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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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If you have a question, you might be able to find it under our Frequently Asked Questions below. 

If your question is not there, please email us at


Getting Organised

Q: What is the uniform and where do I buy it from?
Details on our uniform can be found here
You can buy it through the following suppliers:

Please ensure all items are clearly labelled/named.

Q: What equipment will my child need?
We highly recommend that students arrive prepared for school with these items:

  • an appropriate school bag that is clearly named
  • a lightweight PE bag that is clearly named
  • a padlock for their locker
  • an optional refillable water bottle that is clearly named
  • a pencil case that is clearly named, containing: black or blue pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, sharpener and a scientific calculator. The Casio fx-83GT CW calculator is recommended by our Maths faculty.

Q: Where should my child go on their first day in September?
Students can use any entrance to access the school, but we recommend avoiding the reception area as this can get very busy. Students can play outside or wait in the Atrium at the heart of the main building. The school is open from 7.45am.

Q: What are school’s opening hours?
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC), which is our library, and Atrium are open to students from 7.45am. Students can buy breakfast from 8.00am and we have a welcoming Atrium space. Lessons finish at 3.00pm and after-school activities usually end by 4.15pm. Students also have access to the LRC after school until 4.30pm. Any student who is not in an organised activity or using the LRC, should leave by 3.15pm. All students must leave the school site by 4.30pm.

Q: Where does my child store their things?
All Year 7s are issued with a locker. They will need to provide their own padlock. We recommend a combination lock with a strong, thick bar. Please make a note of the combination before they start with us. If they have keys for their padlock, we recommend you give a spare key in a sealed envelope, with their name and ‘Year 7 Team’ clearly on the front and hand in to the Key Stage 3 office in September.

Q: What if my child gets lost?
It’s unlikely they will because new Year 7 students will be paired up with a team of Year 8 buddies on their first day at Beckfoot. The buddies will be on hand for the first two weeks at lesson changeovers and lunchtimes to help students move between lessons easily. All students and staff are on hand to help them too. We understand that it takes time for Year 7s to adjust to a new building and routine.

Q: Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?
Yes, students can bring their mobile phone to school. They must be switched off and safely stored in school bags during school hours.

Tutor Group

Q: What is the role of the tutor?
Tutor time is an invaluable part of the day for all students accounting for 2 hours of their week. As a result, the role of the Form Tutor within the Beckfoot Trust is central to both caring for students and, crucially, monitoring their progress both academically and socially; encouraging involvement, commitment and high standards of work and behaviour. Our Form Tutors should be active in looking after the interests of the “whole child”. Our Form Tutors support students by: (1) Promoting positive relationships. (2) Encouraging high standards. (3) Monitoring and evaluating student progress and wellbeing. (4) Delivering a high-quality tutoring programme including PHSCE. 

Q: How will my child be allocated a tutor group?
Students are allocated tutor groups to ensure that there they are equal in size as well as to ensure a mixture of genders, ethnicities, and abilities to represent our fully comprehensive intake and values. Students are also mixed up to ensure primary school intake is spread out so that students have the opportunity to meet new friends from different schools. We do speak to primary schools to ensure any unhealthy combinations are avoided. 

Q: When will we be told our child’s tutor group?
Students and parents will be informed of the child's tutor group at Transition Welcome Evening on Monday 4th July 2022.




Q: Is there a school bus my child can use?
A full list of buses that travel to and from Beckfoot can be found here:
Further information can be found on our Travel page.

Q: Where can I apply for a Bus Pass for my child?
You can apply for a travel card for cheaper travel around West Yorkshire. Click the links to find out more: or

Q: Is there parking at the school to drop off/pick up my child?
Bradford Road entrance: Parents/carers are able to use this entrance to drop off/pick up your child. It has a turning circle to allow you to queue and wait in order to drop/collect your child.
Wagon Lane entrance: Parents/carers with a permit have access to the front car park from this entrance. The permit is only issued to parents/carers of children with limited mobility. Please contact Mike Barnes, SENCo, to check if you are eligible for a permit.
Regular patrols of the front car park take place to check on permits and the use of disabled badges in marked spaces.


Q: How much money will my child need for lunch?
The standard two course set meal price and the free school meal allowance costs £2.70, more information on prices can be found HERE.

Q: How do I top up the money on my child's lanyard card?
The easiest and safest way is by using ParentPay.You will receive a letter in the post to link up your ParentPay before September. There are machines in the Atrium that students can use to top their own card up using coins/notes.

Q: What food options are available during before school, break and lunch?
You can find information about food options HERE. There are also healthy vending machines and water fountains to refill water bottles.

Q: How can I monitor what my child is buying?
Everything that is bought on their lanyard card can be viewed through your ParentPay account .


Q: How do you support worry about starting secondary school?
Being nervous about starting secondary school is normal; after all it’s the first big change many students will have experienced. Please reassure your child that this move is an exciting, positive, new chapter in their lives and that we are all looking forward to welcoming them to Beckfoot. However, if you are concerned about your child’s anxiety, please contact school and we will do all we can to help.

Q: Who can my child speak to if they are worried?
If your child has any worries or concerns they should speak to either the Year 8 buddies they have been paired up with, the Head of Year 7 or their Tutor, who they will have contact with each day.

Q: Who do I contact about my child’s medical information?
We would ask that any relevant medical information about your child is passed to Beckfoot directly by speaking to Mike Barnes, SENCo, or Jackie Drew, School Health Carer.