4th October 2022
Year 11 Update - Oct 2022
Year 11 Support: Accelerate Sessions and Masterclasses
Dear Parent / Carer,
Year 11 are off to a flying start! It is great to see the focus students are applying in lessons, and the way in which they are embracing Home Learning opportunities. Thank you for your support with this.
We wanted to let you know about some of the ways Year 11 will be supported to prepare for their GCSE examinations next summer.
After school sessions
This summer the school achieved its best ever GCSE results. Alongside high-quality teaching and ongoing pastoral support, we know that during this key year, students prefer structure around their revision and examination preparation. As such, after school sessions are an incredibly important provision for students in their preparation for their GCSE exams.
P6 Accelerate Sessions
Following the October half-term break, we will be running sessions after school for Year 11 students to support them in accelerating their progress. These sessions will run for Humanities subjects, Languages, Creativity subjects, and PE.
Your child will receive their personalised timetable in school which will show the days of their P6 Accelerate Sessions. These sessions will run from 2.45pm – 3.30pm. We will also send this timetable to both you and your child via Class Charts.
P6 Masterclasses
This year, for English, Maths and Science, instead of running weekly or fortnightly sessions, we are going to run ‘Masterclasses’ from 3pm – 4pm at key points in the year.
These sessions will focus in on key aspects of the exam content that some students need further support with. As such, not all students will be invited to all sessions as we want to ensure the hour is targeted based on our ongoing assessments.
Whenever your child is invited to a Masterclass, they will be given a paper copy of the invitation in school and we will send you details via Class Charts.
What else can you do to support your child’s preparation for exams?
- Maintain strong attendance. The link between attendance and exam success is clear. Students should attend school for at least 97% of this year.
- Ensure they’re up on time to get here on time. Punctuality is one of our 6Ps and makes a huge difference to learning and exam success.
- Talk to them about their Home Learning and revision. A quick chat each day is proven to have a positive impact on young people.
- Remind them to attend their after-school sessions.
Useful links
- Our Year 11 Support page: Beckfoot School - Year 11 Support
- Year 11 Revision resources collated by their subject teachers: Year 11 - Revision Folder Resources (sharepoint.com)
- My Learning Resources (resources from lessons in school): Year 11 - Learning Resources (sharepoint.com)
- Information on how learning happens and how best to revise: Beckfoot School - Knowledgeable & Expert Learners
- Detail on our Homework policy and how to use ILBs (Independent Learning Booklets): Beckfoot School - Home Learning
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully,
Nikki Sullivan, Deputy Headteacher