Mr Simon Wade
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Mr Simon Wade
Mrs Alex Denham
Deputy Headteacher/DSL
Miss Nikki Sullivan
Deputy Headteacher
Ms Kelly Heaton
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Frances Wade
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Aieshah Ickringill
Assistant Headteacher
Dr Glenn Wright
Head of Faculty - Post 16
Mrs Emily Wintersgill
PA to Headteacher and Leadership Team
Mrs Kirsty Dwyer
Cluster Business Manager, Bingley Cluster
Parents / Carers. Please note that your child’s Head of Year, Pastoral Manager, Tutor or Subject Teachers may not always be available to take your call or respond to emails immediately during the school day.
This is due to pastoral or teaching and learning commitments. Parents / Carers can email or leave a message with reception and we will endeavour to return all calls and emails within 48 hours.
If you have a safeguarding enquiry or emergency, please let the reception team know.
Mr M Midgley
Head of KS3
Mrs H Backhouse
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mr A White
Head of Year 7
Mrs K Jeffrey
Year 7 Pastoral Manager
Miss G Sears
Head of Year 8
Mr M Mehmood
Year 8 Pastoral Manager
Mrs A Douglas
Head of Year 9
Mr J Khan
Year 9 Pastoral Manager
Mrs L Powell
Head of Year 10
Mr J Wheeler
Year 10 Pastoral Manager
Miss S Mallinson-Powell
Head of Year 11
Mrs D Conway
Year 11 Pastoral Manager
Mrs K Towers
Post 16 Pastoral Lead
Mrs Jackie Smith
Post 16 Administrator
Mrs J Ratahi
Faculty Leader/ English
Mr M Stimpson
Faculty Leader/ Creativity
Miss J Towler
Faculty Leader/ Humanities
Miss H McLean
Faculty Leader/ Maths
Miss S Lancashire
Faculty Leader/ PE
Mr A Brown
Faculty Leader/ Science
Mrs G Hart
Faculty Leader/ French
Mrs S Lee
Faulty Leader/ German