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Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.





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In the blink of an eye they are all grown up and ready to fly.

I hope you all managed to have a good break from the routine of school last week and enjoyed the half term holiday. Since returning we have been straight back into teaching, learning and exams. I have been so impressed with our entire community for the way they have seamlessly returned to the established routines we expect and as a result it has been a great week.

In sporting news, Ayaan in Year 9 has continued to make progress in cricket both through his club his involvement in the development pathway with Yorkshire County Cricket. He had a good phase 1 and was the third highest run scorer for West Yorkshire. He could be selected for three more planned games as part of phase 2 and we are keeping everything crossed that the weather will be kind and allow him to show his class. We wish him well.

Enrichment Week (1)Last night we held our preparatory meetings for Enrichment Week which is only 5 weeks away. Those students who are travelling abroad or within the UK as part of that week came into school to hear a little more about the trips and ensure that all aspects of travel were ready in advance. It was exciting for us because we have run this week at Beckfoot for over 25 years and it is a very special part of our annual calendar. There are over 20 other activities that will be based locally or in school that week and there will be more information to follow in relation to those in due course. I am hugely grateful to the staff who have planned each activity and to Mrs Wintersgill and Mrs Mullaney who have co-ordinated the entire operation since last October.

202In other news, our Year 11 and 13 students have had a busy week of external GCSE and A Level exams and they have been wonderful throughout. Many of those exams have been tough as you would expect but the students have felt well prepared and supported to do their best and that is all we ever ask of them each morning and afternoon. In a week, the majority of Year 11 students will have finished and can enjoy a much-deserved break at the end of a very long and challenging process. They are tired and we can see it. Not in the sense that they are complaining or feeling sorry for themselves, more so in the signs are there that it has been a tough few weeks and they are ready for the end. Now is the time for each of them to really dig deep and find the energy, determination and resilience to give the next 5 or so days everything they have got. I know they will and if there is anything more we can do to support them please let us know.

In terms of Year 11 we got the chance to say goodbye to them properly yesterday afternoon when we came together for the final time as a year group for the Leavers’ Assembly. There was music from the students, a speech from Ali and some poetry from Mr. Wheeler. They listened to some words from Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Wheeler and me. We reminded them of how they looked in Year 7 and the amazing moments from their five years with us since 2019. We explained just how amazing they are as a group of young people and how the challenges they have faced in recent years means they are ready to face anything in their lives and know they can successfully navigate their way through. They are ready for the next stages in their educational journey and for many that will mean a return to Beckfoot whilst others want to explore a new school, college or apprenticeship. Regardless, they have everything they need to do remarkable things and have the good life they are all entitled to. As long as they believe in themselves and always look up at the stars (never down at their feet) they will be fine. They are Beckfooters. They will always be special to us and they will always be welcome here.

Take care

Simon Wade, Headteacher

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