Caden M
  • Young musician of the year 2023: Caden M

Sitting in the audience throughout the evening gives an opportunity to really reflect on what we are trying to do as a school both in terms of delivering a really good education but also in terms of the wider opportunities we are providing for our young people. We are getting a lot right at Beckfoot and for that I am hugely proud and very grateful to all those who work to make Beckfoot special. I want to thank Mike Lee and Matt Stimpson for all they do and their wider team who make it all possible.

This week over 85% of our students have been enjoying Red Carpet rewards events including movies, sport, art, computing and pizza. It is always a special week for us because it is important to recognise the talents and efforts of our students. They are the ones who continue to drive our school forwards and I am thrilled that we have these opportunities throughout the year to say thank you.

In curriculum matters our Year 7 students enjoyed a drop down day learning all about Dystopia with the English faculty. They loved it and especially the rather over the top performance by Mr. Thomas at the outset! Our Year 10 students spent the day yesterday, learning all about healthy relationships, sex and safety. It was delivered by the Hale group and was very well received by our students. I love that we can run these types of intensive educational days away from the normal rigour of the classroom. They provide opportunities to learn in a different way and also the opportunities to really think hard about certain topics that will be invaluable to them when they leave us. It is very special and there are more to follow in the summer term.

Last night we had a first for Beckfoot but something that was long overdue. Our Sixth Form students held Iftar in our hall and it was a privilege to join them. They decorated the hall, arranged the food and prayer and it was such a lovely event. I guess what really touched me was the number of non-Muslim students who were invited to join their friends and did so. I loved the atmosphere, the pride in their culture and religion that oozed from our students and their determination to share. I felt very lucky to have been able to spend that quality time with our oldest students. They love their school and want us to continue to grow and provide these type of opportunities long after they leave. A huge thank you to Duah and his friends for making this happen and for all they did to make our first Iftar special.

Finally, we break up today for a couple of weeks. I hope you all manage to get some well deserved rest and relaxation. I would ask that our Year 11 and Year 13 students make use of the time to cement their learning through revision. The mock results last week provided a reality check for many and boost in confidence for others. It is vital that the reaction is positive and determined. I want them to complete all the home learning that has been set for them. Using the Easter break to their advantage can make the difference of a whole grade or more and I would urge them to have a plan for each day, stick to it and also to use SENECA learning and UPLEARN (post 16). These can really help with building knowledge and understanding beyond the classroom and commit things to memory in readiness for the exams which are just around the corner when we return.

For others in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, the end of year exams take place just after Easter. These are important and will test the knowledge of our students based on their learning this year. They know what to expect and what to revise in readiness. Success is always down to hard work and putting in the time and effort now will pay off in the results achieved. Academic success, what ever that may look like to each individual student is a good thing and is often the route to a really good life beyond school. All of our young people deserve that and so it is the good habits now that has the power to determine the future for each of them.

We open again on Monday 17 April 2023 and look forward to seeing all our school once again on that date.

For now though, take care, get some rest and enjoy the longer evenings and slightly warmer days.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 17th March 2023

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

cloverI have been in this country since 1989 and I remember thinking as a 17/18 year old that I would spend three years in London, get my degree, play a bit of football and just enjoy the experience. Well, almost 34 years on, I am still here and very happy to be. I don’t often miss home these days but at this time of year when my friends and family are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, I often find myself wishing to be back there once again for just a few days. Anyway, for those of you that celebrate, I hope you have a lovely evening and weekend. I also hope for a decent performance from our rugby team in Dublin tomorrow!

A huge part of my life over the past twenty years has been Beckfoot and I love this place. I also very much hope that every child who is here or has passed through our doors has also been happy and gone on to do great things in their life. Each year, in March, we discover which local families have bestowed on us the honour of educating their child for the next five to seven years and this year we have learned that all 270 places have been allocated to families who chose us as their first choice. It is incredible but I am also acutely aware that many did not get a place with us and I sometimes wish we had more places to offer. For the past few years I am aware that, annually, over 1700 families chose Beckfoot as one of their choices and for that I am hugely grateful. I am excited to welcome our new cohort in the summer term and hope they will bring a great deal to our school community in the time they will be with us.

Sixth form logoContinuing the theme of placements at Beckfoot. Over the past few weeks we have been interviewing our own Year 11 students for a place in our Sixth Form which is such a special part of our school. I love having them here and I love the influence they have on the aspirations of our young people every day. They model our standards and expectations in all that they do and they demonstrate, all the time, the importance of hard work, independent learning and what it means to be motivated to succeed in education. The interviews have been a breath of fresh air in that they have allowed many of my team and I to sit and have the most wonderful conversations with incredibly talented, driven and bright young people. They want to stay with us. They know the quality of education they will get with us, the opportunities to get involved in all manner of things from leadership to work experience and a super curriculum that will enhance their future aspirations. I am thrilled that over 70% of them are hoping to join us in September and I am even more thrilled that they feel we are the best option for them.

This week and next week we are also interviewing over 150 external applicants to our Sixth Form. They too have been a delight to talk to and many are really hoping to be offered a place with us. External students bring a wealth of diversity and experience to our school and each year, within weeks, it always feels like they have been with us for years. I wish each of them the very best of luck in the process.

Linked to Post 16 and 18 ambitions has been the recent mock exam series. For two weeks our Year 11 and 13 students have been sitting mock exams and it has been a phenomenal experience for each of them. I know it has also been tiring but the learning from those exams will provide the specific information each student needs to achieve their targets grades and beyond. Their collective maturity and desire to succeed has been a feature of the process and I thank each of them for their work, their efforts and their drive in the coming weeks to do special things in the summer GCSE and A Level exams. What I do know is that we will be shoulder to shoulder with them each step of the way.

113Culturally, Beckfoot continues to grow and thrive. Our students have been busy getting involved in all manner of things such as World Book Day, charitable sporting and creative events, and today getting involved in raising money for those less fortunate through comic relief. Our Beckfoot Student Leaders group (BSL) continue to be the driving force for much of this work but so too are our Sixth Form students who provide the ideas, opportunities and guidance to the younger ones to make a difference. I hope today is a great day and another opportunity to think about putting others first and the importance of such qualities as selflessness.

As mentioned above, World Book Day was, yet again, a huge success. The majority of staff dressed up and, alongside the wonderful LRC staff, made the day special. Each child read a full book throughout the day with a chapter read to students in each lesson. They loved it. The opportunity to highlight the importance of reading and the impact of making reading a part of your life should never be missed. 2I am so grateful to Mr. Parkinson, the LRC staff and the entire Beckfoot community for embracing the opportunity to highlight such an importance aspect of our work and the undoubted impact it will have had on our students.

Beckfoot Young Musician 2023 (2)Finally, on Wednesday next week we have our Young Musician of the Year event. It is always such a special few hours on our calendar because of the incredible talent we have in our school. I cannot wait and I hope to see so many of you there. It has been really important to us to reschedule this and so I thank you for your understanding and patience. The snow caused some issues for our community last week and, if I am being honest, I care little for snow and how it can impact our lives and the education of our community so quickly. I thank you for your wonderful understanding and support for the decisions I have had to make. It is hugely appreciated as always.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 24th February 2023

Wellbeing is front and centre at Beckfoot

Welcome back to half term four. I hope you all had a wonderful half term break, managed to get some rest and spend time with family and friends.

IMG_20230213_090953_725Over half term over fifty staff and students travelled to Austria to enjoy a week of skiing and other ski related activities. They left school on the Friday we finished for the holiday and returned over the weekend. The feedback from staff, students and families has been phenomenal and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I am so grateful to the staff that planned and led this trip, to the students who represented Beckfoot so brilliantly and to our families who provided incredible support and feedback and gratitude for the opportunity. The most important thing is that everyone returned home fit and well and keen to return next year.

This week has seen our Year 11 and Year 13 students heavily involved in their full GCSE and A Level mock exams. Over the course of this week and next, they will sit full exams in each subject they are studying and the experience is so critical as part of our plans to ensure each of them is fully prepared for the summer. I have to say that they have been magnificent throughout because they care. Success matters to them. I have seen them each day to remind them of their responsibilities to themselves and the absolute necessity to invest in themselves and their futures NOW. They get it. I have also reminded them that they will learn a great deal from the process both in terms of the experience but also in terms of being clear about what they know at this stage and what they don’t. Staff will work very hard over the next few weeks, giving up evenings and weekends to mark the scripts and use the learning from that to plan for the journey to the summer. They are hugely invested in and committed to ensuring that our students will be well prepared for their exams and close the gaps in knowledge and understanding that emerge from the mock exams. It is for those reasons that this time of year is so important for us all. As always, I am humbled by our staff and students and the levels of care, compassion and interest that I witness every day. Beckfoot is a special place but it is at times like these that the culture of care really shows itself to all.

I would like to thank our families for their attendance at our virtual Year 7 parents evening last night. Our attendance figure was 98% which is a wonderful indicator of engagement with both Beckfoot and their child’s education. It was the first opportunity to hear first-hand how our Year 7 students are doing in their first six months as Beckfooters. They are a wonderful year group and are very important to us. They are so well cared for by their teachers and pastoral leaders. They have thrown themselves fully into life at Beckfoot and have been a huge part of both our curriculum and enrichment programmes in that time. I look at them every day and I see the young people they are growing up to be. They are kind, selfless, curious, interesting and genuinely decent young people. We are proud of them and simply wish to see them continue to shine in all they do at Beckfoot.


As you know I love to celebrate the achievements of our students and this week I have two very special Year 11 students to mention. The first is Oliver who competed in the 60m sprint event at the England Athletics indoor championships at the weekend. Oliver won his heart in a time of 7.03 seconds and qualified 5th fastest overall for the semi-finals. In that race he came fourth overall placing him as the eleventh fastest in the country this year. He is an amazing athlete with a bright future ahead of him. The second is Holly who has been selected to represent Yorkshire in the annual tennis county cup being held at Bath University next weekend.  Yorkshire are competing against teams from Cheshire, Middlesex and Surrey. This is the first time she has been chosen to play at this level and she has worked very hard over recent years, whilst she is incredibly humble, she is also very excited. We wish her well. What is clear in the case of both students is that they are really bright, hard working and humble. They totally get the importance of hard work in terms of their sport, school and in life. They have an ability to find balance in all they do and I have little doubt both will go to achieve amazing things in their lives because of who they are, their mindset, their resilience and their drive. We are very proud of them both as we are of all our students.

FfEE - WellbeingFinally, I am very excited to let you know that we have been the recipient of yet another national award this week. We were informed, on Wednesday that our application for accreditation of transforming practice in wellbeing has been successful. This means that Beckfoot has met the highest standards of the Framework for Exceptional Education and that your work in this area is amongst the most effective practice nationally. We are thrilled, given our commitment to wellbeing over the past three years especially. This work has been led by Alex Denham and Aieshah Ickringill and supported by numerous staff and students over the past 6-8 months. For me, the process allowed us to really consider our provision and practice but also have it tested out via external moderation. That moderation involved staff and students who were incredibly proud of what their school is doing in this area. Our students were so articulate about the importance of the work being done around wellbeing and the impact it has had on family and friends especially since lockdown. The report we received this week was a moment to stop and reflect on what we do here and why we do it. It was also a time to really consider next steps in order for us to be better tomorrow than we are today. That is our determination.

Take care
Simon Wade, Headteacher

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

Posted 10th February 2023

Where has this half term gone?

At the end of today our staff and students will head home for a well deserved half term break. It has been a blistering six weeks and I am thrilled with so much that has been a feature of our work over that time. Much of my delight has been shared with you in previous blogs but, despite my last one only being last week, I still have a great deal to tell you about before we finish.

Year 8 mindful drawing 3It is Children’s Mental Health week and so much has been happening across school. As you know we are heavily invested in supporting our entire community in terms of mental health. We have four days each week of Place2Be and an additional four days of provision from the Mental Health Support Team giving us the equivalent of eight days per week of bespoke support for our staff and students. In addition, we are very open about our views on mental health through such things as tutor time, assembly time, notice boards and display, our curriculum, our enrichment programme and so much more. I very much want our students to feel that they belong at Beckfoot and that they are cared for and matter the most. I want them to know that it is ok not to be ok sometimes and that we are here to help in any way we can. I think they know that because so many have benefited directly or indirectly from what we do here. Indeed, we have had the privilege to support over five hundred families and a great deal more students over the past two years especially. Place2BeThe impact is a more settled student population, increased attendance and more aspirational and happy young people. For those of you that know me, you will be very aware that I do not believe that we are perfect. My fundamental belief is that we do a great deal that is right but we also make mistakes which we are determined to learn from. Our school is a happy place for most. At times we need to do more for our students but the determination and strategy to do just that is there and I am very proud of that. This week has enabled us all to think about our mental health and to be more aware of the impact on ourselves and others. That will always be a good thing.

I want to let you know about some work that has been happening in music over the course of this half term. Selected Year 9 students have been taking part in a Lyrics and Poetry writing workshop with a well known local poet, Kirsty Taylor and rapper, Josh Depass. The workshops are linked to a larger production written by Josh called "Tale of 2 Estates", a story about Bradford's youth which fuses Rap, Theatre and Film. In the workshops the students have been exploring themes of culture, class and race, whilst picking apart character profiles from the 2 main characters from the story of Tale of 2 Estates. Throughout the students have demonstrated an improved understanding of the key themes, by writing lyrics and performing some theatre based on them. They have thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and the opportunity to develop their creative writing and lyric writing skills as well as their performance skills. I guess the really special thing about this work is that it has been led by two of my ex-students. Josh was a student at Beckfoot about fifteen years ago and Kirsty is an ex student of mine from my time in an inner city Bradford School. Both were very excited about giving back and working with our students. I was also thrilled that they felt I have not changed a bit in over twenty years. Not sure I believe them but I will take that most days of the week!

CaptureThis week our commitment to our Religious Education curriculum and wider provision has been assessed by a national provider following our application in 2022 to be recognised as a RE Quality Mark school. The application was led by Ms. Noble and ably assisted by Ms. Towler and Ms. Lowde. The application itself took months of work and indeed was a very strong submission. It was followed this week by an incredibly rigorous interview process which involved staff, students and the Leadership team of the school. We were really hoping to achieve this award so to be told just this morning that we have achieved the Gold Standard has meant the world to us. We have always felt our provision here is second to none and delivered by some of the most talented teachers that you would hope to work with anywhere. This award is testament to our commitment to ensuring our curriculum is as strong, challenging and aspirational as possible not just in RE but across our school. I am thrilled.

DSC_0015Finally, I had the honour of being a judge at the Year 8 First Give presentations afternoon yesterday. Normally, as part of our enrichment provision across year groups, we would run the First Give programme in Year 9. This year, given the quality of our year 8 cohort we felt that they could cope with it a year earlier. Since Autumn each tutor group has chosen a charity they wanted to work with in the hope of raising the profile of their work in Bradford and nationally. They got involved in various social action campaigns over the past three months and raised over £800 for their charities. They were expected to learn as much as possible about the work of their chosen charity, who they work with, how they support others, where their funding comes from and what they could do to help. They invited the charities into school to talk with them, educate them and begin to form a bond that will last for many years. The culmination of the programme was yesterday when every Year 8 student came into our main hall to listen to each tutor group present on their chosen charity and win a prize of £1000 would mean so much to them. It was a simply stunning afternoon where I and other guest judges, including Adam from Year 10, got to listen to our students talk with such confidence, passion and knowledge about their work, the work of their charity and why what they do is so important. DSC_0031In the end it was 805 who won the £1000 prize for The Bradford Curry Project. This money will go a long way to feed hundreds of people hot meals over the next few weeks across the city but will also provide some much needed positive publicity that can only help their work in the future. Other charities supported included Pink Paws, MNDA (Motor Neurone Disease), two Autism charities, Bradford Night Stop, Down Syndrome association and many more. I absolutely know that our young people are capable of doing the most amazing things in their lives. All we have to do is provide them with a continuous flow of opportunities, care, guidance and support and then watch them fly. They were amazing yesterday and it was very special to be a part of it once again.

Have a great half term break. Get some rest and stay safe.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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Fearne Midgley

Posted 3rd February 2023

Students leading the way – quite literally!

My blog this week is one I have been looking forward to writing for a few days.

As you know I love celebrating the achievements of our students and this week I have a couple of things to share which, for me, are very special.

Fearne MidgleyFirstly, I want to congratulate Fearne in Year 10 who has recently been selected to represent West Yorkshire’s U15 County Netball Squad. This is in addition to her selection for Bradford Schools and her wider commitments to netball in school and beyond. Netball is in her family and Fearne has worked extremely hard to gain this selection and recognition. She is dedicated to her sport and is incredibly humble about her ability and successes. I am thrilled that she will have the honour to represent her county this year and I wish her every success for the season ahead.

In other student news I would like to mention Sian in Year 13. Sian has been a feature of many of my blogs in recent years but this time it is for something completely different. Sian play badminton to an elite level and competes to county and national standard in her sport. Last week Sian was asked by the PE department to lead a professional development session for them on badminton with a focus on skills and techniques that could be used to support even better lessons for all students across school. Talking to the PE staff afterwards they all recognised that it could not have been easy for her leading a group of adults, let alone her own teachers! However, she was brilliant and led one of the most valuable professional development sessions the team has experienced. Her knowledge, teaching points and progressive practices were stunning. The team learned so much and acknowledged that Sian’s input will have a huge impact on the shaping future work in badminton to ensure students will enjoy lessons and make stronger and faster progress than ever. Well done Sian and thank you.

My final piece of student news relates to Year 9. Currently those students are choosing their GCSE options to begin in June. It is an exciting time but also a time where many of them have to grow up quickly and begin to consider their futures in a manner that they have never experienced. As part of the process they have been preparing for months with their tutors, talking to family and friends and, last week, sitting with senior staff to discus their choices and future aspirations. I spent three days last week talking to over fifty of them and they were magnificent. I was staggered by their maturity, by their confidence and mostly by their levels of ambition for their future. I reminded them of their entitlement to a good life and the need to work hard along the way. They totally understood and their desire to be fundamentally decent young people who are ready for the future beyond Beckfoot and I felt privileged to be in their company for each of those meetings.

All okay for permissionsOk for all permissionsOn Tuesday we had a Year 7 Maths based curriculum day. Normal lessons were suspended and replaced with a day focussed around the development of maths skills and a focus on instilling a love for the subject through different experiences. Well, what a day which began with the students taking on the task of being Codebreakers of Bletchley Park. This was followed by a maths murder mystery, the maths of the Aztecs; the maths in Morse Code and finally a maths based quiz. The levels of engagement were wonderful as was the sheer enthusiasm of the students to get involved and enjoy everything the day had to offer. I want to thank Mr. Braid, Mr. Mallatrat and the entire maths team for making the day such a phenomenal experience for our students.

Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to our newly developed Family Workshops. This is in place of the old Family Forums that have been a feature of the school for some time. In making the change we asked for feedback via our Local Schools Committee (LSC) and this led us to re-examine our provision. Families told us they wanted more focus on the following:

  • Beckfoot Images (8)Wellbeing 
  • Embedding reading and learning habits
  • Online safety 
  • Metacognition and revision
  • Exam readiness 
  • Future readiness 

So, we began last Thursday with a session on wellbeing and what we are doing at Beckfoot. The session was led by Mrs Denham and supported by our Place2Be manager, Rachel and our Education Mental Health Practitioner, Elle. It was a great evening with presentations, discussion and lots of questions. It felt good and the feedback has been great. Thanks to everyone who attended and asked for the presentation to be shared with them. We are planning the above sessions as I write and will share dates and times in the near future.

Take care

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Rugby 2

Posted 20th January 2023

It’s great to have ambition and want to be successful

Since our return to school this term there has been a lot going on. We have had students sitting external exams, we have had a Languages Day, we have had Parent’s Evening, a Year 9 Options Evening and an England Rugby Union star came to visit. It’s been really great.

I want to start by thanking you all for your support with ensuring students are getting to school regularly and on time. Since Christmas we have seen a sharp rise in attendance and we are nearly back to our pre-pandemic attendance rates. Very few are absent from school and missing their education. It is so important that young people come to school everyday and learn brilliantly. When they are here, they are taught really well and are prepared for their next steps whatever they may be.

DSC_0035Last week, under the guidance of Ms. Kernohan, we held a Languages Day for our Year 8 students. It was awesome! The day began with a Chinese dance demonstration that was colourful, fun and showcased something we have never seen at Beckfoot. The students enjoyed exposure to a variety of languages from around the globe and appreciated the opportunity to gain an appreciation of other languages and cultures. The world is getting smaller all the time and our students will become global citizens that will see the opportunities to succeed not just in Bradford or in the UK but from a much wider perspective. They will be more future ready than ever before and even better communicators as a result.

202We have had a lot of external GCSE and A Level vocational exams taking place over the past two weeks. Our students have been wonderful throughout. They have been well prepared and have worked hard. They deserve success and I very much hope they have tried their best. I am sure they have.

Support from families is so important to us and I have had a lot of discussion with families recently about such things as options, worries about mental health and attendance, academic standards and future plans. I am constantly reminded of the superb commitment our families have to Beckfoot and how engaged you all are in ensuring we continue to work together for our young people. Indeed, last week over 97% attended Year 12 Parent’s Evening and this week over 95% of you came to the Year 9 Options Evening. I am so grateful.

7The Options Evening last night was amazing. We had such a Buzz in the hall and the atrium. Students and their families came in to find out as much as they could to make the right choices for their GCSE studies. Our current Key Stage 4 students were on hand to support the teachers in communicating the details about courses and the things that are important when it comes to being successful. As I walked around the building last night I was thrilled with the quality of engagement between families, staff and students. It is very special and I very much hope our students now have all the information they need to make positive choices about their next steps.

Rugby 2Finally, we had a very special visitor to school on Wednesday. George Furbank, current Northampton Saints and England Rugby Union player spent the day in school with us. His visit was part of the work of the Mintridge Foundation’s work to enhance sports participation, life skills and wellbeing for young people. He took part in lessons, provided coaching sessions, led an assembly, signed autographs and just spent time with our incredible students. He loved the day and loved the school. He was blown away by the kindness and respect shown to him throughout the day by everyone he met.

Rugby 1George talked a lot about ambition, resilience, being proactive and taking opportunities presented to you. He talked about himself and his path through education into professional sport. He was inspiring. I guess the thing that really stood out for me was his humility. He was such a nice lad, very down to earth and genuinely interested in our school and our students. At the end of the day he read a lot of truly inspiring and heartfelt letters from students about themselves, their personal and sporting ambitions and decided to mentor two of our students, Alfie and Charlie, for the next 6 months. He will meet with them remotely every two weeks until the summer in the hope of giving them further guidance and motivation to be the best version of themselves possible. I loved having him with us and I am so grateful to Mr. Sykes and Ms. Holmes who led this from start to finish. I am also grateful to George for taking the time to be with us, for being an incredibly decent young man who modelled the values, skills and qualities we are trying to build in our own young people but also for being interested and caring about them.

Take care


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Posted 6th January 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome back to all our staff and students. I very much hope each of you had a happy and peaceful Christmas break and that 2023 will be kind to you all.

It has been the most amazing week for us at Beckfoot simply because our students have returned to school and engaged fully in their learning right from the outset. It has been quite remarkable to see and be a part of. Indeed, yesterday, I spent two hours walking the school and visiting lessons alongside our Trust director for school improvement. We visited over twenty lessons and spoke to countless students throughout the morning. It was fantastic and I felt very proud of our entire community because they were as I expected and more.

Attendance Matters Infographic1This week has also been very reassuring in terms of attendance too. I know I talk a lot about the importance of attendance but I do so for good reason. We know that when our students are in lessons, they are taught brilliantly and make stunning progress. Where that is not the case, the exact opposite is the result and it should never be that way. Young people have the right to have a good life and getting to school every day helps to achieve that. This week we have had an average attendance of near to 95% each day. It makes the school feel alive and buzzing with the excitement that learning brings.
I love it!

Just before the holidays I mentioned the changes to the school day that would be in place for September 2023. I want to thank you for your feedback all of which has been positive. I am glad that the timescales work for our parents and carers and that you are delighted with the decision to provide a better lunchtime experience for our students as a result of this change. Please do get in touch if you need any further clarity on the matter.

Finally, it is with great sadness that I must let you know about the loss of a recent ex-student, Amber Deakin. Amber passed away earlier this week and she leaves behind her mum, dad, siblings and young son as well as her extended family and countless friends. She was well known and liked by staff and students alike and we will forever remember her for her bubbly and strong character, her care for others, most especially her family, but also because she was pretty unforgettable in her time at Beckfoot. We are sad this week and will be for a while as a result of her passing.
She touched our hearts in so many ways in her five years with us and our deepest sympathies go to her family and friends at this time.

Take care

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concert icon

Posted 16th December 2022

Proud doesn't even come close!

