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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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Proud doesn’t even come close

As we approach the end of the Autumn term, I have spent a bit of time thinking about Beckfoot and the journey we have been on in recent years. I look back over the past 21 years since arriving in 2002 and it is incredible to note the differences. We have the most brilliant students I have ever known and a staff that is the strongest I have ever worked with in any of the schools. Every week I am amazed by some aspect of our work; a class, an individual, an event or just a gesture. These past few weeks have further reinforced my view that we are a very special community and here’s why.

Fundraising 1A few weeks ago I was receiving lots of visits from students who are concerned at what is happening in the Middle East. They have often been confused, angry but mostly determined to do something to shout about their concern for others. After a lot of discussion and debate we finally agreed on adopting a humanitarian approach and, in doing so, focussing our efforts on children in that part of our world. The students set about with the help of Ms. Ashraf, Ms. Rashid, Ms. Ahmed, and so many more staff, to create a unique fundraising event that would give the opportunity for many to get involved and contribute in any way they could. Meeting after meeting took place and the numbers of students grew to over 80. Eventually they decided on a week-long series of activities that would bring our school community together and show our collective support for children across the Middle East whilst at the same time raising money for The United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Fundraising 3Events took place all last week during both break times. There were a few events that allowed students to throw things at staff (always popular!) and I was very happy to have wet sponges thrown at me in the freezing cold if it meant a few extra quid could be raised. So many staff did likewise. The students held countless bake sales and sold the most amazing street food. They sold books, arranged raffles, hosted charity sporting events, colouring events and so much more. I have never known anything like it and I am so proud of our staff and students for making this happen in their own way. They are the ones who wanted to do the work to raise money and they are the ones who did just that. I am so proud of them all and our entire community for getting behind this initiative but also for raising over £2000, a record for our school over the past 30 years.

Other charitable events are also happening across Year 8 because of our involvement with the First Give charity. More bake sales, spot the teacher from their baby picture competitions and so much more has taken place in recent weeks. Today we are taking over 30 boxes of food and non-food items from a reverse calendar idea to the POPI (Pass On Preloved Items) charity in Keighley. Ms. Lowde and four students did just that yesterday and I know they are excited and proud of what they have achieved. Every tutor group in Year 8 in doing something similar for the charity they have chosen to support. More about that in the new year.

DSC_0019 (1)In cricket, last week saw Mrs Macdonald attend a very prestigious dinner at Yorkshire Cricket Club where she was presented with a trophy for our Table Cricket team who were national runners up at Lords in the summer. At that dinner Beckfoot and those incredible students were spoken about in the most glowing terms. We made sure we celebrated with our students and staff last week and showed them the various Table Cricket prizes as well as the trophy of course!

U16 girlsContinuing the theme of sport, our girls continue to achieve the most wonderful things. This time it was the turn of our U16 football team who won the Bradford Schools tournament last week. They were fantastic both as individuals and as part of a collective throughout and were worthy winners overall.

In Year 8 we had a scouting report shared with us last week about Annabelle. She was watched recently by an Aston Villa scout and the report they wrote about her performance was easily the best I have ever read. She is such a talented player but also incredibly humble. Speaking with her, she wants to progress in the game and will have every chance if she remains focussed and determined to learn and progress with every opportunity afforded to her. Watch this space!

As term nears to a close, we recognised the talents and efforts of our students last week through our Red Carpet events. Almost 90% of students have accessed these and have enjoyed treats ranging from watching movies to extra sport, art, computing and even a pizza afternoon. It is a joy to recognise our students in this way and says a great deal about the culture at Beckfoot that so many are getting it right so often.

This week we have our BSL (Beckfoot Student Leadership) elections. We have had so many wanting to be involved and it has been difficult to narrow it down to those going forward to hustings. Every student in school will vote and by Friday we will know who the next BSL group will include. I am very excited about this because I have no idea what they will bring to the role just yet. What I do know is that they will undoubtedly make a difference if previous groups are anything to go by. I want to wish each one of them the very best of luck and thank them for the bravery, honesty and desire to serve our community.

Before I finish, I need to let you know about a proposed change to our admissions policy. The link is here. Please let us have any feedback so that your views can be considered when the time comes.

Finally, I want to thank each of our parents and carers. The support and challenge you provide is hugely appreciated. You are interested in the education we are proving and the opportunities to grow that are a unique part of Beckfoot. Since October, we have held three Parents’ Evenings for Years 13, 11 and 9. The average attendance at those evenings is 95% which is staggering. Thank you. I know that we continue to offer these evenings online instead of face to face. Christmas 2023The feedback this year and last is that this continues to work for families and the benefits majorly outweigh the disadvantages. If you ever feel that this is not right for you then please let me know.

This week promises to be a busy one culminating in our Christmas Jumper Day on Friday when we will be raising money for the Bradford Soup Run. We also have our Christmas concert evenings on Wednesday and Thursday which will be great, I’m sure. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and holiday. I hope that it is a joyful and safe time for you and I look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Wednesday 3 January 2024!

Take care.

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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