After School Clubs
Beckfoot offers a variety of after-school activities and clubs, currently including dance, woodwork, music groups, textiles, cheerleading and climbing as well as various sports clubs including badminton, rugby, athletics, table tennis, netball and football. The timetables for 2023/24 are available to download or view below.
Please note that students will leave school through the main reception once their after-school activity, clubs or fixtures finish.
Also, due to safeguarding reasons, we do not permit spectators to any after-school activity, club or fixture. Thank you for your understanding.
- Some sessions will be done on a rota on a first come, first served basis, so if you wish to take part you must come to the first sign-up or speak to the PE faculty.
- You cannot come to a SPA during a PSHCE session or assembly.
- You can only take part in two SPA activities a week (i.e. you can only miss 2 tutor periods a week) but you can take part in as many after school activities as you like.
- If attending a PE SPA you need to come at 10.30am so wont have chance to go to the canteen. Therefore, if break time food is important to you, bring a snack from home.
- You can attend as many of the relevant after school sessions as you like. Please make sure whoever is at home knows where you are and that you have made arrangements for transport home. There are no school buses at this time.
- Students will only require trainers for most PE SPA activities, for after school they need full PE kit.