Our Christmas Concert took place this week over two nights, Wednesday and Thursday. Over one hundred and seventy students performed and countless others helped backstage to make sure our audiences were treated to something incredibly special. I have been attending Christmas Concerts at Beckfoot for twenty years now and last night was the very best I have ever seen by some distance. The range of musical performances covering music from the 1940s to present day took us on a journey of Christmas past and present. I loved it. I guess what really shone for me was the talent, the dedication and the warmth that oozed from everyone who was involved. What was also special was the recognition of the staff by our students with a very touching goodbye from those Year 13 students who were performing in their seventh and last concert. To those of you who know me well, I always talk about Beckfoot not being perfect but a school that works hard to give students the best education possible, life chances and experiences possible. Last night I could not have been prouder of our community and my heartfelt thanks goes to everyone involved but especially to Mr. Lee and Mr. Stimpson who, alongside their wider team of staff and peri teachers, do an incredible job and one I must never take for granted.

concert coll

Yesterday was also made special because we had those students involved in the Bradford Citizens work present to my Leadership Team about their work across Bradford and their hopes and desires for their own school. The students group ranged from Year 7 to Year 13 and they began by telling us what the wider group of Citizens, from across Bradford Schools, wanted to focus on for the benefit of the city and its young people. Their priorities were three in total and included Mental Health support, Racism and the Cost of Living Crisis. The latter was, by far, the really big concern for students and young people everywhere. They went on to tell us that they loved Beckfoot and were grateful for the quality of education and support they receive, for the opportunities they are provided with and for the fact that they feel safe and cared for here. They finished by telling us where we need to be better and those things included better flow around the building at peak times especially at the north entrance, more frequent rewards and recognition of their good work and efforts, better communication with them through Class Charts and to continue to build upon the good work around racism, bullying and peer on peer abuse. They were passionate about their city and their school and they want to make a difference. They now have the mandate to listen to their peers and they will return to see us in early spring to let us know how they wish us to support their drive for change and for Beckfoot to be an even more special place that it is currently.

red carpetLast week we held our Red Carpet reward events and it was really great that over 1300 students were rewarded for what they contribute to our school and their learning every day. The excitement was building for a few weeks and when the reward options became clear the students told us what they wanted access to as part of their rewards. They chose from things like Computer Club, Art, PE, music, film and pizza. All those that were involved were fully deserving of their treat and I want to thank them for what they bring to our school every day and remind them of the impact of attendance and attitude on their learning, growth and development as really decent young people. A huge thank you to Mr. Darling and his team for the co-ordination of the events last week and a huge thank you to our students who work so hard every day to make a difference and live our values.

ukraine-In student news I want to let you know about the work Ayla, in Year 7, has been doing since the summer. She, alongside her brother and a friend wanted to raise money for Ukrainian refugees. In the heat of the summer months, they made lemonade which they sold on the side of the canal. It was a hit and they then had a stall at the Eldwick gala where they sold more lemonade and also made some badges to sell. They raised over £380! They contacted the Ukrainian centre in Keighley and were informed about their Christmas event. The centre asked if the children would use the money to buy things for their gift bags for the refugees. They spent the money on a variety of shower gels, socks, gloves, baby wipes, colouring books, pencils and blankets. The centre collected the goods last week and gave Ayla and her friends some small traditional Ukrainian gifts as a thank you. That is pretty special stuff and I absolutely love that she thinks about others and that she is willing to not sit by and leave it to someone else. She is thoroughly selfless in my view and we are very proud of her, her brother and their friend.

Continuing the theme of student success, Izzy (Year 11), Olivia, Alex and Ava (Year 7) all competed at the Yorkshire schools trampoline competition last week. They all performed brilliantly like true Beckfooters with each girl being the youngest in their respective categories making their achievements all the more special. Izzy came 3rd in the elite section and Olivia came 5th in the intermediate section. Both have qualified through to the northern finals in Belfast next year which is a huge achievement. Alex came 12th in the intermediate category and Ava has yet to find out her placing in the novice category but is hopeful it will be strong. We are very proud of all the girls and wish Izzy and Olivia the very best of luck in Belfast.

Christmas Jumper Day - December 2022 (1) (Large)In my last Blog I mentioned about the BSL elections and the new democratically elected group. Well, they have wasted no time in getting started and have already convinced me to allow a Christmas Jumper Day next Tuesday for the Bradford Soup Run charity. I am thrilled and very excited about their plans for our school and I am also very grateful that they feel they can always come to us with their ideas (and demands!). In other student leadership news our Year 8 tutor groups are busy being involved in the First Give charity work which is their focus for this year. There are lots of bake sale for various charities and the buzz around the school as a result is very special. The idea of putting others first is very important to us at Beckfoot and the work being done is all about that. The final presentations from each form will take place in early February and it promises to be a very tight contest to see who will win the £1000 prize for their chosen charity. I wish them all well.

In my last Blog I mentioned the work of the LSC, our Local School Committee. This group of volunteers do incredible work in support of both myself and the school. They hold me to account for such things as student and staff welfare, parental engagement and the well-being of our community. This past 12-18 months, they have dedicated a lot of time and effort into listening to the views of our parental community and wanted me to share some things with you including the parent survey feedback and the response to that feedback in meetings and beyond.Topic and Survey Feedback table_0

Buzz winter coverFinally, this week sees the launch of our Christmas edition of our electronic Buzz magazine. It is full of information and stories about our Autumn term and the exploits and achievements of our students. They have worked hard putting it together and I think it’s a fantastic read that really shines a light on our students and the culture of our school. I hope you enjoy it.

Many I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
I hope you have a safe, peaceful and thoroughly relaxing holiday and we look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday 3 January 2023.

Take care

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Election (5)

Posted 2nd December 2022

Democracy at its finest

Since my last Blog a couple of weeks ago, we have held our Beckfoot Student Leadership elections. This followed a week of assemblies in which the candidates spoke to all students across the school about their ambitions for students and their school. Each one spoke with enthusiasm and passion about the things that matter to them; about the future direction of travel of their school and about the need to care for others both in school and the wider community. In each of our candidates I saw a very special and self-determined young person who thinks beyond themselves and their sphere of influence. It was amazing.

Election (3)On Wednesday 23 November the polling station was ready; it had booths, voting slips, instructions for voters and candidate information. Each class took turns to visit the station and cast their votes. Our entire school community took part and their approach to the process was impeccable. Earlier this week the votes were counted and recounted. The excitement was unbearable until we eventually discovered those who were chosen to make up our next Beckfoot Student Leadership group (BSL).

Huge congratulations to all of our candidates but especially so to the elected members:

Grace and Iijal - Y7      Eddie - Y8      Adam, Liam and Will - Y9      Quaindil - Y10

All candidates will have a pivotal role to play in the future of our school and they will soon agree their priorities for the coming year. Those who are finishing in post and those who didn’t quite make it will continue their involvement in student leadership at Beckfoot and we cannot wait to see where their journey takes them and our community over the next couple of years. Well done to all involved and especially to Ms. Senyk, the LRC team, Ms Clark, Ms. Edwards and everyone else who made the process possible.

Our students have been busy in many other ways too. On Tuesday our entire Year 8 cohort took part in a Creative Arts Wider Learning Day. The day was was based around Bradford's successful bid to be the UK City of Culture 2025. Throughout the day it became clear that we could not have been prouder to be a part of this magical, wonderful and diverse city. There is so much to be smile and shout about in Bradford - especially the incredible young people we have the privilege of working with every day.  Picture1I want to thank the amazing Creative Arts team. These types of days don't happen without a huge amount of time, commitment, energy and dedication. Year 8 had a brilliant day and produced some stunning work. I am determined that every child will have a moment at Beckfoot, something they will always remember. Judging by the smiles on the faces of our students throughout, much of today will remain with them for some time and reminds us all of how incredibly important the Creative Arts are to our school and our students.

Futures LogoThis week also provided opportunities in the world of work. As part of our futures programme, we took forty-three 6th form students to the PWC offices in Leeds on Tuesday. Students worked closely with volunteers from the firm on an 'Apprentice' style activity designed to develop their listening, problem solving and teamwork skills. The final presentations were excellent and students faced challenging questions from both the volunteer panel and each other. The experience gave students a key insight into industry, office life and the many career opportunities offered by PWC. These events and days are very much part of our Outstanding careers provision across school and I am so grateful to my staff and the staff at PWC for their commitment to broadening horizons for our students and enabling them an insight as to what is possible for each of them locally, regionally and nationally. These days make an incredible difference to us all. Thanks to our Careers team for making this possible.

DSC_0023I want to shift the focus to our students and families if I may. A few week ago, I wrote as part of my Blog about Raees who sadly left us three years ago this month. He is so fondly remembered and missed. I also wrote about the trees we were planting as part of the legacy our last Year 11 cohort wanted to leave the school. The final tree, the tree for Raees, was planted last week by his mum and sisters who came to school to help us and see for themselves where and how he will always be remembered at Beckfoot.
We had lots of students there to help and laugh a little thinking about him alongside his family. I am so grateful to his mum and family for allowing us to do this, to Ms. Powell who was a driving force behind this event and to our students who live and breathe our values every day but who also understand, better than ever before, the importance of family, of looking after each other and why we say, Once a Beckfooter Always a Beckfooter.

 In student news, I wanted to share with you the achievements of Alannah (Year 8) and Sofia (Year 7) who recently danced in The Opera House, Winter Gardens in Blackpool, one of the biggest theatres in Europe, holding near to 3,000 people.  They represented their dance school CC Dance in troupe dances alongside 29 other dance schools from England, Scotland and Wales. It was an amazing experience and opportunity for them, with 161 team performances on the day. Their Dance school won 4th place for the Junior Troupe dance. The girls work incredibly hard beyond school attending over 20 weekly dance and gymnastic classes between them. They manage their studies alongside those commitments and are yet further examples of what is possible in life if you are dedicated, resilient and willing to work hard. We are proud of them both.

Picture1As I come to near the end of this Blog, I wanted to share with you some information about the assemblies I have been delivering this week on Bullying. I wanted to lead these myself and share with our students the horror that is bullying and the effects it can and does have on young people at Beckfoot and across the UK. I know that it happens here and I hate that. I wish that it could be eradicated completely and I wanted our students to think about how to help us stamp it out and for them to demonstrate their ability to be more active in their stance against this horrific behaviour. We talked about the fact that across the UK, 20% of young people are affected by this each year. We talked about the types of bullying that happen and why young people can be targeted. We talked about those involved and what their role says about them to themselves and others. We simply asked them to Reach Out and help us put an ends to this, to Reach Out and let us know when it is happening and to Reach Out and take care of one another better than perhaps has been the case. Our entire staff and student community have listed intently this week and I hope it makes a difference. Already, we have seen our students use the STOP email to help us and I am proud of each one who has been brave enough to say enough is enough!

Finally, I wanted to remind you about our decision to keep Parents Evenings online. Following the Pandemic and our return to School in March of 2021, the feedback from families is that online parents’ evenings were much better because they were more accessible, more focussed on student progress, more private and the full five minutes dedicated to each student in a way that was, perhaps, not always the experience in a busy and noisy hall. Over the past few weeks, the feedback continues to indicate that this remains the case for most families with well over 90% attending the Year 13 and Year 9 parents’ evenings that have already taken place. I want to thank you all for your support for your children’s learning and for your engagement in our school. I also want to ask that you please tell us if you feel a return to face to face meetings in school would be more welcome. I am determined to continue to listen and do the best we can to continue to engage you all as positively as possible.

Take care

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CiN Pudsey

Posted 18th November 2022

So much to tell you...

It’s 5.30am on Friday morning and I am sat at my desk trying very hard to remember everything I want to share with you all this week. There is a lot so please bear with me.

I want to begin by thanking our Year 11 and 13 students and their families for the manner in which they have approached the Autumn series of mock exams. They have been magnificent in their approach to the things that matter. They have been at school, on time, and ready to do their best. Most, though not all, have had the right equipment with them for each exam and all have respected the rules of the exam venues. They demonstrated over the past couple of weeks that success matters to them though many still have to remember that a desire to succeed must be matched by a willingness to work hard in school, in every lesson; by a desire to work beyond lessons through home learning and revision. Those are the things that will allow our students to be the best version of themselves possible and to achieve the results that will allow them to do amazing things with their lives. I guess the biggest thing for me is the learning that will follow over the coming weeks as exam papers are handed back to students, dissected forensically to maximise learning and understanding of how and where to be better and the process of building confidence in our students really begins to take shape. The November mock exams provide incredible learning opportunities but they also provide a reality check for many that being in school every day, contributing to lessons and hard work beyond the classroom is the thing that will allow them to achieve their dreams and ambitions at GCSE and A Level.

Drama 1Continuing the theme of exams, I had the very great pleasure of seeing our Year 11 performing arts students deliver the most amazing performances as part of their exam on Wednesday. The students were "buzzing" (their words) after their performances. I know they have worked really hard at applying lots of different performance skills to their pieces but also on their confidence in delivering the most spectacular acting and dancing pieces I have seen for years. It was a real privilege to be there and to get to share in their success and happiness.
I'm very proud of them and can't wait to see what they come up with as a performance piece for component 3 later this year.  

DSC_0018As a follow-up to my last Blog, we welcomed Rugby League Physical Disability World Cup winner, Harvey Redmonds, into school on Monday. He arrived in his England kit and wearing his medal around his neck. After I managed to control my excitement at holding the medal, it was a privilege to talk to him about his life, interests and work since leaving Beckfoot. He was so interesting to talk to and such a humble young man. He spoke to our disability sports teams, our Year 11 students in assembly and managed to control the vast numbers of staff and students who wanted to see and speak to him. As I stepped away from him I couldn’t help but be struck by how he shines and stands out in a crowd. He is a wonderful example of what we are trying to develop for and with our students at Beckfoot and it was an honour to have him with us once again. Link to Mr Barnes' interview with Harvey. 

wreath (Small)This week began on Sunday actually and the opportunity for me to represent Beckfoot School as part of the Bingley Remembrance Sunday celebrations. It is my first opportunity as headteacher to attend this event and I am so very glad I did. The first thing I noticed was the sheer numbers of people that were there. It had the most incredible community feel as it was lively to be a part of it. I also noticed the incredible numbers of our students that are part of that community through their involvement in local clubs and groups. Everywhere I looked I saw a friendly face and it gave me another insight into why our students are so special. All last week we did our best to remember those who have given their lives over many years to protect our freedom and allow us to live as we do.
Our own celebration in school last Friday was so special too. Our students gathered in the atrium and all around our balconies to listen to the Last Post, to hear the words of The Fallen poem and to reflect, in silence. Over 1800 staff and students did so with such poise and respect. That is Beckfoot School at its finest and that will never change.

The week continued with our student’s involvement with the Bradford Citizens group and twenty-our other schools across the city. Our group is comprised of fourteen students across Years 8 to 13 all of whom have had listening training from Bradford Citizens, a civic action group which aims to empower young people to harness the power of voices to make positive change in the local area. This training is the same as all the headteachers have received across the district and is designed to help them hear the voices of young people and represent them to adults in positions of power. They have listened to over 100 of our students and gathered information about the issues that concern our students most about their city. 
On Wednesday they took part in the Bradford Citizens' Listening summit, which included students from the other Bradford schools putting the views of their student body forward. They led a workshop, where they listened to student representatives from three other schools and decided on what views to put forward as part of the on the three biggest issues which Bradford's young people feel affect them the most. Those issues were Racism, Mental Health, and the Cost of Living crises. 
Over the next year, they will campaign for changes in these areas, and will be working with adults in our city who have the power to do something about these problems in order to improve life for young people in Bradford. Last year's cohort worked with Trust CEOs, the Mayor Of West Yorkshire, the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, and the CEO of Morrisons, among others. This is not only very exciting, but vitally important stuff.

DSC_0060On Wednesday we had yet another first for our school. Last year’s GCSE (Year 11) class of 2022 have wanted to leave their mark on Beckfoot and decided to raise money to plant some trees in memory of their time at school. This week Mrs. Powell, who was their Head of Year, alongsi746416A6-4DCC-4B67-AB1C-BD8E80715EF0de 15 students planted 26 trees just behind the ATP. They also installed a wooden plaque that the students made by hand to commemorate their time at Beckfoot. It was so special.
There is one more tree to be planted. The most special and largest of all the trees. It is the one to remember Raees who passed away almost three years ago now. He will never be forgotten because once a Beckfooter, always a Beckfooter, and we miss him.

Today is a busy one for lots of reasons but mainly because it’s Children in Need day combined with our students drive to raise money for the Pakistan Flood victims. We have a non-uniform day which will also see lots wearing odd socks in support of anti-bullying and we have lots of food to sell to remember those who have lost everything including loved ones in those floods. Lauren, Ruby and Duah in Year 13 are leading the way along with our DT staff and it promises to be a great day where the selflessness of our students shines through once again.

The last piece of student related news I have to tell you is all about our student leaders, specifically our elected Beckfoot Student Leadership group, BSL. Over the couple of years, they have been in office, they have achieved the most incredible things. They have helped shape our Teaching and Learning policy, our PLS and rewards strategy, our food menus, our enrichment provision and secured a third re-designation of our World Class status. That is just to mention a few of their achievements. Post pandemic, weWorld Class cropped for permissionsneeded a courageous and determined group of young people to pick student leadership up by the scruff of the neck and drive it forward to ensure our young people have a voice and a genuine part to play in the direction of travel of their school. I could not have wished for a more self-determined group of pleaders and yesterday we came together to acknowledge their work but also to share a very special moment with them.
Each of them was presented with a certificate to recognise their work as part of the World Class group of schools nationally but mainly for the bid the wrote to host the next World Class symposium at Beckfoot. Amy led that bid and it was incredible. So much so that the World Class organisation wanted to recognise them as being unique and special and honoured them with an award that demonstrated their quality and the quality of their work and bid. Only thirteen such certificates have been awarded this year across the country and all thirteen to our Beckfoot students. We couldn’t be prouder and it was really lovely for our CEO, Shirley Watson, to present the awards to our students yesterday. Well done to each of them and especially to Amy for her leadership.

Finally, I wanted to provide you with some important information about the work of our Local School Committee (LSC). Our LSC is a vital part of the Trust governance structure and is a group made up of parents, trustees and staff mainly. As you know, the LSC sent a survey to families in the summer term to glean their views on how Beckfoot is doing in terms of staff and student welfare, well-being, systems and opportunities. The responses were really interesting and has allowed the group to provide the necessary challenge to myself and our school about our work here day to day. The launch of Class Charts was in direct response to the work of the LSC as a means of supporting and improving communication with families. It is working. They have listened to families in relation to Parents Evenings, the result of which is to maintain our use of online meetings with more focus from staff on what students are doing well and where they need to concentrate their efforts in order to achieve at least what they are capable of, if not more. They have asked us to ensure we keep that provision constantly under review. The LSC has also helped shaped our future parental engagement strategy which will see a change to the Family Forum provision and an increased focus on wellbeing and communication. More information will follow on what that will look like. As part of their remit they have asked me to ensure that you are aware of the mental health information on our website which can be found here

The LSC is very important to me as Headteacher and is a group that is constantly evolving and getting stronger. To that end we are currently seeking new members to join the group and have recently asked, via Class Charts, for interested parties to get in touch. It is a wonderful opportunity to get more involved in the life of the school, spend time in the building and provide the support, challenge, support that will help to keep Beckfoot moving forward and doing great things for all.

Take care

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire


Posted 4th November 2022

Shorter days and darker nights but the feeling is good at Beckfoot

Welcome back to half term two at Beckfoot. The clocks have jumped back and the resultant shorted days means we are hurtling towards winter and Christmas (I know!). My blog before the break was a really long one and I promise that won’t be the case this time.

As you know I absolutely love to celebrate the achievements of our students within and beyond school. There is very little that is more important than seeing young people succeed in whatever it is they are involved in be it academically or socially and today I want to mention just a few things if I may.

Firstly, our PE department continues to ensure more students than ever are taking part in a wide range of sporting activities eachDSC_0114 week. These range from netball to hockey, football and rugby, from gymnastics to trampolining, cheerleading and fitness, from badminton to basketball, table tennis and so much more. Last night as I returned from my daily place at the school crossing, I passed what seemed like hundreds of students, all in PE kit, busying themselves and excited about the practice or games that lay ahead for the evening. It reminded me of my own school experience and I have to admit to being just a little envious. I am so grateful to the staff who provide their time, energy and enthusiasm to facilitate such opportunities for Beckfoot students and that very much includes all the other extra-curricular provisions available through the Creative Arts, Debating, Chess and Games clubs and everything else that happens here weekly.

I would like to highlight a couple of students past and present who have achieved some amazing things just recently. Sian, Year 13,sian2 took part in the Yorkshire Senior restricted in both ladies and mixed doubles badminton. Her outstanding performances over half term means she has been selected for the Yorkshire senior county squad and will be playing for them in addition to being selected for the U19 1st team this season. She should be rightly proud of what she has achieved which also includes using her Level 1 coaching badge to help coaching the junior section at the Bradford Performance Centre and being involved with the Badminton England Youth Forum. Sian is an incredible young lady and a shining example of what is possible if you are willing to work hard enough both in terms of her academic and sporting ambitions.

My second mention relates to a young man who left Beckfoot just a couple of years ago. Harvey Redmonds is a Rugby League player who represents Leeds Rhinos Physical Disability Rugby League squad. Over the past few months he successfully trialled for the England Physical Disability Rugby League team to play in the inaugural PD Rugby League World Cup. Last week the England team were crowned thumbnail_imageWorld Champions having beaten New Zealand 42-10 at the Halliwell Jones Stadium in Warrington. It is an incredible achievement for Harvey but also a huge honour for Beckfoot given that one of our own is now a world champion. We are really proud of him and again he is a wonderful example of our belief in limitless possibilities for all if you are willing to work hard enough, aim high and be resilient in all you do.
Harvey has agreed to come in to school on Monday next week between 10:00am and 11:00am to meet our students and show them his medal. He will also be meeting our disability sports team and doing an interview for our website. I cannot wait!

Finally, I must tell you about our EPQ event in school yesterday. EPQ is the Extended Project Qualification which is an option to take in the sixth form as an additional qualification equivalent to an AS level. It is a factual, research-based project chosen by each individual and usually based on a particular area of interest for the young person. This year the projects were based on the following subjects:

  • To what extent is the UK government doing enough to tackle violence against women, in the last decade? 
  • To what extent do adverts use principles of psychology in order to persuade consumers? 
  • The impact of rewilding on people and the environment. 
  • Why have so many nations failed to beat modern guerrilla warfare? 
  • Should transgender individuals be allowed to compete competitively with the gender they identify as? 
  • How far has Margaret Thatcher's legacy influenced the public perception of the working class? 
  • How does COVID-19 affect the human physiology of the cardiovascular system? 
  • What are the benefits of peer based social interaction for young people with additional needs? 
  • The effects of and solutions to aircraft noise pollution. 
  • Was Medical Treatment Used to Treat Leprosy in the Culion Leper Colony in the Philippines Effective? 
  • Art therapies’ effect on mental health. 
  • With current scientific knowledge, will futuristic power sources be feasible? 
  • What keeps a Neutron Star stable? 

DSC_0017Each student has spent months working with their mentor to prepare for yesterday. They each assembled their presentations onto display boards in the hall and invited their mentor to question them at length about their project ranging from questions about the project itself to the process involved and the impact on their learning and future readiness for either university, an apprenticeship or the world of work. Following that, the entire sixth form visited to view the projects and talk to the students about their work and findings. Other year groups were invited to attend and do similarly during their breaks. It was an amazing event and, on a personal level, I was in awe of each student, their work, passion, energy and enthusiasm. They were simply brilliant in their delivery and warmth. I was hugely proud of them all and I hope they achieve the tops marks they deserve for the work they have put in.

Take care.

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire

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Posted 21st October 2022

A few weeks to remember for all the right reasons

The past couple of weeks have been incredibly busy but also very special. There is so much to tell you that I must warn you at this point that this may well be my longest ever blog!

DSC_0002a (184)I will start by telling you about Matilda the Musical that has been performed here each of the past three evenings. I went to the final performance last night and for ninety minutes was transported to someplace magical where I completely forgot I was watching a school production in Beckfoot. I know we have a school bursting with very special young people but last night was a totally different level of proud for me personally. The cast, crew, directors, supporters and so many more, came together over the past months to create something that was really wonderful, incredibly professional and a complete showcase for the talent we have in this school. I loved that we had so many students involved and it was perhaps the most inclusive and diverse production Beckfoot has ever known. At one point, when the students were performing a number call, ‘When I grow up’, I looked around the audience and there were more than a few tears in evidence. At that point I was really struck by the job we do here at Beckfoot and the limitless opportunities we must provide for our young people as they progress through our school. I want them to be happy, successful and ready to take on the world when they leave us. For those involved this week, they are capable of doing amazing things in their lives. Of that I have little doubt. A huge thank you to the Creative team led by Ms. Kyle, Ms. Bannon and Ms. Hammond and to everyone who made the show come alive.Matilda group

Year 7 rugby

Sport continues to thrive at Beckfoot and this week our Year 7 rugby team got their Beckfoot sporting journey off to a flying start with three wins from three games at the tournament held at South Craven. It was also a special week for our Year 11 team who also had a fantastic performance in their fixture. In football our Under 19 team is through to the fourth round of the English school’s competition and will play that game just after half term.

Last year I was thrilled to be able to feature the sporting success of lots of students who are also doing amazing things beyond Beckfoot. This week I want to highlight the exploits of Abbie, one of our Year 13 students. Just a couple of weeks ago, Abbie attended the Yorkshire Swimming Gala, upper age limit, and had eight races overall. She performed brilliantly and managed to smash some of her personal best times on six of the races she entered, racing against older competitors over the age of 21. The real celebration though was her 100 freestyle, achieving a time of 58.60 over a short course of 4 lengths. Her previous best time of 1.00.10 was only achieved a few weeks before. We are very proud of her and know just how hard she works to achieve the success she enjoys.

