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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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SEND - useful websites, helplines & support groups

Autism-Specific Helplines & Groups

AWARE  AWARE Tel : 01535 66 1275   Email:

AWARE  (Airedale and Wharfedale Autism Resource) is a parent-run group which has been supporting supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required) since 1999. The group includes parents, wider family members, and health, education and social care professionals. 

Around 700,000 people in the UK are on the autistic spectrum. Together with their families they make up around 2.8 million people whose lives are touched by autism every single day.   Currently, we are the ONLY group in the Bradford area offering autism-specific support to children/young people. 

Autism Angels work with parents and professionals to improve the lives of all children with autism and their families using Equine-Facilitated Coaching.   0113 387 3064

ACST (Autism Community Support Team) This organisation supports pupils with high-functioning Autism who are displaying challenging behaviours (150 behaviours per week). An in-depth and holistic assessment is made in all environments accessed by the YP after which a key adult is assigned to work with the family in their home to model strategies on how to manage and understand their child’s behaviour. Referral can be made by parents, schools or other professionals (available in C&I folder – Parental support)

Aspire A parent run support group offering support to families. There are regular meet ups to offer support and signposting. The child does not need a diagnosis to access the group.

Autism Education Trust helps children and young people with autism to receive an education, enabling them to reach their potential.  0207 903 3650   Contact them online:

Autism Links This is a website which signpost parents and carers to services available within their region. This is updated regularly.

Bingley and Keighley Autism Parents Group is a Facebook-based support group.

Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure (BDSL) is a local charity which aims to provide disabled people with high-quality sport and physical activity, running various clubs and activities across the district every day of the week for more than 400 disabled people.

01274 437 093

Café Eden/Big Local monthly Coffee Morning takes place in Keighley College and is for parents of autistic children.*F

Cygnet programme This is a 6 week (2.5-3hr sessions) parent programme which is available to parents of children aged between 5-18 once a diagnosis has been received.  Additional support packages around sibling support and puberty and sexual well-being are also available from this service. Parents self-refer for this service. Link to Cygnet

National Autistic Society is the leading UK charity for autistic people and their families. Founded in 1962, the NAS is the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. Their goal is to help transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.    0808 800 4104 

Education Rights Service: 0808 800 4102

Autism Helpline: 0808 8004 104

Parent-to-Parent Service: 0808 800 4106

National Autistic Society Keighley and District is the local branch of the NAS and offers regular events.

Nebula Girls Group This a group specifically for girls on the Autism spectrum (or on the pathway) based in Keighley. It offers social support to girls and young women aged between 8-25 via a weekly club (Friday evening).

The Parent Forum (Bradford & Airedale) This is a support group for parents of children with additional needs. It helps parents to understand processes and legislations around SEND and helps them to have a voice.

PDA Society has help and information on Pathological Demand Avoidance, a branch of autism

SENDIASS This organisation offers impartial advice to parents or carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND. Advice can be given around exclusions, EHCP, transport, annual reviews, SEN support, admissions and provision.

SNOOP (Special Needs Objective Outreach Project) This is a registered charity run by a voluntary management committee based in the Eccleshill area. The organisation has qualified staff who support young people from the ages of 2-25 with disabilities and complex health needs. They offer before and after school care, play schemes, Young adults (activities based around their needs and interests, with an emphasis on life, independence, social skills, friendship and fun), youth club (Tue 6-8pm), safe places scheme and support for parents and carers. The support is accessed via a self-referral.

Sparkle is a support group aimed at parents/carers of children with autism in the Skipton/Craven area (diagnosis not necessary). They also welcome parents/carers of children with any disability, if they feel they may benefit.

Specialist Autism Services Specialist Autism Services works exclusively for and with adults (18+) on the autism spectrum and their families. They provide autism specific services across the Yorkshire region. They now provide a range of services including group social skills workshops (through an autism-specific learning programme), information and guidance, autism-specific counselling, employment support, autism awareness training and community outreach support. Under the name Autism First they also provide bespoke support for adults with autism and additional needs.

Wrose Adventurers is a youth group for young people aged 11-25 years with Asperger’s and high-functioning autism.    Contact Helen Durham on 07598 112 037

ZigZag Leeds is a support group, run by parents, for parents/carers of children on the Autistic Spectrum, with or without a diagnosis.  07981 201 005

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Leaflet WY ADHD

Disability/Special Educational Needs Support

Bradford City Disability FC is a football club specifically for children and young people with disabilities. 07845 568 226/07818 515 639

Bradford Continence Service The service offers support to young children and young people in their daily bowel and bladder management . Continence clinics for children/young people with complex bladder and bowel problems at various locations within the Bradford & Airedale District, in schools or at home if felt appropriate.

Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure (BDSL) is a local charity which aims to provide disabled people with high-quality sport and physical activity, running various clubs and activities across the district every day of the week for more than 400 disabled people.   01274 437 093

Bradford Inclusive Disability Service offers a place where children with disabilities and their families can choose from wide range of toys to borrow, can receive guidance and support, and can join a warm and welcoming community for fun and exciting days out!   01274 365463

Caudwell Children provides practical and emotional support to families of disabled children. 0345 300 1348

Carers Resource provides support for carers, no matter what their age, race, religion or needs.  Skipton 01756 700 888    Shipley 01274 449 660     Leeds 0113 246 8338

Cerebra supports children with brain-related conditions. They offer a sleep-help service    0800 328 1159,uk

Contact is a charity for families with disabled children which supports families with the best possible guidance and information.    0808 808 3555  They have produced a helpful guide, which you can access here: 

Equality Together Bradford
supports disabled people and their families by providing free, impartial, independent and confidential advice to those with complex and continuing health care conditions including but not exclusive to those relating to age, disability, sensory needs, learning disability and mental health issues.   01274 59 4173

Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Last year, they provided 88,407 grants or services worth over £33 million to families across the UK, improving the lives of low-income families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. They provide grants for a wide range of items, such as washing machines, sensory toys, family breaks, bedding, tablets, furniture, outdoor play equipment, clothing and computers. It can be a struggle financially, emotionally and physically for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child, and these grants help break down many of the barriers families face, improving their quality of life and easing the additional daily pressures.   01904 55 0055

Friends and Family Hub (Part of Thinking Big)   Friends and Family Hubs are for family and friends of people with disabilities. They run monthly group sessions and have an online resource for people who can't make it to meetings. They get together to learn from specialist trainers, guest speakers and each other, with professional advice on hand. Lunch is included. There are three Hubs in Bradford, Keighley and Menston. Friends and Family Hubs are part of Thinking BIG, which runs other projects you may be interested in such as mental health help.

IPSEAoffers independent legally-based advice, support and training to help get the right education for children and young people with special educational needs.   01799 58 2030

Keighley Additional Needs Support Group  Every Tuesday term-time only 12-1.30pm  Central Hall, Alice Street, Keighley, BD21 3JD Contact for more information.

Lighthouse Futures Trust trains employers to be disability-confident and helps students gain work experience and internships.   0113 3400 006

LS29 Group is a registered charity for families who have children with additional needs who live in the local area. LS29 Group provides a social network for sharing experiences and knowledge with other parents and activities for children and their siblings. They aim to provide opportunities in a safe, inclusive environment, which may not be otherwise available. You don't have to live in LS29 postcode; Addingham, Ilkley, Burley-in-Wharfedale and Menston - but most of their events are around this area so would involve travelling here.   01943 609 861 

Local Offer is a way of giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support are available in our area. 01274 437 503

Parents Forum for Bradford and Airedale (PFBA) works to support parents and carers of children and young people up to 25 years old who have disabilities/additional needs in the Bradford and Airedale district. The Forum works to enable better access to information about services, and to improve channels of communication between services, professionals and parents and carers. They provide opportunities for parents and carers to have a voice in service development and planning. The PFBA holds workshops focusing on particular aspects of disability, for example Education, Health and Care Plans. 01274 397 396

POhWER is a charity that provides free advocacy, information and advice services to people who, because of disability, illness, social exclusion and other challenges, find it difficult to express their views or get the support they need.  0300 456 2370

Scope Navigate is a national mentoring service, that provides emotional support for parents of disabled children who are finding out about their child’s additional needs. Navigate is a 6-week programme that puts you in touch with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns.   0808 801 0510

SENDIASS This organisation offers impartial advice to parents or carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND. Advice can be given around exclusions, EHCP, transport, annual reviews, SEN support, admissions and provision.

SELFA is based in Skipton and provides a programme of activities for school-aged children including those with special educational needs, emotional/behavioural needs or similar. Referrals can be made by professionals working with a family.  01756 706 384

SENDIASS is a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service.  01274 513 300

Shipley SEN Parenting Network offers Facebook-based parent-to-parent support

SIBS supports siblings growing up with or who have grown up with a sibling with a disability or lifelong condition.  01535 645 453

SNOOP offers a wide range of play and care activities for additional needs, including a holiday club.  01274 292 126

Specialist Inclusion Project The Specialist Inclusion Project is a team that specialises in researching, identifying, running and monitoring Short Breaks services for young people with disabilities aged 8 to 18 years throughout the Bradford District. These include after school, evening, weekend and half term Short Breaks. The team offer their own Short Breaks services including popular after school clubs based on dance and drama, supported swimming sessions and the Pineapples Summer Camp offering a 4 night residential during the Summer Holidays. Specialist Inclusion Project link

Sunbeams is a parent-run support group for parents and carers of children with disabilities and special needs in the Keighley and Craven areas.  0845 034 9408

The Advocacy People help anybody who need independent support to speak up.  0330 440 9000

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation supports families with behavioural challenges linked to their children’s learning disabilities.  General enquiries: 01634 838 739 Family Support Line 0300 666 0126

Time to Talk Next Steps A three-year programme to support young people (16-25) with additional needs to build confidence, provide motivation and make plans for the future, National Development Team for Inclusion link

Uniqueways This is a Calderdale based parent-carer led organisation supporting disabled children and their families, helping them to lead ordinary lives. Their goal is to make sure that the voices of parent carers and their families are heard. They provide a broad range of services for parent carers, from training courses and Independent Supporters to social events, focus groups and discounts on family days out.

