29th August 2024
New Year 7: September 2024
First day for New Year 7
- Students will start at Beckfoot on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 8:30am - don't be late. Please assemble at around 8:25am on the red tarmac area, where students started on their transition day in July.
- Students can arrive from 8:00am using either the bus bay gate or the turning circle gate (the LRC is open from 7:45am). Year 11 and Year 12 will also be in school. Year 8, 9, 10 and 13 will start on Thursday 5 September 2024 at 8:30am.
- Please ensure all students are wearing all the correct uniform and have all the correct equipment in your bags. Please refer to our Uniform and Equipment page.
- On their first day, students will start their day with an assembly in the main hall where they will receive:
- their two weekly timetable; and
- their laynards
- For this day, they will have a full drop-down day, participating in an Oracy workshop. Students will find which room they are in for the workshop during the morning assembly.
- There are no PE lessons timetabled for Wednesday 4 September 2024, so students do not need their PE kit on their first day. PE lessons start for all Year 7 students on Thursday 5 September 2024; so students need to bring PE uniform in spare bag this day (do not wear PE kits to start the day - students get changed into their kit during their PE lessons).
- School will finish at normal time at 3:00pm.
- There will be no after school clubs during the first week of school. The LRC will be open until 4:30pm.
We are looking forward to welcoming back all our new Year 7's.
We hope they are as excited as we are!
Other Information
- Classcharts: Students received both their parents and student codes for Classcharts during transition evening, back in July. Class Charts is our Parental App that allows us to securely track and share details of your child(ren’s) achievement, behaviour, home learning and attendance throughout the school day thereby keeping you up to date of how they are doing in real-time. If you require access codes for Parents or Students, please email admin@beckfoot.org. More information on Classcharts can be found on our Parental App webpage.
- Two week timetable: We also work on a two-week timetable (not one). To keep a track of what week students are on for their timetable, please see our Holiday Dates webpage.
- Food/Drink: Students can either bring a packed lunch or purchase food from the school canteen for break and lunch. Food is only allowed to be consume on non-carpeted areas; such as atrium, outside etc. It would be recommended to bring a water bottle to hydrate. There is also a water machine located in the atrium to top up if required.
- ParentPay: Students will receive their lanyards in their first assembly. Please ensure students' lanyard cards have money on them if your child requires to purchase food from the school canteen. To load money on the cards, please log in to your ParentPay account. There are also coin machines in the atrium which students can load up their cards with. You can monitor what students have purchase through your ParentPay account.
- Beckfoot University: Throughout Year 7, students will be taking part in their Beckfoot University project.
- Year 7 Handbook: You will have received a copy of our handbook at our transition evening in July. It has useful information about what else you might need to know. To view it online, please click here.
- PLS: Here is a reminder of our PLS system, please allow students to familiarise themselves before they start school.
- Place2Be: We are lucky to have Place2Be in our school. It is a national charity supporting schools to improve the confidence and wellbeing of children and young people. Please see our letter providing more information here.