DSC_0055We had our Careers Fair this week which was held in the Creative Arts block. It involved over 50 organisations coming in to school to share with our students the opportunities that they can aspire to in years to come. We had guests and stalls from local businesses, universities and colleges, the police, the RAF, the Royal Navy and the Army. We had lots of information about apprenticeships and careers in the NHS, the beauty industry and so much more. It was, as always, an amazing event with students coming throughout the day in the year groups. DSC_0066For me, what I loved most about the event, is seeing how our students engage with the staff who come in to talk to them. They are polite, engaged, curious and determined to be informed of what’s out there for them. For so many it is yet another opportunity to consider their futures and their readiness to go and fulfil their dreams and ambitions. It’s a highlight of the term for me and I am very grateful to Ms. Wilson, Ms. McLean and Ms. Money for their organisation of such opportunities for our students.

At post 16, there has been a huge amount happening. We are well underway with the UCAS application process with many students who are aspiring to a future in such things as medicine already done. There is a huge degree of interest, as always in many of the higher tariff courses such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, engineering and many more. There is also a great deal of interest from our students in studying at Oxford and Cambridge and some of the more elite Russell Group universities. They are working hard to ensure their academic grades allow them access to their chosen courses and, more so than ever, understand what it will take to get there.

To support our post 16 students, we are in the early stages of forging a partnership with Bradford Grammar School (BGS). We are hoping to work more closely together towards the development of a new and exciting academic excellence programme where we can further support our students in areas such as Oxbridge applications and pathways into medicine. I went to meet their team on Tuesday and had a wonderful morning talking with their staff and students and looking to explore how we can work more closely together to our mutual benefit. I am hugely excited at the prospect of continuing our long-standing commitment to being more outward facing and working with local strategic partners for the benefit of our students. Our meetings will continue after half term so watch this space.

Image(4)Continuing the theme of post 16, our Geography students spent four days on residential in the Lake District this week as part of their A Level course. They have spent time getting ready to choose their independent coursework focus by practicing a variety of fieldwork methods in different locations. After deciding on their hypotheses, they have spent a day at the beach collecting data. Last night focussed on how to effectively present their data and analyse their data using statistical analysis methods. Every single student has been absolutely superb, collecting their data efficiently, displaying excellent teamworking skills and all whilst working in the rain! Apparently, we are not to feel too sorry for them as the weather all week has been beautiful. They return today and will be ready for some home comforts this evening I’m sure. I am hugely grateful to Ms. Carter and Ms. Roberts for their time and commitment.

Ms. Denham has been leading assemblies this week focussing on Safeguarding and theme of child-on-child abuse. It is important that we never shy away from the importance of keeping our young people safe no matter what. The feedback from students has been amazing and incredibly mature. They totally get the importance of looking after one another and challenging behaviours that are not acceptable or, indeed, the norm.

As we approach half term, this week we have been recognising the wonderful efforts of our students with their Home Learning. Since launching our new strategy, alongside Class Charts, we have been really impressed with the commitment students have shown to both their homework assignments, and their independent learning in ILBs. We know that home learning can significantly increase students' progress, and so we are thrilled with how positively our students have responded. We have awarded certificates to the tutor group in each year with the highest homework submission rate, and every student who has completed 100% of their homework has been entered into a draw to win a small prize. The number of qualifying students in each year group has been overwhelmingly high, and we are looking forward to seeing this brilliant start continue throughout the rest of the year.

And finally, whilst this term has been a hugely positive and successful one for our school, this week, in particular, has been a highlight for many of the things that I have just written about but also because of a couple of meetings with two students. The first involved a Year 11 student who was worried about an incident in a lesson that left him feeling like he had disappointed staff that he respected hugely. He sat with me after school earlier in the week and spoke with a bucketful of affection for Beckfoot, his teachers and his worries about how best to address the situation. He showed envious strength and bravery but also a desire to put things right. The day after we chatted, he came to see me to let me know that everything was sorted and to say thanks for the advice. In my view it was pitiful advice but it helped him to take control and that means everything to me.

Secondly, I met a young man who had written about a learning issue he has been dealing with most of his young life. In his work he described how he felt and how his recent diagnosis and support has transformed his life. It was a humbling insight into a world that we think we know but, in truth, we really don’t. As I spoke to him I couldn’t help but be struck by his honesty, kindness and bravery. He taught me more about his situation in the minute we talked that perhaps any other learning in my career. I thanked him, we shook hands and went about our day. I know I felt richer for the experience and I hope he knows that.

Have a great half term. Please get some rest and be safe.

Take care,

Link to Ofsted Parent View questionnaire



Posted 7th October 2022

Young people that will make a difference

As the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, I find myself constantly wondering about our students and how we continue to look after them, challenge them, guide them and work alongside them to ensure that school is a place where they feel they belong, a place where they can achieve anything if they are willing to work hard enough, be proactive and willing to step out of their comfort zone on a regular basis.

I guess the main reason for this recent thinking is because of a visit I received a couple of weeks ago from some of our Year 13 students. Duah, Ruby and Lauren came in to see me, sat down in my office and asked me what I was doing about the flooding in Pakistan. I remember looking at them and thinking wow! I simply replied, ‘What are you doing about it?’. They looked at each other, and right there and then they hatched a plan. That plan resulted in those three students leading every assembly in school this week and speaking to every student and staff member about how we, as a school community can help. MakeDifferenceSMThey spoke with warmth and passion about helping others and the variety of ways that can we could help. They spoke about the links between our school community and what is happening in that part of the world. They were well researched, well informed and the delivery was absolutely spot on. In short, they were brilliant and a wonderful example of self-actualised young people who did not sit back and leave this to someone else. They did it and stepped out of their comfort zone every day this week to make a difference. I want more of this and I know our student leaders do too. We truly have a special group of young people at Beckfoot doing amazing things to help keep our school moving forward and being better every day.

We have been showing off our school this week to families who attended our Open Evening but wanted to see the school in action. We will do similarly next week too. It is always a joy to walk our school with families. They invariably all say the same thing and talk about a feeling, a warmth of welcome and a very calm and purposeful learning environment. I think it is a brave thing to do but I also think it is the sign of a school that is growing in maturity and confidence.

PHOTO-2022-10-06-12-13-58Yesterday we took seventy Year 11 and Year 13 students to an Apprenticeships and University Fair at Elland Road in Leeds. It is part of our 7 Up offer for students and they were a credit to our school. The organisers and various contributors heaped praise on our students for their interest and insightful questioning of providers. They spoke about their collective and individual maturity and ambition. Feedback like that is always welcome and we must never take it for granted.

Matilda PosterOur preparations for our upcoming school production, Matilda, are ongoing and it promises to be a brilliant production. Students from every year group are involved - taking on roles such as actors, stage production, back stage support, costumes, front of house and so much more. It will be our first production since we emerged from lockdown and it would be wonderful to see as many families attend as possible. The shows will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week commencing the 17th of October. Tickets are now on sale, you can view more information on our website here.

twitterI want to also remind you that you can follow our school on Twitter and Facebook. There is a lot of information shared via those social media platforms about the school and what is happening in terms of things like sport, the creative arts, lessons and so much more.

Ofsted_Outstanding_OP_ColourFinally, we believe that Ofsted will visit our school at some point this year. It has been eight years since they were last with us and that resulted in a grading of Outstanding. I will never forget that day! The new inspection framework is very different but it is very important to us that we do all we can to retain our Outstanding status as I hope you agree. To do so, we need your help. Please visit and fill in the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire. It asks a series of simple questions about Beckfoot School and will be used by inspectors to help them form a judgement about the quality of education we provide, the range of opportunities available for students, the support and guidance they receive and the growing ambition of the school to be the best it can be. If you could find the time to complete it, we would be very grateful.

Have a great week and thank you for reading.



Posted 23rd September 2022

A lot to celebrate

Beckfoot feels great and it's exciting. After our incredible results this summer, our students have returned to learning with a vigour. They have also returned to our extra-curricular activities in their droves. It feels good.

Last week we opened our doors to students and families for our annual Open Evening event. It is one of the most important things we do at Beckfoot and is an opportunity to showcase our school, our staff, our facilities, our curriculum and values and, most importantly, our students.PXL_20220915_172307723
Over 1500 visitors came through our doors and, from the feedback received, had a wonderful evening. They highlighted the warmth of welcome they received across the school, the interactive nature of our activities, the professionalism of staff, the facilities and cleanliness and, of course, the food! However, the thing that they liked the most was how our students represented their school. Over 200 of our young people volunteered to support the evening. They operated as tour leaders, faculty ambassadors, speakers and so much more. Over 100 of them were from our new Year 7 cohort which, given they have been Beckfooters for such a short time is really wonderful. It is always a very special evening but this year felt even more so than normal. I am so grateful to all our staff and students who made it such a great event and a special mention to Mikey and Ella in Year 7, who helped me with my speech and to Olivia in Year 12 who sang beautifully. They were magnificent.

queen-elizabeth_ii-funeralThe past week was also full of opportunities for our students to reflect on the life and times of Queen Elizabeth II. They asked lots of questions and thought a great deal about civic values. They considered her length of service and her dedication to such things as her country, her faith and her family. Seeing the events of the past few weeks has provided a great deal of comfort and hope to many. We were able to remember her as a school community last Friday as we came together to observe a two minute silence. Every member of our community conducted themselves brilliantly and I am grateful that we able to do something as a mark of respect. These things are important.

Today is Jeans for Genes day. It is somethinJ4G_SECONDARY_Sticker_Sheetag we have been doing here for many years and is the first opportunity of the year for students and staff to begin to think about others and raise money for children and families affected by genetic disorders. We ask for one pound as a donation in return for the privilege to wear jeans and trainers for the day. I love it and am looking forward to the various fundraising events that will happen throughout the day. Charitable work is a major feature of our school and very much a focal point of the Strategic Vision of our Beckfoot Student Leadership group (BSL). It is also one of the qualities of the Beckfoot Learner and we will always seek to avail of any opportunity to put others first.

Finally, I wanted to share with you a moment for me that happened last night during my Leadership Team weekly meeting. We invited a number of staff to share with us their experiences and learning from a recent weekend trip to ResearchED in London. ResearchED is a grass-roots, teacher-led organisation started in 2013 whose goal is to bridge the gap between research and practice in education. Researchers, teachers, and policy makers come together for a day of information-sharing and myth-busting. They presented to us, with incredible clarity and excitement, the things they learned and the things they wished to implement at Beckfoot over the coming months; things that will directly benefit students and, in doing so, improve their life chances. It was so uplifting to know that so many staff here are invested hugely in themselves, the craft of teaching and our students. I know it sounds a little odd but the culture of Beckfoot is completely about being more outward facing, outward sharing, research informed and putting students first. As I always say, we are far from being perfect but we are determined to be better every day and that is always a little easier when you are surrounded by really good people.



Posted 15th July 2022

We are World Class once again!

worldclassschoolLast week I wrote my blog not knowing if we would be re-accredited as a World Class School once again but I have to admit to being quietly confident. That confidence did not stem from anything other than knowing the quality of our bid and the students that were going to present on our behalf. They were amazing and I am so proud of them and the wider student leadership group who have made this one of their goals since last September – well done!

Last night the BSL group (Beckfoot Student Leadership) came to meet with my team and I to reflect on the year they have had and share with us their plans for the next twelve months. Beckfoot is in good hands and I am blessed to have such a self-determinant student body who care deeply about their school and each other. Long may that continue.

DSC_0045SSAT200-(1)This week I have taken the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to consider what we have achieved as a school over that time. Highlights include a full return to our enrichment provision including sport, the creative arts, debating and so much more. We have been able to celebrate our students through events like Senior Concert, Young Musician, Summer Serenade, Sports Day, Sports Awards, Creativity Fortnight, University Visits and a Careers Programme from Year 7, MFL, English, Maths, Science and PE Super Learning Days, Prison Me No Way, Guest Speakers and so much more. We have won a Careers Mark Award for Outstanding Practice, a Principled Curriculum Award from the SSAT, a Research Led Practice Award, again from the SSAT, for our commitment to research informed practice in our approach to teaching and learning and now World Class Schools. Beckfoot is not a perfect school but we are doing so much to make it a very special place to learn and work, and we are determined to be even better as we continue to move forward together.

Summer SerenadeOn Tuesday, I attended the Summer Serenade concert and it was breath-taking. The talent at Beckfoot never ceases to amaze me but it is the culture of the school and more especially the creative arts faculty that is the thing that stands out the most. There was a huge range of musical genres on show and the numbers of students involved were as high as they have ever been. I guess what I really love is the enthusiasm and bravery of our students to stand up in front of a packed house and deliver performances that are so special. I love these events and I am thrilled that 2021-22 has allowed to get back to normality and allow students to showcase their talent so brilliantly.

Enrichment Week promises to be a good week, it has been a long-standing feature of our school and our students are excited about the activities they have chosen. On Saturday our first trip leaves for France and there are a multitude of things happening across Europe, the UK, and more locally for our students to experience. I hope they have a great week and that they remember to have lots of sun cream and water with them each day.

enrichment weekNext week is also very special because our Year 11 students are going on Work Experience. I love the idea of our students spending a week in employment (so to speak) and to gain an invaluable insight into what life may be like for them in the years ahead. Work Experience will help them focus their efforts for Year 11 as they approach GCSE exams and it will also help with the decisions they need to make about what it will take to achieve the dreams and ambitions they have for themselves. I wish them well and look forward to visiting some of them in the workplace throughout the week.

Finally, I want to say thank you to our families for your incredible honesty and support for Beckfoot and our community this year. I am fortunate to have such incredible support from you all and I very much hope you have a very happy, relaxing and safe summer holiday.

Take care.


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Posted 8th July 2022

Students continue to lead the way at Beckfoot

DSC_0003a (24)I am always amazed when it comes to the determination of our students to get involved in the life of their school with the aim of making it better for both themselves and those to follow. A few months ago, Lucas and Sarah, alongside a few other students, wrote a paper to me outlining their concerns around food provision in school. The paper was utterly brilliant. In it they provided a very balanced view of the current situation with menus and options for all students at Beckfoot. DSC_0013They were worried about many of our young people feeling that they mattered and belonged because of this. Indeed, they provided exceptional balance to their argument suggesting much of what is already on offer is very good and needs to be kept. We sent that paper to our provider whom we have a very good relationship with. They read it and decided that they wanted to work with our students to do something about their concerns and help them make a difference. Last week that happened when over thirty of our students were joined by our catering providers and head chef to look at and taste some suggestions for additions to our menus. It was incredible. Our students tasted a whole range of food options and fedback, honestly, their thoughts. They were overwhelmed with the results and are very excited to see their choices become part of our food offer from the Autumn. I am so proud of Lucas, Sarah and the others for their leadership of this across school. They are making a difference and providing a valuable voice for our students.

world class schoolOn Tuesday this week our Beckfoot student leaders, Adam, Poppy, Amy, Jasroop, Eden and Mia went to London, accompanied by Ms. Ratahi and Ms. Khaliq, as part of the final stage of our World Class Schools
re-accreditation bid. They were amazing and demonstrated the power of their views by winning a competition for their presentation of a new idea for a Food Bank App. This is incredible when you consider the standard of young people attending that conference. I can’t wait to hear more about their trip and whether we have been reaccredited as a World Class School for another three years. I am very grateful for their time and efforts to drive this for our school and I hope they enjoyed their few days away from school.

BhangraFinally, on the theme of student leadership, we are almost half way through our Creativity fortnight. Mr Lee, the creativity team and our students have planned an incredible array of activities for this week and next. Earlier this week our students were treated to a live Bollywood style music performance outside during break times. They loved it with dancing, chanting and lots of joy and laughter on show.
There has been all manner of things happening in music, drama and art involving lots of outside visitors and performances.


DSC_0001a (61)aDSC_0001a (87)As part of the planned activities we held our Creativity Awards and Showcase Event last night which is a special event that celebrates the talent and work of our students in such areas as art, music, dance, food, painting, photography, illustration, animation, modelling, sculpture, tapestry and much more. It is an event that celebrates the arts and recognises the contributions of our students some of whom have now left us. It was very special and I am so proud that we are a school that continues to champion the Arts and seeks to provide an astonishing number of opportunities for our young people to get involved both through our curriculum provision and beyond. The fortnight, and all that it involves, has brought our school to life in a very unique and uplifting way this week and I cannot wait to see what is planned for Monday onwards. Thank you to everyone who has been part of the leadership of this and got involved in any way to make it special.

DSC_0013 (1)Last week, Tracey Brabin, the Mayor of West Yorkshire, was in school as part of our students leading the Bradford wide Pandemic Recovery Summit celebration. For some time now many of our students have been involved in a piece of work to get the trusted adults in the city to listen to the voices of students about the impact of the pandemic on their lives and education. It has been powerful from the outset and our students focussed very much on the theme of ‘lost opportunities’. Beth, Isla and Violet did an amazing job, representing themselves, Beckfoot School and our Trust so well in front of schools from across Bradford, many guests and of course Tracy Brabin and her team. Their focus was centred around the LGBTQ+ community and those students who have struggled with all manner of identity issues over the time they were at home and beyond. They simply need to know they are cared for, loved and that we remain true to our determination to create safe spaces for children and young people in our school and across the city so that they can thrive as they are meant to. At Beckfoot that is something we feel is never too much to ask. A special thanks also to Olivia and James who provided musical performances of the highest quality as part of that event and bringing those in attendance close to tears with their talents. Thanks also the wider LGBTQ+ group who have put in so much work this year on such an important topic. 

This week, whilst being incredibly busy, has also been very exciting. On Monday night we welcomed those Year Six students who will become Beckfooters in September and their families. It was a chance for them to come into school, meet tutors and other staff and be reminded about our values and expectations of each child.DSC_0002 It was a celebration of new opportunities and an excitement about what these young people will bring to our school in the years ahead. That was followed by the transition day on Wednesday where the students spent the day with us to experience life at Beckfoot first hand. They attended an assembly, spent time with their tutors, went to Science, PE and Design & Technology lessons, had break and lunch with us and then went home. As is always the case many arrived in the morning a little anxious and nervous but they left us feeling excited about their futures at Beckfoot and the next stage of their educational journey. We cannot wait to see them in September.

classchartsI want to thank you for your unbelievable support for ClassCharts. Your feedback has been amazing and overwhelmingly positive. In one or two instances you have suggested some possible minor changes and we are looking into that. I am delighted we have been finally able to launch this initiative. When I came back to the school a few years ago I was hearing lots of little things about communication with families and sharing more information with them about learning and the day to day experience. ClassCharts is our response to what you told us and I hope you feel it has been a hugely positive addition to our work. Given your responses I think that is the case and I am pleased.

Finally, thank you to those of you who have taken the time to respond to our Parent & Carer SurveyBeckfoot ParentCarer Survey (Small)It is important that we have your views and understand as fully as possible the quality of education and wider experiences we are providing for your children.

Take care, 


Posted 24th June 2022

The things that are important you will always remember

I have been looking back a lot this week. That, in itself, is unusual for me and I will explain why.

sportsawards2On Tuesday, we held our first Sports Awards celebration for three years. It was amazing. No, it was more than that. It was incredible, special, emotional and so much more. I sat and watched and listened to the various members of my PE staff talk with oodles of care and passion about young people who live and breathe sport and leadership, who take opportunities and want their school experience to be incredible and full of enrichment and excitement. It was amazing.

sportsawardsI sat with three ex students who were our VIP guests for the evening. Evie, Adam and Max came back to school having left us in the last two years themselves. They were given awards for their various contributions to PE and Sport in their time at Beckfoot and they then spent the evening handing out awards to our worthy winners. That, too, was special and it was just great to see them again.

The evening was very professionally put together and the quality of film and music something to behold. The event has moved on hugely in terms of its quality and professionalism since I last attended in 2015 and I felt privileged just to be a part of it. I want to thank everyone who attended and most especially the PE team who are an amazing group of people determined to provide the best possible opportunities for our student’s day in day out.

Yesterday, our Year 11 came together for the very last time to sit their Physics GCSE paper; it was their last exam. For the past 6 weeks they have demonstrated such determination, resilience and care for themselves and each other. They have studied, attended pre-exam presentations and sat through, in most cases, over 20 exams each. They have never complained once and have been the most incredible group of students to work with through this period. I told them yesterday how proud we are of them and said good bye. Many will be back in September but some won’t and we will miss them hugely. Regardless, we did OK between us and I just hope they get what they deserve in August because good things happen to good people and they have been the best.

We then we met with the families of our new Year 11 students last night. It was an opportunity to set the scene for the next 12 months and to explain our support structures and ambitions for this group of young people. It was a lovely, albeit warm, evening and I left feeling we got it right. I am excited to see what this next group can achieve working alongside us next year but I am really looking forward to being able to watch them grow and do special things over that time.

jeremyFinally, many of you will be aware that the Beckfoot Trust lost a very special person yesterday. Jeremy Richardson, who was the headteacher of Beckfoot Thornton, died following an accident as he cycled to work on Wednesday morning. We are devastated. He was, in my words, a really great bloke. He loved his family and he loved his school. He has done the most incredible job at that school in recent years and he will be hugely missed by that community of staff, students and families. He leaves behind his wife and three children and we are so sorry for their loss. I will miss him. I will miss the pressure I would feel because he was so dapper. I will miss that he felt I could never get way with wearing brown shoes and I will miss his counsel and support. He was one of the good ones and our light shines a little less brightly because he is gone. Please remember him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Take care.



Posted 10th June 2022

Today is a day of sadness and joy

beckfootToday our Year 11 and 13 students leave us. Today they will attend their last lessons of the year and, for many, the final time they will step into a classroom at Beckfoot.

For some reason, this day always seems to take me by surprise. I know it’s coming but things are usually so busy that you put it to the back of your mind and get on with the many other day to day issues that need your time and attention.

I feel a little sadder today than most years. I guess that’s because many of these students are the first ones I really got to know at Beckfoot. In my early days these were the ones that would say hello, talk to me about school and their lives beyond school, question my allegiance to Liverpool FC and be genuinely interested in things I was doing and saying. I will never forget them. They are incredibly special young people and they deserve good things in their lives.

We have a few things planned today as well as having to ensure the exams are the number one priority. We want them to know that we care, have always cared and very much want them to be decent young people who are happy and that little bit more ready for the outside world because they went to Beckfoot.

Group-Photo-1For our year 11 students, I know they are going to do amazing things. I could not have wished for a better group as we emerged from lockdown and faced the reality of a return to GCSE examinations. Many are returning to us in September and we are very excited about their potential. They will, alongside our plans for Post 16 next year, ensure that our Sixth Form will not only thrive but go from strength to strength because they have chosen to be a part of it.

For others they want to explore new surroundings and I hugely respect that. They will undoubtedly bring a great deal to those schools, colleges and employers who will benefit, as I have done, from their presence and characters. We will miss them hugely.

For our Year 13, they have been the most amazing group I think I have ever known. They are the ones that the pandemic hit most in my view and yet they have no desire to linger on that fact. They don’t see themselves as victims nor do they wish to wallow in self-pity. It’s incredible. I very much know I would not have handled things as well as they have done.

classof22They are the ones that we said goodbye to on the 20th March 2020 with just a couple of days notice. I will never forget that assembly on that Friday afternoon. Some things will never leave you and that is one of those for me.

I want them to have happy and successful lives. They deserve that. I want them to feel that we did our best alongside them though I absolutely know that has not always been how they felt post pandemic. I want them to realise that their time at Beckfoot will stand them in good stead because nothing they will face in their lives will challenge them in quite the same way as recent years have. They are kind, utterly resilient and curious about the future. They want to make a difference and they will. I will miss them hugely but I also know that they are ready to go, ready to spread their wings and ready to take on the world. I will watch from here and be ready to help whenever needed.

For all those leaving today I feel a great sense of pride. Beckfoot has always believed in young people and worked hard to instil the values in them that will help shape their lives well beyond our walls. When they walk out the gates today, I will look at their backs and know they are very decent, extremely likable and hugely ambitious young people that continue to make us proud for many years to come but I am a little sadder today because of it.

Take care.



Posted 27th May 2022

It’s half term and exams are well underway

examsOur GCSE and A Level students are now fully immersed in their exams and it has been a huge relief to most to have started. The anticipation is often difficult but especially so this year given everything these young people have faced in recent years.

We are two weeks into the GCSE exams and A Level began this week. In all cases, it would appear that the exams are fair. As expected, they are providing real challenge for our students but they are approaching each one with grit and determination. They have been well prepared and they will do their best in all cases. I don’t think we can ask any more from them in that respect.

exams3We will break up for half term today and whilst it will be an opportunity to recharge for most, for our exam students it is an opportunity to get a great deal of work done. At this stage, with the end in sight, students should be committing at least four to six hours per day to their revision. I have always believed that you get out what you put in and hard work not only makes a difference but it always pays off. I would urge each of them to give these last few weeks everything they have got and a little more. Rest will come and when it does it will be well earned. I am proud of each of them. They are amazing young people who deserve great things in their lives.

exams2Our Year 10 students have not been immune to the learning that exam season brings either. On Wednesday, they gathered in the hall and were spoken to about their futures and the importance of hard work, resilience and ambition. Our sixth form team and careers staff spoke to them about the opportunities and challenges of the next twelve months. They listened. We then handed them their mock results in the same format that GCSE results will take next summer. This was an opportunity to reflect on their current progress and attainment. It was a chance to think clearly about next steps and whether or not they were on track for success. It was a reality check with the caveat that now was the time to change what they are thinking and change what they are doing to guarantee success in their GCSE exams next year. What I do know is that we will be with them every step of their journey and will be doing everything we can to support them, challenge them and look after them. That is our job and our privilege.

