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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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Latest News

January 2022 Arrangements

Download January 2022 arrangements updated here

Download January 2022 arrangements (sent in December 2021) here

January 2022 

Dear Parents/Carers

January 2022 Arrangements: updated

Happy New Year. I hope you all had a very safe, restful and enjoyable Christmas break.

This morning, the government has updated its guidance for schools to ensure face-to-face teaching can be maintained and help avoid other contingency measures. The advice has not changed greatly but does ask that all secondary aged students now wear face coverings in lessons as well as on corridors and in communal areas. We feel this is welcome advice and would ask for your support as always. This does not, of course, alter the arrangements in place for those young people who are deemed to be exempt.

As a reminder, government guidelines surrounding the return of secondary aged school children, also state that we are to run Asymptomatic Covid testing for all students in school before the start of term next week.

As per our previous communication in December, students will be offered one Lateral Flow Test (LFT) next week and, to allow for this, we have planned a staggered start and blended learning as detailed below for each year group:


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13


4 January 2022

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

Live Lessons via TEAMS from home

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

Live Lessons via TEAMS from home

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

Live Lessons via TEAMS from home

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home


5 January 2022

In-School Lessons

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

In-School Lessons

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

In-School Lessons

In-School Testing

& ‘My Learning Resources’ platform from home

In-School Lessons


6 January 2022

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Lessons

In-School Testing Dates/Times:

Timings 1 Timings 12

We will also ask that both students and staff continue to do twice weekly testing at home. LFTs are available from school from students' Head of Year or the SFO/Reception if they need to get more.

In the recent guidance, even if students have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days, they are strongly encouraged to take part in LFT testing once they have completed their isolation period for their prior infection.

If you have any queries relating to Covid-19 and/or the LFT testing programme, please email Emily Wintersgill at

Finally, we are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back to school over the course of the next few days. We want to do everything we can to make things as normal as possible for them, despite the latest advice. We would ask that they come fully prepared for learning with the correct equipment, full and current uniform and mobile phones switched off and in their bags.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Best wishes

Simon Wade


Information on the changes to the self-isolation period for individuals who test positive for COVID-19

Since Wednesday 22 December, the 10 day self-isolation period for people who record a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 has been reduced to 7 days in most circumstances, unless you cannot test for any reason.

Individuals may now take LFT's on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. Those who receive two negative test results are no longer required to complete 10 full days of self-isolation. The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. If both these test results are negative, and you do not have a high temperature, you may end your self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to your education setting from day 8.

Anyone who is unable to take LFT will need to complete the full 10 day period of self-isolation. Further information is available in the stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection.

Daily testing for close contacts of COVID-19

People who are fully vaccinated, or children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years and 6 months, identified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19, should take an LFT every day for seven days and continue to attend school as normal, unless they have a positive test result or develop symptoms at any time.

Useful information and links:

  • Should your child need a refresher about how to access live lessons, please find a video here: here
  • For a reminder of how to utilise our 'My Learning Resources' platform, please find a video here: here
  • The updated risk assessment can be found here
  • Please log LFT results in the following two places:
  • For what to expect with a Lateral Flow Test, please see our videos here.
  • Remember:

Information about Mass testing:

  • Mass testing will be set up in the Main School Hall.
  • Starting on Tuesday 4 January 2022, students are allocated a date/time (see above) they need to attend school to receive their test.
  • It is important to note that testing for Covid-19 on students in school is voluntary.
  • There are ten testing bays set up to ensure students have privacy when taking each test, guided by trained staff.
  • Once students have been tested, they will be free to leave the school site.
  • The tests will be processed in-house at the testing facility.
  • Results will be communicated the same day via text and email to the contact named on the school system.
  • Students with negative LFT tests will then attend lessons in school from the next day.
  • If you didn't provide consent previously and would like to, please provide consent here.
  • Please also note, students over the age of 16 can provide their own consent, therefore sixth formers are allowed to complete the consent form.
  • If you would like to revoke consent, please email
  • Any new consents or withdrawal of consents needs to be submitted by 31 December 2021.