At Beckfoot School, we are keen to reward to reward our students who demonstrate they are meeting the 6 P's and 4 Curriculum Drivers.
Here are examples of what rewards happen at Beckfoot:
- Positive notes / comments on class charts: Teachers and support staff write positive comments on class charts when a student does something special in lesson.
- Texts home - Every week students who achieve all ATL1s for their lessons will get a positive text home. Teachers, support staff and the Leadership Team may also send personalised well-done messages and acknowledgement texts.
Attendance trophy (KS3) - The year team will visit tutor groups weekly and give out a top tutor group prize.
- End of Year Assemblies - Celebration of achievement in the year group within and beyond the curriculum.
- Red Carpet Events (all years) - The happen twice a year. Students who qualify for the event will chose a reward (Film, Pizza, Gaming, Extra Sport or Art classes). They will receive a ticket for their chosen reward.
- End of Year Trips - This is a reward trip in June - venue tbc.
- Prom & Flamingo Land (Year 11) - As an extra special reward for year 11s and in the run up to their exams, Year 11 are invited to attend an end of year prom at the Mercure Hotel in Bingley followed by a trip to Flamingo Land in Malton the following day