Our sixth form provision is a hugely important part of our school and I love having the older students around the building. They represent everything that we are trying to create at Beckfoot. They are bright, friendly and hardworking, mature, selfless and they are the role models for our younger ones. For many, though, the sixth form experience has been hampered somewhat by the pandemic. The many rites of passage at that age were taken from them and I have worried about them. So much so that I want things to change for the better for all sixth form students.

There is no doubt that there are huge attractions for students to continue their education at Beckfoot, to stay with us for seven years. There is also little doubt that we are an academic provider of level 3 courses. But we are so much more than that. The personal development of young people is a huge part of our provision as is leadership development. Our post 16 specific tutors provide years of experience to support the 16 to 18 journey and are incredibly well supported by our award-winning careers team to ensure our students are getting into their first-choice universities, apprenticeships and careers. So why do I want change? Well, I guess I just want to be better and the pandemic has allowed me to see our sixth form through more critical lenses. I want to create something special, different with our sixth form space. I have worked with the Trust to secure funding to develop our space into something that is much more modern for our students. I will be investing in creating a much more student like experience, with a new and fully furnished common room with doors separating that element of the space from a more work centered space. We will be talking to students in the next few weeks about furnishings for the common room and study space, new ICT equipment and Wi-Fi as well as other things that will make a difference to the post 16 experience of our students going forward. It’s exciting and I can’t wait!

welcomeback(7)Finally, if you follow us on Twitter you will be able to keep an eye on things day to day. There is a piece on there this week about a trip to the Devonshire Arms. Our students were amazing and really well looked after by the staff there including one of our own who has made a really great career from himself there over the past few years. That, above all else, is what resonated with our students. One of our own, a Beckfooter, doing so well is a joy but also demonstrates what’s possible if you are willing to work hard enough.

Finally, we finish today until Monday the 6th of June. Please enjoy the break, get some rest and relax. Unless, of course, you are a Year 11 or Year 13 student!

Take care.



Posted 13th May 2022

Sometimes you just know you are doing things right

P2,-903&904-(13)Over the past couple of weeks, we have been doing a number of curriculum drop down days where we suspend the normal curriculum for year groups and give them a focussed experience for the day. Last week it was Year 9s PE Day where they took part in a wide variety of activities including learning about nutrition, physiology, training, sport development and media. It was great - the sessions so interactive and fun. 

This week it was the turn of our Year 7s on Tuesday and Year 8s on Thursday. Year 7 had an incredible day looking at the theme of dystopia. They had no names throughout and were simply numbers with a mission to thwart the plans of the evil Number 1 (Mr. Thomas). I was hooked from the first session and so were the students. They learned so much about language, writing, reading and working together. It was so much fun and a hugely successful day helped greatly by our amazing students.   

DSC_0001Yesterday, our Year 8 had their RESPECT day. This was special because the focus was on others. Our students were encouraged to think about bullying (cyber bullying), racism, LGBTQ+, disability and sexual harassment. The sessions were jointly delivered by guests and our own staff. They were informative, interactive and incredibly educational. Our students amazed our visitors with their input, knowledge, understanding and willingness to listen, learn, empathise and change. These days are so important if we are to be truly serious about our desire to shape students, prepare them for a world beyond Beckfoot and give them the tools and experiences to thrive. We are all different and thats ok. In fact, it’s fantastic and we need to be more understanding, more tolerant and much more inclusive in all that we do. I want to thank all the staff that made this day so successful especially Mrs Lawal, Ms Khaliq, Mrs Dobson and their teams.  

indexFor the past few weeks there has been a steady increase in the levels of excitement streaming from various groups in Year 11. Of course, they are all absolutely focussed on their exams (I see that every day as I walk the building and visit lessons) but there is also something else, something very tangible. It’s the Prom and Flamingo Land! For many years now, these have been rites of passage for our students and the stories from previous cohorts only add to the wonder and expectation. 

This week has felt really strange. They have been expectant, excited and a little anxious. They know that GCSE exams begin on Monday, but they also know that they have been encouraged to take a break and enjoy each other’s company for the final times this week and that always brings joy and a few tears as they realise that their time together is almost over and soon, they will go their separate ways. 

It’s 5.30am and I am sat writing this blog in my office following the most wonderful evening last night. I want to share with you how it went at the prom, but there is also the small matter of taking a year group out for the day and wanting them to fully understand how much we like them, want to spend time with them and how much we care about them and their futures. I hope they know. I think they do. 

DSC_0076Last night was simply incredible. It was my first Prom since I left in 2015 and I had forgotten much about the evening. I arrived at the Mercure Bankfield Hotel at 6.15pm just to see if I could help in any way. Although I was early, there was nothing for me to do because the staff had it all in hand. I was quickly joined by large numbers of staff who wanted to share in the celebrations, and they looked incredible having made a huge effort to get dressed up to meet and greet their students as they arrived. That was the first ‘lump in the throat moment. Over 70 staff congregated at the front of the hotel to clap as each student, each group emerged from an incredible variety of vehicles. Also present, were large numbers of family and friends of our students. They too wanted to share in the evening even if just for a few moments and secure photos that would provide lifelong memories and points for discussion for years to come. It was such a special occasion. It is our school community coming together to ensure our young people know they are cared for. 

DSC_0048Our students came with families, in Limos, supercars of all varieties, vintage American cars, bikes and a police van!! Seeing a couple of our girls emerge from the back of a police van will live long in the memory and gave me my second lump in the throat/heart stopping moment! For many of us, seeing them arrive that is the most special part of the evening. They come together as a very special group and they know that they can enjoy themselves, enjoy each other and look after one another throughout. Being there for that alone was a privilege and I cannot thank the staff enough for helping to make it very special indeed. 

DSC_0174Throughout the evening our students had fun. They mingled, danced, ate and had millions of photos taken. They looked amazing in their choice of evening wear which ranged from the most incredible dresses to dapper suits and some very bespoke and individual steampunk outfits. I hope they all felt very special and felt great about themselves for the evening. We thought they looked wonderful and it was an absolute joy to be asked to be in numerous photos throughout the night. 

At the end they made their way home and so many said thank you. It doesn’t seem much, but those words meant a great deal to us and that we got it right for them. I hope so. 

Today we all go to Flamingo Land. It has been a feature of our Year 11 strategy for many years and I hope they have a wonderful day. I have permission to join them and I can’t wait. I don’t enjoy theme parks; more specifically rides but I will cope for one day and enjoy the company of a very special group of young people for one last time. 

Take care. 



Posted 29th April 2022

Welcome back to the summer term

I love the summer term. It’s full of hope and expectation. The brighter mornings and longer evenings make such a difference as does the weather. Having said that I have ice on my windscreen this morning and it’s almost May!

I am very fortunate to be in the privileged position that I am. I love my job and there has never been a day over the past 28 years where I have not wanted to come to work. I am surrounded by incredible people who share my ambition for the school but, most importantly, I am surrounded by the most amazing young people. They are the ones that make this job special, the ones that make it interesting and challenging all at the same time. They are the ones that we focus on entirely. Why do I say that?

examsAs May approaches, so do the first external exams since 2019. Our Year 11 and Year 13 students will in a matter of weeks, sit their respective GCSE and A Level exams. Most are well prepared, some are anxious, and a few are still deciding! Our job is to build their confidence to be able to approach these exams with a positive mindset and a belief that they can and will do well. Whilst every effort is being made in school there is also a responsibility on students to do their bit too. Again, most are working hard and building the knowledge that they will be able to recall and apply in any exam. They will get what they deserve; they always do. Over the holidays, others have realised that now is the time to buckle down and devote themselves to the work that is required. They will do well. A few, not many thankfully, are unsure about the merits of hard work. What we say every year is that there is a clear relationship between inputs and outputs. If you put in the work, you will be ok. If you don’t then the risks are huge. Every ounce of effort, every minute, every hour of study will make a difference. Every exam practice question done, every paper completed will make a difference. It is never too late to invest in your future and our young people know that. They should always be looking for opportunities to revise and the coming Bank Holiday weekend is a great opportunity. I spoke with the staff on Monday morning and reminded them (not that I have to) of our absolute commitment to our exam students over the coming weeks. Whatever happens we will be there for them.

sian2sian3I am also very fortunate because many students and families are keen for me to know about exploits beyond Beckfoot and I love that. Sian is mentioned regularly in my blog because she is hugely involved in her sport outside of school. Over Easter she took part in the Inter Counties Tournament, the pinnacle of junior county badminton nationally. I am reliably informed that it's been 10 years since Yorkshire Badminton won that particular competition. Sian was part of a very strong Yorkshire team and after three days they made it to the final three which included Yorkshire, Leinster and Cheshire. Yorkshire, including Sian were triumphant winning all their matches and lifting the trophy. It is an immense achievement and we are thrilled for her. She has given years of her young life to achieving this success and it is hugely deserved.

englandcheerleadersContinuing with the sporting theme, two of our students travelled to Florida over the Easter break to represent Team England in the International Cheer Union World Championships. Georgia and Scarlett represented team England against many other nations, competing against the world’s most elite cheerleaders such as USA, Mexico and China. The team placed 7th in the world which is incredible. I am in awe of such talent. To be good enough to be picked to represent your country in amazing in itself but to rank 7th in the world is incredible. Again, both girls have committed huge amounts of time to their sport. They have made sacrifices along the way to do what they have done, and we are hugely proud of them both. You can watch Team England in action below!

To finish, I always talk about hard work and how important that is. I have never figured out how to do things well, and achieve success, any other way. Perhaps it’s possible? I think not.

Take care.



Posted 8th April 2022

Final Blog of the Spring Term

Buzz-MagazineI was chatting with some staff and students this week about the latest edition of our Buzz magazine and how proud we were of all the amazing things that have been going on at Beckfoot over recent months. We each agreed that school feels like a great place to work and learn and that we are slowly beginning to forget about the pandemic, well at least our students are!

The Buzz comes out today and I am very grateful to our digital team of staff and students who have put in so much work to create something that we are really happy with. There is something in there for everyone ranging from music, to sport to future readiness and academic interests. I love that students are so involved in this because Beckfoot is their school and it is right that they want to shout about it.

On Tuesday we held our final Super Learning Day for a group of ninety Yr. 11 students. We took them to the Mercure Hotel for the day with an exclusive focus on Maths and English in preparation for their forthcoming GCSE exams. They were treated like young adults throughout and had the opportunity to learn in a business-like environment. Their response was phenomenal, and their feedback focused entirely on a desire to succeed not only in those core subjects but in every aspect of their education. These days are very difficult to organise and plan but the time and effort put in by the staff made it such a worthwhile activity that will, undoubtedly make a difference to our young people.

LeedsMusic and the Arts have always been a big part of what we do here every day, but I cannot remember a week which has involved so much activity as this one. Last Saturday a combination of dance students from years 10, 11 and 12 performed at Fresh 22 at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. It has been a really exciting and challenging few months for the girls who not only had to choreograph a dance routine but then had to perform it a number of times in order to qualify for the event. Not only did they qualify but they did so for the main event in the evening on centre stage. They worked so hard every day in the lead up and were incredibly self-critical and determined to perfect their routine in advance of the performance. They danced as Footfall Dance company and were brilliant on the night. Special memories for a special group of students led superbly by Darcie and Laila.

YorkAlso, this week, two other major events took place involving Beckfoot’s Creative Arts staff and students. On Wednesday evening our students were involved in a National Theatre Connections performance at the Theatre Royal in York. Following a competitive bid to be part of this project, our students were given the opportunity to work with a professional playwright and perform a new one-hour play that the playwright had written especially for this project. For anyone who has ever had to memorise a speech, lead an assembly, or similar, I think it is fair to say that it is not easy and takes incredible courage. It was wonderful to see another group of our students involved in a project on this scale. What stood out on the evening was the focus, determination, professionalism, teamwork and all round Beckfoot magic that was oozed from our students - both on stage and backstage afterwards. Most have never performed before and the memories and experiences this kind of project provides is just phenomenal. I want to thank Ms. Kyle and her team, the students of course and those staff and families that were there to support.

Also on Wednesday, the final of our First Give work was held in the main hall with presentations from each tutor group about their chosen charity. First Give is a charity whose programme inspires and empowers young people to take action to make a positive change in society. The work supports students to understand the power and importance of social action whilst also developing them as leaders with a social conscience.

904 presenters (2)Each tutor group had representatives that spoke about their chosen charity, why it was important to them and why they exist. They each chose a different one to support in the hope of winning the £1000 prize for their chosen focus. I stood and watched each tutor group talk about the work of their charity and why it was important to them. The students spoke about work in our city aimed at supporting those with mental health issues, homelessness, employment, and animal welfare to name a few. It was humbling and I can only imagine how proud their tutors were of them.

In the end it was tutor group 904 who won the money for their chosen charity, The Cellar Trust, A Bradford based charity offering a range of services for people who are having difficulties with their mental healh.


St GeorgesWednesday was proving to be a busy day and Mr Lee was determined not be outdone. He, alongside Mr Stimpson, took a group of forty-five students to perform in the Bradford Proms at St Georges Hall. Our Senior band opened the show with a bang, leading the way for a brilliant evening of performances from schools across Bradford. Our Juno singing group then performed as part of the Bradford Blast Choir with and sang with confidence and maturity. Indeed, our students shone brightly throughout the evening and were all absolutely brilliantly brilliant as both performers and young people. To perform on such a big stage in front of a packed-out audience is not easy, but our students loved it and represented themselves, their families and our school wonderfully, leading the Bradford district with two stand out performances. Again, I want to thank the staff, the students and those staff and families that were there to support.

I know Beckfoot is a special place but this week more so than ever. I am so fortunate to have such a committed staff who seek out every opportunity to make our students feel special and to have access to moments that will live with them forever. That is what our culture is totally focused on. It is about ensuring we are changing lives both socially and academically.

Finally, we held a planned fire practice yesterday. For those that read regularly, you will know that I worry intensely about these things. I worry because they are such a public test of school culture; I needn’t have worried. It was amazing. 1900 staff and students exited the building in silence, lined up to be registered in silence, waited patiently in silence and return to the building in silence. Everyone knew what was expected of them, why it is important to get it right, and I was almost overcome with pride watching it all happen before me. I have worked at 6 schools throughout my career and I have seen lots of fire drills go wrong, often badly wrong. Standards are so important as is clarity of expectation. Our students were incredible, and I need to remind myself regularly never to take that for granted. I won’t.

Have a wonderful, happy and peaceful Easter break. Stay safe, look after those around you and those you love.



Posted 1st April 2022

Hard work matters

It has been only a week since my last Blog but so much has happened that I needed to share with you a little earlier. Most of my news relates to the importance of hard work and the belief that you mostly get back what you put in regardless of what it is you are trying to achieve.

SSATI would like to start by sharing the news that we were informed this week that we have been successfully accredited by the SSAT (Schools Students and Teachers Network) for two key areas of our work around the quality of education provided at Beckfoot. These awards recognise that our practice is amongst the most exceptional nationally under the SSAT's Framework for Exceptional Education. The two areas we have been awarded transforming practice in are: 

  • Engaging with evidence and research 
  • Principled curriculum design

I want to thank everyone who has supported these bids and for the hard work, dedication and determination I see every day to ensure Beckfoot continues to provide the best education possible for our community. The impact on our students 'lived' experience is what matters most, and it is for that reason that I am so thrilled and grateful.  

Year 11 revision sessionA few months ago, we shared the decision to make changes to our curriculum in order to ensure every child had access to a breadth of study that would allow them to stand alongside any student in the country and compete for the best jobs and university places. In doing so we will ensure every child will study the core subjects, a humanities subject and a modern foreign language. We are excited by this decision and very much want to ensure our students get the very best teaching and experiences possible as we seek to develop them as young people with a deeper knowledge of such things as cultural capital. Last week we held a modern foreign languages Wider Learning Day for Year 8. Despite the fact that we teach French and German here, we did not allow them to utilise those languages throughout the day. Instead we asked them to communicate in so many different ways ranging from sign language to a whole host of other languages including Urdu, Punjabi, Spanish and Ukrainian. There was also a little bit of Gaelic (Irish language) thrown in by me for good measure. It was a wonderful day and I am so grateful to the MFL team and all those visiting staff who supported the day including colleagues from Hazelbeck. 

We held our Year 11 mock results day yesterday and the reaction from the students was the best I have known in many years. We shared the results from their mock exams in the format they will experience in August. Despite knowing their results already because we want them to learn from their exams, they have never seen them all together in sealed envelopes. Many were delighted and a few less so. Regardless, we asked two questions of them all. Firstly, did they achieve what they need for next year and secondly, did they achieve what they want. There is a difference. That being that they will only be happy if they achieve at least what they are capable of and a bit more. If that is not the case then we ask that they let themselves be driven by that ambition and aspiration and to keep working hard, attend school every day, stick to a revision plan outside of school and be relentless in their determination to be the best they can each day. We also reminded them how special they are and that they have the most exciting futures ahead of them. They have the small matter of GCSE exams left to hurdle and we will be with them every step of the way because they deserve every ounce of support and guidance we can provide.

We followed mock results session with some input from a long-time friend of the school, a company called INNER DRIVE. They deliver practical, interactive workshops based on the most recent research to help students develop their mindset and acquire the key skills for success. It is something we have done for a few years now and it is a different experience from our students that really helps. 

HockeyIn sporting matters most of you will know the amazing things our PE staff do here each week. There are so many opportunities to get involved in a huge range of activities before, during and after school. This year we have added to those opportunities in the form of a Hockey club run by two members of our English department, Ms. Senyk and Ms. Ratahi. This week they played their first competitive fixture as a mixed sex and mixed age group. They were brilliant and won the game 4-0. They were thrilled but not as much as the staff. I love seeing new things happen at the school and continuing to provide those moments that students will never forget even when they reach my age! 

LoisTo finish I want to highlight a few students who are doing amazing things at Beckfoot. Firstly, Lois in Year 12. Lois was employed as a Youth Peer Researcher for a report commissioned by the The Young Foundation following an intensive application and selection programme. The Young Foundation is the UK’s home for community research and social innovation. As a not-for-profit, The Young Foundation brings communities, organisations and policymakers together to shape a fairer future, driving positive change and supporting collective action to improve people’s lives. Lois spent the past 6 months interviewing students (mostly ours) and her work is featured heavily in the report titled, Beyond the ‘foggy and uncertain’: supporting young people’s futures. The report highlights the effects of the pandemic on young people but also their needs and wants at the present time. The report highlighted the views of young people across the country and it is a publication that makes you sit up and want to help. In the Yorkshire and Humber region, young people want help, guidance and support in areas such as the use of drugs and alcohol, mental health and future readiness. I was delighted that she felt, from her research, that Beckfoot is doing most of the things that young people and our students want. We are invested in post pandemic work because it matters hugely and will do for some time to come. You can read the full report here.

Behaviour and AttitudesSian, also in Year 12, is no stranger to my Blog. She continues to excel in the sport of Badminton.  She has recently been selected to represent Yorkshire U18 at the Inter Counties Tournament over the Easter Holidays to be held at Nottingham University. In junior badminton this is seen as the pinnacle for any young player at county level. There are only 5 girls & 5 boys in the team and selection was based on performance during this season. Her selection is an incredible achievement in itself. Sian is also on the Badminton England National Youth Forum. She put forward a video with ideas and thoughts on what she believes Badminton England should do to improve the sport at junior level throughout the country. They were impressed & invited her on to the forum as an ambassador for junior badminton nationally.  She has already been invited down to Milton Keynes later this year to discuss ideas and how to implement them. I have little doubt she will make a difference to the work that will follow in the sport for years to come and we are proud of her because of all she does and will do well into the future.

To finish, I want to mention Zac in Year 11. He has been at the Bradford City academy since the age of 9 and last week found out that he has been offered a scholarship with the club for the next two years. Zac and his family are thrilled as are we. He is a very talented young man who is both humble and ambitious. He has realised his dream because he has worked so hard for it. He joins Ben and Dillon, also in Year 11 and all three will continue to pursue the dream of becoming professional footballers at their respective clubs in the years ahead. We wish them well, are proud of them and will keep a close eye on their development.

The theme of hard work is central to everything I have shared with you in this Blog. It is something that matters to me. I have never figured out how to achieve anything without working hard and its importance is something that was very much part of my upbringing. I will always be grateful for that.

Take care.






Posted 25th March 2022

The things that give a school its ‘soul’

The past few weeks have allowed me to really think about our school and what makes it so special and often unique. I think about our staff, our students, our families and wider community and what it means to be associated with Beckfoot and I can’t help but feel that, over many years, this place has touched so many lives for the better, created life long memories and friendships and provided life chances for so many to go and make a difference in the world. The past few weeks have provided me with opportunity to reflect and begin to think about our next steps. Here is why.

justdance2On Friday last, we asked our students to really think about others and, in doing so, try to better understand what it is like to live in the shoes of someone less fortunate, even if just for a few minutes. Comic Relief always allows us to do that. It was a fantastic day with lots of activities and opportunities to raise money. Non-uniform proceeds help, but so too do the many students who organise events such as Just Dance, bake sales etc. I am unsure as I write how much we have raised but it will be a few hundred pounds I am sure. I am very grateful to the Student Leadership charity group and the staff who supported them to make a difference.

On Wednesday, the Beckfoot Young Musician of the Year concert returned. It had been a long and busy day by the time the concert started and I sat in my seat. What followed over the next three hours was nothing short of spectacular. 9.30pm arrived and I had no idea where the time had gone because I was lost in the music and the atmosphere. I forgot I had to say something to the audience and that I had to present the students with prizes! Thank goodness others were on hand to help!

200-(13)I listened to the KS3 and KS4+ finalists and then to the various ensembles with some Groove Tubes and Soul Band thrown in for good measure. It was amazing, and I loved every minute of it. I guess what really struck were three things. Firstly, the talent we have at Beckfoot and this was only just a small representation of that talent. Secondly, the commitment of staff and students to the arts and the hours that go in to being able to play, sing and perform. And thirdly, the relationships that were so clearly evident on the night between staff and students. I felt very proud of that especially. That is culture and doesn’t just happen. It takes years to build that trust and care and we have it at Beckfoot in abundance.

Of course, there are those that win and those that don’t on the night, but it felt very different to me. It was about the music, the performances, the audience and allowing me and others to just enjoy the talent we have here for a few hours on a Wednesday night. For that I am so grateful. You can view the list of participants, winners and a full gallery of the night here.

In other news, we continue to drive forward on our agenda to ensure Beckfoot students are Future Ready young people. Today we are taking the entire Year 10 out to various universities and colleges to give them a flavour of what is out there for the post 16 and post 18 options. It is a huge organisational undertaking and I very much feel that these are the days that help students to be reminded of how important their education is and the opportunities that they will have access to if they have ambition that is matched with a determination to succeed. I hope they have a wonderful day.

stopThis week was also very special because this was the week that we delivered our STOP assemblies. Those assemblies were about Safeguarding our students and ensuring they understand their right to a happy and safe childhood, their right to be free from abuse of any kind but also their duty to help us to do that work well and look after each other. The assembly talked about those things but also about the 'Everyone’s Invited' agenda which stemmed from the Sarah Everard tragedy and the Ofsted review of Peer on Peer abuse in schools across the country. I guess you have two choices when you read such publications; you can deny it is a problem at our school or you can acknowledge that it is a problem here as it is everywhere. That is the truth. We want our students to understand that it is never okay to be the victim of abuse of any kind, that it is never okay to be made to feel uncomfortable about yourself in any way and it is not okay to normalise any kind of inappropriate behaviour. It is time we made a stance as a school and be part of a determination to stamp out Peer on Peer abuse in schools and colleges. To help we have also created an email address to help students report issues to us so that we can help them to overcome and deal with issues appropriately. The feedback from students has been overwhelming and nothing like we have experienced in many years. Our young people ‘get it’ and they want to help in any way they can to better educate all members of our community about what is safe and acceptable and what is not.

Finally, to return to my opening paragraph where I talked about the impact Beckfoot has had on so many. Over the past few weeks we have been interviewing for a wide variety of roles within the school. Some teaching but mostly for administrative and support staff roles. I always make a point to sit with candidates first thing and talk to them about the context of our school and what it means to work with us. On almost every occasion over the past few months I have met at least one past Beckfooter who wanted to return to the school and work with us. It not only reminded me that I am getting older but, listening to them talk about their experiences of our school, it reminded me that, whilst we are far from perfect, we get a lot right and we care.

Take care



Posted 11th March 2022

Spring really does bring change

Every year around this time, it always feels a little different in school. I’m not sure if it’s because we are nearly through the worst winter has to offer or if it’s down to the brighter mornings and longer evenings. I think for me, it’s the latter. I love coming and going from work when things are brighter and the sense of optimism that seems to bring. There is so much happening in the world right now that we need to try to remain positive and ensure our young people do similarly. Nothing is more important. 

Ukranian AppealWhen I wrote my last Blog on 18 February we were breaking up for half term and the world was a very different place. When we returned last week, things had changed because of the humanitarian crises in Ukraine. We have all watched with unenviable sadness the situation unfolding and the impact it is having on the country. We have staff and families with links over there and we all very much wanted to do something as a community. We liaised with several local charities and communities to find out the best way to offer support. We began to collect essential items that will make a difference to those families and children displaced from their homes. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity that has been shown over the past week from all of you. It has been humbling, not only because of the amount of support that has been shown, but because it matters so much to our staff and students. Thank you.

