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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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Some weeks are just incredible!

I want to focus on just four things in my blog this week. Table cricket, our Vocal Group, our Post 16 Futures Day and Sarah Wilson, our Careers Team Co-ordinator.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 133758Every Thursday night I meet with my leadership team for a few hours to discuss lots of things that are happening in school and beyond. Yesterday, as we were walking into that meeting, we all received a message from Mrs Macdonald to let us know that our Table Cricket team were National Champions!! I couldn’t believe it. The team began their journey, as they do every year, many months ago when they travelled to Headingley to take part in the Yorkshire finals. They won that event and that led to another trip to the national finals event at Lords which took place yesterday. We made it through to the final last year losing narrowly by just six runs to finish runners up. The students and staff were devastated and vowed last year to go one better in 2024. For most of them their journey to London began just after 5am when they got up and ready to meet in Shipley at just after 6am. They headed to London full of hope and a little nervous in truth. They were delayed at various stages along the way meaning they were a little late to the venue which was not ideal. Nonetheless they played their first rounds of matches against teams from all across the country and eventually faced last year’s champions in the early stages. Table Cricket1They won and began to think the dream was now something that they could achieve. They held their nerves in the semi-final and went into the final yesterday afternoon full of hope and determination but knowing that they have been in such a position just one year ago and what to expect. They were magnificent as a team and a wider group of staff and students and they won. They were crowned National Table Cricket Champions for 2024 and I could not be prouder of them. They have worked so hard with and for each other for months. They practice weekly and have been incredibly focussed on being better players and really understanding the game.

I am thrilled for each of them and the staff, especially Mrs. Macdonald who has been the driving force for many years. They eventually made it home last night following yet more delays and cancellations but they didn’t mind. I cannot wait to see them, look at their medals and hear the stories from the day. These are special moments for each of those involved and moments that they will remember long after they have left Beckfoot. The memories are the things that last as will be their legacy for the students that will follow them for year to come.

On Wednesday, our Senior Vocal Group were invited to attend and perform at a safeguarding event in Bradford in front of a very prestigious audience. They were incredible and represented the school brilliantly. They received a standing ovation at the end of the performance and moved many people to tears with their emotionally mature and confident performance. I received an email of thanks yesterday that included the following:

"I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional performance by your wonderful students after the Bradford District annual safeguarding conference. The rendition of the four beautiful songs was genuinely moving and served as a poignant reminder to all of the delegates about the importance of our work in trying to safeguard those who need our services.

Their voices filled the room with beautiful harmony and dare I say caused some to shed a few tears. They really inspired us to continue our efforts with renewed passion and dedication. The emotions conveyed through their music encapsulated the essence of why we do our jobs, reminding us of the impact we can make."

I am grateful to Mr Lee, Mr Stimpson and Ms Levy for making the day a huge success for all but mostly I am grateful to our students for just being amazing as they always are.

DSC_0021 (1)On Wednesday, our Post 16 students had their Futures Day. This is now an annual event where our new Year 13 students spend the day thinking about their next steps in University, Apprenticeships or work. They begin to consider their achievements and experiences to date and construct a profile of themselves that will be useful when it comes to writing UCAS applications, completing applications and just selling themselves and brilliant individuals who are willing and ready to change the world. They had a great morning listening to advice and guidance and forcing them to really think about who they are, what their ambitions and dreams require to make them a reality and what lies ahead in terms of experiences and opportunities. In the late morning and DSC_0030 (1)early afternoon we were joined by over thirty local employers and universities who interviewed each of our students and provided yet more experience that will help them into their futures. The feedback from those employers was humbling with each of them saying really nice things about our students, their manners, communication skills, confidence and personalities. Some were even offered further work experience over the summer and contact details to support them in whatever way they need over the next few months and years. It is an incredible day and the Sixth Form team, led by Mrs Bannon are dedicated to delivering the best experiences possible to push our students to believe in themselves and feel they can achieve the most amazing things if they are willing to work hard, step out of their comfort zones from time to time and take every opportunity and experience available to them.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 134503Finally, I want to shine a light on Sarah Wilson who is our Careers Co-ordinator and works with our Careers team who do wonderful work with our students’ week in week out. On Tuesday she was invited, alongside Holly McLean, our careers leader and head of the Maths faculty, to the annual Skills House Careers and Technical Education Awards (CTE). Sarah won Secondary Educator of the Year award in recognition for the fantastic work she does supporting our students with their futures and it is thoroughly well deserved. Just last year our Careers team came runners up in the national awards for pre 16 careers provision losing narrowly to the NHS. For me that meant we were the best school in the country for our work and this award further proves the incredible quality of their work and just how fortunate we are to have such a team in our school. I am thrilled for Sarah and the wider team and grateful for all they do.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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