5th January 2025
School Update: Monday 6 January 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year. I hope each of you has enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday and managed to enjoy precious time with family and friends.
The weather has been interesting and currently there is a fair amount of snow around for most of us. The good news is that the temperature has been rising all day and the thaw is in full swing. For the majority of West Yorkshire there is rain forecast until early morning when it will be replaced by sleet possibly.
By the morning all roads should be clear and buses running. As a result we will be open tomorrow as planned. There is no further snow forecast for during the day so everything should be fine throughout.
Where possible please allow a little extra travel time in the morning just in case. Please also travel safely. If anything changes we will get a message to you as soon as possible tomorrow and certainly by 7am.
Take care.
Simon Wade, Headteacher