We have been acutely aware of the impact this ongoing situation has had on many families and we have run assemblies all week, led by Mrs Senyk, to explain what has been going on, why it is happening and how we can help. We have also included much of this into our Humanities curriculum to be taught this week and next. It is our small way to show we care, and I very much hope it is making a difference to us all.

solutionsnotsideslogoThe crisis has also reminded us of the ongoing situation of war and unrest in other areas around the world and our Post 16 students are meeting me later to consider how best to raise awareness and show support for other families in places like Yemen, Palestine and Israel. I love the passion they have for wanting to make a difference and we will hopefully look at both education and charity work to help those children and families too. We have already booked a sixth form lecture in May, from the charity Solutions not Sides, who will talk to our students about the Israel-Palestine conflict and how best to help in a non-political manner. I have worked with this organisation many times before both at Beckfoot and my previous school, Upper Heaton. They are an amazing charity and I am very much looking forward to their talks.

Our Year 9 students dressed up last week to undertake their first ever interview experience. Our Careers team, who were responsible for our Careers Mark award last term, have the most amazing plan for students to ensure they are future ready by the time they leave Beckfoot. These interviews are led by local and national employers, universities and charities. They are an incredible experience for our students and the feedback has been stunning. I loved seeing them in their best attire and taking the process seriously. So many of them were nervous beforehand but fully immersed themselves in the process and gained so much from their time with these people. I am very proud of them and feel they will be more than ready to make a difference in the world beyond Beckfoot when the time comes.

202Since our return our Year 11 and 13 students have been incredibly busy taking mock exams. They have been amazing. It has been a challenging fortnight, but their energy, resilience and ambition has continued to shine throughout. The experience will also help them to learn a great deal about what they know and what still needs to be learned. I believe strongly that mocks are not something to be feared. Indeed, the opposite. They are designed to build confidence, support learning and next steps, providing a reality check of where a young person is with their knowledge and understanding. The staff are devoting hours at this time to mark these exams and provide the highest quality feedback that will support learning and revision over the coming weeks. It will make a difference without doubt. I want to thank those staff and students for everything they have given since our return and I very much hope they use the experience to motivate themselves to give everything they have in the final push over the few remaining weeks we have left.

I must also thank those Year 10 students who have also undergone mock exams. For most of them it has been their first experience of such an environment. They too have been wonderful and need to be highlighted. We have sent messages home to make it clear how well they have done at such a young age and again, I want to thank them and their families for their efforts and support.

DSC_0014Finally, I wanted to tell you about World Book Day. It was such a success and the atmosphere in the building was superb. We had so many staff and students involved through dressing up, reading in lessons, highlighting the benefits of getting involved with books and literature for vocabulary and life in general. There is no greater gift than the gift of reading and the places a book can bring you to in your mind. Year 7 students each received a book and every student a book token. I want to thank everyone who got involved most especially our LRC staff who co-ordinated the day and transformed the library and its staff into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory for the day. Very special!

Take care


Lara Logan Ben

Posted 18th February 2022

It’s half term at the end of today...

We finish school this afternoon for half term and we will reopen again on Monday 28 February at the normal time.

It has been a strong half term for us and has very much set the standard for 2022. As usual there has been lots happening, and our school community feels a really great organisation to be a part of. I will tell you why.

I have spent much of the past few weeks interviewing for a wide variety of roles in school including one or two teaching roles. It always feels special to show candidates around the building when it is alive with students. It always amazes me that they invariably all say the same thing when we ask them about their views on our school (I am always interested in the view from fresh eyes!) and they talk about how calm the place is, the purposeful nature of each classroom, the relationships between staff and students, the buzz and the feel of the place. I know we are not perfect, but we have a very special school and it is always nice to be reminded of that.

cropped-BradfordSoupRunLogo-1-768x664Last week we were reminded of our role as a community school when we received a letter of thanks from The Bradford Soup Run, a charitable organisation that provides food and clothing to those in need. It also does some very special work over Christmas and New Year for those people. This year, as we have been doing for a number of years, we were able to donate over £500 to help their cause. They were very grateful and wrote to us to tell us so and also to inform us how the money was spent. Our students are incredibly aware of the need to be constantly thinking about others and to also understand the responsibility we have to care for those less fortunate. We do a great deal each year to support various charities and events and it feels good to know we are continuing to make a difference.

I have mentioned in previous Blogs about the work being led by our students on the Pandemic Recovery. They have already done so much work on this issue including presenting to school and council officials across the city and working with other students to ensure there is a coherence to their message about the impact of the pandemic on young people especially. They have focused on a wide range of issues including friendships, mental health and lost opportunities and this week they have written to leaders to continue to push for a joined up, collaborative approach to supporting young people to recover from the impact of the last two years. They know what they want to see happen and by when. It is powerful to see them work and the strength of their desire to make things better for themselves and others is humbling. I will keep you updated.

I want to thank our Year 7 parents for joining us last night for our virtual parents evening. Over 98% of you attended and the feedback thus far has been fantastic. The students have only been with us a short time, but they have settled in very well and are beginning to shine as we would want them to. Their personalities are emerging, and we are excited about their future. They are the next generation of Beckfooters and they will help us shape the future of our school as they progress through the school. That is the exciting bit.

World Book Day is immediately after half term on Thursday 3 March. WBD logo-anniversaryReading is a gift and such an important skill to nurture and develop. A love of reading is something that I want to develop in all our students for lots of reasons but mainly because it has the power to provide a wealth of experiences, feelings and emotions that can often not be found in any other way. For some it has the power to transport you to another world, for others it is about the emotion of the text and for the likes of me it facilitates a complete break from everything else and allows me to learn, to feel and to be taken on a journey that is so completely different. I love to read sporting autobiographies and I am currently reading Siya Kolisi’s book 'Rise'. He was the captain wbdDSC_0028of the South African Springboks rugby team that won the world cup in 2019. His is a fascinating story of hardship, resilience and self-belief. He very much reminds me of our belief in ‘Limitless Possibilities for All’ because he represents the view that you can achieve most things in life if you are willing to work hard enough, have someone believe in you and, most importantly, believe in yourself. There are lots of things planned for World Book Day and the staff get a little giddy too! More to follow.

DSC_0002We had a very special and thought provoking curriculum collapse day on Monday for Year 9 students. It was based on the work of the Prison Me No Way charity and, as always, didn’t disappoint. Our students were incredible. They were engaged, respectful, inquisitive and very curious throughout. They were challenged to think about their behaviour and attitudes both in and beyond school, about their friendships, their selflessness and most importantly, about actions and consequences. Our students got a great deal from the day and I want to thank the many who have been in touch to thank us for the experience provided. The feedback from the leaders of the day arrived yesterday and they described our students as ‘amazing as always’. They enjoyed our hospitality too!

I want to mention a few very special achievements this week.Lara Logan Ben Firstly, Lara and Logan in Year 9 have been selected to represent West Yorkshire in the upcoming English Schools Cross-Country championships in Kent. They have been selected from hundreds of young people across the county and it is an incredible honour and achievement for both of them.

I also want to mention Darcie and Laila in Year 12 who have established a dance group call Believer. They have worked with other students in school to choreograph and perform a dance routine to be considered for FRESH 2022. We heard this week that not only were they successful, but such was the quality of the work that they will perform on centre stage at FRESH 2022 which takes place at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in April. They are all incredible young people and we are very proud of them and wish them well.

Finally, I want to thank the staff, families and students for all they have done and contributed to the life of our school this year already. As I said earlier, school feels very special and that is because we are a genuine community that wants to be better every day, that wants to take risks and very much sees the value of putting others first. Long may that continue.

Have a great half term, stay safe and we will see you all again on the 28th.

Take care


Beckfoot feature (7)

Posted 4th February 2022

The drive to be better is so important to us

I often find myself thinking about our school and the experience we are providing for all members of our community every day, something we call the ‘lived experience’. It’s simply about what it’s like to be a member of staff and or a student at Beckfoot and is what we are doing here good enough. Almost always I can’t help but feel we need to continue to drive up standards and be better at what we do. I have always been like that, I guess.

So, when we go through a period as we have done in January, I also punctuate those thoughts with moments of real pride and an overriding sense that we are doing lots of great things at our school every day because we have such an incredible and committed community of staff and students. I will explain.

Over the past couple of weeks my leadership team and I have been sitting down with Year 9 students to talk about the options process and to think clearly about GCSE study but also about the dreams and aspirations those young people have. When it was done, we came together to reflect on the process and each of us concluded two things. Firstly, that the process and the time it takes is worth doing. But, secondly, that this group of Year 9 students have been incredible. I say that because we all had to mostly sit and listen to the students. They came prepared! They spoke about how seriously they were taking the process, how they felt a real sense of responsibility to get it right because they were highly invested but what really made it special is that they are ambitious and they all want to lead happy and successful lives where they can find a good job and thrive in their lives beyond Beckfoot. We had to remind ourselves that they are only thirteen and fourteen years old. Incredible! I want to thank Year 9 students, their families and tutors for the manner in which the Options process has been supported and enhanced.

Similarly, we had yet another wonderful evening last Thursday when we were finally able to welcome Year 11 students and families into school to talk to us about Post 16 options, specifically our Sixth form provision. Despite the challenges the past few years have brought, our students remain determined to shine and to secure the next steps that will allow them to do exactly that. They spoke to staff, asked questions of our Post 16 leaders and were totally invested in their futures. They want to have genuine options in September and understand, better than ever, that GCSE success will give them those options either here or elsewhere. I love evenings like that and last week did not disappoint. 

In other Sixth form news I wanted to let you know that Misha, in Year 13, was offered a place at Cambridge University to study law next year. I have very strong views on the opportunities that exist for state sector students post 18. We have a determination to ensure our students can access any course they want for two reasons. One, they are willing to work hard and earn the right. And two, that they feel they can because of the young people they are, their talent, their characteristics and mostly because they are special. Misha is just one example of what is possible with hard work and determination and we are as proud of her as we are of all our students.

Time to Talk display (Large)In other news I want to thank Poppy in Year 9 for her leadership of the Time to Talk week that has been taking place in school since Monday. Poppy and her team of students have talked in staff briefings, organised health professionals to be available and visible all week, planned a whole host of activities to raise awareness of mental health and created badges and stickers so that almost two thousand staff and students could show their support for anyone that doesn’t feel ok. Indeed, she has driven home the message that it’s Ok to not be OK. Thank you to Poppy and everyone who made this week special.

princessI must mention Mohammed-Ali in Year 8. He wanted to raise money for the Little Princess Trust to do his bit for that wonderful charity. The Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other conditions. He raised £500 in total and we could not be prouder of him, his selflessness and his values.

I would like to draw your attention to our Family Forum which took place virtually last week. It was based on the topic of Safeguarding and took the form of a presentation by one of my deputy headteachers, Alex Denham. The feedback received has been great so far. Have a look and let us know if you have any questions.

Finally, I have been doing a lot of recruitment over the past two weeks in readiness for September. I will share more about that in time. Part of the process is showing off our school to candidates and listening to what they have to say when we ask them about us. The feedback is always the same and I never tire of it. We have a calm, purposeful school with amazing students, facilities and culture. I know that, and I see it and feel it every day. We have so much going on and I am grateful to the staff for what they do both in lessons and through our enrichment programme. It is very special but then again, I have already mentioned that!

Take care



Posted 21st January 2022

We are getting a lot right at Beckfoot

As you know, I love this school. It has been a major part of my life for almost twenty years and I very much believe it is a school that cares passionately about young people and their futures. To me, Beckfoot is a school with real ‘soul’, a place where teachers can teach, students can grow and thrive and, most importantly, it is a happy place.

Last week, following two years of hard work and constantly improving practice, we were awarded the national Quality in Careers Standard. This is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and howDSC_0004 (1) they support students to make decisions about their life after school. It is given to schools who are continually working to improve the chances and opportunities of all its students. Achieving the national Quality in Careers Standard demonstrates, clearly, how we all embrace, promote and endorse quality careers education and recognise the part it plays in the overall success of our school and students. Because we offer a high-quality programme to all students from Year 7 to Year 13, we were graded as Outstanding, the highest possible judgment that can be awarded. Our ambition is to continue to provide world class careers opportunities for our students, continue to introduce them to the world of work and support them fully to make decisions about life after school whatever they may be. I am hugely grateful to Holly McLean and Sarah Wilson for leading on this work and for all they do every day to make a difference to the lives of our young people.

Year 9 Options Booklet 2022Last week also marked the beginning of our GCSE options programme. The students have been very excited at the prospect of having some genuine input into their educational provision for the first time. We have made the decision to ensure all of our students have access to as broad and balanced and fully inclusive education provision that we can provide. As a school we must ensure that students are not disadvantaged in any way as a result of our curriculum offer and so we have made changes to the options process this year. In order to provide the right balance, we have chosen to move from three options subjects to four. In the past we have always insisted on students choosing either History or Geography whilst strongly encouraging them to continue with a modern foreign language. This year we have made the decision to include a language and a humanities subject as part of the core offer whilst still offering students the choice of a further two options as has always been the case. We feel this is the right thing to do and we are thrilled with the response received thus far. We feel our students will be as prepared as anyone in the country, regardless of background or circumstance to challenge for the very best post 16 and 18 courses, university places, jobs and apprenticeships as a result. I want to thank all students and families for their attendance and involvement during the virtual options evening last night.

Next week is one of the highlights of my year when I get to sit with students from a Year 9 tutor group and listen to them talk about their options and their ambitions for the future. Each year I am amazed at their maturity, their consideration, their passion and their dreams. Our Strategic Vision is very much based on the belief that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard enough. I shall be reminding them of that but most importantly, I am just looking forward to spending time with them and listening. I can’t wait!

I want to also thank our Year 12 students and their families for attending our virtual parents evening last week. Over 98% attended and it was an ideal opportunity to talk to staff about progress, enjoyment and the wider contributions students are making to school life. I have been thrilled with the success of the virtual evenings and it will be interesting to see how these might develop as we emerge from the pandemic. We will see.

Finally, I want to end with a thank you to all members of our school community for the support provided in relation to our Covid measures. I cannot thank you enough for helping us to keep our community safe and the positive responses to the constant requests has been humbling. As a community we have changed a great many things including how we operate day to day in school, our communications with families and the limited access to the building to mention but a few. Whilst this has not always been easy, you have always supported the view that we must stay open and we must educate our young people to the very highest standards possible. I am aware that not all schools have had such positive support and for yours I am very grateful.

Yesterday we lifted the rules around the use of face coverings in lessons in line with government guidance. Next week we will do similarly in terms of their use on corridors and in communal areas, again in line with the guidance. Having said all that, we will always respect the wishes of individuals to continue to wear masks in school if that is what they want to do. We will also continue to adhere to our risk assessments and monitor the virus locally and nationally. We know this has not gone away and it will still continue to shape much of our work. However, I very much want to do all we can to ensure that the school experience for students returns to as close as we can get it to normal. They need that and deserve it.

Take care.


Beckfoot Night 2

Posted 7th January 2022

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

I very much hope that you all managed to enjoy the Christmas break and have a much-needed rest. The Autumn term is always long and busy but we continued to make progress and I was delighted that there were no interruptions to our delivery throughout.

This week we managed to get all of our testing into 2 days and I am so grateful to the team for their work to ensure we could have everyone back in lessons by yesterday. There were very few positive cases and that meant that attendance this week has been hugely positive. It is so important for students to be here every day and learning. For each day they are away they are having to catch-up and that is not helpful as we continue (I hope) to emerge from this pandemic. I guess the simple message is this, get to school every day, get involved and Enjoy, Learn, Succeed.

Things are already busy, and we have already launched our Year 9 Options process. I love this time of year and the excitement that this brings. It is the first time for each of these students that they have a genuine say in their educational provision. As long as they approach it with curiosity and maturity they will choose well. That makes all the difference at GCSE and will enable them to maximise their chances of success in the years ahead.

We are taking a cautious approach to bigger events planned this month and we will continue to hold most parental events virtually. That will include, for now, the Year 12 parents evening and the Year 9 Options evening. More details will follow.

We are, though, hoping to hold our planned Post 16 Open Evening later in the month with an appropriate Risk Assessment in place. Again, more details will follow.

As I write this shorter Blog, I am very thankful that both the Met Office and the BBC weather forecasts were completely off the mark overnight. We were expecting heavy snow from 1am and it has not materialised. We arrived on site earlier at 5am to welcome a large team of gritters and although they did the job, it was not the white blanket we were expecting. My view is that we will always do our very best to remain open whatever the weather. In making decisions, I have to ensure three things are right. Firstly, that the roads are clear, and it is safe for staff and students to get to school. Secondly, that the site is safe and will be throughout the day. And thirdly, that all can get back home safely at the end of the day. These things are not easy to determine always. Often you get it right but on occasion that is not the case and you have to live with that. What I always want you to know is that we do things to the best of our ability and put our students, staff and community right at the heart of all we do.

Take care.


b (26)

Posted 17th December 2021

Have a great Christmas holiday!

We have reached the end of a long term. I think that today is a good time to end and allow staff, students and families a time to breathe, refresh and, hopefully, enjoy a well-earned few days away from Beckfoot.thumbnail_DSC_0002

Last week was yet another special week for our school community as we celebrated our Red Carpet events. Over 92% of our students accessed the various events because they have shown, since September, that their attitude to learning, selflessness and sense of pride in their school has been exemplary. Our students got involved additional PE, Art, Computing or Gaming and the week ended with Year 11 students gathering in the atrium for pizza and a chance to talk to friends in the most relaxed atmosphere. I loved the week, especially the fact that more and more students are getting it right!

This week we had our annual Christmas lunch. Our catering team went all out in providing a memorable feast that included something for everyone. Huge numbers of students opted to sit and eat lunch together and they were served throughout by senior staff who also wanted to clean up for students as a way of saying thank you and wishing them a very merry Christmas. I want to say a huge thank you to our catering team who are incredible people that care deeply about our students and want to provide the best for them every day.

b (41)We have had two parents’ evenings since I last wrote. Both were held virtually, and both had attendance of over 97%. Lockdown forced us to think about events such as parents’ evenings differently and the feedback from lockdown gave us the confidence to know that the system is preferred by the vast majority (not all of course). The feedback has been hugely positive, and it is, for me, a real indicator of the strength of our community. I have worked in many schools over the years and the support and challenge we receive from our parents is very rare and hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Finally, at the end of a very long term, I could not have wished for a better ending than our traditional Christmas concert, aptly named this year, ‘Christmas is Beck’! There were upwards of one hundred and fifty students involved and both evenings this week were a huge success. The talent we are DSC_0071blessed with here is truly staggering and I am so fortunate to have Mr. Lee, Mr, Stimpson and an amazing, dedicated group of peripatetic staff who give time to share their love of the Creative Arts and performing. What we saw over two evenings was emotion, passion, dedication and joy. We had so many involved from Year 7 to Year 13 and the future for the Arts in school looks exciting. As I said last night, areas such as these are what gives a school it’s ‘soul’ and I could not have been happier or buzz draft new3_Page_01prouder than I was this week.

I want to thank the staff for their continued commitment to our school and students. They are my greatest resource and they are the strongest group I have ever worked with.

I want to thank our families for your continued support and often challenge.

I especially want to thank our students who breathe life into our school and make it come alive every day. They are very special to us. Please do have another look at our Buzz magazine here.

Finally, I want to wish you all a very happy, peaceful and safe Christmas holiday and New Year. We have a staggered start in January (click here) and we look forward to seeing everyone then.


Beckfoot Night 2

Posted 26th November 2021

Lots to be proud of!

It is early on Friday morning and our students are having a day off so that our Beckfoot Trust community of staff and other key stakeholders from all ten schools can come together to explore the theme of ‘Belonging’. Essentially, we feel that belonging should not be a privilege for some, it must be a right for all. We have a number of very respected speakers that will challenge us all to think about how we can further develop the sense of belonging in our community. It promises to be a really exciting day and I am sure I will be letting you know much more about it in the next week or two.

One week ago today, our school community very much felt like a place where we all belong but also a place where our students canDSC_0001 amaze you with their selflessness and a determination to put others first. They were adamant that we would make this year’s Children in Need day one to remember and they didn’t disappoint. We had raffles, bake sales (the best ever cakes in my view!), sports activities, staff activities and so much more. We also had our traditional non-uniform day and the students raised over £1500 for the charity. We even got a response to our Tweet from the director of the event that evening! For me the day has always been about putting others first and our students have always understood that. Despite all that is going on in the school, they know they need to get it right in lessons and maintain the highest standards of themselves. They stand up forDSC_0003 what they believe in and put so much work into making the day special. CIN day is about our students working together as community contributors and making a difference. They certainly did that last Friday and I am very proud of them. Special thanks go to Mrs. Dobson and her team of student leaders.

FEkKxzAXMAAoIiNLast Friday also saw Beckfoot students contribute to the follow up Pandemic Recovery Summit which involved schools from across Bradford focussing on the key themes of Anti-Racism, Mental Health, Poverty and Disadvantage, LGBTQ+ and Student Voice. Beckfoot was asked to lead on an area of focus for both our school and the city in helping to determine next steps to support young people to recover from all things Covid-19 related. It also focussed on lost opportunities as a result of the pandemic and ways to better provide support to address FEkKxy_X0AYl2z3those going forward.

Our students focussed on LGBTQ+ and Student Voice leading the fourth session of the day. I listened to their presentation from my office and couldn’t believe that they would be capable of such maturity and consideration. The audience included members of the council, local politicians and others who can help make a difference based on the views of young people. They too were stunned at the quality of our students, their articulacy and passion. I was proud of them but also felt that we have an additional responsibility to continue the recovery work at Beckfoot and lead the way for both our students and the city.

I want to mention our Year 13 students who have sat their November mock exams since I last wrote. They too were incredible in their approach to the challenge of a week of exams. The learning that will come from those will be hugely important and beneficial to them as they progress towards Christmas and the new year. I want to thank them for their energy, commitment and patience throughout the week.

Continuing the theme of Post 16, we had our Virtual Sixth Form Open Evening last night. It was necessary to do it this way because our Covid numbers are falling dramatically, so bringing large crowds into school is not the right thing to do just yet. Having said that, we are determined to hold a face to face Open Evening early into the new year and will communicate more about that in due course. We dedicated our school website to the event and provided all the information needed for students to make an informed decision about next steps at Beckfoot. The staff have really thought about our provision and the information that is needed to help with those next steps. There is so much on there so please feel free to have a look.

Our Sixth Form students have also been helping us to revisit and reconsider our approach to the Sixth Form dress code. They considered our proposal which was about a more business-like appearance which we used as a starter for ten in our consultation with them. They were incredible in their approach to that process and met with us on several occasions to present their views and those of the wider sixth form community. The result is that we will be making some changes to the dress code that will involve a total ban on sportswear and hoodies but will keep the rest pretty much as it was. They want to be able to express themselves differently as post 16 students and I am happy with that. They fully understood the need for a democratic process but also their right to present their views in a very mature and balanced manner. I loved their passion, their preparedness to talk and their willingness to compromise all in the knowledge that we would arrive at a decision where the majority would feel listened to and happy. I want to thank our student council and others for their work in helping to get this work done. The new dress code is now on our website.

Finally, I want to mention two of our Key Stage 3 students. Fearne in Year 9 has recently been selected to represent West Yorkshire in Netball. This is a huge achievement and honour for Fearne, her family and Beckfoot. She is completely dedicated to her sport and studies. She manages to find a balance but also remains so humble about her talent and success. She came to see me last week and sat down and talked me through her journey to this point, including the moment she found out she had been selected, and the excitement felt by her and her family that evening. She is a very special young lady and we wish her every success for the season ahead. From Netball to Scooter Riding; Carter, a Year 8 student is an amazing Scooter rider and competes on the national and international stage to the highest level most recently competing in Barcelona at the world championships. Despite his young age he took part in the U16 competition where he not only qualified but finished in the top 12 riders. That achievement means he will return to Spain in July to compete once more. Carter now ranks number 11 in the world and he rarely says anything about his sport or his achievements; it’s incredible! He is supported hugely in his sport through some major sponsors who provide his equipment and expenses. He was happy for me to share the link below of him in action.

I want to thank you for your continued support for our students and Beckfoot. I will write again just before Christmas.

Take care.



Posted 12th November 2021

A busy start to November!

November is busy!

We are two weeks into this half term and already so much has been going on since we returned.

Yesterday, as is traditional at Beckfoot School, we remembered those who have fallen in battle and gave their lives so that ours could be better. Mr Darling co-ordinated the activities and we had lots of displays around school to remind staff and students of the importance of Armistice Day. At 11am Key Stage 3 students and their tutors remembered by observing a two minute silence and through various tutor time activities. The rest of our community gathered in the atrium and around the balconies on the first and second floors. After some brief words as to why we had come together the entire school fell into silence as The Last Post was played. It was such a special moment and incredibly emotional. As I stood on the stairs and looked around, I was reminded that Beckfoot is a very special place to work and learn; long may that continue.

