13th November 2023
Year 10 Curriculum Day: Humanities
Parent/Carers of Year 10 Beckfoot students,
On Wednesday 22 November 2023, the Humanities department are running a Year 10 wider learning day. Your child will be off timetable all day and be part of some amazing sessions that aim to enrich our students' understandings of themselves and the wider world. The sessions have been organised to work in tandem with GCSEs but also provide extra curriculuar insights.
The shape of the day is as follows:
- The students will participate in three activities during the morning. The sessions will involve team building, resilence and preparation work for the afternoon.
- During periods 3 and 4, students will be in one session of their choice. We will put the choices on ClassCharts at 6pm on Tuesday 14 November 2023 and ask students to select their top 3 to help us allocate students into the sessions. Please see the options below.
- The end of the day will involve reflection and celebration of their learning and the speakers.
The choices of sessions are listed below. If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. (Mrs Jennie Hartley, head of Humanities)
- Holocaust: The Holocaust Education Trust will deliver an online session including the testimony of Manfred Goldberg BEM, who is a Holocaust survivor
- Drax: Drax is a renewable energy company and will deliver an online session on energy and sustainability
- Dementia: Become a Dementia Ambassador by taking part in a workship that will give young people greater understanding of the lives of people living with dementia
- Humanism: A Humanist speaker who will explain his worldview and how it applies to ethical issues
- Wharfdale Amnesty International: Representatives from Amnesty International will run a session on human rights which will be followed by a debate session
- Skipton Building Society: An employee of Skipton Building Society will run a session on finance, mortgages and savings.
Best wishes,
Jennie Hartley, Humanities Faculty Leader