15th April 2021
Letter to Parent Carer re Year 11 and Year 13 Update
Thursday 15 April 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 and Year 13 Update
I hope you are well and managed to enjoy the Easter period. As you are aware, Ofqual recently held a consultation on how Year 11 and Year 13 students should be assessed this year. The outcomes of the consultation are as follows:
Will my child sit final examinations in summer 2021?
The government has cancelled all summer 2021 examinations due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic. You will be pleased to know that no algorithm will be applied this year. As a school, we will use a wide range of evidence to determine the grade including:
- student work produced in response to assessment materials
- non-exam assessment work (i.e. coursework)
- substantial class work or homework, including work that took place during remote learning
- Informal internal tests
- formal mock exams
- records of a student's capability and performance over the course in performance-based subjects
- NEAs for Year 13 only
We will examine the support materials provided by exam boards and decide how best to proceed over the coming weeks. No single assessment will determine the grade your child will be awarded.
Grades will be submitted to the exam boards in June. Year 13 students will collect their A Level results on Tuesday 10 August 2021. Year 11 students will collect their GCSE results on Thursday 12 August 2021.
What does this mean for my child?
The government has made it clear that students will need to be assessed on the content they have covered during Key Stage 4/5. This means that since your child has returned to school, lessons have focussed on consolidating learning from Years 9, 10 and 11 for GCSE students and learning from Year 12 and Year 13 for A-Level students.
When will the final assessment be?
Our assessment period will take place over two weeks from Tuesday 4 May 2021 to enable students to fully prepare. We would stress that students should treat these seriously and work with their teachers to fully prepare for them. Assessments will be sat in full exam conditions and students will be tested on some of the content of the course which they have already been made aware of. I know some students are concerned about the impact that one poor mark may have on the grade submitted to the exam board and I would like to reassure everyone that no single assessment will determine the grade your child will be awarded and we will consider the full range of evidence we have before determining the grade to be submitted to the exam boards. Indeed, we will be sharing the evidence base we will be basing grades on next week when we send you our policy document.
I must also make you aware that there will be no timetabled teaching during the assessment period. Instead, when students are not sitting assessments, they will be allocated a supervised study area which will be advised to them in the coming weeks. I also want to point out that we will ensure no exams will take place on the day that Eid falls to allow those students and families who will be celebrating to do so without issue.
What happens after the final assessment?
From Monday 17 May 2021, after the final assessment period, teachers will carefully analyse the data to identify any gaps in students’ knowledge and skills; these will inform the focus of lessons from then. It is very important to us that students are ready for their next steps onto training, college courses or sixth form. Teachers will then use all the evidence from all of the work that your child has done. A school level decision will be made on the grade awarded. This data will go through a robust quality assurance process involving leaders at all levels and across the Beckfoot Trust. No individual teacher can make a decision on their own. Please note that your child’s teachers will not be able to discuss this grade with you or your child.
What if I disagree with the TAG awarded to my child?
For information on appeals for students and parents/carers please visit:
Key dates for Year 11
Tuesday 4 May 2021 |
2 weeks assessment period for all subjects. |
Friday 28 May 2021 |
Year 11 last day in school. This will include a farewell celebration. |
Monday 7 June 2021
Year 11 into sixth form induction week. Attendance will be compulsory for all students who have applied to attend our sixth form in September 2021. |
Friday 18 June 2021 |
Grades will be sent off to the exam board on this day. |
Thursday 15 July 2021 |
Year 11 Prom |
Thursday 12 August 2021 |
GCSE results day in school – further details to follow. |
Key dates for Year 13
Tuesday 4 May 2021 |
2 weeks assessment period for all subjects. |
Thursday 20 May 2021 |
Year 13 Graduation Evening - further details to follow. |
Friday 28 May 2021 |
Year 13 last day in school. This will include a farewell celebration. |
Friday 18 June 2021 |
Grades will be sent off to the exam board on this day. |
Friday 2 July 2021 |
Year 13 Prom. |
Tuesday 10 August 2021 |
A Level results day in school – further details to follow. |
I trust that the information contained within this communication is helpful.
Take care.
Mr Wade