Year 11 have been busy this week sitting mock exams in the hall. They have been the most incredible group of young people in the way they have approached these exams. Whilst it has been a long week with lots of challenges, they have risen to the task each day and made it very clear just how important learning and success is to them. I know that Mrs Powell and Mrs Harris are very proud of them and see this week as one of the most important in the Year 11 calendar because of the learning that will inevitably come from it. Well done and thank you to every member of the Year 11 community, their teachers and the exams team.

Attendance is creeping up slowly and surely to the levels we would normally expect, and I am grateful to students and families for their resilience in ensuring learning is the number one priority for all. It is so important that this continues so that we can continue to teach each of them well and make sure they are not disadvantaged as a result of the pandemic. That is our obsession and that is what we are determined to do. Please continue to make attendance a priority every day and support us in giving our young people the very best chances as a result.

Last week we had a busy end to the week. On Thursday we had a fire alarm practice. Many of you are well aware of my feelings about such events and what they tell you about a school’s culture. Despite very little sleep the night before, which is normal, I was thrilled with the manner in which all students exited the building, lined up in silence and returned to learning, again in silence. Approximately two thousand students and adults were clear of the building in just under five minutes and the respect for the process and the safety of others was palpable. I was thrilled and am very grateful to everyone who made it such a success.

On Friday we had our safeguarding review day which involved key school staff working with a team of external support staff lead by a trained Ofsted inspector. Whilst the day was intense and very challenging, it was a day of great learning and reassurance. We are doing so much here (quite rightly) to ensure our students are well cared and safe. Our systems are strong and very robust. Nothing is more important, and I am grateful to all involved in this critical area of work for our school and getting it right each day.

Finally, as you know, I like to share information about students when I can. Ben in Year 11 has, this week, signed scholarship forms with Blackburn Rovers. He will work with them over the next two years and we are very proud of him. He has been with the club for ten years and this has been the dream throughout that time. He has sacrificed so much over the years and dedicated himself completely to his goal whilst maintaining the highest standards in school. We wish him every success for the future. He is a very humble young man and very much deserves everything that comes his way because he understands the importance of hard work.



Posted 22nd October 2021

It's Half Term!

Wow. Where have the past seven weeks gone?

We finish for Half Term at 2.45pm this afternoon and we reopen on Monday 1st of November as usual. Whilst it has been a busy few weeks, it has also been incredibly uplifting to be in school every day and watch our students embrace the challenges of returning to a new normal. Unsurprisingly, they have been magnificent, and I am so very proud of what they have achieved and how they have coped.

Looking back, we have returned to normal lessons whereby students can navigate the building once more and learn in specialist classrooms. They have missed that. Extra-curricular activities have returned as have sporting fixtures and creative performances. Students are having music lessons, our Beckfoot Student Leadership (BSL) is alive and kicking and we are seeing more and more students just sitting and talking to each during break and lunch times.

blog333It has also been a challenging few weeks in terms of dealing with the on-going pandemic. A relatively small number of students have had to isolate due to Covid and others remain anxious about how the nation is addressing the problems that are still present every day. That is understandable. What I would say, however, is that school is where students should be because it is a safe space where learning is our priority. Teaching face to face is what makes the biggest difference to young people and they need to be in school in order to make progress. I cannot stress that enough. Indeed, our GCSE and A Level students understand more than most the additional stress that school absence can bring. So, if it is a decision between being at school and not, choose school every time!

This week we had a Graffiti artist, Mohammed Ali, visit school to work with over forty of our year 9 students. He is incredibly well known in the art world and was an absolute pleasure to work alongside. The work created was, quite simply, stunning and will go on display in the Creative Block just after half term. He left with a really strong impression of our school, our students and our community. He was full of praise for our ethos and values and the drive to expose young people to a wide variety of experiences as we seek to build their cultural capital throughout their school journey.

This final week has also been busy on the staff development front too. We have had Wendy Bradford, a highly regarded consultant, working with staff on our Curriculum Intent and Implementation work. In simple terms, she has been looking at our new learning ambitions for students and how that is working in practice in lessons. She was very complimentary and gave us wonderful points to help us continue to develop that work going forward. She will return in the new year to continue that work which is incredibly exciting because it is totally centred on the student experience.

Added to that, we continue to work with Helen Morgan on our Instructional Coaching model for all staff. I am dedicated to working with professionals to support our staff to develop as practitioners and she is very supportive of our ambition for teachers to be able to continue to improve aspects of their practice in order to benefit themselves, their maturity as teachers and, ultimately, our students. It is a very important piece of work for us and will be for a number of years ahead.

I am telling you about this work because I would want to know as a parent/career, that my child is accessing the best teaching possible and that all staff are constantly being supported to be better every day. That is about culture, about ambition and about being both strategic and proactive.

I want to thank you for your support for our request for students to, once again, wear face masks on corridors and in communal areas. We took this decision following a small but sustained rise in cases in one year-group in particular. We will, of course, keep this under review. I was delighted with the response by students and families and everyone simply accepted this as something that was not a big deal and designed to help us keep our young people safe. As always, I am grateful for all feedback because it helps me try to get things right which doesn’t always happen - I know!

Lastly, thank you all so much for your support regarding the decision to stop allowing students access to mobile devices during the school day on school grounds. Again, I have been overwhelmed by the support for this and the sheer number of you who, like me, are worried about the amount of time young people are spending on phones etc. I also know that some of you have had one or two concerns and I have appreciated your honesty whether via email or direct conversation. Ultimately, I just want them to spend quality time with friends in a safe space that is school. I want them to be taught well and learn brilliantly. I am convinced this will make a difference as it has to many schools across the country. Our students totally understand the decision too which is great. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them like it, but they do understand which I am delighted about. So, immediately after half term I would like to remind students and families that mobiles phones can be in bags, but they must always remain out of sight and switched off, so they are no longer a source of distraction. Should they need to use their phone, they must do so under the supervision of an adult which will sometimes be for learning and sometimes for contact with home.

And finally, in sporting news, well done to Alannah in Year 7, who recently competed in the Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics four-piece competition in Sheffield. She completed some incredible performance throughout the competition including a silver medal winning routine on the floor! Well done Alannah.

I also want to mention Rayyan in Year 7 and Aydan in Year 10, who took part in the ITF Union British Open Tae Kwon Do championships in Northampton recently. Both achieved a number of medal winning performances in the Sparring and Patterns competitions which we are very proud of. Well done to them both.

Have a wonderful, safe and restful half term and thank you for all you do for Beckfoot and our young people.



Posted 15th October 2021

An explosion of talent and broadening horizons!


The past few weeks have been as busy as you would expect, and I am delighted overall with the attitude towards learning across the school. Students are engaged, enthusiastic and, above all else, showing us every day just how thoroughly decent and caring they are.

We are continuing to serve their imaginations in all manner of ways, most recently through the vehicle of manufacturing and careers. Last week Mr. Wilkes ran assemblies and activities for all students on manufacturing and the opportunities that exist in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) world for our young people. This was followed by a Year 8 Drop Down day where those students were challenged to overcome STEM based challenges and, in doing so, demonstrate their resilience, creativity and innovative thinking skills. It was a huge success.

This week the theme of manufacturing continued for Year 10 Engineering students when they attended a Manufacturing Live event with Mr. Newton, where representatives from a wide variety of companies talked about the opportunities a career in engineering can bring.

This week we held our annual face to face Careers Fair. We had over 37 different stands with a mixture of employers, trainers and educators who inspired our students and staff to be excited about the opportunities locally, nationally and internationally for them. It was a joy to see them talking to the various professionals about their dreams, aspirations and ambitions for life beyond Beckfoot and so many of them were happy to share their learning with us throughout the day. I love these types of events because they provide so much context to what we are trying to do for students every day here. It is one thing to tell students something, but it is often a very different message when you can show them! A huge thank you to Sarah, Amanda and Holly for all the work that went into the event.

On Tuesday evening we had a great session on all things Curriculum for members of our Local Schools Committee (LSC). As many of you know, the LSC is our form of local governance and is a group that is tasked by the Beckfoot Trust Board of Directors to hold me to account on all things related to students and staff including things like wellbeing, performance, opportunities and culture. If anyone wishes to know more about the work of that group please follow this link

And so, to yet more sporting success. Last week we received the news that Eve Midgley, Year 13, had been selected to be part of the Leeds Rhinos U19 National Performance League Netball squad for the forthcoming season. This is a huge achievement for her and is very much a stepping stone to international honours and a possible career in the sport for Eve. She is an outstanding young person and is a role model for our younger girls – she truly represents everything that we believe young people can achieve with hard work and determination… #thisgirlcan!

Continuing with the theme of Netball, we have had wonderful news this week about girls in Years 7-10 who have been selected to represent Bradford Schools in Netball this year. They are:

U13 - Ella Harrison, Annie Grogan, Rosa Dixon, Alice Slater

U15 - Katie Eccles, Fearne Midgley, Joanna Oddie, Sophie Burrows, Vini Vangala

Well done to all the girls who trialled and to those selected. It is a very special honour to represent your city and we wish them all well in the weeks and months ahead.

Finally, it is half term at the end of next week. We will break up at 2.45pm on Friday 22nd of October. I hope you all have a well-earned rest and stay safe, especially as we enter the season of fireworks and bonfires.

Take care.




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Posted 1st October 2021

It's October Already!

I cannot believe that we have already been back a month. The past four weeks have flown by and I am delighted with how our young people have settled. They seem happy and that is incredibly important to me.

A lot has been happening as you can imagine and we are beginning to get used to being able to utilise our building as it was intended and there are few, if any, students having trouble finding their way around. The use of our stairs for one-way travel has made things easier and our students fill the school with the Beckfoot Buzz we have missed for so long.Year 10 shot putt

Extra-curricular activities are back, and I am thrilled. Seeing students involved in Sport and the Creative Arts during SPA time and after school is wonderful to see. Our Arts and climbing clubs restart in earnest next week and there is so much choice for students to get involved with. The offer ranges from a huge variety of sporting and creative activities to areas such as debating, student leadership, academic clubs and so much more. I am very privileged to have staff that are so dedicated and willing to give their time so freely.

We had our European Day of Languages last week and everyone got involved. Staff had to wear stickers with a greeting on for students to be able to read and understand. We had over 50 languages used. I was personally disappointed that the Irish Language (Gaelic) was not one of them and so I broke ranks and made my own! Dia Dhuit (pronounced jee-ah-gwitch) in Irish is hello or in its literal meaning, God be with you. I did my very best to educate as many staff and students as I could and was amazed at the linguistic skills of so many throughout the day. Perhaps it could be a part of our curriculum offer in the future! On a more serious note the day was a great success and highlighted the importance of language to our students. Not being able to fluently speak a Modern Foreign Language is one of my greatest regrets and I am very considerate of the need for that not to be the case for our students. Languages are important, they broaden horizons and open doors in a global world, and I loved last week for this reason.

DSC_0063We had our Year 11 Aspirations day last week also. We had some very cool young people with us for the day having travelled up from South London the night before. They are called Revolution Hive and they spent the day with our Year 11 students talking to them about their aspirations, hopes and dreams. More importantly, they worked with them to think about their attitude, their mindset and strategies to be successful not only in their GCSEs but also in life. It was a fantastic day and our students got a great deal from it.DSC_0160

We followed the day by inviting parents and carers of Year 11 students into school that evening to talk to them about the year ahead. We talked about our desire to create an environment for students built on support, care and challenge throughout the year but also about how we can work more effectively as a school with families. It was a lovely evening with just the right balance of message, I think. There were also a few tears as we showed the Derek Redmond video with his dad. It never fails to move anyone who watches it.

We had our second Curriculum Drop Down Day for Year 7 students on Tuesday. The focus was on Forensic Science as they tried toDSC_0155 discern who was the sporting cheat from Ms. Denham, Mr. Cooley, Mr. Darling and myself. They analysed a variety of samples and looked closely at other forms of evidence as they strived to reach a conclusion. In the end, most identified Mr. Darling as the cheat and they were right! That evening, our Year 7 parents and carers were invited into school to hear about the day from staff and students. They also got to see some of the school and visit a science lab which is where students did most of their work earlier in the day. Again, it was a very special event and it was really lovely to welcome families into our school once again.

And finally, I want to continue to share news about students who are doing great things in sport and other activities at the moment. Abbie, in Year 12, has enjoyed incredible success in swimming in recent weeks and months. She competed in a gala in Bolton last weekend winning a silver and bronze and qualifying for the upcoming national finals. Abbie is now ranked number 2 in Yorkshire and number 15 nationally and across Britain which is pretty special in my view. It is testament to her commitment and dedication to her sport over many years and we wish her well as the season progresses. She deserves all the success that comes her way.

Annie, in Year 11, has also been doing amazing things in her sport recently. Annie entered the RDA Regional Championships in two events, Show Jumping & the Countryside Challenge. She did incredibly well and went through to the National Championships. The results were shared last week, and Annie was ranked 1st place in both her events meaning she is now a double National Champion! She is so humble about her success and the dedication it has taken for her to reach this standard. Both girls are an inspiration to us all.

Take care.



Posted 17th September 2021

A new school year begins!

Welcome back!

A special welcome to our new Year 7 students and those joining our Sixth Form from elsewhere. Both groups have already proved to be an amazing addition to our school.

I have been humbled by the manner in which our entire school community has accepted and embraced our re-opening and testing plans and more so by the manner in which they have approached learning since our return. It is an absolute delight to me that we have made such a strong start but it’s also important to remind ourselves that we each have to play our part to maintain that strength and build upon it as we progress through the year.

I have loved having the opportunity to talk to staff and students face to face once again. I have missed their characters, humour and energy. Walking around the school during lessons and break times has been a pleasure and it is so good to be getting back to some form of normality. Our students are navigating the building really well as they move from lesson to lesson. It is so easy to forget that, for so many of them, this is new. They tell me they are loving the opportunity to learn in new areas of the school and enjoying the specialist facilities that we have at Beckfoot. Long may that continue.

I want to thank every parent and carer who has trusted us with our plans to open. We had an attendance figure of 97% last week and that is stunning. We have been making slight tweaks to our plans each day as we learn more and more about the flow of students and how to make things better for them.

I have tried to get in to as many lessons as possible since our return and I have loved what I am seeing. I have been struck by the a72maturity of our young people and their determination to learn well. They have been engaged and happy to contribute fully to lessons which is exactly what we expect of them. Beckfoot has a special ‘soul’ and I have seen this at every turn.

I had the opportunity to visit our Oracy workshops with Year 7 on Friday. I listened to them stand up in front of their peers and introduce each other. I watched them tell of their dreams and ambitions for the year ahead and beyond and I loved the purity of their messages and confidence they needed to have to simply stand up and speak. I really want them all to become more effective communicators and this type of work will help.

Untitled-1Our Open Evening last night was an overwhelming success. We had our busiest ever evening with huge numbers of prospective students and their families coming to visit. Our building fizzed with excitement because we are proud of our school and we love to show it off. We had over 200 students who attended as volunteers to help throughout the evening. They were so happy to be with us and the feedback already has highlighted the role and impact they had on our guests. Our faculty areas came to life with all sorts of interactive activities and the whole event had a warmth about it that we are proud of.

I want to give a special mention to Kian and Lily in Year 7 who both made speeches last night. They described, in their own words, how they felt about Beckfoot after only being with us for 8 days. They spoke with great confidence and passion about their new school, the opportunities that exist and their hopes for Year 6 students and families on the evening. I could barely tie my shoes at 11 years old and I am so very proud of them both for helping me and representing our school so well.

Our extra-curricular timetable began this week with loads of activities available in Sport, Creative Arts, Debating and so much more. Our staff and students have missed the additionality that these activities provide, and it is so great to see waves of students getting involved in all that is being provided for them. I cannot wait for sporting fixtures and performances to return soon to our fields and hall in the weeks ahead.

We have had lots of special news this week including being awarded with the Music Mark award for the quality of our music provision across school and our contributions to music more widely across the city. I am thrilled for the team and our students because this recognises what they do week in week out and it so deserved for Matt, Mike and the team.blog3

We had news that Ms. Mitchell in English, has been accepted onto the SSAT Leadership Legacy course for 2021-22. This is an incredible opportunity for her to develop and shine as a participant and practitioner and she follows in the footsteps of Ms. Towler who completed the course last year.

And finally, I want to share news about two students who are doing great things in sport at the moment. Sian, in Year 12, has had an incredible summer in badminton winning national ranking titles and beating England players in the process. We are hopeful that she too will soon get to represent her country if she keeps progressing as she has been doing. Ben in Year 11, travels to London today to prepare to play for Blackburn Rovers against Chelsea tomorrow. It is another wonderful opportunity for him, and we all wish him well.

Thank you again for your support and the strong start to the year that support has facilitated.

Take care.


Simon Wade

Posted 21st July 2021

Thanks and Rewards

It’s Summer and we are looking forward.

On Monday the nation moved a step closer to normality. Whatever your views on that decision are, there has been a notable lift for all. Of course, we must continue to look after ourselves and stay safe but, it will hopefully mean a return to normal from September and we can begin to look forward to a better educational experience for all.

I want to thank our students for their amazing attitude over the past 16+ months. They have demonstrated that they can handle anything that is thrown at them. They have continued to come to school, engage positively with learning and make us smile every day. That is special and they must never forget how Brave, Resilient and Unique they are.

I want to thank our families for the unwavering support for our school and the decisions taken. I know we have not got everything right, but I do know we tried. Your support and, sometimes, challenge has always been appreciated and I hope you feel we have done our best for you and your children.

Finally, I want to thank the amazing staff. I am very fortunate to lead a school and staff that cares passionately about young people. The staff have been incredible throughout and I want them, and you, to know how grateful I am.

On Monday, we had a very special cream reward Over 1100 students were rewarded for their outstanding behaviour and attitude to learning They get it right every day and are doing amazing things at school. We were thrilled with the weather and each student got a 99-ice cream with a drink. They were then able to relax on the field in the sunshine with friends. Their appreciation and manners were humbling, and they very much deserved the treat.

We will return to school in the week commencing the 6th of September. Due to the requirements for us to provide Asymptomatic testing for all our students, there will have to be a staggered start to the beginning of term. We will provide all the necessary details to you today (click here) and ensure we have all students back in school before the end of that first week.

I would like to wish you all a happy, restful and enjoyable summer break. Get some rest and be ready to do the most amazing things in the next academic year.


green and white football

Posted 2nd July 2021

Pushing the re-set button!

June to June (and Tuesday) has given us all a lift...

On Monday we launched our new academic year. We were not able to do so last year and there has been a determination from all the staff and students that we just get on and do it this time around.

Our students and staff have loved the change and the opportunity to push the reset button so to speak. Students have moved to different parts of the building and the change of environment has provided a much-needed boost for everyone. Our new Year 10 students have begun their GCSE courses and they have also had the opportunity to move from lesson to lesson as a result. They have loved it and made a strong start. Thank you to all our families for ensuring students are well turned out and prepared for learning. It is so important that we continue to insist on the highest possible standards of learning through to the summer term. Our students deserve that.

Our new Year 11 students have been busy sitting mocks in the Sports Hall under strict exam conditions. They have been magnificent, and the experience will be invaluable to them as they prepare for GCSEs next summer. We have been hugely impressed with them all and thank them for the manner in which they have approached the week. Fingers crossed for good results for them but also that they learn a great deal from the feedback from their teachers.

Next week is our Transition Week for new Year 7 students. Despite the current pandemic we are able to welcome those young people into school on Wednesday, albeit in bubbles. I am so delighted we can do so as it will undoubtedly help them to better understand our school, get to know the place and our staff a little better, but more so for them to know that they are so important to us. In a matter of weeks, they will be Beckfooters and will begin a journey with us that I hope will last for seven years.

Finally, something very odd happened this week. I was lost for words! Following the fantastic result on Tuesday against Germany, a Sixth Form student burst through a set of our exit doors and came running towards me as I was on duty at breaktime. I had no idea what was wrong as he came to an abrupt stop with the biggest smile on his face. He composed himself and simply asked me ‘how are Ireland doing in the Euros?’ I was completely lost for words which rarely happens. He then began to giggle and was quickly joined by a good many others keen to understand if I thought ‘it was coming home’. I simply stated that I was delighted for England and felt they had a gilt-edged opportunity to do something remarkable for the country at a time when it is much needed. That was not the response they wanted!! A few other words were said, as you can imagine, but I loved the fact that they were excited about something again and felt they could involve me even for just a few minutes. This is a very special job and moments like that are priceless.

Oh...and by the way, I really do hope it’s coming home!

Take care.



Posted 18th June 2021

Rites of Passage

On Monday I arrived at work knowing that there would be an extension to the restrictions we face as a result of Covid 19 and felt a mixture of sadness and relief. I have no problem operating as we have been doing if that means we can continue to keep students and families safe and continue to play our small part in ensuring that we can come out of all this by the 19th of July. Our students have done all that has been asked of them and I know I am fortunate to have a staff, parents/carers and student community that are supportive of what we are doing regardless of individual circumstances.

My sadness comes because of the impact of the extension on so many of our plans but mainly the plans to join our exam students on their Prom evenings. We had booked those events in July and the extension has forced us to cancel them in line with the current level of restrictions and DfE guidance. This is the second year that our students have missed out and I am devastated for them. I see events like the Prom as a rite of passage and we were all very much looking forward to spending an evening alongside wonderful young people. I am so sorry that I have had to take the decision that these events can no longer happen. I look to the future and hope that this never happens again.

Our TAG (Teacher Assessed Grades) process is almost complete. We have uploaded all our marks to the exam boards and we now await next steps. The plan for us is to have Results Day face to face in school. Those days are also a rite of passage and last year we had to send the results out electronically. It was tough not to be with our students as we would normally be hence our determination to do as we always have this summer. As a reminder, the exams results dates have changed this year and will now take place in the same week in August. Our A Level students will collect their results on Tuesday 10  August followed by our GCSE students collecting theirs on Thursday 12 August. More details will follow.

We have made plans to ensure our students can move up a year on Monday 28 June as part of our annual June to June curriculum provision. It means that, although we still have to maintain our bubble provision at Key Stage 3, our students will be moved to a new area of the school and begin their new year’s work immediately. It also means that our new Year 10 and 11 students can operate as one large bubble and move between rooms. I’m excited that we can move forward like this whilst sticking to our very robust Risk Assessments. Our students have been amazing in coping with our arrangements and it has not been easy on them. I hope they can continue to thrive in the remaining weeks until the summer. I know they can.

In sporting news, we were thrilled and proud to learn that one of our Year 7 students, Charlie Palmer, has been selected to play for Yorkshire County Cricket U12s this season. This is a great achievement as he is one of only 24 players selected in his age group across the whole of Yorkshire. In the coming weeks, Charlie will play in a number of games against other county opposition and we wish him well and hope he very much enjoys the experience.

Continuing the sporting theme, our Beckfoot Table Tennis Coach, Hans Soova, was recently presented with the prestigious National Pride of Table Tennis Contribution to Table Tennis Award. Hans has been a fantastic coach and role model for so many of our students over the years. In that time, we have had the privilege of getting to know him and his amazing life story. He is an incredible person and this Award is much deserved.

As you will be aware from recent Blogs, our Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme continues to thrive at Beckfoot. DSC_0034Over 100 students initially signed up to complete the challenges as part of the programme and, last weekend, they completed the Bronze expedition by walking to Blackhills campsite. On the Friday, the students spent the day on our front field learning how to pitch tents and cook for themselves. When I first learned of the activities, I was a little concerned that few of them would manage to eat given they were in charge! How wrong I was.DSC_0038 As I visited each group I was staggered to find that they had cooked, washed up and cleaned the area around their tents ready for the next challenge. They were cooking pasta mainly, but some groups were stirring in all kinds of wonderful sauces and some were even adding things like chorizo! However, one group left me staggered. As I approached them, I could see punnets of strawberries. They had finished their meal by melting large bars of chocolate and then dipping their fruit into the chocolate to eat. Amazing. I want to thank all the staff that supported both days especially Ms. Roberts, Mr. Owan, Mr. Hines, Ms. Osborne. I also want to congratulate our students and their families for their enthusiasm, good spirits and care for one another. I am thrilled that we have been able to continue to deliver this Award in school and I know many of them will now go on to achieve their Silver Awards and possibly even Gold in the years ahead.

Emma benchFinally, I want to let you all know that we have taken delivery of and installed a memorial bench for Emma Taylor who sadly died last summer. The bench is at the front of school and it has already been a joy to see it being used by our students. Emma was an amazing young lady and her family have worked with us to ensure she is never forgotten as a most wonderful and special person and student.

Take care.



Posted 28th May 2021

Half Term and a very special day!

It’s half term and this is a very special day for our school community.

Today we say goodbye to our Year 11 and 13 students. It’s always a day you think you are prepared for but rarely are. We have watched them grow over the years into very special young people each with gifts and talent that have, hopefully, been nurtured with us. I guess this year, more than any other, will be very poignant. Each of those leaving today has had to deal with the most difficult of circumstances. They have seldom complained but often worried about the impact of the pandemic on their learning, futures and wellbeing. They have shown remarkable resilience throughout and have made it to this point because of the support they have had at home, in school and from others around them. I often ask our students to be kind, to look after one another and I have seen them demonstrate this during the past 2 years. I have little doubt they will make an incredible difference to the world and will miss them greatly. All any of us really want is for them to shine brightly as they leave us and begin to make their way in life. I have little doubt they will. 
Year 11

I want to say a huge thank you to the staff and students for their efforts in making the recent assessments work without fault. Our students have had a good experience I think and know what it is like to sit exams in a formal and proper fashion. This will be a good learning experience for them I’m sure. They showed maturity, determination and real focus throughout and I hope they feel they have done their best; that is all we have ever asked.

