Each week you will be asked to revise a particular section of your Knowledge Organiser, which can be found in this booklet. See below for the instructions of how to complete this half-term's retrieval focus.
Stage 1:
- Check your Home Learning journal to see which section of the Knowledge Organiser you need to revise.
Stage 2:
- Study the relevant box - choose a minimum of 5 questions/prompts for your flashcards.
Stage 3:
- Create a minimum of 5 flashcards using the working of the Knowledge Organiser - write the question on one side and the answer on the other.
Stage 4:
- Cover up your Knowledge Organiser.
- Quiz yourself with your flashcards.
- Write the answers down in your Home Learning journal.
Stage 5:
- Check your answers using the Knowledge Organiser or your flashcards.
- Correct any blanks or incorrect answers in green pen.