19th June 2021
Reopening Year 7 on Monday 21 June 2021
Thank you to all Parent/Carers and Students for your understanding in the Year 7 closure this week.
Thank you also to those who took and logged their Lateral Flow Tests. Looking at the data from this, we are happy to reopen the year group on Monday 21 June 2021.
Please can we ask that students continue to take their Lateral Flow Tests and carry out one on Sunday evening before returning. This will help to keep our community safe.
Please continue to log LFT results in the following two places:
- Government webpage: https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result; and
- Our school form located on our website here
Also, if your child tests positive, please can you inform Emily Wintersgill at becejw@beckfoot.org or by telephoning us on the school main telephone 01274 771444, which also has a dedicated voicemail for out of hours.
Please note, there are students who were identified as close contacts that will still be isolating - those were sent an email with their isolation dates and when they will be returning.
We look forward to seeing the majority of Year 7 back on Monday morning at 8:30am.
Please can those students who borrowed a laptop return this with them on Monday. Many thanks.
Remember, the Year 7 Assessments will be carried out in class on Tuesday. There is no need to revise as it is about what students know at this point allowing us to shape our teaching next year. It will not be used in setting.
Take care
Beckfoot School, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 4RG