16th November 2023
Year 11 Leavers 2024
Year 11 Update
Next summer marks the end of the five years that your child has been with us at Beckfoot before many of them continue in our sixth form or at other educational provisions. To celebrate this, we have organised our end of Year 11 Prom and Flamingo Land visit.
The Prom will take place at the Mercure Bingley on Thursday 2 May 2024 and we will visit Flamingo Land on Friday 3 May 2024. The cost of the Prom will be £21.50 and the cost of Flamingo Land will be £40.00.
We want as many of our Year 11 students as possible to be able to attend both events and to finish Year 11 in style. Students should feel proud when they are invited to attend as this will mean they have clearly demonstrated the right attitude by meeting the following criteria (please see the attached poster for more details).
- All students will be expected to have an Attitude to Learning Score of 1.15 or lower (95% of our Year 11s achieve this every week).
- All students will be expected to have an attendance of 97% or higher from 3 January 2024 to 26 April 2024 (Medical appointments will be taken into consideration). Students also need to have no lates.
- All students will be expected not to have received a C3, C4 or C5 in the period 3 January 2024 to 26 April 2024. These codes are for such things as not following staff instructions, inappropiate language or incorrect uniform, including acrylic nails, leggings or trainers. Over 95% of our students have never had these codes.
- All students will be expected to attend their Period 6 sessions. Teachers have identified who should be attending these and your child will be aware if they are expected to attend. If your child is unable to attend, we will require written communication from you.
We will of course communicate with you to celebrate how well your child is doing and to also keep you informed if your child is not meeting this criteria.
We have set up a payment plan for the following in ParentPay:
- Flamingo Land
- Prom
- Leavers Hoodie
- Yearbook
Please complete the following form to confirm your child’s attendance at the events by Friday 1 March 2024. The form includes Leavers Hoodie and Yearbook orders:
Many thanks for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Frances Wade, Assistant Headteacher
Mrs L Powell, Head of Year 11
Mr Wheeler, Year 11 Pastoral Manager