Key Stage 4
At Beckfoot, Key Stage Four refers to years 10 and 11.
Students have 25 hours of learning a week. You can see how this is broken down on Our Curriculum Model.
Students also have a designated PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) session each week.
All students access an ambitious curriculum to support their aspirations for life. A variety of enrichment opportunities also help build their confidence, skills and self-esteem.
All students study:
- Maths
- English
- Science
- Core PE (non-certified)
- One Modern Foreign Language (French or German)
- One Humanities Subject (History or Geography)
Students then choose two additional options from:
- Business
- Computer Science
- Drama
- Economics
- Engineering
- Fine Art
- Geography
- Graphics
- Health & social Care
- History
- Hospitality & Catering
- Music
- PE
- Photography
- Religious Education
- Textiles
- Triple Science
All students follow the EBACC pathway which ensures that they maintain a breadth of study right up to the end of Year 11.