Jump Start Jan
This January, Beckfoot students and staff are beating the January Blues by taking part in Jump Start Jan. They will be exercising every day and sharing their updates with us! Physical Exercise has been proven to benefit our mental health in so many different way and this January we're learning to enjoy exercise and the major benefits it has, instead of seeing it as something we don't want to do!
In addition to our exercise, we're asking for donations that will go towards our in-school mental health service, Place2Be. Place2Be, a national charity supporting schools to improve the confidence and wellbeing of children and young people. Place2Be provides emotional and therapeutic support to children and young people, families, and staff in more than 450 schools nationwide. It gives children and young people a space to express themselves through talking and creative work, and to think about any worries they might have. Place2Be also provides support for parents and staff too.
On this page you can find all the important documents that you'll need if you wish to take part (anybody is welcome!), as well as all the updates from our students and staff.