I also want to thank the staff for their incredible efforts in marking vast numbers of papers as part of the TAGs process. Most have given up their evenings and weekends over the past month to ensure we have time to dedicate to calculating TAGs for each student in each of their subjects. The staff here are amazing in my view but what they have done over the past few weeks has been exceptional and I am very grateful to them all.

We had our annual Post 16 graduation evening last week, albeit virtually this year. The virtual world has become somewhat normal for us all and enables us to continue to celebrate the achievement of our students. I want to congratulate all those nominated as well as winners in each of the subject areas. I especially want to congratulate Alisha Ali for winning the Debbie Murray Award for excellence in Chemistry and to Hope Gambill for winning the inaugural Emma Taylor Award for outstanding contribution to the community. 

award2    Award1

The Sixth Form is a very important part of our school community and they set the tone and example for so many of our younger students. We love seeing them around the building and are very much looking forward to the new cohort who will be joining us in June for their transition week and in September as our new Year 12s.

Continuing the theme of Post 16 we are constantly evaluating our practice to ensure an outstanding curriculum and enrichment provision for our learners. From next year our Sixth Form students will have access to a variety of weekly lectures from staff and outside speakers to be delivered on a wide range of topics including Adoption, Neurolinguistic Programming, Fluorescence and Cultures of Memory. It is the first time and we are very excited about it. Watch this space!

Duke of Edinburgh continues to thrive at Beckfoot, and we have recently launched our 2021-22 Bronze Award programme with Year 9.DSC_0080 Over 100 students have signed up to complete the challenges as part of the programme. Last weekend, joined by Ms Roberts, Mr Owan, Mr Hines, Ms Osborne and several other staff, the students set off walking from school at 9am and finished at 3pm. This was their first experience and will be followed after half term with 2 days of challenges culminating in a walk to Blackhills Camp. It promises to be an eventful and exciting few days and I hope they enjoy the challenge and all the Award has to offer over the coming months.

Finally, I hope you all have a very happy and restful half term. We remain hopeful that Boris will announce good news on 21 June and that we can proceed as planned with our June to June timetable. Whatever happens we will continue to look after one another at Beckfoot and make the best of things together.

Take care.



Posted 14th May 2021

Staff and students make Beckfoot special

We have almost come to the end of the Year 11 and 13 Assessment exams and our students have been incredible in their application and attitude throughout. They never cease to amaze me when it comes to dealing with change. Our students have worked hard over the past few years and especially so in recent months. They have coped with an ever-changing landscape and adapted to everything they have been faced with. Uncertainty has been the biggest challenge for all and despite their worries and concerns they have shown that they can cope with anything and have done throughout with a smile. They are very special young people.

Extra-curricular activities are back, and I am so happy. We have students involved in sport, the creative arts and a whole host of other things in recent weeks. School is alive and buzzing with excitement long after 3 o’clock and it is exactly what we all needed and wanted for so long. Last night there were over 150 students taking part in a whole host of activities and the screams, shrieks and laughter to be heard has been missing for too long. I am so grateful for all those involved in creating these opportunities for our students.

DSC_0030 (Medium)On a similar theme, our Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is back. Last week over 100 Year 9 students signed up for the Bronze Award and many other in older years are continuing with their efforts to secure Silver and Gold awards. Ms. Roberts and her team do an incredible job and their efforts have never dwindled throughout lockdown with so many students completing a variety of tasks and challenges and gaining much coveted awards that will always demonstrate their commitment to leadership, consideration of others and care for their local area. I’m excited to see what our new cohort get up to on their journey with the scheme. Watch this space!

Eva Bell, in Year 8, has been making headlines on social media and the local and national press this week. On May 7th Eva had 16 Eva Bell 2.galleryinches off her hair in aid of the Little Princess Trust and the premature baby unit in the NHS. She has a close connection with both and decided to do something to help. Eva initially wanted to raise £150 but has, to date, already exceed that target with over £1000. She is a shining example of what we are trying to create at Beckfoot. She is selfless, caring, driven and totally determined in all she does. She is also very persuasive and has managed to get a good number of staff to donate. That in itself is impressive! Well done Eva.

We are, as many of you know, continuing to move forward at pace in terms of our work around curriculum development and teaching. We began that work last year and in January and February we worked with a consultant (an Ofsted HMI) to help us quality assure our work in the Core Subjects, SEND and Humanities. This week we have been working with an additional Ofsted HMI consultant, to do similar work with the remainder of our faculties (Creative Arts, Modern Foreign Languages and PE). What has emerged is that we are doing great things at Beckfoot and our plans going forward are very strong. Ultimately, this work is focussed on the quality of education we are able to provide for our students and I am excited by our plans for the next couple of years. I guess the most important thing is that the staff are excited too. They are determined to provide the very best curriculum and learning opportunities possible and that is very much part of the ‘soul’ of Beckfoot.

I have written to families this week about face coverings. The Bradford Public Health Advice differs slightly from that of central government. The main difference is about the use of face coverings on corridors and communal areas. Like many parts of the country, Bradford is being cautious in its approach and we agree with their advice. So, from Monday, students will not be required to wear face coverings in lessons but will be required to do so in all other areas of our building. This will not apply to outside spaces. The requirement for public and school transport remains. For me this is a very positive move and means our students, who have been amazing when it has come to adhering to expectations, can further continue to get back to some form of normality.

Finally, for many of our students and their families, it was Eid-ul-Fitr yesterday and I very much hope it was a wonderful day for all those celebrating. From what our students have been telling me, I have little doubt it was.

Take care.

Erin Firth

Posted 30th April 2021

Well done Jackie!

Last night, the annual Telegraph and Argus Bradford Teaching Awards ceremony took place virtually. Beckfoot staff were shortlisted in three award categories which is something that has never happened before.

Our school nurse, Jackie Drew, was announced as the winner of the Support Staff Member of the Year for her work over the last 8 years at Beckfoot but more recently for her work in supporting the school, staff and students through COVID. She is a wonderful, selfless person and I could not be more proud of her. Well done Jackie.

Claire Smith, our Year 8 Nurture Lead, was also shortlisted in the Secondary Teacher of the Year category. Despite not winning, I am also incredibly proud of her and all she has achieved since joining Beckfoot. She has a wonderful career ahead of her. Well done Claire.

In other news, we are looking for your support with our annual Trust surveys. Today we have sent out the surveys for students and parents/carers. These are important to me because your views matter and help us shape our work in the future. I feel we have made huge progress at the school and did our best through lockdown to do things to the best of our ability. I need to know from families and students whether you feel the same way or, indeed, if I am utterly deluded! If you could find ten to fifteen minutes to complete one for us by Monday the 10th of May, I would be extremely grateful.

Our Assessments for GCSE and A Level students begin on Tuesday next week. Staff have prepared them really well and I wish them all the very best of luck. Despite everything these young people have been through, we feel they are in a good place to shine do amazing things in the coming weeks. We are determined to look after them and provide them with all the support they need to do well. They are very special young people who will change the world in the years ahead.

Finally, if you are a follower of us on Twitter then you will know just how much is going here every day from Poetry competitions to the UK Maths Challenge, from music, sport and drama work to the developments happening around Teaching and Learning. It is an exciting time at Beckfoot and there is much more to come. We are in the midst of working on our new School Improvement Plan for 2021 – 2023 and I feel our ideas will continue to drive the school forward whilst staying true to our values and continuing to place our students and staff at the heart of all we do.

Have a wonderful long weekend.



Posted 16th April 2021

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a restful and relaxed Easter break. It seems a distant memory as I write but it was nice to enjoy a bit of family time and refresh.

The summer term has begun and with it comes a lot of things to look forward to. I especially like the longer days and the improving temperatures though I was disappointed in that respect this week!

We had a visit from Emma Pinnock from the Equal Group this week as part of our work around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This is a major focus for Beckfoot School and the Trust this year. Emma visited lots of lessons and spoke with a great number of staff and students throughout the day. This followed a number of meetings and interviews prior to Easter with myself and key members of my team. It was wonderful for her to spend some time with us and she felt strongly that we have a very special school full of the most incredible staff and young people. She said lovely things about our inclusive approach and is determined to help us to improve even more.

Assemblies this week have been focused on careers and futures. I mention it because it involved a local business and an ex student, Mollie, who has forged a wonderful career with a great company whose work is focused on social media. It was incredible to see Mollie again; see how she has flourished since leaving Beckfoot but also her desire to give something back. I guess the best thing for me was our students seeing what is possible with hard work, resilience and determination and that there are opportunities out there for each of them whether that be locally or beyond.

We have received some additional information about how things will work for our exam students this week and have shared that with those students and their families. Of course, there is more to come, and we will share everything in the days and weeks ahead. It was nice to be able to provide a little more clarity bit also to share some of the nice things we have planned for them this half term.

I believe very much in rites of passage for young people. I felt very proud that we were able to give last year’s cohort a special send-off even though it was at short notice, but I will always regret that they didn’t have a Prom or a proper results day. This year, restrictions permitting, we have booked Prom dates for both Years 11 and 13. We plan to make their last day special too with the usual shirt signing, food, speeches and tears. Those students have given so much to Beckfoot and endured so much too. They will always be special to us and I want them to know that they matter, and we care. I am not sure I ever had that at school, but my staff and I are determined to do all we can to say goodbye properly to them.

Between now and then there is much work to do. Our students continue to work hard, and they have been amazing this week. We have asked them to no longer wear coats inside and that has been a non-issue for them despite the cold mornings. They very much want to do well at Beckfoot and do something with their lives. They are ambitious for themselves, their school and their futures and they continue to amaze us every day.

Finally, we begin our second school improvement plan this week and hope to complete that work by the end of this half term. Our first plan will end in July and I am proud of how we have come as a school and community since September 2019 despite the challenges of Covid. Our second plan will very much complement our School Strategic Vision 2020-23 and I am excited about some of the ideas that are already emerging for our work going forward. The thing that I am most excited about is that everything is focused on our young people and how we can be better for them in the weeks, months and years ahead. Watch this space!



Posted 26th March 2021

Easter...and one year on.

It’s Easter and a year on from when all this started.

Tuesday marked the first anniversary of the pandemic and brought back memories of how this all began and the impact on our young people. We said goodbye to our students, tried to give our exam classes a good send off and hoped that it would only be a matter of weeks until we were back together again; how wrong we were.

Throughout the last 12 months we have tried our best to get things right. We have listened to feedback, made improvements where necessary, evolved our practice and tried to put students first when it came to making decisions. I am grateful to you for your support and honesty. It has helped us to be better.

Our students are back and doing really well. We are looking after those who are struggling and also making sure teaching is high quality and learning is strong. The vast majority of our students engaged well throughout each lockdown and their progress has been really great. Others less so and we will support everyone to be where they should be in the coming weeks and months. Rightly or wrongly, we are avoiding talk of ‘lost learning’ and ‘catch-up’ because I don’t feel that is helpful. Students are already worried and language such as that will only add to their worries.

They head off today for the Easter break and many are already telling me they plan to do some work, others saying they are going to read more and some that they are just tired and will see how they feel. Each one, of course is fine. Our exam groups will perhaps need a different approach but certainly one that allows them to feel in control of their studies and revision.Picture1

Talking of exam groups, we have sent home a booklet this week that will help them to focus their revision in readiness for the assessments in May. We have asked a number of them for feedback on the content and each has been very complimentary about the content. Indeed, they are all saying that it will help them hugely both with their revision plans and stress levels. I am very relieved that they feel that way because of everything they have been through. Of all the students in school these are the ones that have been most uncertain and anything we can do to better support them is a good thing.

Two very special events took place in the last week that I must tell you about. Firstly, Red Nose Day was a huge success. Our students in Years 7 and 8 were the driving force behind the day and did an amazing job. They raised over £1700 which is incredible especially in the midst of a pandemic. The local bank were staggered when we paid in our monies on Monday which made them feel extra special. At such a young age they are exactly the type of young people we are trying to shape at Beckfoot. Students that are selfless, considerate, driven, proactive and utterly respectful. Meeting them this week to thank them was certainly a highlight.

On a similar theme, our student leaders were involved in the very first Schools Pandemic Recovery Summit which took place yesterday. Over 20 schools and their students came together with various council leaders, Trust CEOs and other very special guests to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the young people of Bradford. It was incredible. We had representation from Misha, Erin, Evie, Jamie, Nick, Evie, Jibrail, Will and Imogen and they were a major part of the presentations as they recounted their experiences and hopes for the future as we emerge from this period. I don’t really think there is anything more powerful that a young person or group of young people telling us how they have felt over the past year and what they need to help them recover and feel hopeful about their futures. There are already plans to follow up their ideas and we will be right behind them in any way we can.

I must thank you for your continued commitment to the LFT testing process and keeping us informed of any issues. It is very important that we continue to test twice weekly over Easter so that we can hopefully have little or no interruption to the summer term. The tests have been provided to students this week to help. Any problems please let us know.

When we return after the break, we have asked that all students are in full and correct uniform. Standards are very important in any school but especially so at Beckfoot. Our uniform consultation proved very telling that our students and families love the current uniform. That is great and I have listened. We have also tried to be very accommodating in the last few weeks with uniform issues and would ask that everything is sorted for the 12th of April. Again, I am grateful for your continued support in this matter.

I have been approached by a few very eloquent (and some more commanding Year 11 students!) who were keen to continue to wear PE kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. In all honesty, until we are through this, I have to agree with them. And so, we will continue to encourage students to wear Beckfoot PE kit on the days they have these lessons. I hope it helps.

Finally, on the theme of uniform, I am asking students to no longer wear their coats around school. It was important that we relaxed this rule whilst getting through the winter. However, as we get into the summer this is no longer necessary. In classrooms where it is cold, staff may well allow this to continue but not in corridors or indoor communal areas. I hope this makes sense and you can see we have tried to be very accommodating over the past 6 months.

I hope you all manage to get some rest over the Easter holiday period. The future is looking very promising and the vaccine rollout is helping. The government are also planning to continue to lift restriction bit by bit and I am optimistic about what the future holds for us all.

Take care.


Covid testing

Posted 19th March 2021

A very special community

Our students returned to school in a staggered fashion last week and it has been very special to welcome them back to school once again. This second full lockdown has been tough and more so than first one in my view. The students have settled back into learning and they have shown just how resilient and strong they are. Despite everything they have been through, they have just got on with it and we are thrilled to be in their company once more. As I said in my last Blog, we missed their smiles, laughter and presence. Those things are back now, and I hope we never have to inflict that type of isolation on them again.

Mass Testing is done! We have completed over 6000 Lateral Flow Tests since January with over 5000 of those done in the past two weeks. The efforts of staff in making this happen,and for it to have been done without impacting on teaching and learning, has been a huge positive for us all. Added to that has been our students who have been remarkable in their approach to supporting our desire to keep everyone safe. I have to say that it has been quite a humbling experience and in an odd kind of way we will miss the process...but not too much!

I also want to thank parents and students who have supported the request to wear masks in lessons. I know that is not easy and many struggle. However, it is making a difference in school to how staff, students and families feel about being back in the building. Of course, we have a small number of students who are exempt, but they too are doing their bit andare very supportive of their classmates and staff. We have a very special community at Beckfoot, and it is at times like these especially that becomes so apparent. Please keep up the good work with the testing at home. Staff have been doing this for a few weeks now and the process is simple. If you have any issues, please let us know.

In other news, our school nurse, Jackie Drew, has been shortlisted in the Supporting Staff Member category in the Telegraph & Argus Education Awards 2021. She is a very special member of staff and has been immense in her support of staff and students over many years most especially these past 12 months. It is fitting that she is recognised in this way and we will keep our fingers crossed for her!

I had a visit from some students this week who wanted to talk to me about Sarah Everard and the issues the tragedy has raised for many of our young people. I was delighted that they felt they could come to me but more so because they wanted to do something to make a difference to young people in their school and wider community. I am hoping we will be able to put something together just after Easter and both students have agreed to help me share a message of safety and solidarity.

It’s Red Nose Day today. I love these days. Our students in Years 7 and 8 have been busy organising a variety of activities to raise money for those less fortunate. Please can you give generously if you can and thank you, as always, for supporting us with these events. It is so important to me that our students grow as selfless young people and are constantly reflecting on how they can make a difference to society no matter how big or small.

Finally, I want to ask for your help in a couple of ways. Firstly, I know many of you are now collecting students from school on an evening. Please can you ensure that you are parking safely and legally and being mindful that we have a lot of students leaving school and crossing roads at the end of the day. I need your help to keep them safe and ask that you consider the safety of others when parking and pulling out into traffic. Secondly, can I ask that you remind your children to wear a face mask when using both school and public transport. This is so important in enclosed spaces and your support, again, would be very much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend.



Posted 5th March 2021

Missing the buzz

It’s Friday morning and already the weekend seems to be somewhat of a delaying mechanism for the return of our students from Monday. We have been busy this week, especially getting the site ready once again and preparing for the testing of our community members over the next two weeks.

I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this second period of lockdown and no matter how I try to channel my thoughts, I always return to the same conclusion; it’s been tough! I say that mainly because of what life has been like for a typical teenager in that time. Their entire world has been thrown into turmoil and everything they have always known has been either changed drastically or ripped away from them. They have not been allowed to see family or friends, they have been stripped of their activities like sport, music, clubs and other such things and they have been kept away from each other for large parts of the past year. And all of this when the days are short, the nights are long and it's cold and miserable. Not easy for adults but even less so for a child. 

Throw into the mix Live Lessons. Whilst the majority have been wonderfully engaged, many have struggled. I am talking here about students who have attended lessons regularly as well as those who have not. They are desperate to be back in school and learning alongside their friends. They crave some form of normality and we must be mindful of the need for them to transition back into learning routines in the coming days and weeks. The culture of Beckfoot is about ensuring high standards for all in the most caring and nurturing environment we can provide.

From Monday, we must try to avoid talk about 'Lost Learning' or 'Catch-Up'. I don't want them (or you) worrying about longer school days or summer schools. I simply want them back in lessons with their teachers, being cared for and taught brilliantly. I want them to get back into the swing of things quickly and for them to be supported in terms of their wellbeing, their learning, the consolidation of what was taught over lockdown and understanding that our plans will make sure they are well prepared for next steps whether that is moving up a year or taking exams in Year 11 or 13. 

On the subject of exams, I have been dealing with a number of students who have contacted me to share their worries and anxieties about exams and mocks in particular. They are terrified that the mocks are the only source of evidence we will use to determine their grades. This is despite my assembly to them on the Friday before half term! I will speak to exam year students again next week and reassure them that we want the best for them and will use a range of evidence to inform our decisions about grades. We will look carefully at what comes from exam boards in relation to mini assessments and set papers that will allow them to shine. We are on their side and we will prepare them in the most incredible way to sit papers in each of the subjects they are studying.

I want to thank you all for your support for our testing arrangements. As of last night, over 97% of you have consented to your child having three tests in school over the next fortnight. That is incredible. I also want to thank you for your feedback on the booklet we sent through to you this week outlining our reopening arrangements, system of controls and other, what I hope has been, useful information. I know you probably feel bombarded with information via Twitter, Facebook, email and text but I would rather over communicate with you all than risk you missing out on important information.

I am very excited about next week. I can’t wait to hear chatter and laughter. I have missed that buzz. We will look after your children to the very best of our ability and support them as we start to get back to some form of normality over the coming weeks. Nothing is more important than that!

You know where we are if you need anything at all.

Take care,


Posted 8th January 2021

What a week!

Happy New Year to you all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break.

I wish that I were able, at this time, to add a sentence about how nice it is to have our students back and learning with us face to face. I am truly sorry that they are having, yet again, to endure further disruption to their education.

I hope that our immediate switch, this week, to Live Learning is making a difference to students and families and that it is helping in some small way to keep a routine of learning for all of them. That is very much our desire. Indeed, we have learned a great deal from the first lockdown and have prepared hugely for this since our return to school in September. I have to keep reminding myself that I am incredibly lucky to have a staff who have embraced the opportunity to engage with students in this manner and have put considerable effort into making sure that their teaching is aligned to the curriculum planned at the beginning of the year.

I want to thank the masses of you that have sent in messages of thanks and support because these are hugely appreciated by us all and make a difference. Below is just one of the great many messages received this week. Thank you all.

Good evening,
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you at Beckfoot. [My child's] live lessons are running smoothly and amazing communication daily re. the Covid processes, not to mention such great support last year.
Proud to be part of such an amazing school - below is an email to Ofsted telling them the same.

Stay safe, kind regards

Good evening Ofsted,  
I've been so impressed and thankful to Beckfoot School where my child attends, so much so, that I wanted to email to praise them. We're guilty of first to complain and last to compliment. Communication at the school is impeccable as are the processes surrounding Covid, very clear and organised and the live lessons have run so very smoothly with minimal to zero issues. Proud my child is part of such a great school.

Thank you all at Beckfoot x

I also want to thank those of you who have shared issues with us, mainly to do with electronic devices, and I very much hope we have been able to respond to each of you and provide the support you and your children have needed.

Finally, as you know, the Secretary of State has confirmed, this week, that GCSE and A Level exams are cancelled. He has also indicated that they will be replaced by teacher assessments though the detail of what that means, exactly, has yet to be shared. I know that this brings additional uncertainty for our young people and we have tried to alleviate that, since the announcement, via our various communications and the assembly on Wednesday. What is most important now is for our exam students to continue to engage fully in the online learning provision and let us worry about the details. At this stage, we are not allowed to engage in any conversations about grades nor are we in a position, in January, to be able to provide those. We have many months of teaching, learning and assessment ahead of us and we need full commitment from our young people in order for them to complete courses, submit coursework (where applicable) and demonstrate their abilities at every opportunity. Once more information is forthcoming, we will be in touch.

Please continue to look after yourselves and those around you. Help us to fight this pandemic by sticking to the rules and never hesitate to get in touch if we can help you in any way.

Take care,


Winter Scenes for Desktop13

Posted 17th December 2020

It's Christmas!

What a year 2020 has been. Looking back to this time last year we were excited to finish for the Christmas holiday and spend time away from school with family and loved ones. I remember there being murmurings about some virus but there was little to know and it all seemed too far away for it to be a problem for any of us. How wrong I was.

2020 has brought many challenges to us all but it has also brought perspective and a great deal of camaraderie. As a school we have remained open throughout. We have provided food and support for families that have struggled, through no fault of their own, and we have worked hard to look after our students and keep them engaged in learning as best we could. We have not been perfect but I know we tried our very best to do things right. I am proud of our school community for all they have achieved during lockdown.

For the past four months I have had the privilege to lead this school in the most uncertain of times. I say that because Beckfoot, without its staff and students, is just a building. Nothing more. It comes alive every day when our young people arrive and it transforms into the Beckfoot we love; a place full of life and that special ’Buzz’. I have been working here for 18 years, on and off, but this term has demonstrated to me, more than any other, why Beckfoot is so incredibly special. My staff are central to that and they come here every day to make a difference. Covid 19 did not change that.

Since returning in September I feel we have done most things really well and, thankfully, you seem to agree. Our Risk Assessment has proved to be very strong and our attendance is comparable to any other year because you have trusted us. For that I am so grateful. We have had over 30 confirmed cases over the past 15 weeks and been required, on each occasion, to identify close and social contacts to send home. In almost all cases we have had the most incredible support from parents and carers which I am thankful for. Indeed, when I talk to other Headteachers it is clear we have done very well to operate as we have been doing and also to have such limited staff and student absence.

We have lots on this week but it is also very much business as usual. We want students to continue to learn as time is precious to them and us. We also want reward them for all they have achieved and things are happening all week culminating on Friday with the Virtual Staff Panto to be shown during period 5. At the time of writing I am concerned that the staff are taking things too seriously. I have heard them singing and acting and they really need to enjoy the process a little more because I know that their vocations lie in teaching and not in show business, so it should be entertaining at the very least!

Finally, I want to thank you all for your incredible support throughout this term. I want to wish you a very Happy Christmas and I sincerely hope that 2021 is a good year for you whatever it may bring.

Take care,



Posted 11th December 2020

A challenging term

This time next week and we will be looking forward to our last day and celebrating the end of term with our staff and students. It has been a long and challenging term but also an exceptional one.

As is always the case at this time of year our students are getting excited and looking forward to the Christmas break. However, this year something is different. Our students are more reflective than ever and concerned about what many are facing this holiday and through the winter. They have united in their efforts to bring a little joy and comfort to others and I could not be prouder of them.

Our Sixth Form, led by Millie, have organised a toy appeal to support children via the work of the Samaritans in Keighley. They have amassed a huge number of toys for all age groups through local business sponsorship and the individual efforts of post 16 students. Millie is delighted that this work will allow some families to have something under the tree for their children this year and that is incredibly special.

In the lower school Hafeez and others have been collecting food for our local food bank. We have already donated a large amount of food items to the Bingley Foodbank and they were overwhelmed by our generosity. We are still collecting donations and will be dropping off what we collect again next week.  The staff at the Foodbank have said that they have enough pasta and soup currently but are happy to have anything else tinned/non-perishable, especially any sweets/chocolates for children over Christmas. If you can help in any small way, please do.

We are also happy for students to wear a Christmas jumper next Friday as long as the rest of their uniform is correct. All we ask is a donation of £1 per student/family which will go to the Bradford Soup Run, a charity that has been dear to Beckfoot for many years. Please donate via ParentPay if you can.

