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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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Saying goodbye is always a mixture of emotions

Today we say goodbye to our Year 13 students most of whom have been with us for seven years. I both look forward and dread this day in equal measure because I feel we have played our part in shaping their young lives but also that they have been so much a part of our family that seeing them off is really quite emotional. You know they have grown to be wonderful and thoroughly decent young people; you are excited for them about the future; you can’t help but think about the amazing things they will do and achieve and yet still you can’t help but know that once they are gone, they will leave you behind and (hopefully) not look back for too long.


I want to thank them for their undoubted contribution to Beckfoot. Watching them this week I have found myself reminiscing about their time with us. I think of the early days, their journey through Key Stage three and four, the trips and visits, the laughter and tears and the incredible friendships that will last a lifetime. I can’t believe that two years have passed since GCSEs and I marvel at how much they have grown. Today will be a time to celebrate their achievements but it will also be a day of sadness as we say goodbye. That is never easy!

Picture2That told, I need to remind myself that the students in younger years are also amazing young people who continue to do the most incredible things. Only yesterday, two of our Year 12 students, Amy and Charlotte participated in a youth voice panel at the Royal Armouries in Leeds as part of the UKREiiF Conference. They were part of an interactive panel and Q&A in collaboration with Mott Macdonald, Ahead Partnership and the West Yorkshire Mayor's Office. They were simply amazing! They answered questions confidently and articulately and were praised by everyone for their opinions and knowledge of mass transit and the impact on young people. We are really proud of them. Here they are pictured with Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire.

In other news, Emilee in Year 10 has made us very proud this week. She has won through to the semi-finals of the Stand Up Speak Out challenge following her successful speech video as well as the assemblies done in school. Ava, also Year 10 has been chosen as a reserve for the semi-final. Emilee spoke about body image and need to be kind to people something, of course, that we remind students about all the time and is so important to me. She will be filming another speech in the coming weeks as part of her semi-final entry and we will know in June if she has made the national final. She is an incredible young person and we wish her luck in the coming weeks.

I want to mention our GCSE and A Level students. We have been delighted and hugely impressed with the manner in which they are navigating their way through the exams over the past three weeks. I vaguely remember my own exams but I do recall the stress levels and indeed am going through them as a parent myself this year too. Regardless, they have been incredible in their approach every morning and afternoon and they deserve to do well. We could not have asked for much more from them in recent weeks and for that we are grateful. It will now be important to sustain that momentum over the holidays and come back ready and refreshed to face the challenges of the couple of weeks after half term.

Picture1As you know I love to hear about what our students are getting up to outside of school. A number of our Year 10 students travelled to Hamm in Germany last week as part of a type of exchange programme with a football club over there. They played football, took in the culture and spent a day in a German school with their host students. They had the most wonderful time and I have loved hearing all about the school system over there and how different it is to what we know. I am also thrilled that they represented their club and families so well and that their sporting prowess shone through as they finished 10th out of 40 teams overall. Well done lads!

Finally, we break up today for half term. It has been a long seven weeks but also a very productive one. Our students and families deserve a break and I very much hope you have a relaxing peaceful and safe few days wherever you are or whatever you chose to do.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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