Entry Requirements to any Mainstream Beckfoot Trust Sixth Form
The mainstream schools in our Trust with a sixth form provision, offer only Level 3 (Advanced) courses, therefore, there is a minimum GCSE entry requirement as published by the school and in relation to specific courses and combination of courses. A minimum entrance requirement, as published by the specific school, is ethically and educationally the right thing to demand because advanced courses are demanding, and we are committed to the success of all of our students.
A good all round L2 standard of education is necessary as a starting point. N.B. All students who are currently on roll in Year 11 at a Beckfoot Trust School will be offered places first if they achieve the minimum entry requirements. Once places for students in their own school have been offered, we will offer to students with the necessary entrance requirements and a suitable reference, to those from our secondary schools who do not have their own sixth forms on site.
Oversubscription Criteria
Where there are more applications than places, students will be offered places (subject to meeting the entry requirements in the prospectus), in the order of priority listed below:
1. Looked after children.
2. Students who have exceptional social or medical needs, supported by a written recommendation from the child’s paediatrician/consultant or professional from Children’s Services. The letter must explain why the sixth form is the only suitable one to meet the student’s needs and why no other school could provide the appropriate support.
3. Students living within the individual school’s priority admission area.
4. Students living outside the priority admission area with siblings attending the school and who will be on roll at the time of admission.
5. Students living outside the priority admission area who live closest to the school as measured by a straight line distance.
The Local Governing Body of the school will, under section 324 (5) (b) of the Education Act 1996 and Part 3 Section 19 of the Children and Families Act 2014 (Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014) admit to the school a young person with a statement of special needs or an Education Health Care Plan that names the school. This is not an oversubscription criterion. This relates only to young people who have undergone statutory assessment and for whom a final statement of special educational needs (SEND) or an Education Health Care Plan that names the school, has been issued and which has taken account of the Year 12 entry requirements.
Entry Requirements to Hazelbeck Sixth Form:
All applicants to Hazelbeck Sixth Form will have an EHCP and each student’s admission will be on a case by case basis and discussion with the Headteacher and Local Authority.
Late Applications
Applications received after the closing date will be considered if places are still available at the time of application; if not, late applications will be placed on a waiting list.
Offer of Places
Students who meet our entry requirement and, where places are available, will receive a conditional offer by the end of the Spring Term. Applicants will be required to provisionally accept their offer and then formally accept their place on GCSE results day in August. Any applicant who cannot be offered a place will also be informed and a suitable alternative plan suggested in liaison with independent careers advice.
Allocation to Courses
This will be done on the basis of GCSE results achieved and subject specific criteria. Subjects may require a minimum number of students to run. Class sizes will be set appropriately for the nature of the subject. These may vary across schools in the Beckfoot Trust. Wherever possible we try to accommodate a student’s first choice of courses, where this is not possible we will communicate in a timely manner and always work with the student to meet their needs.
Waiting Lists
If there are more applicants than places, those applicants who have been unsuccessful may request to be placed on a waiting list. Places may become available, for example if students do not achieve the results they need or applicants decide to take up an offer of a place elsewhere. Any available places will be offered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria above. Any unsuccessful applicant may appeal. Parents or students wishing to do so, should contact the school.
External Applicants
Although Year 11 students in Beckfoot Trust Schools see Year 12 as a natural step for them, we are enriched by the external students who apply to us every year and who choose to make a Beckfoot School their place for Level 3 study. We have a support system which helps external students make the transition to us. We accept applications beyond our main school catchment area.
Application Procedure for Entry to Beckfoot Trust Sixth Form(s)
Open evenings will be in November and December for prospective students and parents and will be publicised on school websites. Students will usually choose three preferred academic / vocational choices and return their application forms by individual school’s application date. All interested students will then be invited to a “Taster Day” where students can experience lessons in the Sixth Form. All applicants will be invited to a meeting to discuss their application and to provide guidance on particular courses which will be based on the student’s predicted grades and Year 11 mock examination scores in January. (External students will be asked for evidence of their predicted grades at GCSE.) All applications must be submitted before the relevant year’s closing date to be guaranteed for consideration.
Transition from Year 12 to Year 13
It is anticipated that the majority of Level 3 students will enrol in Year 12 for two years. Where a Sixth Form student’s attendance, conduct or attitude to learning is not in line with expectations, a Beckfoot Trust School will notify the student and parent or carer, that his or her place in the Sixth Form is in doubt. Similarly, where a student’s performance in assessments suggests that he or she is not able to cope with the demands of the course, the student and parent or carer will be notified that continuation may not be appropriate for him or her. In all such cases, the Sixth Form team and the Careers Co-ordinator in that school will discuss this issue with the student and parents or carer and explore alternative options to help maximise the students’ opportunity for success and progression. Unless circumstances are exceptional (and this at the Headteacher’s discretion), there will be no opportunity to repeat a year.