13th May 2024
Year 9 going into Year 10 - June 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
On Monday 17 June 2024, our students will start their new academic year at Beckfoot. This is an important and exciting transition period, particularly for our year 9 students, as it marks the start of Key Stage 4 and their GSCE courses.
To mark this transition, Year 9 students (new Year 10) are allowed to wear the KS4 uniform of black jumpers and black polo shirts from the Monday 17 June 2024.
Please note, this is not mandatory and they can continue to wear their Key Stage 3 jumper and polo shirt until the end of the academic year.
Those students who are eligible for Free School Meals will be sent their annual uniform vouchers earlier than usual. Please also note; we have a small amount of 'new-to-you' stock of uniforms should families require support.
We would like to take this opportunity to also remind parents of the uniform policy.
By September, all Year 10 pupils are expected to be in the Key Stage 4 uniform. All other aspects of the uniform policy remain the same.
Thank you for your support with this and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Year 9 team.
Yours sincerely
Frances Wade, Assistant Headteacher and KS4 Lead
Andrew White, Head of Year 9
Katy Jeffrey, Year 9 Pastoral Manager