VoiceAbility support people to be heard in decisions about their health, care and wellbeing. 0300 303 1660

 West Yorkshire CANN offers resources, ideas and opportunities for families and carers.

General Parent/Children Support Organisations

Barnardo’s provide a range of services to help and support families across the UK.  0208 550 8822

Children’s Social Care helps with personal care and other practical assistance for children, young people and adults who need extra support. Bradford 01274 437 500  Leeds 0113 398 4702  Craven 01756 793 700

Family Lives is a free, confidential family support service for any parent, any time.  0800 802 222 Family Lives challenging behaviour help:

Parent Zone provides advice, knowledge and support to parents about the digital world.

Relate for Parents and Families offers the opportunity to chat free, online, to a trained Relate consultant about problems in any area of your family life., 0300 0030396.

Stronger Families supports families across Bradford and Leeds who are facing challenges in being able to develop their skills, move towards the world of work and secure employment. The programme works with families with a dependent child(ren) who need help with things like health and wellbeing, debt and budgeting, housing, school attendance, parenting and supporting the transition into work.   01274 513 300  

Mental Health/Emotional Support

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Bradford supports children and young people from pre-school years up to 16 years of age (or up to 18 years of age if still in school) where there are severe and long-standing concerns about emotional well-being and behaviours.  Referral needed.
Bradford: 01274 723 241    Keighley: 01535 661 53

Healthy Minds Bradford is the single point of access for mental health support in Bradford.

Kooth provides free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. Support includes chatting with counsellors and support from the Kooth community.

Mind is a mental health charity.  0300 1233 393  Text: 86463

Ollee is a virtual friend aimed at 8-11-year olds and their parents. It helps families talk about difficult issues.

Qwell provides help with emotional wellbeing and emerging mental health needs, with support from both professionals and its own community.

Safer Space offers a homely place to stay for one night, where friendly, trained staff will help you to make sense of what is going on, so you can handle things more easily in the future. Available seven days a week, 365 days a year, from 10 pm to 10 am.  Call First Response: 01274 221 181

Samaritans provides emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope.  Call 116 123 for free.

Step2 offers a range of services to  young people in schools, community sessions  and through outreach, offering services to young people individually, in groups or in whole class settings. 01274 683 118

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. 0808 802 5544  Online contact form:

Youth in Mind is a partnership of services supporting 11-19 year olds in the Bradford District and Craven who have mild to moderate problems with their social, emotional or mental wellbeing. Referral is via CAMHS or a school nurse.

Help for Adults with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities

KeyRing North Yorkshire self-advocacy service supports people with a learning disability and/or autistic people to speak out about things that are important to them and make changes happen.  020 3119 0960

Leeds Autism AIM is a free service for autistic adults in the Leeds area who receive little or no funded support. They offer three main services – advocacy, information and mentoring. 0113 244 0606

People First Keighley & Craven is a self-advocacy group run by, and for, adults with learning disabilities. They hold events and provide support.  07435 9060794

Specialist Autism Services (SAS) works for and with adults (18+) with autism and their families. They are a non-profit organisation working with the charity Sacar to provide autism specific services across the Yorkshire region.  01274 789 789 

Other Advice Services

Advice Now has information on a wide range of issues including benefits, education and health and social care.

A Curious Journey offers a wealth of information and advice for travelling with children on the autistic spectrum.

Autistic and Unapologetic is an informative and often witty blog about autism.

Bradford Choice Advice Service offers advice about the transition to secondary school. 01274 543 763

Care Dynamics offers a 24-hour service to people within their own homes with personal care, cleaning, cooking, social and leisure activities.  01274 307 533

Citizens Advice provides free on advice on issues including legal problems and financial help.   03442 451 282

DIVA Bradford is a directory of 1,500 community groups active in Bradford district 01535 612 500

Making Space provides services in the heart of local communities in the comfort of people's own homes, and specialist care and support services.   01925 571 680

Pets for Families Guide

Simpson Millar is a law firm which does a lot of work around education rights and works with AWARE running information events.  0808 252 8615 They have a public Facebook group with questions and get answers both from their legal team and other parents and carers:

Violent and Challenging Behaviour guide run by Yvonne Newbold, who also runs courses and events.

VoiceAbility Bradford gives advocacy support, supporting people in Bradford to have their say about the things that matter to them. Our team will support you to be heard, to understand your rights, choices and options, and to make your own decisions.   01274 888 017

Beckfoot Trust - Support for Families

Support for families - advice and guidance and information on organisations that can help when you need it.

Local support groups for parents and carers, compiled by Parents Forum for Bradford and Airedale