Tutor Time
Rationale and purpose
Tutor time is an invaluable part of the day for all students accounting for 2 hours of their week. As a result, the role of the Form Tutor within the Beckfoot Trust is central to both caring for students and, crucially, monitoring their progress both academically and socially; encouraging involvement, commitment and high standards of work and behaviour. Our Form Tutors should be active in looking after the interests of the “whole child”. Our Form Tutors support students by:
Promoting positive relationships
- Knowing all members of the Tutor Group and maintain an individual profile of each student including friendship patterns, family structures, leisure interest, social development, problems at home and relationships with other staff / students.
- Create a positive ethos by promoting the Beckfoot ethos and instilling the Beckfoot learner.
- Promoting both academic and extra-curricular participation and rewarding achievements positively, whilst where necessary implementing sanctions in a supportive way.
Encouraging high standards
- Checking and maintaining high standards of uniform & equipment on a daily basis.
- Checking and signing the Student Planner on a regular basis, ideally every week. Ensuring effective use of Student Planners including recording of information and homework.
- Ensuring that students are punctual to tutor time and that their ATL score for tutor time is recorded on SIMS.
Monitoring and evaluation of student progress and wellbeing
- Monitor, review and communicate student current progress, attitude to learning scores and attendance / punctuality.
- Keeping parents/carers and the year team fully informed regarding students’ progress. Communicate both positive messages and cause for concern via the use of SIMs, e-mails, phone calls and conversations.
- Always raise any safeguarding concerns to the year team and log on CPOMs.
Delivery of structured tutor time and PHSCE & communicating messages
- Communicate key messages and explain school policies including Health & Safety and Fire Drills.
- Ensure that tutees value tutor time by delivering a structured programme. This will include attendance at assembly, personalised attitude to learning conversations, current affairs, SMSC and British values, discussions/debates, promotion of support with revision / homework and coverage of statutory PHSCE content.
- Assist the year team in the distribution of letters/notices and participate in student review day, wider learning day and report writing.
Tutoring and Assembly Structure
In order to raise the profile of tutor time and encourage students to embrace this 2 hours a week programme as essential learning time (as important as any other lesson) a structured week and routine is important. Therefore, it is important that:
- Every year group will follow a structured week (as outlined below).
- Each year group will have a designated Assembly day.
- 2 SPA activities a week to be encouraged (but not on an assembly or PSCHE slot)
- Students are given ATL scores, as they would be in any other lesson
Key Stage 3
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Year 7 |
Time4Tutee & 'Learn like a Beckfooter' |
Oracy or Metacognition |
Literacy or Numeracy |
Assembly (10:55-11:20) |
Year 8 |
Time4Tutee & 'Learn like a Beckfooter' |
Oracy or Metacognition |
Assembly (10:55-11:20) |
Literacy or Numeracy |
Year 9 |
Time4Tutee & 'Learn like a Beckfooter' |
Assembly (10:55-11:20) |
Oracy or Metacognition |
Literacy or Numeracy |
Key Stage 4
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Year 10 |
Time4Tutee & 'Learn like a Beckfooter' |
Assembly (10:55-11:20) |
Oracy or Metacognition |
Literacy or Numeracy |
Year 11 |
Assembly (10:55-11:20) |
Time4Tutee & 'Learn like a Beckfooter' |
Oracy or Metacognition |
Literacy or Numeracy |
Key Stage 5
Separate programme overseen by the Sixth Form team
Assemblies for year 12 and 13 on Thursday 10:55-11:20