22nd May 2024
Arrangements for Year 11 during the public examination season
Click here for the Home Study Consent form
Previous Correspondance can be found here:
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the public examination season begins, I would like to make you aware of the arrangements planned for our Year 11 students.
As with previous years, and in keeping with national trends, students in Year 11 no longer have formal ‘study leave’. Instead, a bespoke revision programme is provided in school which includes specific revision sessions and a balance of ‘home study’ at allocated times. This arrangement enables our students to prepare thoroughly for their GCSE examinations. This bespoke programme worked exceptionally well last year and contributed to students achieving significantly above national average examination results. For this academic year, the following arrangements have been agreed and can now be shared with all Year 11 students and families.
Up to and including Friday 7 June 2024, students are expected to attend all normal timetabled lessons when they are not in a public examination.
During the afternoon of Thursday 6 June 2024, we will be celebrating with our Year 11 students at their Leavers Assembly.
During the week commencing Monday 10 June 2024, the normal Year 11 timetable will be collapsed, and students will follow a bespoke compulsory study programme. This will involve attending specific revision sessions prior to any forthcoming examinations.
We are currently finalising the revision session timetable and we will send it out early next week. If students have an examination, they will attend the examination and then join any relevant revision sessions required.
Please note:
- All Year 11 students are expected to be in school for all examinations and revision sessions for the subjects still to be examined.
- During the entire exam period normal procedures regarding attendance will apply.
- For examinations, leavers assembly and revision sessions, students are expected to wear full school uniform and maintain the high expected standards of behaviour we have seen throughout the year and in keeping with our behaviour policy.
- If any student requires to be in school to support their revision please contact the year team who will make supervised space available.
In preparation for those students’ who have applied for our Sixth Form, we are hosting an Induction Week from Monday 1 July 2024 until and including Wednesday 3 July 2024 to support their transition. Our students will sample three days of the subjects they wish to study post-16.
Finally, I want to say how incredibly well the entire year group have managed themselves during this time of increased pressure. They have made tremendous progress all year long, but especially in the last few months where they have shown just how much they want success and are willing to work for it.
On behalf of myself and all the staff in school, I would like to wish them nothing but the best for the days and weeks to come. They are ready to do amazing things and we will be with them every step of the way.
If anyone wishes to discuss this further with me, you can do so by contacting Emily Wintersgill at ewintersgill01@beckfoot.org
Best wishes.
Mr Wade