7th July 2022
German Exchange to Münster 22/23
Dear Parent/Carer
We have started planning for our long-running exchange with the Realschule im Kreuzviertel (RIK) in Münster in the coming year.
Münster is a lovely town in a beautiful area of Germany. Our hosts are very friendly and welcoming and students always enjoy an excellent week during which they visit local places of interest (recent destinations include Cologne), have trips out with the whole group as well as with their host families and spend some time experiencing lessons in our partner school.
This is a fantastic opportunity for our students not only to experience German culture and the way of life, but also to improve their German language skills and to make lasting friendships.
This opportunity is now open to students in years 8, 9 or 10 studying German. If there is insufficient interest for it to be financially viable, the trip will have to be cancelled.
We intend that the Beckfoot group will visit Germany for a week in November/December 2022, with the German partners making a return visit to stay with their partner families in March/April 2023. Teachers will be travelling with the group and safeguarding measures are put in place by both schools, but this is a full exchange with students staying with families in Münster and partners staying in family homes (which may involve sharing a room) on their visit to Beckfoot.
Flights will be from Manchester to Düsseldorf. The total cost for travel and activities in Germany is expected to be no more than £500.
To express interest in a place on the Exchange, please complete the permission slip by Friday 15 July. Students will then receive a form to gather information which will help with pairings. We will add to your Parent Pay a non-refundable deposit of £50 by Thursday 21 July 2022. Instalments of £112.50 will be added to your account for August through to November. Refunds for withdrawal from the trip can only be made if a replacement student can be found or for certified medical reasons.
May I remind you that all students taking part in this Exchange will require a current passport and a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance card (GHIC).
If you have any questions concerning the Exchange, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Dr E. Dye
Teacher of MFL