In October we were invited to nominate a student to be part of the First Give Student Advisory Panel. This panel will help ensure that the First Give initiative stays in touch with its core ideals of getting young people involved in raising awareness of others in their communities. We were very happy to nominate Hana in Year 10 because of her work and commitment to this cause last year and just last week we were informed by the First Give charity that she was chosen from a national field to become a member of the panel. It is remarkable and we are all very proud of her. She will be superb in that role without question.

In sporting news, Archie in Year 11 has continued his motorsports pursuits and has recently won the Junior Rotax PF International Autumn Cup. Archie is combining his studies with his love of motorsport to great effect and is a shining example of what can be achieved through sheer dedication, ambition and resilience. He has a great future ahead of him and we are thrilled for him and his family.

We have taken the decision not to close next Friday. The announcement that came from the government was not helpful in our view and I am very conscious of not impacting on students learning or families having to find childcare at short notice. We will close for the Christmas break at 2.45 pm next Friday as planned. I need to ask for your help in supporting our Risk Assessment with your children. We need them to ensure they are keeping themselves safe next week especially. They need to wear face coverings on school buses and public transport; they need to walk around school wearing them too and be extra conscious of the two metre rule at social times. I say this because, although case numbers are falling, the reality is that they are still coming through to us. Given our role in supporting Test and Trace I do not want to be calling families from Monday and telling them that students have to self-isolate over Christmas.

In addition, I will write to you all separately later today to let you know that my leadership and I have been told to work in support of the Test and Trace scheme until Christmas Eve just in case we have any reports of a positive case that we have to share with students and families.

Finally, although I will write my Blog again next week, I wanted to take this chance to thank you all for your unwavering support since March but most especially since September. We have tried our best to get things right and to communicate with you all fully and honestly. We have not always got it right but for the most part we have achieved a great deal as a result of working collectively to support our young people. They have been wonderful throughout and have embraced both the change and challenges of the Autumn term without much fuss. Indeed, I often find myself wondering how I would have coped, and I am not convinced I would have coped as well as our students. They are remarkable, unique and most of all, special.

Take care.

iStock_000004374706Large (Medium)

Posted 23rd November 2020

A week of ‘virtual’ firsts!

On Tuesday evening we launched the first Virtual Creativity Showcase Awards on our website. It was a huge success! This event would normally be held in school in the main hall with the place filled with students and families looking at the work of our amazing students. Mr Hussain and Mr Stimpson were determined that we would not allow Covid to get in the way of celebrating the work of our talented young people and so was born the idea of a virtual event. Accompanied by Evie on piano playing a Stevie Wonder song, the event was an incredible journey into the Arts and the work of our special Creativity faculty, showcasing stunning art, music, drama and photography. So many students took part and I am very proud of all those who were nominated and those who were winners. The Creative Arts is a very important part of our curricular and enrichment work at Beckfoot and long may that continue.

We also launched our first Post 16 Virtual Open Evening on Thursday. Our Post 16 team took over the front page of our website to share all the information on the courses available, support, enrichment opportunities and what to expect over the next couple of years should our Sixth Form be an option you wish to consider. We hope it allowed you to make an informed choice about our Sixth Form provision for 2021.  All information can now be accessed in the Sixth form area of the website. Application forms must be returned no later than Friday 8 January 2021. Please get in touch with the team for any additional information or guidance.

In a week of ‘virtual’ firsts, we had our third Virtual Parents Evening for Year 9 last night. 99% of you managed to make appointments and keep them which is incredible. We are so grateful for your support for our school and students. It makes a difference to our young people when they know we are working in partnership, with their futures the most important thing to us all. Thanks also for your feedback with many seeming to prefer the online approach. Please do keep letting us know your thoughts on these evenings both positive and developmental.

The mock exams started on Friday morning for our Year 11 students. The exams will go through to Thursday this week. I know our students are anxious and we had a good assembly ahead of the first exam where I talked to them about how they are doing, what can be learned from the mock exams and how that learning will shape our collective approach to the real GCSE exams in the summer. The truth is that they are a very special bunch and doing well matters to them. They have been through a great deal of uncertainty and we are more determined than ever to look after all our students, but most especially those facing exams at the end of this academic year. I want them to try their best, learn from the experience and continue to work with their teachers, who care deeply about them, all the way through to June. What I do know is that I have a wonderful and dedicated staff who will work tirelessly to give them every chance of success and I cannot ask for more than that.

If I may, could I please ask you to support our desire to keep students safe by asking them to wear masks on all forms of public transport and when out and about in shops and in the local community. So many of them are meticulous when it comes to using face coverings, hand sanitising and keeping socially distant. However, a few, from time to time, forget and we need to keep reminding them of the need to follow guidelines and keep themselves and their families safe. Thank you in advance.

Finally, as the temperatures drop due to the onset of winter, I have been thinking about our COVID Risk Assessment in place in school. Part of the Risk Assessment is to ensure we are ventilating the building as much as possible. That means that all external doors and windows are open throughout the day to help keep fresh air circulating. That also means it is getting increasingly cold for our students. Whilst they have been great and don’t complain, I am acutely aware that for many of them it is becoming difficult. So, we have decided to allow all students to wear their coats in all areas of the building from today. They have been very supportive of our new PLS, our new COVID rules and our desire to keep them safe and in education full time. I hope this helps and that you can all understand the rationale behind this decision.

Two weeks of lockdown are now behind us, so we are now over halfway through. Keep positive and keep looking after those around you.



Posted 13th November 2020

An eventful few days...

It’s been an eventful few days at Beckfoot and I want to share what has been happening around school since my last Blog a week ago.

We’ve had a relatively quiet week in terms of Covid and the slight spike in cases last week was not all that surprising following half term. Who knows what lies ahead but I want to reassure you all that we are determined to always stay open to educate our students and enable them to lead a largely normal life for much of their week. I say this because they are doing incredibly well at school. They are happy, engaged and amongst friends and I cannot stress enough the importance of this. I am also pleased that many of you feel able to share your concerns and we are all too happy to chat to you about these and, hopefully, put your mind at ease. Thanks, as always, for your incredible support and messages; they really do make a difference to my staff and me.

I have been meeting with my staff this week to talk about exam classes. I have been asking all 94 of them (yes, 94!) about their students and the progress they have made since returning to school. I have loved seeing the staff one to one and talking to them about things that really matter for our young people. I have been stunned by the level of preparation for those meetings, the detail they can go into about each child but, mostly, because of their care and passion for each student in their care. This week has provided yet another reminder to me about how fortunate I am at Beckfoot to have such committed and dedicated staff, further strengthened by the appointment of remarkable new staff.

The season of fundraising and getting involved in charitable causes has also arrived. Today is Children in Need day and, despite lockdown, we have asked each child and staff member, where possible, to contribute £1 via ParentPay for the privilege of wearing non-uniform. Many have been thinking about what to wear since last week and I’m sure the students have too! I love these events for lots of reasons but mainly because our students make a difference to the lives of others. They have spent some time in their tutor groups thinking about others and reflecting on what contributions they can make to those around them, and the wider world. Today will be a success regardless of how much we raise and the frustrations of not being able to do all the things we usually do.

The staff are also doing their bit and many of the male staff have embarked on the growth of facial hair for Movember to raise money and awareness of health and well-being issues facing men every day. I have paid my money and begun the journey of the moustache. At this point the feedback I have received has been mixed. In fact, it has been more pity than anything else. My children are no kinder, but I am determined to go the full 30 days and do my little bit at this time.

Continuing the theme of charitable work, I want to recognise and praise the efforts of one of our Year 9 students, Emma-Leigh, who has, for many years, been involved in a lot of charity work and is determined to make a difference to her city. She has recently received an NHS Young Hero Certificate of Appreciation Award in recognition of her work in her local area. She is currently working to raise money for Martin House and we are very proud of her.

The ‘All in Award’ cast of Beckfoot and Hazelbeck School have worked incredibly hard with Mr Lawal to produce a stunning video to celebrate Performing Arts. Click here to take a look.

As you know I really want to hear about and celebrate the achievements of students within and beyond school and this week we were told of some dance success. Emily in Year 10 and her younger sister have been selected for the Yorkshire Dance Elite Associates Team following rigorous auditions involving young dancers from across Yorkshire and the North East. Emily will now embark on a training schedule involving tuition from experts in the areas of Tap, Jazz, Ballet and Commercial Dance. It’s fantastic news and we are very proud of Emily.

Before I finish, I need to remind us all about the continuing need to keep ourselves safe. The use of face coverings is compulsory in school (on corridors and in communal indoor areas) and on all forms of public transport. Washing hands regularly and not touching the face are easy ways to help combat the spread of the virus as is the ‘Catch, it Bin it, Kill it’ approach to coughing and sneezing. Keeping apart two metres and avoiding face to face communication where possible also helps. I hope that if everyone sticks to the rules, we will get through this and look forward to the new year and a return to normality.

Take care,


Simon Wade

Posted 6th November 2020

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a good half term and managed to get a rest from the everyday pressures of school and all the preparations that go with it.

We return to the news of a second national lockdown and that’s not easy on our young people and their families. I’m sure I would have struggled as a teenager, especially with the loss of sport and the freedom my childhood gave me. I am proud of our students for their resilience and determination and the fact that our school is open and intends to remain so throughout this pandemic. School, for me, is the best place for students to be. They are safe, well looked after, well-educated and can be with friends and enjoy a sense of normality every day. Having said all that, school is not without its challenges. We are constantly navigating our way through new challenges and it’s not easy. We have dealt with several confirmed cases this week, all of which have had minimal impact I’m pleased to say, and we are working tirelessly to reassure our students with the facts regarding Covid-19. Our Risk Assessment and the plan we created in the summer allow us to be very specific in terms of who must self-isolate and why. In all cases this week I have been so grateful for the support from all parents and carers we have contacted. We have phoned everyone since we had to start sending students home as I feel the personal touch is important in trying to reassure students and families. That will continue.

 Period 6 began this week for our Year 11 students. It is an extra lesson provided by our staff on a voluntary basis, to support students to achieve the best outcomes in their GCSE exams next summer. We had 90% attendance this week and we hope to ensure those targeted students maintain this dedication in the weeks and months ahead. It is not easy for them, but this provision is designed to encourage them to invest time into their futures now and, in doing so, help to ensure they will have the choices they need at post 16 to lead happy and successful lives.

We had our second Virtual Parents’ Evening for Year 13 last night and again it was a huge success. I feel it’s so much more personal that a written report and, despite the time being limited to just 5 minutes, we intend to stick with this provision for the foreseeable future. Our next Virtual Parents’ Evening is for Year 9 on Thursday 19 November.

Our Blended Learning Strategy is really developing, and we have had just two bubble closures since September. In both cases we have facilitated Live Teaching for all 25 lessons in the week. The staff and students have embraced this new way of teaching and learning, and it is so much better for everyone. For Post 16 lessons we are also developing our ability to deliver lessons with some students physically in school and others accessing those same lessons whilst self-isolating. We will monitor the effectiveness of this dual system in the hope that the technology will allow us to operate in this way for all lessons.

In other news, we have some sporting successes to celebrate:

  • Scarlett in Year 8 has been selected to represent Team GB in cheerleading
  • Charlie in Year 8 has been selected to represent the North East England u13 in Hockey
  • Annie in Year 10 won Gold in the 60cm competition at the West Yorkshire Equestrian Championships and silver in 70cm competition on a horse called Charlie

We are very proud of all three students and their commitment and dedication to their sport to achieve such elite honours.

We have also learned this week that Genevieve in Year 13 has achieved a Duke of Edinburgh Certificate of Achievement - Gold Award (Covid version). This is incredible and testament to her dedication, resilience, commitment and courage over the past few years.

In all cases our students are to be admired and congratulated on how they are managing themselves in these times. We must never lose sight of how special and unique each of them is.

Have a lovely weekend.


Posted 23rd October 2020

It’s half term!

What a few weeks it has been. Despite the trials and tribulations of the past few months it has been wonderful to be back at school and working alongside our amazing staff and students.

As you know, we have had our share of Covid related issues, but I feel we have dealt with them well and ensured the safety of our school community. We have provided work and a digital device where needed and we have also ensured no child has to worry about being hungry because they are away from school. I feel proud of that.

We have had to close just one class bubble since September and despite that we were able to support learning by delivering 25 hours of Live Teaching for those students throughout this past week. In truth, because of technology, it is easier to do this when an entire class is away. We are not yet at the stage where we can allow individuals students to interact with live teaching taking place with classes in school, but we are working on it. Having said that, our Blended Learning provision via Microsoft Teams and our online learning platforms has been well received because of the content and the alignment to our curriculum in each year group. As always, your feedback is most welcome.

On Wednesday this week I was invited for a three-course meal which was prepared and cooked by the students of class group 711. I arrived at 2.15pm and was escorted to my table and presented with a menu. I ordered orange squash to accompany my starter of Meatball and Tomato soup which arrived very promptly. I then had Sweet and Sour Chicken Wraps followed by Brownie Bites and Strawberries. The students looked after me brilliantly. At the end I gave my views on each course, though the empty plates were enough for them to know I was happy! They were magnificent and they all signed my menu as a keepsake of a very special and memorable afternoon.

We have also been celebrating our wonderful students by holding our Red-Carpet events this week. I have been thrilled with the way our new Positive Learning Strategy has been embedded and the fact that it focuses on our student’s positive attitude and behaviour. We had over 1200 students accessing those events this week as a result of their positive and proactive approach to their learning. They are getting it right in lessons every day and are being recognised and rewarded for it. It has been a special week for the staff and students, and I can’t wait until Christmas to do it all again.

We had our first Virtual Parents’ Evening last night. I must admit being very anxious about the whole thing. We consulted on the best route forward for communicating with parents and carers and all agreed that face to face conversations were better than written reports which can, at times, be a little soulless. The evening was a huge success and the feedback received from staff and parents/carers has been incredible. Of course, there were a few issues with technology at the outset, but these were sorted out quickly and the evening went very smoothly. This has given us the confidence to continue like this whilst we are restricted by the current circumstances and we are very much looking forward to doing it again as the year progresses.

We have been celebrating sporting success in recent weeks too. As many of you know, Creative Arts and Sport are very important to me. I want to celebrate the achievements of our students, write to them individually and mention them in my Blog. We are proud of them and understand the sacrifices involved for any young person who is doing remarkable things in and beyond school. I feel that there is a strong link between hard work and success, and one is rarely achieved without the other. We have been celebrating the following students over the past couple of weeks:

Year 7 - Harry who has been selected to represent the Bradford Schools U12 football squad for the 2020/21 season

Year 8 - Jamie who has been selected to represent the Bradford Schools U13 football squad for the 2020/21 season

Year 8 - Ollie who has been selected to represent the Bradford Schools U13 football squad for the 2020/21 season

Year 10 - Charlie who has been awarded a Rugby League scholarship with the Bradford Bulls.

I am delighted to celebrate the achievements of any young person who is doing remarkable things outside of school, but the truth is that we are not always aware. Please let me know about how your children are doing and I will do my best to recognise those achievements throughout the year.

Finally, thank you to you all for your support this half term. It has not always been easy, but you have placed your faith in us to get things right for your children. You have sent messages of thanks and support and you have also told us when you think we could be doing better; it all helps. Have a wonderful and safe half term holiday and take care of one another.

See you all on the 2 November when school re-opens.




Simon Wade

Posted 9th October 2020

We’ve been back a month already!

Morning-3I cannot quite believe it’s October.

In the summer none of us knew what lay ahead, but our community has been amazing in the manner they have approached the new way of operating. A very special thank you to staff, students, parents and carers for the support you have each given us to facilitate a return to learning and a little more normality.

We had a Fire Alarm test on Tuesday this week. Why on earth am I telling you about that? Well, for me, this event is always a real test of the culture that exists within a school and for some reason, no matter which school I work in, I always get slightly anxious beforehand. I had little to worry about because our students were incredible in the way they calmly and silently vacated the building and followed all instructions. I was both humbled and grateful for how we all worked together to make it a safe and very smooth exercise. It is quite something to watch 1700 young people and the staff emerge from the school as they did. Really special to see!

DSC_0005I am sure many of you will be wondering how we intend to communicate with you when it comes to parents’ evenings and I am happy to say we have a plan. After conversations with several of you, we have decided to carry out virtual face to face meetings with teachers. Each meeting will last 5 minutes to maximise the number of parents/carers a member of staff can see. The technology we will use will end the meeting on exactly 5 minutes and move the member of staff on to the next appointment automatically. Appointments will be made on a first come first served basis and, although not everyone will get every appointment they require, it is a much more personal way to operate these evenings. As always, we will ask for your feedback after the first evening to see how we can further improve. This will be a first for us, so your patience and support will be greatly appreciated.

DSC_0007You are aware that we, like most schools across the UK, have had a few confirmed cases of Covid 19. We have followed the guidance as set out by the DfE and PHE. We are immediately asked to identify ‘Close’ contacts and ‘Social’ contacts and we use our classroom seating plans software to support that process. Once we are clear which students are potentially at risk, and therefore need to self-isolate, we ensure all families affected are spoken to personally about the situation, how to access work from home and when they can return. The support we have had from families of those affected and more widely has been phenomenal. For those that have ongoing concerns I have tried to ring each individually to provide reassurance. These are the times we are living and working in and I hope the communications are helpful. I know it can be frustrating that the exact details cannot always be shared.

Morning-2I cannot pass on the opportunity to remind you of our Health and Safety obligations. We require all staff and students to wear a face covering in communal areas. We ask that hand sanitiser is applied on entry to school and each lesson and we also ask that the 2-metre rule is observed wherever possible. We ask students not to mingle in groups of more than six at social times and when walking to and from school. We ask students to wear face coverings on school and public transport too. All these measures help to minimise risk, so I feel they are reasonable requests. Your support in reinforcing this message is appreciated.

DSC_0029Finally, I was delighted to welcome to school on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, parents of Emma Taylor who sadly passed away over the summer. We had a lovely chat about lots of things but mainly about Emma. They very generously presented me with a cheque for £5000 in her memory. We have agreed to spend the money in several ways. We intend to purchase a bench to be placed at the front of school so staff, students and visitors can remember her every day. We will purchase an award, to be presented annually to a deserving Post 16 student who contributes so much to our school. 

Some of the money will be used to support any young people who need help to pursue their dream of studying medicine beyond Beckfoot and, for those that gain a place at university, the money will also fund their first stethoscope. Emma, as many of you know, was an incredible young lady who loved Beckfoot and spent seven very happy years with us. She was due to study medicine at Liverpool and we want her memory to live with us in the years ahead. I am incredibly grateful to her family.

Take care.


Posted 14th September 2020

Welcome back!

A special welcome to our new Year 7 students and those joining our 6th Form from elsewhere. Both groups have already proved to be an amazing addition to our school.

I have been humbled by the way our staff and students have accepted and embraced our re-opening plans, and more so by the manner in which they have approached learning. It is an absolute delight  that we have made such a strong start but it’s also important to remind ourselves that we each have to play our part to maintain that strength and build upon it as we progress through the year.

I have tried to get to as many lessons as possible since last Tuesday and it has been a joy. I have been struck by the maturity of our young people and their determination to learn, despite a long period of absence from their usual style of learning. They have been engaged and happy to contribute fully to lessons which was great to see. Beckfoot has a special ‘soul’ and I have witnessed that throughout our school this week.

I had the opportunity to visit our Oracy workshops with Year 7 on Friday. I listened to them stand up in front of their peers and introduce each other. I watched them tell of their dreams and ambitions for the year ahead and beyond and I loved the purity of their messages and the confidence they showed to simply stand up and speak. I really want them all to become more effective communicators and this type of work will help.

I have loved having the opportunity to talk to our students again. I have missed their character, humour and energy. Walking around the school during lessons and break times has been a pleasure and it is so good to have life back into our building because our young people have returned.

I want to thank every parent and carer who has trusted us with our plans to open. We had an attendance figure of 99% last week and that is stunning. We have been making slight tweaks to our plans each day as we learn more about the flow of students and how to make things better for them.

Thank you again for your support.

Take care,



Posted 13th March 2020

Sometimes you are just left in awe!

What a few weeks it has been. Full of activity and an unprecedented occurrence.

Our BSL group began the term with a great Goalball event which was the result of a collaboration with Hazelbeck. They did an incredible job raising awareness of impaired vision and how a sport such as Goalball can be enjoyed regardless of disability. I loved it! The competitive streak was there for all to see amongst the staff and students who took part. It was great fun and I am grateful we have such selfless young people in school who are constantly thinking about others.

We have been busy these past few weeks getting ready for Sports Relief. The aim is to support young people in Bradford who suffer with their mental health. Indeed, 1 in 9 young people suffer with some form of mental health issue between the ages of 11 and 19. In Bradford that amounts to approximately 6608 students. The aim of the PE Department and the Sports Council has been to ensure that collectively our students walk 6608 km in support of mental health awareness and raise over £5000 for Sports Relief. Fundraising activities have included Sponge the Teacher, Dodgeball, staff v students netball, rowing challenges, pay to play sport, cheerleading, dance and lots more. I am really hoping they raise the money they are aiming for but, regardless, it has been an amazing few weeks and I am so proud of our entire school community with the Sports Council and Ms. Holmes leading the way.

In other news we were made aware of the students who will be joining us in September from primary schools in the area. We have in excess of 1600 families who chose our school and we have been allocated our full number of students which is great. Our sixth form has also been busy, and we have received over 500 applications to study with us in September. We remain a heavily oversubscribed school and I will never take that for granted because we must keep working hard to provide the very best education we can for the families that entrust their children to us each year.

Finally, I attended the Beckfoot Young Musician event last night. Wow! From the first to the last act, from the solo to the ensemble performances I was completely in awe of our students. I saw singers, guitarists, classical musicians, bands, pianists and a harpist which, in truth, very much reminded me of home. There was also a very cool rendition of the A-Ha classic, Take on Me by the hand chimes group. I had no idea how to pick any winners but thankfully that was not my role last night. In the end the award for Beckfoot School Young Musician of the Year went to Evie Kitching in Year 12. Her piano performance was breathtaking, and she is a very talented and special young lady. The evening was a huge success and I want to thank the judges, the BSL team, Ms. Roberts and the Duke of Edinburgh team, Mrs Clark, Mr. Jackson, our peripatetic team, the Creative Arts staff and most especially, Mr Lee and Mr Stimpson for all they do in to provide a wealth of opportunities for our students.

Finally, in this time of Covid 19, I want to reassure you all that we continue to follow the advice provided to us daily by both the Department of Education and Public Health England.


Simon Wade

Posted 31st January 2020

Head's Blog

Beckfoot continues to be a busy place with a lot happening. I love to hear about how our students are doing outside of school and I am thrilled to tell you about three young people who have achieved amazing things recently.

Esme, one of our Sixth Form students, entered a competition for the Geographical Association, where she focused on fires in the Amazon Basin and was picked to represent Team UK. She is one of only four 16-19-year olds in the country to be selected. She will be travelling to Istanbul with the team in August, to compete against young people from over 50 countries worldwide. We couldn’t be prouder of Esme and know that she will represent her team and Beckfoot brilliantly whilst abroad.

One of our Year 9 students, Owen, became the boys group B Yorkshire and northeast regional champion on the 3m diving board. This is an incredible achievement and is the culmination of hours of hard work, dedication and practice.

Also, in diving, Elizabeth, a Year 10 student, competed against top junior divers from across Europe in the prestigious Ulla-Klinger Cup in Aachen, Germany. The standard was high, including competitors from the Russian & Spanish National teams. Lizzie secured a Gold in the Mixed 3m Synchro event and in the individual events took Bronze on the 1m board. Following her success in Germany, Lizzie then competed in the Scottish Open & National Diving Championships in Edinburgh. In the 3m board Lizzie came away with the Bronze medal; in the Women’s 3m Synchro Lizzie and her partner secured Gold and in the team event she also secured the GOLD!

In other news, we hosted a STEM roadshow for Year 7 students who were gripped from start to finish. The roadshow was designed and delivered in partnership with the RAF and the Royal Navy with a focus on Energy and was a huge success proving both engaging and extremely informative.

Our BSL elections were held last week and the results were shared on Friday. It was a joy to see how our candidates promoted their manifestos and sought to gain the confidence (and votes!) of the school community. I also loved the voting process which replicated how we as adults vote in local and general elections. Being elected by their peers will empower them and give them confidence as individuals to be leaders their school. I can’t wait to introduce them all in our staff meeting!

At Beckfoot we recognize the importance of effective home learning and that this significantly improves outcomes for students. We are about to launch a home learning webpage that will provide clarity for students and families around what effective home learning looks like and what, exactly, students should be doing in each of their subject areas.

Mocks begin next week, and these are incredibly important exams. They will replicate fully the GCSE experience and will be a test of what students know and where their knowledge gaps still exist. I believe that if students do their very best over the next two weeks, the information that will emerge from their results and feedback will allow them to really focus their efforts and revision over the remaining weeks. I am excited about what our students are capable of if they remain determined, focused, honest with themselves and staff and continue to aim high. I wish each and every one of them well.

Finally, I would like to invite you to our next Parent Forum on Thursday 5th March. We will be sharing with you are new Positive Learning Strategy to be launched after Easter and seeking your views on the rationale that sits behind our thinking. I will also be talking to you about uniform and, again, seeking your views on potential changes for 2021. It would be great to see you there if you can make it.




